
Artist's rendering of two men frotting.

Frot is a slang term derived from frottage (ult. from the French verb frotter, "to rub") describing a form of non-penetrative male/male sex that usually but not always involves direct penis-to-penis contact.[1]

The term "frot" was originally popularized by gay male activists who disparaged the practice of anal sex.[2] The term has since evolved to encompass a variety of preferences for the act, which may or may not imply particular attitudes towards other sexual activities.

Owing to its non-penetrative character, frot has the safe sex advantage of minimizing the transmission risk for HIV/AIDS,[3] and may also help to lower the risk of certain other sexually transmitted infections, without the inconvenience of purchasing condoms and condom-safe lubricants.


Concept and etymology

Genito-genital sex or genital-genital (GG) sex is a physically descriptive term for sex in which there is contact between the genitals, in the same naming convention as "genital-anal sex" and "genital-oral sex".[4] This type of sexual intimacy is not restricted to humans. "GG rubbing" is a term frequently used by primatologists to describe tribadism among female bonobos,[5][6] and is sometimes used in reference to "GG rubbing" among bonobo males, under the term "penis fencing." Thus, penis-to-penis rubbing between males is thought, according to some evolutionary theorist, to have existed before the development of hominids into humans and bonobos, and may or may not have occurred in the homosexual activity of both of these genetically related species.[7]

As a modern concept that describes a specific activity among men who have sex with men (MSM), the term "frot" emerged in a context of a debate about the status of anal sex within the gay male community; some in the anti-anal, pro-frot camp insist that anal sex ought to be avoided altogether.[8] Another view argued that the popularity of anal sex would decline (presumably with a corresponding drop in HIV rates) if gay men could somehow be persuaded to stop thinking of anal sex as a "vanilla" practice, but rather as something "kinky" and not-quite-respectableas was the case in the 1950s and 1960s, when gay men who preferred to do only mutual masturbation and fellatio sometimes used the mildly disparaging slang term "brownie queen" for aficionados of anal sex. Oral sex was heavily practiced in the 1950s and early 1960s, and people who invited anal sex were called by a pejorative name such as "brownie queens".[2]

Gay activist Bill Weintraub began to heavily promote and recommend the gender-specific meaning of "penis-to-penis rubbing" as "frot" on Internet forums sometime in the late 1990s, and said he coined the term. "I don't use the word 'frottage,' because it is an ersatz French word which can indicate any sort of erotic rubbing," he stated. "Frot, by contrast, is always phallus-to-phallus sex." Weintraub believes that is what actual sex isgenital-genital contact.[9]

Alternatives terms for frot include frictation, which can refer to the wider meaning of "frottage"[10] but also penis-penis sex specifically,[11] and frontism. Slang terms for frot include "cock rub," "bumping dicks," "knocking cocks," "tummy stix," "sword-fighting", "Oxford style", "Princeton rub", and "Ivy League rub".[9] On the Internet, the slang term "g0y" (spelled with the numeral zero) is sometimes used to describe a man who has sex with men but tends to abstain from anal sex and has a preference for frot.[citation needed]

Sexual practices


Frot can be enjoyable because it mutually and simultaneously stimulates the genitals of both partners as it tends to produce pleasurable friction against the frenulum nerve bundle on the underside of each man's penile shaft, just below the urinary opening (meatus) of the penis head (glans penis). The lesbian form is referred to as tribadism, a term derived from the Greek word for "rub" and that was historically used interchangeably with lesbian.[12] According to this way of looking at things, penetration, including anal penetration, is "male-defined" sexuality.[13]

Safe sex

Since frot is a non-penetrative sex act, the risk of passing a sexually transmitted infection (STI) that requires direct contact between the mucous membranes and pre-ejaculate or semen is reduced. Notably, HIV is among the diseases that require such direct contact, and is therefore very unlikely (but possible) to be transmitted via frot.[14] However, frot can still transmit other sexually transmitted infections, such as HPV, HSV-II (genital herpes) and genital warts.

