List of companies named after people

List of companies named after people

This is a list of companies named after people. For other lists of eponyms (names derived from people) see Lists of etymologies.


* 20th Century Fox – William Fox


* A&M RecordsHerb Alpert and Jerry Moss
* A&W Restaurants – after Roy Allen and Frank Wright
* A. G. EdwardsAlbert Gallatin Edwards
* Abbott Laboratories – Wallace Calvin Abbott (1888)
* Abercrombie & Fitch Co. – David Abercrombie and Ezra Fitch
* Abrams Air CraftTalbert Abrams
* Adam Opel AGAdam Opel
* AdidasAdi Dassler
* Agusta – Giovanni Agusta
* Albert Heijn and Ahold (Albert Heijn Holdings) – Albert Heijn
* Alza – name of the founder Alex Zaffaroni.
* Amstrad – Alan Sugar - Alan Michael Sugar Trading
* Anheuser-BuschAdolphus Busch and Lilly and Eberhard Anheuser
* The Anschutz CorporationPhilip Anschutz
* Archer Daniels – George A. Archer and John W. Daniels
* Armani – Giorgio Armani
* Aston MartinLionel Martin
* Audi – founder August Horch ("audi" is Latin for "horch" which means "listen" in English)
* Avery Dennison CorporationR. Stanton Avery
* Ayala CorporationZobel de Ayala family


* B&Q – from the initials of its founders, Block and Quayle
* Baedeker'sKarl Baedeker
* Bajaj AutoJamnalal Bajaj
* Baker International (to Baker Hughes) – Reuben C. Baker
* Baldwin Locomotive Works – founded by Matthias W. Baldwin
* Ball Corp. – the Ball Brothers
* Banta COrporationGeorge Banta, Sr.
* Barnes & Noble – William Barnes and G. Clifford Noble
* Bashas'Eddie Basha, Sr.
* Baskin-RobbinsBurt Baskin and Irv Robbins
* Bass & Co – William Bass founder in 1777
* Bausch and LombJohn Jacob Bausch and Henry Lomb
* BayerFriedrich Bayer
* BEA Systems – from the first initial of each of the company's three founders: Bill Coleman, Ed Scott and Alfred Chuang.
* Beck'sHeinrich Beck (1873)
* Beckman CoulterArnold O. Beckman
* Bell AircraftLawrence Bell
* Bell Telephone Company, Bell SystemAlexander Graham Bell
* Benetton GroupLuciano Benetton
* Bennett Schneider – Bennett Bernard Schneider
* Benz & Cie. (later Daimler-Benz) – Karl Benz
* Black & DeckerS. Duncan Black and Alonzo G. Decker
* Bloomberg L.P.Michael Bloomberg
* BoeingWilliam Boeing
* BombardierJoseph-Armand Bombardier
* Bose CorporationAmar Bose
* Brentano'sAugust Brentano
* Briggs & StrattonStephen Foster Briggs and Harold M. Stratton
* Brooks Locomotive Works – founded by Horatio G. Brooks
* BugattiEttore Bugatti
* BuickDavid Dunbar Buick
* Bulgari – founder Sotirios Bulgari
* B&L MACHINE WORKS from its founders Brad & lemuel Dreher


* C&A – Clemens and August Brenninkmeijer
* Cadbury – John Cadbury opened his shop in 1824
* CadillacAntoine Laumet de La Mothe, sieur de Cadillac, founder of Detroit, Michigan
* Calvin KleinCalvin Klein
* CKE Restaurants – founded as Carl Karcher Enterprises
* CasioTadao Kashio
* Charles Schwab CorporationCharles R. Schwab
* Chase National Bank (to Chase Manhattan Bank and J.P. Morgan Chase & Co.) – in honor of Salmon P. Chase
* ChevroletLouis Chevrolet
* Christie's – James Christie
* Chrysler (to DaimlerChrysler) – Walter Chrysler
* CitroënAndré Citroën
* Cizeta – Claudio Zampolli
* Colgate-PalmoliveWilliam Colgate
* Collins Radio CompanyArthur A. Collins
* Colnago – Ernesto Colnago
* Coors Brewing Company, Adolph Coors CompanyAdolph Coors
* Corel – from the founder's name Dr. Michael Cowpland. It stands for COwpland REsearch Laboratory.
* Crane & Co. – Stephen Crane or the Crane family
* Cray ResearchSeymour Cray
* CumminsClessie Cummins
* Curtiss Aeroplane and Motor Company (to Curtiss-Wright) – Glenn Curtiss


