- List of Portuguese words of Germanic origin
This is a list of Portuguese words that come from Germanic languages. It is further divided into words that come from English,
Frankish , Langobardic,Middle Dutch ,Middle High German ,Middle Low German , Old English,Old High German , Old Norse, Old Swedish, and Visigothic and finally, words which come from Germanic with the specific source unknown.Some of these words existed in
Latin asloanword s from otherlanguage s. Some of these words have alternate etymologies and may also appear on a list of Portuguese words from a differentlanguage . Some words contain non-Germanic elements. Any form with anasterisk (*) is unattested and therefore hypothetical.Dutch
*bombordo= port side of a ship: from French "babord" "portside", from Dutch "bakboord" "left side of a ship", literally "back side of a ship" (from the fact that most ships were steered from the
starboard side), from "bak" "back, behind", (from Germanic (*)"bakam") + boord "board, side of a ship", see borde below (in Germanic section). Also see estibordo' "starboard " below in the Germanic section
*berbequim=carpenter 's brace: from regional French "veberquin" (French "vilebrequin"), from Dutch "wimmelken", from "wimmel" "auger ,drill , carpenter's brace" + "-ken", a diminutive suffix, see maniquí below in Middle Dutch section.English
* bar (the beverage establishment)
* basquete =basketball
* cheque = Cheque(US English check)
* clique =click
* clicar = to click
* clube =club
* estandarte = standard
* futebol =football
* interface =interface
* náilon =nylon
* sanduíche =sandwich
* xampu =shampoo
* choque =shock
* teste =test
* turista =tourist
* vagão =wagon
* faroeste = far west, Western,cowboy
*checking ,check-up
*cocktail , x-burger =cheeseburger ,hot dog ,hamburger ,fast food
*mouse , deletar
*telemarketing ,know-how
* mesmerizar =mesmerize Frankish
*agüentar= to endure, bear, resist: from Italian "agguantare" "to retain, take hold of" (originally "to detain with gauntlets"), from a- + "guanto" "gauntlet", from Frankish (*)"want" (see guante below) +
verb al suffix -are (suffix changed to -ar in Spanish).
*alojar= to lodge, to house, to providehospitality : from Catalan "allotjar", from "llotja" fromOld French "loge", see lonja below.
*bordar= to embroider: from Frankish (*)"bruzdon" (source ofOld French "brouder, brosder" and French "broder"), from Germanic (*)"bruzd-" "point, needle", from the IE root (*)"bhrs-dh-", from (*)"bhrs-", from (*)"bhar-", "point, nail."
*destacar= to detachtroop s: from French "détachar" (influenced by Spanish "atacar"), fromOld French "destachier" "to unattach", from "des-" "apart, away" + "atachier", a variation of "estachier", from "estaca", fromFrankish "stakka", see estaca below in Germanic section.
*destacar= to stand out, to emphasize: from Italian "staccare" "to separate", fromOld French "destacher, destachier", see destacar above.
*estandarte= amilitary standard : fromOld French "estandart", probably from Frankish (*)"standhard" "standard that marks a meeting place", (implicit sense: "that which stands firmly"), from (*)"standan" "to stand", (from Germanic (*)"standan", from the IE root (*)"sta-" "to stand" [http://www.bartleby.com/61/roots/IE494.html] ) + (*)"hard" "hard, firm", see ardid below in Germanic section.
*guante=glove , gauntlet: from Catalan "guant" "gauntlet", from Frankish (*)"want" "gauntlet." [http://www.bartleby.com/61/21/G0062100.html]
*loja=market , building wheremerchant s and sellers gather: from regional Catalan "llonja" (Modern Catalan "llotja"), fromOld French "logo" "dwelling, shelter", from Frankish (*)"laubja" "covering, enclosure", from Germanic (*)"laubja" "shelter " (implicit sense "roof made ofbark "), from the IE root (*)"leup-" "to peel."Latin words in Portuguese of Germanic origin
*bisonte (from L "bisont-","bison" from Gmc, akin to OHG "wisant", aurochs)
*feudal (from Latin "feodum, feudum" of Gmc origin, akin to OE "feoh", cattle, property)
*filtro; filtrar= "filter; to filter" from ML "filtrum" felt from Gmc, akin to OE "felt", felt
*instalar (from ML "installare" from "stallum" of Gmc origin, akin to OHG "stal", stall)
*sabão= "soap" from Latin "sapon-, sapo", soap from GmcLangobardic
*palco= a
balcony , balcony of atheater : from Italian "palco", from Langobardic "palko" "scaffolding ", from Germanic (*)"balkōn" "beam, crossbeam", see balcão below in Germanic section.Middle Dutch
*baluarte= bulwark: from
Old French "boloart" "bulwark, , converted to aboulevard ", fromMiddle Dutch "bolwerc" "rampart",
*amarrar= to moor a boat, to tie, to fasten: from French "amarrer", "to moor", from Middle Dutch "aanmarren" "to fasten", from "aan" "on" (from Germanic (*)"ana", (*)"anō", from the IE root (*)"an-" [http://www.bartleby.com/61/roots/IE16.html] ) + "marren" "to fasten, to moor a boat."
