List of eponyms

List of eponyms

An eponym is a person (real or fictitious) from whom something is said to take its name. The word is back-formed from "eponymous", from the Greek "eponymos" meaning "giving name".

__NOTOC__Here is a list of eponyms:

A - B - C - D - E - F - G - H - IJ - K - LZ


* Achilles, Greek mythological characterAchilles' tendon; Achilles' heel
* Adam, Biblical characterAdam's apple
* Adam Walsh, Abduction-Murder Victim -Code Adam
* Alvin Adams (18041877) — Adams Express
* Len Adlemanthe third letter of the name RSA, an asymmetric algorithm for public key cryptography, is taken from Adleman
* Agrippina the YoungerCologne, Germany (formerly Colonia Agrippina)
* Alfred V. Ahothe first letter of the name awk, a computer pattern/action language, is taken from Aho
* Matthew Algietea and coffee merchant company
* Alice LiddellAlice in Wonderland, Alice in Wonderland syndrome
* Alice Roosevelt - Alice blue, said to be the color of her eyes
* Alois AlzheimerAlzheimer's disease
* Albert, Prince ConsortPrince Albert piercing, a common form of male genital piercing
* Herb Alpert and Jerry MossA&M Records
* André-Marie Ampèreampereunit of electric current, Ampère's law
* Roald AmundsenAmundsen Sea; Amundsen crater, a crater on the Moon; Amundsen-Scott South Pole Station
* José de AnchietaAnchieta Island, Anchieta Highway, in Brazil
* Anders Jonas Ångströmangstrom, unit of distance
* Virginia Apgarthe Apgar score, used to determine the general health of neonates
* Saint Thomas Aquinasmany educational institutions
* Rafael Moreno Aranzadi, nicknamed PichichiThe Pichichi Trophy
* ArchimedesArchimedes' screw, Archimedes' principle
* William George ArmstrongArmstrong breech-loading gun
* Benedict Arnoldtraitor
* Hans AspergerAsperger's syndrome
* Robert Atkins (nutritionist)Atkins Diet
* Atlas, a Titan who carried the sky on his shouldersatlas
* Aurélio Buarque de HolandaAurélio's Brazilian Portuguese Dictionary.
* Augustus Caesarthe month of August; the city of Zaragoza (originally "Caesaraugustus"); the city of Caesarea in Israel; numerous other cities once named Caesarea, the Caesarian section, because he was supposedly born in this manner
* R. Stanton AveryAvery Dennison Corporation
* Amedeo AvogadroAvogadro's number, Avogadro's Law


