

at a slow or leisurely pace. The main intention is to increase fitness with less stress than actually running, instead of competition.


The definition of jogging as compared with running is not standard. Dr. George Sheehan, a running expert, is quoted to have said "the difference between a jogger and a runner is an entry blank". [ [ Running Quotes, Sayings about Runners, Jogging Quotations] ] Others are usually more specific, defining jogging as running slower than 6mph (10 minute per mile pace, 10 km/h, 6 min/km). [ [ BBC SPORT | Health & Fitness | Are you running properly?] ]


In 1593 William Shakespeare wrote in "Taming of the Shrew," Katerina tells off a gentleman to go jogging till his boots go green.The term to jog/jogging as a form of exercise originated in England in the mid seventeenth century. This usage became common throughout the empire and in his 1884 novel "My Run Home" the Australian author Rolf Boldrewood wrote "your bedroom curtains were still drawn as I passed on my morning jog".

In the United States jogging was also called "roadwork" when athletes in training, such as boxers, customarily ran several miles each day as part of their conditioning. In New Zealand during the 1960s or 1970s the word "roadwork" was mostly supplanted by the word "jogging", promoted by the coach Arthur Lydiard, and this form of running became quite popular among many people at that time. University of Oregon track coach Bill Bowerman, after jogging with Lydiard in New Zealand, brought the concept of jogging as exercise to the United States in 1962. Bowerman published the book "Jogging" in 1966, and later updated the book for a 1967 republication. Bowerman established jogging programs for men and women of all ages. The popularity of these programs helped to spread the concept of jogging as an exercise for everyone throughout the United States. [Bowerman, William J., W.E. Harris, and James M. Shea, "Jogging". Grosset & Dunlap; New York, New York, 1967.]


United States Air Force Academy American football team jog on , Hawaii.] Jogging is often used by serious runners as a means of active recovery during interval training. The runner who may just have completed a fast 400 metre repetition at a sub-5-minute mile pace, may drop to an 8-minute mile pace for a recovery lap.

Like other types of aerobic exercise, jogging is an excellent means of improving cardiovascular health, bone density, and physical fitness.


*"The Complete Book of Running" (Hardcover) by James Fixx, Random House; 1st edition (September 12, 1977) ISBN 0-394-41159-5
*"Jim Fixx's Second Book of Running" (Hardcover) by James Fixx, Random House; 1st edition (March 12, 1980) ISBN 0-394-50898-X
*"Jogging" by William J. Bowerman and W.E. Harris, with James M. Shea; New York, Grosset & Dunlap [1967] LCCN 67016154


External links

* [ Jogging & Joggers - A comprehensive directory of jogging clubs worldwide]

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  • Jogging — Jogging …   Deutsch Wörterbuch

  • jogging — [ dʒɔgiŋ ] n. m. • 1974; mot angl., de to jog « trottiner » ♦ Anglic. 1 ♦ Course à pied, à allure modérée, sur terrains variés ou en ville, sans esprit de compétition (⇒ footing). Faire du jogging (⇒ jogger) . Il fait son jogging tous les matins …   Encyclopédie Universelle

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