List of Spanish words of French origin

List of Spanish words of French origin

This is a list of Spanish words of French origin. It is further divided into words that come from Modern French and Old French. In both cases, the words included did not exist in Latin. Some of these words have alternate etymologies and may also appear on a list of Spanish words from a different language.


* bulevar, from "boulevard"
* chalet
* cobarde
* debate
* estaca
* etiqueta, from "étiquette"
* extradición
* fraile
* garaje
* garantía
*guante (glove)
* homenaje
* hotel
* manjar
* mensaje
* panfleto
* pantalón
* sofá
* vinagre
* voyeur

Middle Ages

* arnés (harneis)
* bachiller (bachelier)
* borde (bord)
* botín (butín)
* brida (bride)
* cable
* chimenea (cheminée)
* corcel (corsier)
* dama (dame)
* danzar (dancier)
* desmayar (esmaiier)
* flecha (fléche)
* forjar (forgier)
* franja (franje)
* galope (galop)
* galán (galant)
* jamón (jambon)
* jardín (jardín)
* joya (joye)
* ligero (légier)
* lonja (longe
* maleta (malette)
* mecha (méche)
* paje (page)
* tira de cuero)
* trotar (trotter)

16th century - 17th century

* asamblea (assemblée)
* babor (babord)
* bagaje (bagage)
* banquete (banquet)
* baúl (bahur)
* billete (billet)
* blasón
* broche
* calibre
* carmín
* carpeta (carpette)
* conserje (concierge)
* convoy (convoy)
* crema (créme)
* esquela
* estribor (estribord)
* fresa (fraise)
* izar (hisser)
* marchar (marchar)
* marmita (marmite)
* moda (mode)
* paquete (paquet)
* parque (parc)
* servilleta (serviette)
* taburete (tabouret)

16th century

* abonar (abonner)
* basalto (basalto)
* batista (batiste)
* billar (billard)
* bisturí (bistouri)
* boga (vogue)
* botella (bouteille)
* bucle (boucle)
* cacerola (casserole)
* cadete (cadet)
* canapé
* catastro (catastro
* compota (compote)
* corsé (corset)
* desertar (déserter)
* edredón (édredon)
* frambuesa (framboise)
* fusil
* grosella (groseille)
* jefe (chef)
* lingote (lingot)
* marmota (marmotte)
* muselina (mousseline)
* pantalón
* pingüino (pingouin)
* silueta (silhouette)
* tul (tulle)

19th century - 20th century

* acordeón
* aterrizaje (aterrissage)
* avión
* babucha (babouche)
* biberón
* bicicleta (bicyclette)
* bloque (bloc)
* blusa (blouse)
* bol (same)
* bombón (bonbon)
* brasier (brassieres)
* bretel (bretelee)
* brochado (de broché)
* bujía (bougie)
* bulevar (boulevard)
* burocracia (bureaucratie)
* cabina (cabine)
* cabotaje (cabotage)
* camión
* carnet
* chalet
* chance
* chaqueta (jaquette)
* chasis (chassis)
* chimpancé (chimpanzé)
* comité
* consomé (consommé)
* coñac (cognac)
* cremallera (cremaillére)
* croquis
* debutar (débuter)
* doblaje (doublage)
* engranar (engrener)
* entrenar (entrainer)
* escalope
* esquí (ski)
* faya (faille)
* ficha (fiche)
* filmar (filmer)
* flan
* frac
* franela (flanelle)
* garaje (garage)
* gripe (grippe)
* higiene (hygiéne)
* hotel
* kilometraje (kilométrage)
* levita (lévito)
* lote (lot)
* maquillaje (maquillage)
* marrón
* nicotina (nicotine)
* complot
* paletó (paletot)
* pana (panne)
* patriota (patriote)
* pelotón
* percal (percale)
* pilotaje (pilotage)
* plisado (de plissé)
* quiosco (kiosque)
* resorte (ressort)
* rodaje (rodage)
* ruleta (roulette)
* rutina (routine)
* tafetán (taffetas)
* toilette

ee also

*Linguistic history of Spanish
*List of English words of Spanish origin


*"Breve diccionario etimológico de la lengua española" by Guido Gómez de Silva (ISBN 968-16-2812-8)

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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