* Daimler-Benz (to DaimlerChrysler) – Gottlieb Daimler and Karl Benz
* Damiani – Enrico Grassi Damiani
* Danelectro – Nathan Daniel
* Dassault GroupMarcel Dassault
* Dean & DeLuca – Joel Dean and Giorgio DeLuca
* Dean Guitars – Dean Zelinsky
* Debian – project founder Ian Murdock named it after himself and his girlfriend, Debra.
* Deere & CompanyJohn Deere
* Dell – Michael Dell
* De Lorean Motor CompanyJohn De Lorean
* Dick's Sporting Goods – Dick Stack
* DiGiorgio & Company – family philanthropy Robert P. DiGiorgio Chairman, Boston
* Dillard'sWilliam T. Dillard
* Dolby LaboratoriesRay Dolby
* Dolce & GabbanaDomenico Dolce and Stefano Gabbana
* Douglas Aircraft Company (to McDonnell Douglas) – Donald Wills Douglas, Sr.
* The Dow Chemical CompanyHerbert Dow
* Dow Jones & CompanyCharles Dow and Edward Jones
* Duke EnergyJames Buchanan Duke
* DunlopJohn Boyd Dunlop
* Dunlop ManufacturingJim Dunlop
* DuPontEleuthère Irénée du Pont.
* DysonJames Dyson


* Eastman KodakGeorge Eastman
* EatonsTimothy Eaton
* Edison RecordsThomas Edison
* Eli Lilly and CompanyEli Lilly
* EricssonLars Magnus Ericsson


* FenderLeo Fender
* FendiEdoardo Fendi
* FerragamoSalvatore Ferragamo
* FerrariEnzo Ferrari, founder
* Fisher-PriceHerman Fisher and Irving Price
* Fitch RatingsJohn Knowles Fitch
* Ford Motor CompanyHenry Ford
* Fox – William Fox
* FranklinCovey – Benjamin Franklin and Stephen Covey. The company was formed in a 1997 merger of FranklinQuest and the Covey Leadership Center. FranklinQuest was best known for selling personal management systems inspired by the writings of Benjamin Franklin.


* Gannett CompanyFrank Gannett
* Garmin – named after founders Gary Burrell and Dr. Min Kao
* GartnerGideon Gartner
* Getty ImagesMark Getty
* Getty OilJohn Paul Getty
* Ghirardelli Chocolate CompanyDomingo Ghirardelli
* Giannini – Tranquillo Giannini
* Gibson Guitar CorporationOrville Gibson
* Glenn L. Martin Company (to Lockheed Martin) – Glenn Luther Martin
* Global GilletteKing C. Gillette
* GLOCK GmbHGaston Glock
* Godin – Robert Godin
* Goldman SachsMarcus Goldman and Samuel Sachs
* Goldwyn Picture Corporation (to Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer) – a combination of the names of Samuel Goldfish (he later adopted the name Samuel Goldwyn), Edgar and Archibald Selwyn
* Goodrich CorporationBenjamin Goodrich
* Gottlieb – David Gottlieb
* GucciGuccio Gucci
* GuinnessArthur Guinness
* GretschFriedrich Gretsch


* H&R BlockHenry W. Bloch and Richard Bloch
* H. J. Heinz CompanyHenry John Heinz
* H. K. Porter, IncHenry Kirke Porter
* HalliburtonErle P. Halliburton
* Hammond OrganLaurens Hammond
* Hanna-Barbera ProductionsWilliam Hanna and Joseph Barbera
* Harley-DavidsonWilliam Harley and Arthur Davidson
* Harman KardonSidney Harman and Bernard Kardon
* Harrah's EntertainmentWilliam F. Harrah
* Harvey NormanGerald Harvey and Ian Norman
* Hasbro – the Hassenfeld Brothers
* Hearst CorporationWilliam Randolph Hearst
* Heineken InternationalGerard Adriaan Heineken
* The Hershey CompanyMilton Hershey
* Hewitt AssociatesTed Hewitt
* Hewlett-PackardWilliam Hewlett and David Packard
* Hill AudioMalcolm Hill
* Hilton HotelsConrad Hilton
* HondaSoichiro Honda
* HoneywellMark Honeywell
* HorlicksJames Horlick and William Horlick
* Hormel – George A. Hormel
* Hovnanian EnterprisesKevork Hovnanian
* Hughes Aircraft, Hughes Tool Company (to Baker Hughes), Hughes AirwestHoward Hughes


* IKEA – from an acronym using the initials of the founder Ingvar Kamprad, who was from a family farm called Elmtaryd, which was near the village of Agunnaryd.


