- Cryptomenorrhea
Cryptomenorrhea Classification and external resources DiseasesDB 32217 Cryptomenorrhea or cryptomenorrhoea, also known as hematocolpos,[citation needed] is a condition where menstruation occurs but is not visible[1] due to an obstruction of the outflow tract. Specifically the endometrium is shed, but a congenital obstruction such as a vaginal septum or on part of the hymen retains the menstrual flow. A patient with cryptomenorrhea will appear to have amenorrhea but will experience cyclic menstrual pain. The condition is surgically correctable.
The patient usually presents at the age of puberty when the commencement of menstruation blood gets collected in the vagina and gives rise to symptoms.
Primary amenorrhea and cyclical lower abdominal pain are the chief presenting complaints of hematocolpos. Patient maybe brought in emergency urinary retention.
- abdominal examination :swelling is felt on palpation.
- on vulval inspection: a tense , bulging, bluish membrane is seen, this finding varies according to the thickness of the obstructing membrane. It maybe absent in patients with complete or partial vaginal agenesis.
- on Rectal examination: a large bulging mass is felt.
can be easily diagnosed on ultrasound, vagina is seen filled with blood and uterus is pushed upward. associated hematosalpinx and hematometra maybe seen.
- hematometra (collection of blood in the uterine cavity)
- hematosalpinx (collection of blood in fallopian tubes)
- endometriosis in long-standing cases
- in severe, untreated forms, infertility and urinary retention
A thin perforate membrane needs a simple excision and the retained blood drains out over next few days. A thicker transverse vaginal septum can be treated with Z-plasty. A blind vagina will require a partial or complete vaginoplasty. Hematosalpinx may require laprotomy or laparoscopy for removal and reconstruction of affected tube.
Infertility may require Assisted Reproductive techniques.
- ^ "cryptomenorrhea" at Dorland's Medical Dictionary
Female diseases of the pelvis and genitals (N70–N99, 614–629) Internal AdnexaOophoritis · Ovarian cyst (Follicular cyst of ovary, Corpus luteum cyst, Theca lutein cyst) · Endometriosis of ovary · Ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome · Ovarian torsion · Ovarian apoplexy · Mittelschmerz · Female infertility (Anovulation, Poor ovarian reserve)Cervicitis · Cervical polyp · Nabothian cyst · Cervical incompetence · Female infertility (Cervical stenosis) · Cervical dysplasiaGeneralVaginitis (Bacterial vaginosis, Atrophic vaginitis, Candidal vulvovaginitis) · Leukorrhea/Vaginal discharge · Hematocolpos/HydrocolposOther/generalPelvic inflammatory disease · Pelvic congestion syndromeExternal Female congenital anomalies of the genitalia, including Intersex and DSD: (Q50–Q52 · 752.0–752.4) Internal External Categories:- Gynaecologic disorder
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