- List of Spanish words of French origin
This is a list of Spanish words of French origin. It is further divided into words that come from Modern French and
Old French . In both cases, the words included did not exist inLatin . Some of these words have alternate etymologies and may also appear on a list of Spanish words from a differentlanguage .List
* bulevar, from "boulevard"
* chalet
* cobarde
* debate
* estaca
* etiqueta, from "étiquette"
* extradición
* fraile
* garaje
* garantía
*guante (glove)
* homenaje
* hotel
* manjar
* mensaje
* panfleto
* pantalón
* sofá
* vinagre
* voyeurMiddle Ages
* arnés (harneis)
* bachiller (bachelier)
* borde (bord)
* botín (butín)
* brida (bride)
* cable
* chimenea (cheminée)
* corcel (corsier)
* dama (dame)
* danzar (dancier)
* desmayar (esmaiier)
* flecha (fléche)
* forjar (forgier)
* franja (franje)
* galope (galop)
* galán (galant)
* jamón (jambon)
* jardín (jardín)
* joya (joye)
* ligero (légier)
* lonja (longe
* maleta (malette)
* mecha (méche)
* paje (page)
* tira de cuero)
* trotar (trotter)16th century - 17th century
* asamblea (assemblée)
* babor (babord)
* bagaje (bagage)
* banquete (banquet)
* baúl (bahur)
* billete (billet)
* blasón
* broche
* calibre
* carmín
* carpeta (carpette)
* conserje (concierge)
* convoy (convoy)
* crema (créme)
* esquela
* estribor (estribord)
* fresa (fraise)
* izar (hisser)
* marchar (marchar)
* marmita (marmite)
* moda (mode)
* paquete (paquet)
* parque (parc)
* servilleta (serviette)
* taburete (tabouret)16th century
* abonar (abonner)
* basalto (basalto)
* batista (batiste)
* billar (billard)
* bisturí (bistouri)
* boga (vogue)
* botella (bouteille)
* bucle (boucle)
* cacerola (casserole)
* cadete (cadet)
* canapé
* catastro (catastro
* compota (compote)
* corsé (corset)
* desertar (déserter)
* edredón (édredon)
* frambuesa (framboise)
* fusil
* grosella (groseille)
* jefe (chef)
* lingote (lingot)
* marmota (marmotte)
* muselina (mousseline)
* pantalón
* pingüino (pingouin)
* silueta (silhouette)
* tul (tulle)19th century - 20th century
* acordeón
* aterrizaje (aterrissage)
* avión
* babucha (babouche)
* biberón
* bicicleta (bicyclette)
* bloque (bloc)
* blusa (blouse)
* bol (same)
* bombón (bonbon)
* brasier (brassieres)
* bretel (bretelee)
* brochado (de broché)
* bujía (bougie)
* bulevar (boulevard)
* burocracia (bureaucratie)
* cabina (cabine)
* cabotaje (cabotage)
* camión
* carnet
* chalet
* chance
* chaqueta (jaquette)
* chasis (chassis)
* chimpancé (chimpanzé)
* comité
* consomé (consommé)
* coñac (cognac)
* cremallera (cremaillére)
* croquis
* debutar (débuter)
* doblaje (doublage)
* engranar (engrener)
* entrenar (entrainer)
* escalope
* esquí (ski)
* faya (faille)
* ficha (fiche)
* filmar (filmer)
* flan
* frac
* franela (flanelle)
* garaje (garage)
* gripe (grippe)
* higiene (hygiéne)
* hotel
* kilometraje (kilométrage)
* levita (lévito)
* lote (lot)
* maquillaje (maquillage)
* marrón
* nicotina (nicotine)
* complot
* paletó (paletot)
* pana (panne)
* patriota (patriote)
* pelotón
* percal (percale)
* pilotaje (pilotage)
* plisado (de plissé)
* quiosco (kiosque)
* resorte (ressort)
* rodaje (rodage)
* ruleta (roulette)
* rutina (routine)
* tafetán (taffetas)
* toiletteee also
Linguistic history of Spanish
*List of English words of Spanish origin References
*"Breve diccionario etimológico de la lengua española" by Guido Gómez de Silva (ISBN 968-16-2812-8)
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.