Comparison to anal sex and debates

Some gay men, or men who have sex with men (MSM) in general, prefer to engage in frot or other forms of mutual masturbation because they find it more pleasurable and/or more affectionate than anal sex, to preserve technical virginity, or as safe sex alternatives to anal penetration.[1][8][15][16][17][18] This preference has led to some debate in the gay male and MSM community regarding what constitutes "real sex" or the most sensual expression of sexual intimacy. Some frot advocates view "two genitals coming together by mingling, caressing, sliding" and rubbing as "sex" more than other forms of bodily pleasuring.[1][2][19] Others associate male masculinity with the sexual positions of "tops" and "bottoms" during anal sex.[20]

During anal sex, the insertive partner is referred to as the top or active partner. The man being penetrated is referred to as the bottom or passive partner. Preference for either is referred to as versatile.[17][21] Some frot advocates insist that such roles introduce inequality during sexual intimacy, and that frottage is "equal" because of mutual genital-genital stimulation. The lack of mutual genital stimulation and role asymmetry has led other frot advocates to denounce anal sex as degrading to the receptive partner.[1][2][8][19] This view of dominance and inequality associated with sex roles is disputed by researchers, who state that it is not clear that specific sexual acts are necessarily indicative of general patterns of masculinity or dominance in a gay male relationship, and that, for both partners, anal intercourse can be associated with being masculine.[20] Additionally, some frot advocates, such as Bill Weintraub, are concerned with diseases that may be acquired through anal sex.[1][2][22] In a 2005 article in The Advocate, one anal sex opponent said that no longer showing anal sex as erotic would help avoid AIDS, and opined that some gay men perceived him to be antigay when he was only trying to keep gay and bisexual men alive and healthy.[8]

The view that anal sex is something that should be discouraged is not supported by all frot supporters. Author Joe Perez states that Weintraub and his followers have "gone overboard" in their enthusiasm for frot by claiming that supporting frot means disowning anal sex or that the latter is "inherently degrading, unnatural, or disease-spreading." He says Weintraub and his supporters' views should be taken "with a grain of salt if you can" and that he hopes for more inclusive frot communities.[1]

Gay men, and MSM in general, who prefer anal sex may view it as "[their] version of intercourse"[23] and as "the natural apex of sex, a wonderful expression of intimacy, and a great source of pleasure".[16] Psychologist Walt Odets said, "I think that anal sex has for gay men the same emotional significance that vaginal sex has for heterosexuals."[8] The act is generally viewed as vanilla sex among MSM,[24] and is often thought to be expected, even by MSM who do not prefer the act.[19] "Some people like [anal] because it seems taboo or naughty," stated author and sex therapist Jack Morin. "Some people like the flavor of dominance and submission... some dont."[23]

MSM who defend the essential validity of anal sex have rejected most of the claims made by radical frot advocates. Others have at times disparaged frottage as a makeshift, second-rate form of male/male intimacysomething better left to inexperienced teenagers and "closeted" older men.[9] Odets said, "No one would propose that we initiate a public health measure by de-eroticizing vaginal sex. It would sound like a ridiculous idea. It's no less ridiculous for gay men."[8]

Among male bonobos and other animals

Genital-genital rubbing has been observed between males of other animals as well. The homosexual activities of bonobos are of special interest because of their genetic closeness to humans; however, despite their genetic similarity, bonobo sexuality has been described as "not driven by orgasm or seeking release. Nor is it often reproductively driven. Sex for a bonobo is casual, it's quick".[25] Among bonobos, frot frequently occurs when two males hang from a tree limb and engage in penis fencing. Frot also occurs while two males are in missionary position. A special form of frot called "rump rubbing" in which males stand back to back on all fours and rub their genito-anal regions together.[26]

Frot-like genital rubbing between non-human males has been observed among bull manatees, in conjunction with "kissing". Bottlenose dolphins have been observed rubbing their genitals against the genital area of other males often leading to the penetration of the genital slit, or less commonly the anus.[26] Other forms of frot are also common among homosexually active mammals.[27] Most species of bird do not possess a penis; for those animals, the distinction between penetrative and non-penetrative sex does not exist, though mounting and insemination are common aspects of avian homosexuality even when a phallic organ is not present.