* J. P. Morgan & Co.J. P. Morgan
* Jackson Guitars – Grover Jackson
* JCPenney – James Cash Penney
* The Jim Henson CompanyJim Henson
* J.J. NewberryJohn Josiah Newberry
* John DeereJohn Deere
* Johnson & JohnsonRobert Wood Johnson I, James Wood Johnson, and Edward Mead Johnson
* Johnson PublishingJohn H. Johnson


* Kawasaki Heavy IndustriesShozo Kawasaki
* Kellogg CompanyJohn Harvey Kellogg
* Kent H. Landsberg Company – founder Kent H. Landsberg
* Kroger Co.Bernard Henry Kroger
* King Kullen Grocery Co. – founder Michael J. Cullen, he replaced the "C" with a "K" for marketing purposes.
* Knight RidderJohn S. Knight (Knight Newspapers, Inc.) and Herman Ridder (Ridder Publications, Inc.)
* Kohl'sMax Kohl


* Lafarge – Joseph-Auguste Pavin de Lafarge
* LaidlawRobert Laidlaw
* LamborghiniFerruccio Lamborghini
* Lancia – Vicenzo Lancia
* LavazzaLuigi Lavazza
* LazardAlexandre Lazard, Simon Lazard, and Elie Lazard
* Lee EnterprisesA. W. Lee
* Lehman BrothersHenry Lehman, Emanuel Lehman and Meyer Lehman
* LeslieDonald Leslie
* Lesney ProductsLeslie Smith and Rodney Smith
* Levi Strauss & Co.Levi Strauss
* Lewis & Clark OutfittersMeriwether Lewis and William Clark
* Lincoln National Corporation – to convey the integrity of U.S. President Abraham Lincoln
* Liz Claiborne, Inc.Elisabeth Claiborne Ortenberg
* Lockheed Corporation (to Lockheed Martin) – Allan Haines Loughead and Malcolm Loughead
* Lorillard Tobacco CompanyPierre Lorillard IV
* Louis B. Mayer Pictures (to Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer) – Louis B. Mayer


* Macy's – Rowland Hussey Macy
* Mahindra & Mahindra Limited – K.C. Mahindra and J.C. Mahindra
* Marriott Corporation (later split into Host Marriott and Marriott International) – founder J. Willard Marriott
* Mars, IncorporatedFrank C. Mars
* Marsh & McLennan CompaniesHenry W. Marsh and Donald R. McLennan
* Marshall AmplificationJim Marshall
* Martha Stewart Living OmnimediaMartha Stewart
* Martini & RossiAlessandro Martini and Luigi Rossi
* Maruri Publicidad – from founder Jimmy Maruri
* Mattel – from founders Harold "Matt" Matson and Elliot Handler
* MaytagF. L. Maytag
* MazdaJujiro Matsuda, also possibly inspired by Zoroastrian god Ahura Mazda.
* McAfeeJohn McAfee
* McCaw CellularCraig McCaw
* McDonald'sDick and Mac McDonald
* McDonnell Aircraft (to McDonnell Douglas) – James Smith McDonnell
* McGraw-HillJohn A. Hill and James H. McGraw
* McKesson CorporationJohn McKesson
* Mellon Financial CorporationThomas Mellon
* Mercedes – an 1902 automobile model of Daimler Motor Company – Mércédès Jellinek
* Merrill LynchCharles E. Merrill and Edmund C. Lynch
* MGM or Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer – after the last names of Samuel Goldfish and Edgar and Archibald Selwyn and Louis B. Mayer.
* Miele – Carl Miele.
* Mitel – from "Mi"ke and "Te"rry's "L"awnmowers after the founders Michael Cowpland and Terry Matthews
* MolsonJohn Molson
* Moog Music – Dr. Robert Moog
* Morgan StanleyHenry S. Morgan and Harold Stanley


* Nero AGNero
* NestléHenri Nestlé who created the milk-based food in 1867
* NordstromJohn W. Nordstrom
* NorthropJack Northrop


* OldsmobileRansom E. Olds
* Olin CorporationFranklin W. Olin
* OlivettiCamillo Olivetti
* Orton Ceramic FoundationEdward Orton, Jr.
* OztasHabib Öztaş, who founded the company in 1958
* OSAquatics - Oliver and Samuel sons of founder Timothy Haywood


* PathéCharles and Émile Pathé, who founded the Société Pathé Frères in 1896
* Peavey ElectronicsHartley Peavey
* Penske CorporationRoger Penske
* PerkinElmerRichard Scott Perkin and Charles Elmer
* Perot SystemsH. Ross Perot, Jr.
* PeugeotArmand Peugeot who founded the company in 1882
* PfizerCharles Pfizer
* Philips – Gerard Philips, who founded the company in 1891
* PontiacChief Pontiac, leader of Pontiac's Rebellion
* PorscheFerdinand Porsche
* PradaMario Prada
* Procter & GambleWilliam Procter and James Gamble
* PRS GuitarsPaul Reed Smith



