- Lists of etymologies
This is a list of etymological lists.
List of company name etymologies
*List of computer term etymologies
*List of band name etymologies English word origins
* Non-loanwords
** proto-Indo-European — Proto-Germanic — Anglo-Saxon
* How words have been loaned from various languages to (many) other languages:
** Australian Aboriginal — African — Afrikaans — Algonquian — Arabic — Bengali — Chinese — Czech — Dutch — Etruscan — French — German — Greek — Hawaiian — Hebrew — Hindi — Hungarian — Irish — Italian — Japanese — Korean — Latin — Malayalam — Maori — Nahuatl — Norwegian — Old Norse — Persian — Polish — Portuguese — Punjabi — Quechua — Russian — Sanskrit — Scots — Scottish Gaelic — Spanish — Swedish — Tamil — Turkic — Urdu — Yiddish
* Lists of foreign words with English derivatives
**Greek — LatinSee:
Medical terminology panish word origins
African —
Americas —
Arabic —
Austronesian —
Basque/Iberian —
Celtic —
Chinese —
Etruscan —
French —
Germanic —Greek —
Indo-Aryan —
Iranian —
Italic — Latin —
Semitic —
Turkic —
uncertain —
various -Toponymy or placename etymology:"Main article":
*List of country name etymologies
** British — UK counties — German — India — Irish — * Romanian counties
**List of etymologies of country subdivision names
*List of river name etymologies Toponyms or Names derived from places
List of words derived from toponyms
**Chemical elements named after places
**Maghreb toponymy Eponyms (Names derived from people)
:"Main article":
*Astronomical objects named after people
*Cartoon characters named after people
*Chemical elements named after people
* Diseases named after people
* Companies named after people
* Countries named after people
* Foods named after people
*Human anatomical parts named after people
*Ideologies named after people
* Inventions named after people
* Minerals named after people
* Places and political entities named after people
*Prizes named after people
*Scientific constants named after people
*Scientific laws named after people
*Scientific phenomena named after people
*Scientific units named after people
* Universities and colleges named after people
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