Boston Brahmin

Boston Brahmin

Boston Brahmins are wealthy Yankee families characterized by a highly discreet and inconspicuous life style. Based in and around Boston, they form an integral part of the historic core of the East Coast establishment. They are associated with the distinctive Boston Brahmin accent, and with Harvard University.



The term Brahmin refers to the highest caste in the caste system in India. These were the upper caste people in India involved in conducting worship in India. In America it has been applied to the old, upper crust New England families of British Protestant origin that were extremely influential in the development and leadership of arts, culture, science, politics, trade, and academia. The term was certainly applied partly in jest to characterize the often erudite and pretentious nature of the New England gentry to outsiders. The nature of the Brahmins is summarized in the doggerel "Boston Toast" by Harvard alumnus John Collins Bossidy.

"And this is good old Boston,
The home of the bean and the cod,
Where the Lowells talk only to Cabots,
And the Cabots talk only to God."[1]

Boston's "Brahmin elite" developed a semi-aristocratic value system by the 1840s. Cultivated, urbane, and dignified, a Boston Brahmin was the very essence of enlightened aristocracy.[2][3] The ideal Brahmin was not only wealthy, but displayed suitable personal virtues and character traits. The term was coined in 1861 by Oliver Wendell Holmes, Sr.[4] The Brahmin was expected to cultivate the arts, support charities such as hospitals and colleges, and assume the role of community leader. Although the ideal called on him to transcend commonplace business values, in practice many found the thrill of economic success quite attractive. The Brahmins warned each other against "avarice" and insisted upon "personal responsibility". Scandal and divorce were unacceptable. The total system was buttressed by the strong extended family ties present in Boston society. Young men attended the same prep schools and colleges,[5] and heirs married heiresses. Family not only served as an economic asset, but also as a means of moral restraint. Most belong to the Unitarian or Episcopal churches, although some were Congregationalists or Methodists. Politically they were successively Federalists, Whigs, and Republicans. They were marked by their manners and distinctive elocution, the Boston Brahmin accent, version of the New England accent.

Brahmin families

Many of the Brahmin families trace their ancestry back to the original founders of Boston while others entered New England aristocratic society during the nineteenth century with their profits from commerce and trade or by marrying into established Brahmin families like the Emersons and Winthrops. A few families are listed here.


Adams family


Amory family


Bacon family


Cabot family


Chaffee family, originally of Hingham, Massachusetts[33]

  • Thomas Chaffee (16101683), businessman and landowner
  • Jonathon Chaffee (16781766), businessman and landowner
  • Matthew Chaffee (16571723), Boston landowner
  • Adna Romanza Chaffee (18421914): U.S. General
  • Adna R. Chaffee, Jr. (18841941): U.S. General
  • Zechariah Chafee (18851957): philosopher, civil libertarian
  • John Chafee (19221999): U.S. Senator
  • Lincoln Chafee (b. 1953): U.S. Senator, Rhode Island governor


Choate family


Codman family


Coffin family, originally of Newbury and Nantucket


Coolidge family


  • John Cooper (16091669): Colonist
  • Samuel Cooper (clergyman) (17251783): Clergyman
  • Samuel D. Cooper Jr. (17501824): Revolutionary
  • Samuel D. Cooper III (17781853): Trade Merchant
  • Priscilla Cooper Tyler (18161889): First Lady of the United States
  • Theodore Cooper (18391919): civil engineer
  • Frederic Taber Cooper (18641937): writer


Cushing family, originally of Hingham, Massachusetts[34]

Descendant by marriage:


Crowninshield family

Descendant by marriage:


Dana family


Delano family


DudleyWinthrop family

  • Governor Thomas Dudley (1576-1653): a founder of Harvard College
  • Anne Dudley Bradstreet (16121672): poet
  • Governor Joseph Dudley (1647-1720): President of the Dominion of New England, Chief Justice of New York, Member of Parliament, Lt. Governor of the Isle of Wight
  • Paul Dudley (1675-1751): Chief Justice of Massachusetts, Member of the Royal Society, Founder of the Dudleian Lectures at Harvard


Eliot family

Descendant by marriage:


Emerson family


Endicott family




Forbes family

  • John Murray Forbes (18131898): industrialist
  • John Forbes Kerry (b. 1943): U.S. Senator


Gardner family, originally of Essex county

  • Samuel Pickering Gardner (1767-1843)[35]: merchant
  • John Lowell Gardner (18081884): merchant
  • John Lowell Gardner II (18371898): merchant
  • Augustus P. Gardner (18651918): U.S. Congressman


Holmes family


Jackson family


Lawrence family

Descendant by marriage: Abbott Lawrence Lowell (18561943): President of Harvard University


