Michael Swango

Michael Swango
Michael Swango
Background information
Birth name Joseph Michael Swango
Also known as David J. Adams, Michael Kirk, Jack Kirk, Michael Swan
Born October 21, 1954 (1954-10-21) (age 57)
Tacoma, Washington, U.S.
Number of victims: 4-60
Span of killings 1981–1997
Country U.S.
State(s) Illinois, Ohio, South Dakota, New York
Date apprehended June 1997

Joseph Michael Swango (born October 21, 1954, Tacoma, Washington) is an American serial killer and former licensed physician. It is estimated that Swango has been involved in as many as 60 fatal poisonings of patients and colleagues, though he admitted to only causing four deaths. He was sentenced to life imprisonment without the possibility of parole, and is serving that sentence at ADX Florence.


Early life

Swango was raised in Quincy, Illinois, the middle child of Muriel and John Virgil Swango. Swango's father was a career U.S. Army officer who served in the Vietnam War but was troubled by alcholism.[1] Upon his return from Vietnam, Swango's father became depressed and was divorced by Muriel.

Growing up, Swango saw little of his father and as a result, was closest to his mother.[1]

Michael Swango was class valedictorian at his 1972 Quincy Catholic Boys High School graduation. During high school he played clarinet and was a member of the Quincy Notre Dame band. Although he attended a Catholic school, he was raised Presbyterian.[2]

Swango served in the Marine Corps, graduating from recruit training at Marine Corps Recruit Depot, San Diego; he received an honorable discharge in 1976. He saw no action overseas during his service, but his training in the Marines left him with a lifelong commitment to physical exercise; when not studying, he was frequently seen jogging or performing calisthenics on the Quincy campus, and he was known to perform pushups as a form of self-punishment when criticized by instructors.[3]

Swango attended Quincy College, graduating summa cum laude being awarded the American Chemical Society Award. Following his graduation from Quincy, Swango matriculated to medical school at Southern Illinois University School of Medicine.[4]

Swango displayed troubling behavior during his time at SIU. Although he was a brilliant student, he was known as lazy, preferring to work as an ambulance attendant rather than concentrate on his studies. It was also noted at this time that he had a fascination with dying patients.[4] Although no one thought much of it at the time, many patients on which Swango was assigned to do checkups ended up "coding," or suffering life-threatening emergencies, with at least five of them dying.[1]

Swango's lackadaisical approach to his studies caught up with him only a month before he was due to graduate, when it was discovered that he had faked checkups during his OB/GYN rotation. A number of his fellow students had suspected he'd been faking checkups as early as his second year. He was nearly expelled, but was allowed to remain when one member of the committee voted to give him a second chance; at the time, a unanimous vote was required for a student to be dismissed. Even before then, however, several students and faculty members had raised concerns about his competence to practice medicine. Eventually, the school allowed him to graduate a year after his class on the condition that he repeat the OB/GYN rotation and complete several assignments in other specialties.[1]


Despite a very poor evaluation in his dean's letter from SIU, Swango got a surgical internship at Ohio State University Medical Center in 1983, to be followed by a residency in neurosurgery. While he worked at the Rhodes Hall wing, nurses began noticing that apparently healthy patients began dying mysteriously with alarming frequency. Each time, Swango had been the floor intern. One nurse caught him injecting some "medicine" into a patient who later became strangely ill. The nurses reported their concerns to administrators, but were met with accusations of paranoia. Swango was cleared by a cursory investigation in 1984. His time as a resident included a month rotation at Columbus Children's Hospital. There were suspicions at this point and he was required to have someone else with him at all times while at Children's. Nurses were instructed not to call him even if he was listed as the doctor on call. He was not hired as a resident physician after his internship ended in June.[1]