* Isaac BabbittBabbitt metal.
* Joseph Jules François Félix Babinski, French neurologistBabinski reflex or Babinski sign, common name for Plantar reflex
* Karl BaedekerBaedeker's
* Leo BaekelandBakelite
* Balthazar traditional name for one of the Three Wise Men12 litre wine bottle (see Wine bottle#Sizes)
* Barbara, daughter of Ruth Handler, creator of BarbieBarbie doll
* Joseph Barbera and William HannaHanna-Barbera Productions
* Yvonne Barr and Sir Anthony EpsteinEpstein-Barr virus
* Jean Alexandre BarréGuillain-Barré syndrome
* Caspar Bartholin the YoungerBartholin's gland
* Basarab IBessarabia
* Karl Adolph von BasedowGraves-Basedow disease
* Tomas Batafounder of Bata Shoes; Bata Shoe Museum, Tomas Bata University in Zlín, Batawa, Ontario; Batanagar, India
* Francis BeaufortBeaufort scale.
* Heinrich BeckBeck's beer, Beck's Futures art prize
* Louis de Béchamel, a courtier to King Louis XIVBéchamel sauce
* Henri Becquerelbecquerel, unit of radioactivity
* Hulusi Behçet, Turkish dermatologistBehçet's disease
* Adrian BejanBejan number
* Alexander Graham Bellbelunit of relative power level; Bell Labs, BellSouth, Bellcore (now Telcordia Technologies), Regional Bell operating companycompanies. Also gave birth to a slang term i.e. give James a bell, call James on the telephone.
* Edvard Beneš - Beneš decrees
* Carl BenzBenz & Cie. (later Daimler-Benz)
* Hiram BerdanBerdan Sharps Rifle
* David Berkowitz also known as "Son of Sam" — Son of Sam law
* Juan de BermudezBermuda
* Daniel BernoulliBernoulli's principle
* Sergei Natanovich Bernstein, Bernstein polynomial
* Yogi Berra, baseball playerYogi Bear, a bear in animated cartoons; Yogiisms
* Henry BessemerBessemer converter
* Pierre Bézier, French engineer and creator of the Bézier curve
* Bieda, a Saxon landowner ("Bieda's ford" + shire) — Bedfordshire
* Laszlo BiroBiro, (ballpoint pen)
* Otto von Bismarck, first German ChancellorBismarck Archipelago and Bismarck Sea near New Guinea; German battleship Bismarck as well as two ships of the Imperial Navy ("Kaiserliche Marine"); Bismarck, North Dakota
* Fischer Black and Myron ScholesBlack-Scholes model of options pricing
* Amelia Bloomer (18181894) — bloomers
* Boann the Irish GoddessThe river Boyne
* Johann Elert Bode and Johann Daniel TitiusTitius-Bode Law
* Niels BohrBohr magneton, Bohr radius, bohrium, chemical element
* Lecoq de Boisbaudrangallium, chemical element. Although named after "Gallia" (Latin for France), Lecoq de Boisbaudran, the discoverer of the metal, subtly attached an association with his name. "Lecoq" (rooster) in Latin is "gallus".
* Simón BolívarBolivia, Bolîvar department, Colombia, various cities and tows named Bolívar en Venezuela and Colombia, Venezuelan bolívar, Bolívar (cigar brand)
* Ludwig BoltzmannBoltzmann constant, Stefan-Boltzmann constant, Stefan-Boltzmann law
* Karel Havlíček Borovský - Havlíčkův Brod
* B J T Bosanquetbosie, the Australian term for the googly
* Satyendra Nath Bosebosons, Bose-Einstein statistics, Bose-Einstein condensates
* Professor Amar BoseBose Speakers
* Dr. Elbert Dysart Botts, Caltrans engineer - Bott's Dots, a street and highway lane separator
* Louis Antoine de Bougainville, French navigator - the bougainvillea plant, which he discovered
* Captain Charles Cunningham Boycott (18321897) — boycott
* Robert BoyleBoyle's Law
* Thomas Bowdler (17541825), published an edition of Shakespeare without words or expressions unsuitable to family reading, hence "bowdlerize"
* Jim BowieBowie knife
* Bowman's Capsule, named for Sir William Bowman, a British anatomist
* BrahmaguptaBrahmagupta's formula, Brahmagupta's identity, Brahmagupta's trapezium, Brahmagupta's problem, Brahmagupta's polynomial
* Louis Braille (18091852) — the braille writing system for the blind
* Robert BrownBrownian motion
* John BrowningBrowning firearms, including the Browning Automatic Rifle
* Prince BrychanBrecknockshire
* Bucca, a Saxon landowner ("Bucca's home" + shire) — Buckinghamshire
* Professor Robert Wilhelm Bunsen (18111899) — Bunsen burner
*General Ambrose Burnsidesideburns


