Alveolar process of maxilla
- Alveolar process of maxilla
Infobox Bone
Name = Alveolar process
Latin = processus alveolaris maxillae
GraySubject = 38
GrayPage = 161
Caption = Left maxilla. Outer surface. (Alveolar process visible at bottom.)
Caption2 = Cartilages of the nose, seen from below. (Alveolar process of maxilla visible at bottom.
System =
MeshName =
MeshNumber =
DorlandsPre = p_34
DorlandsSuf = 12667282
The alveolar process is the thickened ridge of bone that contains the tooth sockets on bones that bear teeth. It is also referred to as the alveolar bone. In humans, the tooth-bearing bones are the maxilla and the mandible.
On the maxilla, the alveolar process is a ridge on the inferior surface, and on the mandible it is a ridge on the superior surface. It makes up the thickest part of the maxilla.
The buccinator muscle attaches to the alveolar processes of both the maxilla and mandible.
ee also
* dental alveolus
* Cate, A.R. Ten. Oral Histology: development, structure, and function. 5th ed. 1998. ISBN 0-8151-2952-1.
* Gray, Henry. "Anatomy of the Human Body." (1918). ISBN 1-58734-102-6
* "Process, alveolar." "Stedman's Medical Dictionary, 27th ed." (2000). ISBN 0-683-40007-X
External links
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