Mandibular incisive canal

Mandibular incisive canal
The mandibular incisive canal (indicated here by coral green arrows) continuing anteriorly (to the right) from the mandibular canal (purple arrows) after the mental foramen (light green circle).

The mandibular incisive canal is a bony canal within the anterior mandible that runs bilaterally from the mental foramina usually to the region of the ipsilateral lateral incisor teeth. After ramifying into the mental nerve that exits the foramen of the same name, the inferior alveolar nerve continues anteriorly within the mandibular incisive canal as the incisive nerve, providing innervation to the mandibular first premolar, canine and lateral and central incisors.[1] The mandibular incisive nerve either terminates as nerve endings within the anterior teeth or adjacent bone, or may join nerve endings that enter through the tiny lingual foramen.

The incisive canal is typically found within the middle third of the mandible in an apico-coronal dimension, reaching the midline 18% of the time.[2]

See also


  1. ^ Greenstein, G; Cavallaro, J; Tarnow, D. "Practical Application of Anatomy for the Dental Implant Surgeon," J Perio 2008;79:1833-1846
  2. ^ Mraiwa, N. "Presence and course of the incisive canal in the human mandibular interforaminal region: Two-dimensional imaging versus anatomical observation. Surg Radiol Anat 2003;25:416-423

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