* John Cadburyopened his shop in 1824 which became the company Cadbury
* Julius Caesarthe month of July, Caesar cipher, the titles Czar, Tsar, and Kaiser, the Bloody Caesar cocktail. An urban legend also erroneously credits Julius Caesar as having given his name to the Caesarian section; the two are likely unrelated, however.
* John Calvin, 16th century theologianthe religious doctrine of Calvinism; Calvin's name (with Thomas Hobbes) inspired name of the Calvin and Hobbes comic strip
* Caesar Cardini, restaurateurCaesar salad
* Gian Giacomo Girolamo Casanovacasanova, a womanizer
* Sam Carr, neighbour of David Berkowitz also known as "Son of Sam" — Son of Sam law
* René Descartes, also known as CartesiusCartesian coordinate system
* Hendrik CasimirCasimir effect
* Eduard Čech - Čech cohomology, Čech complex, Čech homology, StoneČech compactification
* Anders Celsiusdegree Celsius (unit of temperature) Celsius (Moon crater)
* Ceredig, son of CuneddaCardigan
* Subrahmanyan ChandrasekharChandrasekhar limit, Chandra X-ray Observatory
* Jean-Martin Charcot, French neurologistCharcot-Marie-Tooth disease; "Maladie de Charcot", the French name for motor neurone disease
* King Charles I of EnglandNorth Carolina and South Carolina
* Charles IV, Holy Roman Emperorcastle Karlštejn, city Karlovy Vary, Charles University, Charles Bridge, asteroid 16951 Carolus Quartus
* Charles VI, Holy Roman Emperorchâteau Karlova Koruna
* Jacques Charles and Joseph Louis Gay-LussacLaw of Charles and Gay-Lussac (frequently called simply Charles' Law)
* Bobby Charltonthe "Bobby Charlton" comb over hairstyle
* Nicolas Chauvinchauvinism
* Pavel Alekseyevich CherenkovCherenkov effect
* Jesus Christ, "The Saviour" — El Salvador, Christianity, Christmas
* Saint ChristopherSaint Kitts and Nevis
* Walter Chryslerfounder of Chrysler, DaimlerChrysler
* Alfred Chuangthe third letter of the company name BEA Systems, is taken from Alfred, a co-founder
* Alonzo ChurchChurch-Turing thesis, Church-Turing-Deutsch principle
* Cincinnatus, Roman statesmanCincinnati, Ohio (indirectly)
* Senator Claghorn, regular character on the Fred Allen radio showFoghorn Leghorn, Warner Bros. cartoons
* Claudius, Roman emperorthe city of Kayseri, formerly Caesarea Mazaca, in Turkey
* Ruth Cleveland, daughter of Pres. Grover ClevelandBaby Ruth candy bars
* Bill Colemanthe first letter of the company name BEA Systems, is taken from Bill, a co-founder
* Samuel ColtColt revolver
*Christopher Columbusmany places and territories, see Columbus, Colombia, Colombo, British Columbia in Canada
* Arthur ComptonCompton effect
* Constantine I - Roman Emperor who in 330 moved the capital of the Empire to Constantinople
* Captain James CookCook Islands; Cooktown (Queensland); James Cook University (Townsville); Cook (suburb of Canberra; co-named for Sir Joseph Cook); Cooks River; Cook (Federal electorate); James Cook University Hospital (Marton, Middlesbrough, England)
* Gaspard-Gustave CoriolisCoriolis effect
* Charles-Augustin de Coulombcoulombunit of electric charge, Coulomb's law
* Michael Cowplandfounded the software company Corel (from Cowpland's Research Laboratory). Cowpland also co-founded the PBX Design / Build Company Mitel with Terry Matthews. (Mitel stands MIke and TErry's Lawnmowers)
* Thomas Crapper - Crapper
* Seymour CrayCray Research
* CuneddaGwynedd
* Marie and Pierre Curiecurie, unit of radioactivity, curium, chemical element
* Pierre CurieCurie point
* Harvey CushingCushing Disease, a pituitary tumor producing adrenocorticotropic hormone that causes excessive cortisol production
* Harvey CushingCushing's Syndrome, a clinical condition characterized by excessive production of cortisol
* Saint Cuthbert ("church of Cuthbert") — Kirkcudbright