Lodge family


Lowell family[36]

  • John Lowell II (Jun 17, 1743May 6, 1802), aka The Old Judge, is considered to be the patriarch of the Boston Lowells; married three times, losing his first two wives during childbirth.
  • Descendants of John Lowell II and Sarah Higginson (Jan 3, 1745May 5, 1772); m. Jan 8, 1767
    • Anna Cabot Lowell (Mar 30, 1768Dec 18, 1810)
    • John Lowell, Jr. (lawyer) (Oct 6, 1769Mar 12, 1840) aka The Rebel; m. Jun 8, 1793 to Rebecca Amory (Jan 8, 1771Mar 12, 1842)
      • John Amory Lowell (Nov 11, 1798Oct 31, 1881); married twice, losing his first wife during childbirth.
      • Descendants of John Amory Lowell and his half first cousin Susan Cabot Lowell (see below); m. Feb 14, 1822
        • Susan Cabot (Apr 15, 1823Jun 9, 1868)
        • Judge John Lowell (Oct 18, 1824May 14, 1897); m. to Lucy Buckminster Emerson
          • John Lowell (b. May 6, 1856); m. Oct 24, 1888 to Mary Emlen Hale of Philadelphia
            • Ralph Lowell (July 23, 18901978); m. Sept 1, 1917 to Charlotte Loring (18971981)
          • Judge James Arnold Lowell (Feb 5, 1869Nov 30, 1933); m. Dec. 2, 1897 to Mary Wharton Churchman of Philadelphia
      • Descendants of John Amory Lowell and Elizabeth Cabot Putnam (Nov 11, 1807Feb 12, 1881); m. Apr 9, 1829
        • Augustus Lowell (Jan 15, 18301900); m. Jun 1, 1854 to Katherine Bigelow Lawrence (b. 1832)
          • Percival Lowell (Mar 13, 1855Nov 12, 1916); m. 1908 to Constance Savage Keith (Oct 31, 1863Sept 24, 1954)
          • Abbott Lawrence Lowell (Dec 13, 1856Jan 6, 1943); m. Jun 19, 1879 to Anna Parker Lowell
          • Katherine Lowell (b. Nov 27, 1858); m. Dec 5, 1882 to Alfred Roosevelt of New York (a first cousin of Teddy Roosevelt)
          • Elizabeth Lowell (Feb 2, 18621935); m. Jun 9, 1888 to William Lowell Putnam
          • Roger Lowell (Feb 2, 1862Aug 31, 1863)
          • May Lowell (b. May 1, 1870d. at birth)
          • Amy Lowell (Feb 9, 1874May 12, 1925)
      • Anna Cabot Lowell (18081894)
  • Descendants of John Lowell II and Susanna Cabot (Jan 13, 1754Mar 30, 1777); m. May 31, 1774
    • Francis Cabot Lowell (businessman) (Apr 7, 1775Aug 10, 1817); m. Oct 31, 1798 to Hannah Gardner Jackson (Feb 3, 1776May 10, 1815)
      • John Lowell, Jr. (philanthropist) (May 11, 1799Mar 4, 1836)
      • Susan Cabot Lowell (Feb 14, 1801Aug 15, 1827); m. Feb 14, 1822 to her half first cousin John Amory Lowell (see above)
      • Francis Cabot Lowell Jr. (Jan 5, 1803Sept 8, 1874); m. Jan 11, 1826 to Mary Lowell Gardner
        • George Gardner Lowell (Mar 29, 1830Feb 6, 1885); m. Apr 4, 1854 to Mary Ellen Parker (b. Aug 21, 1832)
          • Francis Cabot Lowell (judge) (Jan 7, 1855Mar 6, 1911)
          • Anna Parker Lowell (Aug 21, 1856Mar 23, 1930); m. Jun 19, 1879 to Abbott Lawrence Lowell
        • Mary Lowell (July 26, 1833Feb 11, 1915); m. July 15, 1856 to Algernon Sidney Coolidge (Aug 22, 1830Jan 4, 1912)
        • Georgina Lowell (Jan 10, 18361922)
        • Edward Jackson Lowell (Oct 18, 1845May 11, 1894); m. Jan 14, 1868 to Mary Walcott Goodrich (Jane 1, 1846Apr 5, 1874)
          • Guy Lowell (Aug 6, 1870Feb 4, 1927); m. May 17, 1898 to Henrietta Sargent
      • Edward Jackson Lowell (1805Sept 8, 1880)
  • Descendants of John Lowell II and Rebecca Russell (Feb 27, 1747Sept 15, 1816); m. Dec 25, 1778
    • Rebecca Russell Lowell (May 17, 1779May 11, 1853); m. to Samuel Pickering Gardner (May 14, 1767Dec 18, 1843)
      • Mary Lowell Gardner (Jan 12, 1802Aug 3, 1854); m. Jan 11, 1826 to Francis Cabot Lowell Jr.
    • Rev. Charles Russell Lowell, Sr. (Aug 15, 1782Jan 20, 1861); m. Oct 2, 1806 to Harriet Brackett Traill Spence (abt. 1783Mar 30, 1850)
      • Charles Russell Lowell Jr. (Oct 30, 180723 Jun 23, 1870); m. Apr 18, 1832 to Anna Cabot Jackson (Sept 29, 1811Jan 7,1874)
        • Gen. Charles Russell Lowell III (Jan 2, 1835October 20, 1864); m. Oct 31, 1863 to Josephine Shaw (Dec 16, 1843Oct 12, 1905)
          • Carlotta Shaw Lowell (Nov 30, 1864)
        • Lt. James Jackson Lowell (Oct 15, 1837Jul 4, 1862)
        • Harriet Lowell (Sept 11, 1836Jan 20, 1920); m. Jun 9, 1860 to George Putnam Jr. (Oct 8, 18341912)
      • Rev. Robert Traill Spence Lowell (Oct 8, 1816Feb 12, 1891); m. Oct 28, 1822 to Marianna Duane (Nov 11, 1822Nov 2, 1890)
        • Commander Robert Traill Spence Lowell Jr. (Mar 23, 1860Mar 17, 1887); m. Sept 2, 1886 to Kate Bailey Mears
          • Robert Traill Spence Lowell III (July 15, 18871950); m. Apr 26, 1916 to Charlotte Winslow (Feb 7, 18881954)
      • James Russell Lowell (Feb 22, 1819Aug 12, 1891); m. Dec 26, 1844 to Maria White (Jul 8, 1821Oct 27, 1853) and later m. Sept 20, 1857 to Frances H. Dunlap (d. Feb 19, 1885) with no issue
        • Blanche Lowell (Dec 31, 1845Mar 19, 1847)
        • Mabel Lowell (Sept 9, 18471898); m. Apr 2, 1872 to Edward Burnett (b. Mar 16, 1848)
        • Rose Lowell (Jul 16, 1849Feb 2, 1850)
        • Walter Lowell (Dec 22, 1850Jun 9, 1852)