See also


  1. ^ a b c d e f Joe Perez (2006). Rising Up. pp248. ISBN 1411691733, 9781411691735. Retrieved March 24, 2011. 
  2. ^ a b c d e Nichols, Jack. "Interview: Cockrub Warrior Bill Weintraub". Gay Today. Retrieved April 26, 2010. 
  3. ^
  4. ^ "Safer Sex for Women who Have Sex with Women". LGBT Health Channel. 
  5. ^ de Waal FB (Mar 1995). "Bonobo sex and society" (reprint). Sci Am. 272 (3): 828. doi:10.1038/scientificamerican0395-82. PMID 7871411. "Perhaps the bonobo's most typical sexual pattern, undocumented in any other primate, is genito-genital rubbing (or GG rubbing) between adult females. One female facing another clings with arms and legs to a partner that, standing on both hands and feet, lifts her off the ground" 
  6. ^ Paoli T, Palagi E, Tacconi G, Tarli SB (Apr 2006). "Perineal swelling, intermenstrual cycle, and female sexual behavior in bonobos (Pan paniscus)". Am J Primatol 68 (4): 33347. doi:10.1002/ajp.20228. PMID 16534808. 
  7. ^ M., Hodge; Evelyn Blackwood, Jeffrey M. Dickemann, Doug Jones, Frank Muscarella, Paul L. Vasey, Walter L. Williams (2000). "The Evolution of Human Homosexual Behavior". Current Anthropology: 385. ISBN 1-0768-88-1. 
  8. ^ a b c d e f "The New Sex Police". The Advocate. 2005-04-12. Retrieved 2011-02-12. 
  9. ^ a b c Piepenburg, Erik (February 2006). "What's Rub Got to Do With it?". Out. Retrieved 2011-02-18. 
  10. ^ "Aaron's Dictionary of Gay Terms, F". 
  11. ^ "'s Dictionary of sexual terms, entry for "frictation"". 
  12. ^
  13. ^
  14. ^ Kelly, Jeffrey A (October 1995). "Advances in HIV/AIDS education and prevention". Family Relationship (National Council on Family Relations) 44 (4): 345352. doi:10.2307/584989. JSTOR 584989. ISSN: 0197-6664. 
  15. ^ Joseph Gross, Michael (2003). Like a Virgin. The Advocate, Here Publishing. pp104 pages, Page 44. 0001-8996. Retrieved 2011-03-12. 
  16. ^ a b Edwin Clark Johnson, Toby Johnson (2008). Gay Perspective: Things Our Homosexuality Tells Us about the Nature of God & the Universe. Lethe Press. pp264. ISBN 1590210158, 9781590210154. Retrieved 2011-02-12. 
  17. ^ a b Steven Gregory Underwood (2003). Gay men and anal eroticism: tops, bottoms, and versatiles. Psychology Press. pp225. ISBN 1560233753, 9781560233756. Retrieved 2011-02-12. 
  18. ^ Johnson, Ramone (2008-04-12). "Myth: All Gay Men Have Anal Sex". Retrieved 2011-02-12. 
  19. ^ a b c Dolby, Tom (February 2004). "Why Some Gay Men Don't Go All The Way". Out. Retrieved 2011-02-12. 
  20. ^ a b John H. Harvey, Amy Wenzel, Susan Sprecher (2004). The handbook of sexuality in close relationships. Routledge. pp686. ISBN 0805845488,9780805845488. Retrieved 2011-03-12. 
  21. ^ [1] Role versatility among men who have sex with men in urban Peru. In: The Journal of Sex Research, August 2007
  22. ^ Edward C. Green (2011). Broken Promises: How the AIDS Establishment Has Betrayed the Developing World. PoliPointPress. pp288. ISBN 1936227002, 9781936227006. Retrieved March 24, 2011. 
  23. ^ a b Hunko, Celia (February 6, 2009). "Anal sex: Lets get to the bottom of this". The Daily of the University of Washington. Retrieved April 26, 2010. 
  24. ^ British Medical Journal definition
  25. ^
  26. ^ a b
  27. ^ Bagemihl, Bruce. Biological Exuberance: Animal Homosexuality and Natural Diversity. St. Martin's Press, 1999.

Further reading

  • B. Bagemihl, Biological Exuberance: Animal Homosexuality and Natural Diversity (1999)
  • Olivia Judson., Dr. Tatiana's Sex Advice to All Creation (2002)

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  • Frot — steht für: Frot, aus dem Englischen stammende Kurzform für eine Sexualpraktik, siehe Frotteur Frot ist der Familienname folgender Personen: Catherine Frot (* 1957), französische Theater und Film Schauspielerin Diese …   Deutsch Wikipedia

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  • frot — /frɒt/ (say frot) verb (t) (frotted, frotting) Colloquial to rub one s genitals against (another person) especially without their consent or knowledge, for sexual gratification. {from frottage} –frotting, noun …  

  • frot|tage — «fr TAZH», noun. French. 1. (especially in surrealistic art) a method of reproducing textures by placing paper on a surface (of weathered wood, rough cloth, or the like) and rubbing charcoal or pencil over the paper. 2. a work produced by this… …   Useful english dictionary

  • frot|teur — «fr TERR», noun. French. a person who practices frottage …   Useful english dictionary

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