* Jacques DaguerreDaguerreotype
* Anders Dahl (1751-1789) — Dahlia
* Gottlieb Daimler and Karl BenzDaimler-Benz (later DaimlerChrysler)
* John Daltondalton, non-SI unit of atomic mass
* Glenn Danzig -- Danzig, founder of the Heavy Metal band Danzig
* Charles DarwinDarwinism, Neural Darwinism, Social Darwinism, Darwinian Happiness, Darwin's theory of evolution, Darwinian selection, Non-darwinian evolution, Darwinian medicine, Darwin's Dangerous Idea, Darwin, Northern Territory, Darwin Mounds, Charles Darwin University, Darwin College, Cambridge, Charles Darwin National Park, Adelaide-Darwin railway, Darwin Awards, Darwin's finches, Darwin Island, Charles Darwin Research Station, Darwin Bay, "Lecocarpus darwinii" (a tree species) in (Galápagos Islands), Charles Darwin Foundation
* Adi Dasslerfounder of adidas
* Arthur Davidson and William HarleyHarley-Davidson
* Humphry DavyDavy lamp
* Paul de Casteljau, de Casteljau's algorithm
* Michael Dellfounder of Dell, the computer company
* David Eisenhower, grandson of US President Dwight EisenhowerCamp David US presidential retreat
*Thomas Derrick (c. 1600), British hangmanDerrick (lifting device)
* Melvil DeweyDewey Decimal System
* Thomas Edmund Dewey, American politicianDewey, one of "Huey, Dewey and Louie", animated cartoon characters
* David DeutschChurch-Turing-Deutsch Principle
*Bo DiddleyPopularizer of the Bo Diddley beat
*Rudolf Dieselthe diesel engine
* Paul DiracDirac's constant, Dirac equation, Dirac delta function, Dirac sea, Dirac Prize, Fermi-Dirac statistics
* Walt Disneyfounder, The Walt Disney Company, Disneyland
*Doily family (c. 1700)
* Ray DolbyDolby Stereo, Dolby Surround and Dolby Pro Logic
* Donatello, Renaissance painterDonatello, one of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles comic characters
* Christian DopplerDoppler radar, Doppler effect
* Charles Dow and Edward JonesDow Jones & Company
* Herbert DowThe Dow Chemical Company
* Guillaume DupuytrenDupuytren's contracture, Dupuytren's fracture
* Dr. August DvorakDvorak Simplified Keyboard
* Dylan Dog - Italian comic series


* Thomas EdisonEdison effect, Edison Records, Edisonian approach, Edison, Georgia, Edison, New Jersey, Edisonade
* Prince Edward Augustus, Duke of Kent and Strathearn (younger brother of King George IV and King William IV), commander of British forces in HalifaxPrince Edward Island
* Gustave EiffelEiffel Tower, designer
* Albert EinsteinEinstein refrigerator, einsteiniumchemical element, Bose-Einstein statistics, Bose-Einstein condensates
* Queen Elizabeth I of England, the "Virgin Queen" — Virginia and West Virginia
* Saint ElmoSt. Elmo's fire
* Loránd Eötvöseotvos, gravitational gradient
* Sir Anthony Epstein and Yvonne BarrEpstein-Barr virus
* Lars Magnus EricssonEricsson
* Leonhard EulerEuler's formula, Eulerian path, Euler equations; "see also": List of topics named after Leonhard Euler
* Bartolomeo EustachiEustachian tube
* Sir George EverestMount Everest
* Ewale a MbediDuala people, Douala (from a variant of his name, Dwala)


* Gabriel Fahrenheit (16861736) — the Fahrenheit scale
* Gabriele FalloppioFallopian tube
* Michael FaradayfaradSI unit of capacitance, faradaycgs unit of current Faraday constant, Faraday effect, Faraday's law of induction, Faraday's law of electrolysis
* Guy Fawkesguy
* Enrico Fermifermions, Fermi energy, Fermi paradox, fermiumchemical element, Fermi-Dirac statistics. fermi (obsolete name for femtometre)
* Enzo Ferrarifounder, Ferrari
* George Washington Gale Ferris, Jr.Ferris wheel
* Richard FeynmanFeynman diagram
* Fib of the Picts, one of the seven sons of CruithneFife
* Leonardo Fibonacci (1175 -1250), Mathematician - Fibonacci Numbers
* Robert Fisk - Fisking
* B.C. ForbesForbes magazine
* Henry FordFord Motor Company
* Matthias N. ForneyForney locomotive
* William Forsyth (1737-1804) — Forsythia
* Charles FortForteana, Fortean Society, Fortean Times
* Benjamin FranklinFranklin stove, franklincgs unit of electric charge
* William Fox20th Century Fox
* Sigmund FreudFreudian slip
* Guido Fubini (1879 - 1943), Math/Measurements - Fubini's Theorem
* Leonhart Fuchs (15011566) — Fuchsia
* Tetsuya "Ted" Fujita (19201998) — Fujita Scale
* Buckminster Fuller (18951983) — Fullerene