Descendant by marriage:

  • Godfrey Lowell Cabot (Feb 26, 1861Nov 2, 1962)
  • Julian Lowell Coolidge (Sept 28, 1873Mar 5, 1954)
  • Ferris Lowell Greenslet (18751959)
  • McGeorge Bundy (19191996)
  • William Putnam Bundy (19172000)


Minot Family


Norcross family, original settlers of Watertown, MA

  • Otis Norcross (18111882): Mayor of Boston
  • Eleanor Norcross (1854-1923): artist


Otis family,[37]


Parkman family


Peabody family


Perkins family


Phillips family


Putnam family


Quincy family


Rice family, originally of Sudbury, MA

  • Deacon Edmund Rice (1594-1663): colonist
  • Alexander Hamilton Rice (18181895): industrialist, Mayor of Boston, Governor of Massachusetts, U.S. Congressman
    • Alexander Hamilton Rice, Jr. (18751956): physician, geographer and explorer
  • Americus Vespucius Rice (18351904): general, U.S. Congressman
  • Edmund Rice (18421906): U.S. Army General, Congressional Medal of Honor recipient
  • Edmund Rice (18191889): U.S. Congressman
  • Henry Mower Rice (18161894): U.S. Senator
  • Luther Rice (17831836): Baptist clergyman, missionary to India
  • Thomas Rice (17681854): U.S. Congressman
  • William North Rice (18451928): geologist, educator
  • William Whitney Rice (18261896): U.S. Congressman


Saltonstall family[38]


Sears family


Tarbox Academic and Political Family.