* Rawlings (company) – George and Alfred Rawlings
* RenaultLouis Renault
* REO Motor Car CompanyRansom E. Olds
* ReutersPaul Reuter
* RickenbackerAdolph Rickenbacher
* R.J. Reynolds Tobacco Company (RJR) – R. J. Reynolds
* Robeez – named after Sandra Wilson's son Robert
* Robert Bosch GmbHRobert Bosch
* Rockwell International, North American Rockwell, Rockwell SemiconductorWillard Rockwell
* Rogers Communications Inc. – Edward S. "Ted" Rogers
* Rogers Locomotive and Machine WorksThomas Rogers
* Rogers Vacuum Tube CompanyEdward S. Rogers, Sr.
* Rolls-Royce plc/Rolls-Royce Motor CarsCharles Rolls and Henry Royce
* RPG Group - Rama Prasad Goenka
* RSA Security – from the first letters of the last names of founders Ronald Rivest, Adi Shamir and Len Adleman.
* RyanairTony Ryan

* Sam's Club – Sam Walton (same owner of Wal-Mart)
* Savoia-MarchettiUmberto Savoia and Alessandro Marchetti
* S. C. Johnson & SonSamuel Curtis Johnson, Sr.
* Sainsbury's – John James Sainsbury
* SearsRichard Sears
** Formerly "Sears, Roebuck" – Sears and Alvah Roebuck
* Sherwin-Williams CompanyHenry Sherwin and Edward Williams
* Shugart AssociatesAlan Shugart
* Siemens AGWerner von Siemens
* Sikorsky AircraftIgor Sikorsky
* Singer CorporationIssac Merritt Singer, inventor, improvements in the design of the sewing machine
* Sotheby'sJohn Sotheby
* Stanley WorksFrederick Trent Stanley
* Stewart-WarnerJohn K. Stewart and Arthur P. Warner
* StihlAndreas Stihl
* SukhoiPavel Sukhoi
* Suzuki – Michio Suzuki


* TataJamsetji Tata
* Tesco – amalgamation of "TES" (from T. E. Stockwell) and "CO" (from Jack Cohen)
* Thomas Cook Group, Thomas Cook AirlinesThomas Cook
* Various named after Elihu Thomson:
**Thomson SA
**Thomson-CSF (now Thales Group)
**Thomson-Houston Electric Company (now General Electric)
* Thomson CorporationRoy Thomson, 1st Baron Thomson of Fleet
* THX – from the name of the technology's inventor and the audio technology of a 'crossover' amplifier, Tomlinson Holman
* Tiffany & Co.Charles Lewis Tiffany
* Tim HortonsTim Horton
* Timken Company - Henry Timken
* Towers Perrin - from two of the original four founders, John Towers and Charles Perrin
* Toyota MotorKiichiro Toyoda
* Toyota IndustriesSakichi Toyoda
* Trump Air Shuttle, airline - owner Donald Trump
* TVR – founder TreVoR Wilkinson
* TVS Motors, TVS ElectronicsT. V. Sundram Iyengar
* Tommy Hilfiger CorporationThomas Jacob Hilfiger



*VibramVitale Bramani
*VIP Industries – V I Piramal
*Vroom & Dreesmann – Willem Vroom and Anton Dreesmann, founders


* W. R. Grace and CompanyWilliam Russell Grace
* W. W. NortonWilliam Warder Norton
* Waitrose – founders Wallace Waite and Arthur Rose
* The Walt Disney CompanyWalt Disney
* Wal-MartSam Walton
* WalgreensCharles Rudolph Walgreen
* Wang Laboratories - An Wang
* Warner Bros. – the brothers Jack Warner, Sam Warner, Harold Warner and Albert Warner
* Wells Fargo – founders Henry Wells and William Fargo
* Wendy's – founder Dave Thomas' daughter Melinda "Wendy" Thomas
* Westinghouse ElectricGeorge Westinghouse
* WHSmithWilliam Henry Smith
* Wright Company, Wright Aeronautical (to Wright-Martin) – Orville and Wilbur Wright
* Wrigley CompanyWilliam Wrigley Jr.



* Yamaha CorporationTorakusu Yamaha


* Zend Technologies – Co-Founders Zeev Suraski & Andi Gutmans

ee also

* List of company name etymologies
* Lists of etymologies

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