* Johan Gadolin, Finnish chemist and geologistgadolinite, the mineral after which the chemical element gadolinium has been named
* Thomas Gage (botanist)greengage
* Uziel Galthe Uzi submachine gun
* Galileo Galileigalileo or gal, unit of acceleration
* Israel Galilithe Galil assault rifle
*Luigi Galvani (17371798), discovered the Galvanic response of muscles to electricity. The process of galvanization is also named after him.
* James Gamble and William ProcterProcter & Gamble
* Henry Laurence GanttGantt chart
*John GarandM1 Garand rifle
*Alexander Garden (naturalist) - after whom the gardenia was named.
* Giuseppe GaribaldiGaribaldi biscuits, Italian aircraft carrier "Giuseppe Garibaldi"
* Gideon GartnerGartner
* Hermann GartnerGartner's duct
* Richard J. GatlingGatling gun
* Carl Friedrich Gaussgaussunit of magnetic induction, Gauss' law; "see also": List of topics named after Carl Friedrich Gauss.
* Enola Gay TibbetsEnola Gay, the plane that dropped the first atomic bomb. Tibbets' son Paul Tibbets, pilot of the plane, named it after his mother.
* Joseph Louis Gay-Lussac and Jacques CharlesLaw of Charles and Gay-Lussac
* Lou Gehrig, American Baseball playerLou Gehrig's Disease
* Hans GeigerGeiger counter, Geiger-Müller tube
* King George I of Great BritainGeorgia (U.S. state)
* Elbridge Gerry - gerrymandering
* Domingo GhirardelliGhirardelli Chocolate Company
* Josiah Willard GibbsGibbs free energy, Gibbs phenomenon
* Thomas GilbertKiribati
* Gaston GlockGLOCK GmbH
* Kurt GödelGödel's incompleteness theorem, Gödel's ontological proof
* Samuel GoldwynGoldwyn Picture Corporation, later merged into Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer Inc. (or MGM)
* Wilbert GoreGore-Tex
* Klement GottwaldZlín, a city in Moravia, the Czech Republic, was renamed Gottwaldov during 19491990.
* Ernst GräfenbergGräfenberg spot (G-spot)
* Sylvester GrahamGraham crackers, Graham flour
* Thomas GrahamGraham's Law
* Robert James GravesGraves-Basedow disease
* Louis Harold Graygray, unit of absorbed dose of radiation
* Vicente GuerreroGuerrero
* Georges GuillainGuillain-Barré syndrome
* Dr. Joseph Ignace Guillotin (17381814) — advocate of what came to be called the guillotine
* Henry C. Gunningmineral Gunningite
* Robert John Lechmere Guppy (18361916) — Guppy or guppie


* Amber Hagerman, abducted child - AMBER Alert
* Otto Hahnhahnium, chemical element. This element name is not accepted by IUPAC. See element naming controversy
* Edwin HallHall effect
* Hugh HalliganHalligan bar
* Laurens HammondHammond Organ
* Hamo, a 6th century Saxon settler and landownerHampshire
* John Hancock, signatory of the US Declaration of IndependenceJohn Hancock, a signature
* Elliot Handler and Harold "Matt" MatsonMattel
* William Hanna and Joseph BarberaHanna-Barbera Productions
* Gerhard Armauer HansenHansen's disease
* William Harley and Arthur DavidsonHarley-Davidson
* Douglas HartreeHartree energy
* Gerry Harvey and Ian NormanHarvey Norman
* Hakaru HashimotoHashimoto's thyroiditis
* Hassan-i-Sabah, leader of the murderous Hashshashin cultassassin from "hassansin" (this etymology is disputed)
* Victor HasselbladHasselblad, medium format photographic camera system
* Stephen HawkingHawking radiation
* Paul HawkinsHawk-Eye tracking system used in cricket and other sports
* Frank Hawthornemineral Frankhawthorneite
* Oliver Heaviside and Arthur Edwin KennellyKennelly-Heaviside layer
* Henry Heimlich - Heimlich Maneuver
* Joseph Henryhenry, unit of inductance
* William HenryHenry's law
* Heinrich Rudolf Hertzhertz, unit of frequency
* William Hewlett and David Packardfounders, Hewlett-Packard
* Edward C. HeydeHeyde's syndrome
* Miguel HidalgoHidalgo
* David HilbertHilbert's program
* Eugen von HippelVon Hippel-Lindau disease
* Harald Hirschsprung, Danish physicianHirschsprung's disease
* Paul von Hindenburgafter whom the Hindenburg airship was named
* Thomas Hobbes, 17th century pahilosopherHobbes from "Calvin and Hobbes" comic strip
* Thomas Hobson (15441630), stable manager in EnglandHobson's choice, an only apparently free choice that is no choice at all
* Thomas HodgkinHodgkin's disease, Non-Hodgkin's lymphoma
* Homer, father of Matt Groening, creator of The SimpsonsHomer Simpson, character in The Simpsons animated TV series
* Sherlock Holmes - anyone who solves a mystery or a difficult problem, based on the fictional character by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle
* Soichiro Hondafounder, Honda
* Mark Honeywellfounder, Honeywell
* Robin Hood, English folk heroRobin of the Batman series
* Robert HookeHooke's law
* William Henry Hoover (18491932) — The Hoover Company; in British English, the verb "hoover" means "to vacuum a floor" while the noun is the vacuum cleaner. The word "hoover" has also come to mean anything that is sucked up at a great rate ("They hoovered their way through the banquet").
* August Horchfounder of Audi ("audi" is Latin for "horch". It means "listen" in English)
* James Horlick and William Horlickfounded the company Horlicks in 1873
* Frank Hornby - inventor of Meccano, Hornby and Hornby-Dublo train sets, and Dinky Toys
* William Howe (18031852) — Howe truss bridges
* Hroc, an ancient landowner ("Hroc's fortress" + shire) — Roxburghshire
* Howard HughesHughes Aircraft company, Howard Hughes Medical Institute, Hughes Airwest airlines, Hughes Glomar Explorer ship
* Howard R. Hughes, Sr.Hughes Tool Company, Baker Hughes company
* John Huss ( _cs. Jan Hus) — Hussite, Czechoslovak Hussite Church