  • John Tarbox (16451674): colonist
  • John K. Tarbox (18381887) U.S. Representative
  • Increase N. Tarbox (18151888): author


Thorndike family


Tudor family


Weld family


Wigglesworth Family


Winthrop family[39]

  • John Winthrop (15881649): Governor of Massachusetts Bay Colony
  • Lucy Winthrop Downing, mother of diplomat Sir George Downing, 1st Baronet
    • John Winthrop, the Younger (16061676): Governor of Connecticut
      • Fitz-John Winthrop (16371711): Governor of Connecticut
  • John Winthrop, who married Anne Dudley, granddaughter of Thomas Dudley
  • Thomas Lindall Winthrop (17601841): Lieutenant-Governor of Massachusetts
  • Robert Charles Winthrop (18091894): lawyer, politician, philanthropist

See also


  1. ^ Andrews, Robert (ed.) (1996). Famous Lines: A Columbia Dictionary of Familiar Quotations. Columbia University Press. ISBN 0-231-10218-6. 
  2. ^ Ronald Story, Harvard and the Boston Upper Class: The Forging of an Aristocracy, 18001870 (1985).
  3. ^ Paul Goodman, "Ethics and Enterprise: The Values of a Boston Elite, 18001860", American Quarterly, Sept 1966, Vol. 18 Issue 3, pp 437451.
  4. ^ Holmes entitled the first chapter of his 1861 novel Elsie Venner "The Brahmin caste of New England"; he had long been writing about the group without using the term "Brahmin".
  5. ^ Ronald Story, "Harvard Students, The Boston Elite, And The New England Preparatory System, 18001870", History of Education Quarterly, Fall 1975, Vol. 15 Issue 3, pp 281298.
  6. ^ Briggs, L. Vernon. "History and Genealogy of the Cabot Family, 1475-1927". C.E. Goodspeed & Company. Retrieved July 28, 2011. 
  7. ^ "Person Sheet: Joseph Cabot". Cyberancestors, Wooden Ships. Retrieved July 28, 2011. 
  8. ^ "Rebecca Orne (Mrs. Joseph Cabot), 1757". Worcester Art Museum. Retrieved July 28, 2011. 
  9. ^ "CABOT, George, (1752 - 1823)". Biogrpahical Directory of the United States Congress. Retrieved July 28, 2011. 
  10. ^ a b c "Henry Cabot Lodge Photographs ca. 1860-1945: Guide to the Photograph Collection". Massachusetts Historical Society Library. Retrieved July 28, 2011. 
  11. ^ a b "LODGE, Henry Cabot, Jr., (1902 - 1985)". Biogrpahical Directory of the United States Congress. Retrieved July 28, 2011. 
  12. ^ a b "LODGE, John Davis, (1903 - 1985)". Biographical Directory of the United States Congress. Retrieved July 29, 2011. 
  13. ^ "Francis Cabot Lowell (1775-1817) Papers: Guide to the Collection". Massachusetts Historical Society. Retrieved July 30, 2011. 
  14. ^ "Samuel Cabot Papers 1713-1858: Guide to the Microfilm Edition". Massachusetts Historical Society Library. Retrieved July 28, 2011. 
  15. ^ "Samuel Cabot, Jr. Ledger, 1814-1821". Harvard Business School Library. Retrieved July 28, 2011. 
  16. ^ "Samuel Cabot, M. D". Proceedings of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences 21: 517520. 1885. JSTOR 25129836. 
  17. ^ "Almy family. Papers, 1649-1967 (inclusive), 1835-1967 (bulk): A Finding Aid.". Harvard University Library, Radcliffe College. November 1976. Retrieved August 15, 2011. 
  18. ^ Biographical History of Massachusetts: Biographies and Autobiographies of the Leading Men in the State, Volume II. Massachusetts Biographical Society. 1913. Retrieved July 28, 2011. 
  19. ^ "Godfrey Lowell Cabot Papers 1870-1962: Guide to the Collection". Massachusetts Historical Society Library. Retrieved July 28, 2011. 
  20. ^ "Senior trustee, Thomas D. Cabot, dies at 98". MIT News. June 21, 1995. Retrieved July 26, 2011. 
  21. ^ "Mabel Brandon and Louis Cabot". New York Times. June 1, 1997. Retrieved July 30, 2011. 
  22. ^ "Linda Black Is Married". New York Times. January 29, 1989. Retrieved July 30, 2011. 
  23. ^ "John Moore (sic) Cabot is dead at 79; U.S. Ambassador to 5 countries". New York Times. February 25, 1981. Retrieved March 29, 2008. 
  24. ^ "WEDDINGS;Sara R. Snow and Timothy P. Cabot". New York Times. February 11, 1996. Retrieved July 28, 2011. 
  25. ^ Town & Country, Volumes 75-76. Town & Country. February 20, 1919. Retrieved July 28, 2011. 
  26. ^ "Cabot, Elizabeth Rogers Mason, 1834-1920. Diaries, 1859-1906: A Finding Aid". Harvard University Library. July 1985. Retrieved August 13, 2011. 
  27. ^ Who's Who in New England: A Biographical Dictionary of Leading Living Men and Women of the States of Maine, New Hampshire, Vermont, Massachusetts, Rhode Island and Connecticut. A.N. Marquis & Company. 1916.,+henry#v=onepage&q=cabot%2C%20henry&f=false. Retrieved August 13, 2011. 
  28. ^ Passion for Reality: Paul Cabot and The Boston Mutual Fund. Xlibris Corporation. 2006. ISBN 9781425715021. Retrieved August 13, 2011. Pg. 21-23
  29. ^ "Paul C. Cabot, 95, Financial Strategist; Began Mutual Funds". New York Times. September 4, 1994. Retrieved August 13, 2011. 
  30. ^ "Universities: Harvard's Midas". TIME Magazine. April 16, 1965.,9171,841848,00.html. Retrieved August 13, 2011. 
  31. ^ "U.S. Passport Applications, 1795-1925: Passport Applications, January 2, 1906 - March 31, 1925 > 1922 > Roll 1953 - Certificates: 163726-164099, 08 May 1922-08 May 1922". National Archives. 2006. Retrieved August 13, 2011. 
  32. ^ "Elise Cabot Forbes Papers: 1875-1960 Offsite Storage Inventory". Massachusetts Historical Society Library. Retrieved August 19, 2011. 
  33. ^ History of the Town of Hingham, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, Solomon Lincoln Jr., Caleb Gill, Jr. and Farmer and Brown, Hingham, 1827
  34. ^ History of the Town of Hingham, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, Solomon Lincoln, Jr., Caleb Gill, Jr. and Farmer and Brown, Hingham, Mass., 1827
  35. ^ Hall, Alexandra [2009]. The New Brahmins. Boston Magazine
  36. ^ Lowell, Delmar R., The Historic Genealogy of the Lowells of America from 1639 to 1899; Rutland VT, The Tuttle Company, 1899; ISBN 9780788415678.
  37. ^ John J. Waters, The Otis Family in Provincial and Revolutionary Massachusetts (U. of North Carolina Press, 1968)
  38. ^ Robert Moody, The Saltonstall Papers, 1607-1815: Selected and Edited and with Biographies of Ten Members of the Saltonstall Family in Six Generations. Vol. 1, 1607-1789 vol 2 1791-1815 (1975).
  39. ^ Malcolm Freiberg, "The Winthrops and Their Papers," Massachusetts Historical Society Proceedings, 1968, Vol. 80, pp 55-70