In July 1984, Swango returned to Quincy and began working as an emergency medical technician with the Adams County Ambulance Corps even though he'd been fired from another ambulance service for making a heart patient drive to the hospital. Soon, many of the paramedics on staff began noticing that whenever Swango prepared the coffee or brought any food in, several of them usually became violently ill, with no apparent cause. In October of that year, Swango was arrested by the Quincy Police Department, who found arsenic and other poisons in his possession. On August 23, 1985, Swango was convicted of aggravated battery for poisoning co-workers. He was sentenced to five years imprisonment.[1]

Swango's conviction set off recriminations at Ohio State. A scathing review by Law School Dean James Meeks concluded that the hospital should have called in the police, and also revealed several glaring shortcomings in its initial investigation of Swango.[1] Nonetheless, it would be another decade before Ohio State formally conceded it should have called in outside investigators.[5] Franklin County, Ohio prosecutors also considered bringing charges of murder and attempted murder against Swango, but decided against it for want of physical evidence.[1]

In 1989, Swango, now released from prison, found work as a counselor at the state career development center in Newport News, Virginia. He was forced out after being caught working on a scrapbook of disasters on work time. He then found a job as a laboratory technician for ATICoal in Newport News, Virginia, now Vanguard Energy, a division of CITA Logistics. During his time there, several employees sought medical attention with complaints of persistent and increasing stomach pains. Around this time, he met Kristin Kinney, a nurse at Riverside Hospital. The two fell in love, and planned to marry once they got settled. He was employed until 1991, when he resigned his position to seek out a new position as a doctor. The FBI questioned employees on several occasions several months after his resignation.[citation needed]

In 1991, Swango legally changed his name to Daniel J. Adams and tried to apply for a residency program at Ohio Valley Medical Center in Wheeling, West Virginia.[6] In July 1992, he began working at Sanford USD Medical Center in Sioux Falls.[7] In both cases, he forged several legal documents that he used to reestablish himself as a physician and respected member of society. He forged a fact sheet from the Illinois Department of Corrections that falsified his criminal record, stating that he had been convicted of a misdemeanor for getting into a fistfight with a co-worker and received six months in prison,[8] rather than the five years for felony poisoning that he actually served. This was an important omission as most states will not grant a medical license to a convicted felon, considering a felony conviction to be evidence of unprofessional conduct. He forged a "Restoration of Civil Rights" letter from Virginia Governor Gerald L. Baliles, falsely stating that Baliles had decided to restore Swango's right to vote and serve on a jury, based on "reports from friends and colleagues" that Swango had committed no further crimes after his "misdemeanor" and was leading an "exemplary lifestyle".[9]

Swango established a sterling reputation at Sanford, but in October made the mistake of attempting to join the American Medical Association (AMA). The AMA did a more thorough background check than the medical center, and found out about the poisoning conviction. That Thanksgiving Day, The Discovery Channel aired an episode of Justice Files that included a segment on Swango. Amid the AMA report and calls from frightened colleagues, Sanford fired Swango.[1] Kinney went back to Virginia soon afterward after suffering from violent migraines. However, after she left Swango, the headaches stopped.[7]

The AMA temporarily lost track of Swango, who managed to find a berth in the psychiatric residency program at the State University of New York at Stony Brook School of Medicine. His first rotation was in the internal medicine department at the VA Medical Center in Northport, New York. Once again his patients began dying for no explicable reasons. Four months later, Kinney committed suicide. Her mother, Sharon Cooper, was horrified to find out a person with Swango's history could be allowed to practice medicine. She got in touch with a friend of Kinney's who was a nurse at Sanford. The nurse alerted Sanford's dean, Robert Talley, about Swango's whereabouts. Talley telephoned the dean at Stony Brook, Jordan Cohen. Under intense questioning from the head of Stony Brook's psychiatry department, Alan Miller, Swango admitted he had lied about his poisoning conviction in Illinois and was immediately fired. The public outcry resulted in Cohen and Miller being forced to resign as well before the year was out.[1][10] Before he resigned, Cohen, learning from the past mistakes of other medical facilities, sent a warning about Swango to all 125 medical schools and all 1,000 teaching hospitals across the nation—effectively blackballing Swango from getting a medical residency in the United States.[11]

