List of English words of Hindi origin

List of English words of Hindi origin

This is a list of English language words of Hindi language origin. Many of the Hindi equivalents have originated from Sanskrit; see List of English words of Sanskrit origin. Many others are of Persian origin; see List of English words of Persian origin. Some of the latter are in turn of Arabic or Turkish origin. In some cases words have entered the English language by multiple routes - occasionally ending up with different meanings, spellings, or pronunciations, just as with words with European etymologies.


;Avatar :

from "Avatar" means incarnation


; Bangle : from "Bāngṛī" बांगड़ी, a type of bracelet.; Bazaar : from "Bāzār" बाज़ार, a marketplace. (Of Persian origin.); Blighty : from "Vilāyatī" विलायती, foreigner.; Bandanna : from "Bandhna",( lucknavi ) to tie a scarf around the head.; Bungalow : a term for a Bengali type of house; brahmin :member of Hindu caste; traditional priest


; Cashmere : from "Kāshmīr", a type of woolen cardigan.; Chai : from "Chāy" चाय, tea made with spices, commonly cardamom.; Chit : from "Chitthi", a letter or note.; Cot : from "Khāt", खाट, a portable bed.; Cummerbund : from "Kamar Bandh", meaning waist band or waist cloth.


; Dharma : from "Dharma", meaning duty.; Doolally : from "Deolali", a place in Maharashtra, India. It means having an unbalanced state of mind.


; Ferengi : [from Startrek] from "ferenghi", another word for foreigner. Often spelled Farangi and is derived from "Frank" or "Frankish" relating to European Crusaders.


; Garam Masalaliterally, "hot spices"

; Guru : from "Guru", An intellectual or spiritual guide or leader, any person who counsels or advises; mentor. e.g. "The elder senator was her political guru."

; Gymkhana : A term which originally referred to a place where sporting events take place and referred to any of various meets at which contests were held to test the skill of the competitors. In English-speaking countries, a gymkhana refers to a multi-game equestrian event performed to display the training and talents of horses and their riders


; Jungle : from "jangal", another word for wilderness or forest.; Juggernaut : from Jagannath. Comes from the tradition of pulling the "Jagannath Rath" (Chariot) at Puri, Orrisa.


; Karma : In English, this refers to the law of cause and effect. E.g. "She doesn't respect her team members, her bad Karma got her fired." from "Karm" , meaning deeds or duty.; Kismet/Kismat : from "Kismath" , meaning fate or destiny.


; Loot : from "Lūtnā" लूटना, to loot.


; Pyjama : from "Payjamo", a garment worn as a trouser.; Pukka : from "Pakkā" पक्का, cooked, ripe, solid.; Pundit : from "Pandit", meaning a learned scholar.

; Sentry : from "Santri", an armed guard.; Sepoy : from "Sepahi", a soldier.; Shampoo : from "Champu", a scalp massage with some kind of oily or treacly mixture just before a bath.


; Teapoy : from "Tipaya", a three legged stool.; Thug : from "Thag" ठग, meaning thief.; Toddy : from "Tārī" ताड़ी, juice of the palmyra palm.

ee Also

* Indian English
* [ Etymology of Selected Words of Indian Language Origin ]
* Hobson-Jobson
* List of English words of Sanskrit origin
* List of English words of Urdu origin
* Lists of English words of international origin
* at Wiktionary, Wikipedia's sister project

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