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  • Boston Brahmin — [Boston Brahmin] noun (AmE) a member of one of the old families with high social and cultural status in ↑Boston, US. The Brahmins have traditionally lived in the city’s best area, ↑Beacon Hill …   Useful english dictionary

  • Boston brahmin — noun A person of high social standing who is a member of a wealthy, influential family with a lengthy history of residence in or near the city of Boston, USA. Edward C. Johnson III is the very model of a Boston Brahmin billionaire a pillar of… …   Wiktionary

  • Boston Brahmin accent — The Boston Brahmin accent is a New England accent associated with the Boston Brahmin. Users include the character Walter Gaines on Cheers , Dr. Charles Winchester of M*A*S*H , and George Feeny on Boy Meets World . The Boston Brahmin dialect is… …   Wikipedia

  • Boston Brahmin — n (AmE) a member of one of the old families with high social and cultural status in Boston, US. The Brahmins have traditionally lived in the city’s best area, Beacon Hill, and had the most money and power. This has slowly changed as Boston has… …   Universalium

  • Boston Brahmin Historian — William Hickling Prescott …   Eponyms, nicknames, and geographical games

  • Boston accent — Boston English redirects here. For the school see English High School of Boston. The Boston dialect is the dialect characteristic of English spoken in the city of Boston and much of eastern Massachusetts. The accent and closely related accents… …   Wikipedia

  • Boston Public Garden — National Register of Historic Places National Historic Landmark District …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Boston Brahmins — Als Brahmanen von Boston (engl. Boston Brahmins) werden die vornehmsten Familien Bostons bezeichnet. Sie führen ihre Abstammung auf die puritanischen Gründer der Kolonie Massachusetts zurück und bilden eine Art Adel Neuenglands. Einige wenige… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Brahmin — Brahman Brah man, Brahmin Brah min, n.; pl. {Brahmans}, {Brahmins}. [Skr. Br[=a]hmana (cf. Brahman worship, holiness; the God Brahma, also Brahman): cf. F. Brahmane, Brachmane, Bramine, L. Brachmanae, manes, mani, pl., Gr. ?, pl.] 1. A person of… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • brahmin — 1. noun a) A Hindu priestly caste; one of the four varnas or social groups based on occupation in ancient Hindu society. b) One who has realized or attempts to realize Brahman, i.e. God or supreme knowledge …   Wiktionary

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