Since the latest Swango incident took place at a VA facility, federal authorities got involved. Swango dropped out of sight until mid-1994, when the FBI found out he was living in Atlanta and working as a chemist at a computer equipment company's wastewater facility. Soon after the FBI alerted the company, Swango was fired for lying on his job application.[1] The FBI obtained a warrant charging Swango with using fraudulent credentials to gain entry to a VA hospital.[10]

By that time, however, Swango had fled the country. In November 1994, he went to Zimbabwe and got a job at Mnene Lutheran Mission Hospital in the centre of the country, based on forged documents. There again, his patients began dying mysteriously. As a result of suspicions of the Medical Director there, Dr Zishiri, he was suspended. Because of the failure to perform adequate autopsies, no firm conclusions could be drawn. During his suspension, he hired prominent lawyer David Coltart to enable him to return to clinical practice. He also appealed to the authorities at Mpilo Hospital, Bulawayo, to allow him in the interim to continue working voluntarily there. However, this was opposed by Dr Abdollah Mesbah, a surgical resident, who had often found him snooping around mysteriously on the wards and in ICU even when not on call. He had suspected that sudden deaths of some patients were due to him, but had no proof at that stage.

At this time, Swango rented a room from a widowed lady in Bulawayo, who subsequently became violently sick after a meal he had prepared for her and a friend. The lady consulted a local surgeon, Michael Cotton, who suspected arsenic poisoning and persuaded her to send hair samples for forensic analysis to Pretoria. In due course these clippings confirmed toxic levels of arsenic in the hair. The lab reports were passed on by the Zimbabwe CID through Interpol to the FBI, who subsequently visited Zimbabwe to interview Mr Cotton, and the pathologist in Bulawayo, Dr Stanford Mathe. In the meantime, Swango had scented that the net was closing on him, and crossed the border to Zambia and subsequently to Namibia where he found temporary medical work. He was charged in absentia with poisonings. In March 1997, he applied for a job at the Royal Hospital in Dhahran, Saudi Arabia, using a false résumé.[1]

While all this was happening, VA OIG Criminal Investigator Tom Valery consulted with Charlene Thomesen MD, a forensic psychiatrist, to help him with the case. Because of her considerable clinical expertise, she was able to review documents and evidence and give a psychological profile of Dr. Swango, along with her assessment why he had committed such horrendous crimes. Valery was called by the FBI to discuss holding Swango; Valery called then DEA Basic Agent Richard Thomesen who was stationed in the Manhattan DEA Office to discuss the case. Thomesen's conversation focused on Swango lying on his government application to work at the Department of Veterans Affairs, where he prescribed narcotic medications. This and other evidence was enough for Immigration and Naturalization Service agents to arrest Swango in June 1997 while he was stopping over at Chicago-O'Hare International Airport on his way to Saudi Arabia.[1]

Faced with hard evidence of his fraudulent activities and the possibility of an extended inquiry into his time in Zimbabwe, Swango pleaded guilty to defrauding the government in March 1998. In July 1998, he was sentenced to 3.5 years in prison. The sentencing judge ordered that Swango not be allowed to prepare or deliver food, or have any involvement in preparing or distributing drugs.[1]

The government used this time to amass a massive dossier of Swango's crimes. As part of that investigation, prosecutors exhumed the bodies of three of his patients and found poisonous chemicals in them. They also found evidence that he paralyzed Barron Harris, another patient, with an injection; Harris later lapsed into a coma and died. Additionally, prosecutors found evidence Swango lied about the death of Cynthia Ann McGee, a patient he'd been attending while he was an intern at OSU. While Swango claimed she suffered heart failure, he'd actually killed her by giving her a potassium injection that stopped her heart. On July 11, 2000—less than a week before he was due to be released from prison on the fraud charge—federal prosecutors on Long Island filed a criminal complaint charging Swango with three counts of murder, one count of assault and one count each of false statements, mail fraud and conspiracy to commit wire fraud.[12] At the same time, Zimbabwean authorities charged him with poisoning seven patients, five of whom died.[13]