* Max ImmelmannImmelmann turn used in aviation.
* Eleuthère Irénée du PontDuPont
* Ivan the TerribleIvy the Terrible from The Beano comic
* Joseph Marie JacquardJacquard loom
* JacobIsrael
* Candido Jacuzziinventor of the jacuzzi whirlpool bath.
* Calamity JaneCalamity James from The Beano comic
* Karl Janskyjansky, unit of flux density
* Robert Jarvik, MD - Jarvik artificial heart
* Jeremiah, the Biblical prophetjeremiad
* Jeroboam, first king of the Northern Kingdom of Israeljeroboam wine bottle
* Edward Jones and Charles DowDow Jones & Company
* Brian David JosephsonJosephson junction, Josephson effect
* James Prescott Joulejoule, unit of energy, unit of work, unit of heat
* Jerry Seinfeld - co-wrote T.V. sitcom "Seinfeld"


* Franz Kafkaadjective Kafkaesque
* Mikhail Kalashnikovthe Avtomat Kalashnikova series of weapons, including the AK-47, the Kalashnikov Handheld Machine Gun or "Ruchnoi Pulemet Kalashnikova obraztsa 1974g" (RPK-74)
* Kamen Rider - The main protagonists of the various series in this Japanese TV franchise are named after their corresponding TV series.
* Ingvar Kampradthe first two letters of IKEA, the home furnishings retailer he founded
* Gaetano Kanizsa, Italian psychologistKanizsa triangle
* Megan Kanka, abducted child - Megan's Law
* Moritz Kaposi, Hungarian dermatologistKaposi's sarcoma
* Theodore von KármánKarman line
* Anna Karenina
* Tadao Kashiofounder of Casio
* Shozo Kawasakifounder, Kawasaki Heavy Industries
* Lord Kelvinkelvin, unit of thermodynamic temperature
* John F. KennedyJohn F. Kennedy International Airport, John F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts, Kennedy Center Honors, John F. Kennedy University
* Arthur Edwin Kennelly and Oliver HeavisideKennelly-Heaviside layer
* Brian W. Kernighanthe third letter of the name awk, a computer pattern/action language, is taken from Kernighan
* John Kerr (physicist)Kerr effect
* Wilhelm KillingKilling vector field
*Gustav KirchhoffKirchhoff's Laws
* Donald KnuthKnuth-Morris-Pratt algorithm
* Wladimir Peter KöppenKöppen climate classification
* Gerard KuiperKuiper Belt


See List of eponyms (L-Z)

An asterisk designates people who became eponyms despite their stated wishes not to.

ee also

* Lists of etymologies
* List of eponymous adjectives in English
* List of eponymous laws
* List of adages named after people
* List of places named after people
* List of people
* List of toponyms

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