Swango was formally indicted on July 17 and pleaded not guilty.[14] However, on September 6, he pleaded guilty to murder and fraud charges before Judge Jacob Mishler. Had he not done so, he faced the possibility of the death penalty and extradition to Zimbabwe.[13] At his sentencing hearing, prosecutors read lurid passages from Swango's notebook, describing the joy he felt during his crimes. Mishler sentenced him to three consecutive life terms; he is currently incarcerated at ADX Florence.[15]

In his book Blind Eye, James B. Stewart (a Quincy native) estimated that counting the suspicious deaths at SIU, circumstantial evidence links Swango to 35 suspicious deaths. The FBI believes he may be responsible for as many as 60 deaths, which would make him one of the most prolific serial killers in American history. The case was featured on the American crime show Unsolved Mysteries.[7]

Modus operandi

Swango did not often vary his methods of murder. With non-patients, such as his co-workers at the paramedic service, he used poisons, usually arsenic, slipping them into foods and beverages. With patients, he sometimes used poisons as well, but usually he administered an overdose of whichever drug the patient had been prescribed, or wrote false prescriptions for dangerous drugs for patients who did not need them.[1]

Swango displayed a number of bizarre behaviors unrelated to his fascination with death. He is reported to have practiced compulsive hoarding of food, and he slept on a mattress on the floor of his bathroom rather than in a bedroom. Many of his co-workers found him unusually talkative and physically restless, suggesting a hyperactivity disorder.

See also


  1. ^ a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o Stewart, James B. (1999). Blind Eye: How the Medical Establishment Let a Doctor Get Away With Murder. New York City: Simon & Schuster. ISBN 0-684-85484-8. 
  2. ^ Swango raised Presbyterian
  3. ^ http://www.trutv.com/library/crime/serial_killers/weird/swango/swango_2.html
  4. ^ a b Geringer, Joseph. "Double-O Swango". Michael Swango: Doctor of Death. Courtroom Television Network, LLC. http://www.crimelibrary.com/serial_killers/weird/swango/swango_2.html. Retrieved 2008-02-22. 
  5. ^ Geringer, Joseph. "Pre-Med(itation?)". Michael Swango: Doctor of Death. Courtroom Television Network, LLC. http://www.crimelibrary.com/serial_killers/weird/swango/swango_3.html. Retrieved 2011-10-04. 
  6. ^ Swango timeline
  7. ^ a b c Geringer, Joseph. "Fresh Start, Same Symptoms". Michael Swango: Doctor of Death. Courtroom Television Network, LLC. http://www.crimelibrary.com/serial_killers/weird/swango/symptoms_5.html. Retrieved 2010-07-10. 
  8. ^ Falsified fact sheet
  9. ^ Falsified "restoration of civil rights"
  10. ^ a b Geringer, Joseph. "Death Takes No Holiday". Michael Swango: Doctor of Death. Courtroom Television Network, LLC. http://www.crimelibrary.com/serial_killers/weird/swango/holiday_6.html. Retrieved 2010-07-10. 
  11. ^ Cohen letter
  12. ^ Cooper, Michael. Former Doctor Charged in Death of 3 Patients. New York Times, 2000-07-12.
  13. ^ a b LeDuff, Charlie. Man to Admit to Murdering 3 L.I. Patients. New York Times, 2000-09-06.
  14. ^ Cooper, Michael. Ex-Doctor Pleads Not Guilty in Murder and Fraud Case. New York Times, 2007-07-18.
  15. ^ LeDuff, Charlie. Prosecutors Say Doctor Killed to Feel a Thrill. New York Times, 2000-09-07.

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