*manequim= amannequin ,dummy ,puppet : from French "mannequin", from (probably via Catalan "maniquí") Dutch "manneken, mannekijn" "little man", from Middle Dutch "mannekijn," from "man" "a man" (see alemán below in Germanic section) + the diminutive suffix "-ken, -kin, -kijn", from West Germanic (*)"-kin" (cf. Modern German "-chen")
*rumo= direction, course, route, pomp, ostentation: from Old Spanish "rumbo" "each of the 32 points on acompass ", fromMiddle Dutch "rume" "space , place,rhumb line , storeroom of a ship", from Germanic "rūmaz" "space, place", from the IE root (*)"reu-" "space, to open" [http://www.bartleby.com/61/roots/IE434.html] .Middle English
baseball : from Modern English, from base (fromOld French "base", fromLatin "basis" "base,pedestal ", fromAncient Greek βασις "basis", from βαινειν "bainein" "to go, to come", from the IE root [http://www.bartleby.com/61/roots/IE179.html] ) +ball fromMiddle English "bal", (from eitherOld Norse "böllr" OR Old English (*)"beall" [http://www.bartleby.com/61/21/B0042100.html] ) both from Germanic (*)"ball-", from the IE root (*)"bhel-" "to swell" [http://www.bartleby.com/61/roots/IE51.html] .
*boxear= to box: from Middle English "box" [http://www.bartleby.com/61/13/B0431300.html]Middle High German
Middle Low German
Old English
*arlequim= harlequin: from Italian "arlecchino", from
Old French "Herlequin" "mythic chief of atribe ", probably fromMiddle English "Herle king", from Old English "Herla cyning, Herla Kyning" literally King Herla, a king of Germanic mythology identified with Odin/Woden. "Cyning" "king" is from Germanic (*)"kunjan" "family" (hence, by extensionroyal family ), from the IE root (*)"gen-" "to birth, regenerate" [http://www.bartleby.com/61/roots/IE143.html] .
*bote= a small, uncovered boat: fromOld French "bot", fromMiddle English "bot, boot", from Old English "bāt", from Germanic (*)"bait-", from the IE root (*)"bheid-" "to split" [http://www.bartleby.com/61/roots/IE48.html] .
*este= east: from French "est", fromMiddle English "est", from Old English "ēast", from Germanic (*)"aust-", from the IE root (*)"awes-, aus" "to shine" [http://www.bartleby.com/61/roots/IE29.html] .
*norte= north: fromOld French "nord", from Old English "north", from Germanic (*)"north-", from the IE root (*)"nr-to" "north", from (*)"nr-" ", to the left" [http://www.bartleby.com/61/roots/IE344.html]
*oeste= west: fromMiddle English "west", from Old English "west", from Germanic (*)"west-", from (*)"wes-to-", from (*)"wes-", from (*)"wespero-" "evening,dusk " [http://www.bartleby.com/61/roots/IE582.html]
*sul= south (combining form): fromOld French "sud" "south", fromOld English "sūth", from Germanic (*)"sunthaz", from the IE root (*)"sun-", "swen-", varaints of (*)"sāwel-" "sun " [http://www.bartleby.com/61/23/S0582300.html]Old High German
*banca= bench: see banco= bench below
*banco= bench: from Old High German "banc" "bench, board"
*banco=bank : from French "banque" "bank", from Italian "banca" "bench, money changer's table", from Old High German "banc", see banco= bench aboveOld Norse
steak , beefsteak: from English "beefsteak", from "beef " (ultimately fromLatin "bōs, bovis" "cow", from the IE root (*)"gwou-" "ox, bull, cow" [http://www.bartleby.com/61/roots/IE192.html] ) + "steak ", fromMiddle English "steyke", from Old Norse "steik" "piece ofmeat cooked on a spit", from Germanic (*)"stik-", see estaca below in the Germanic section.Old Swedish
*agasalhar= perhaps from Latin *ad-gasaliare, from Visigothic *gasalja (partner, colleague)
*guarda= guard,bodyguard , protection: from Visigothic "wardja" "a guard", from Germanic "wardaz", from the IE root (*)"wor-to-", see guardar below in Germanic section.
*guardião= guardian: from Visgothic wardjan accusative of "wardja", see guardia above.
*atacar= to attack: Old Italian "attaccare" "to fasten, join, unite, attack (implicit sense: to join in a battle)", changed from (*)"estacar" (by influence of a-, commonverb al prefix) "to fasten, join", from Visigothic "stakka" "astick ,stake ", from Germanic (*)"stak-", see estaca in Germanic section.Germanic
*abandonar= to abandon: from
Old French "a bandon", from "a" + "bandon" "control" from "ban" "proclamation ,jurisdiction , power", from Germanic (*)"banwan", (*)"bannan" "to proclaim, speak publicly" [http://www.bartleby.com/61/65/A0006500.html] [http://www.bartleby.com/61/roots/IE37.html]
*abordar= to board a ship, to approach, to undertake: from "a-" + "bordo" "side of a ship", variation of "borde", see borde below
*abotoar: tobutton : from a- + "botão" "button", see botão below
*abrasar= to burn, to parch: from a- + brasa "a coal, ember" (see brasa below) + theverb al suffix -ar
*aguardar= to wait, wait for: from a- + guardar, see guardar below.
*alemão= ofGermany (adjective ), theGerman language : fromLate Latin "Alemanni", an ancientGermanic tribe , from Germanic (*)"alamanniz" (represented in Gothic "alamans"), from "ala-" "all" + "mannis",plural of "manna-"/"mannaz " "man" (Gothic "manna") from the IE root (*)"man-" "man" [http://www.bartleby.com/61/roots/IE295.html]
*ardil=trick ,scheme ,ruse : from Old Spanish "ardid" "risk y undertaking in war", from Catalan "ardit" (noun ) "risky undertaking,strategy ", from "ardit" (adjective ) "daring, bold", from a Germanic source represented inOld High German "harti" "daring, bold" and "hart" "hard", both from the IE root (*)"kor-tu-" [http://www.bartleby.com/61/roots/IE205.html] .
*arenque=herring : possibly via French "hareng", from Germanic (compareOld High German "hārinc").
*harpa= aharp : from French: "harpe", from Germanic (*)"harpōn-".
*arrimar= to approach: possibly fromOld French "arrimer, arimer" "to arrange thecargo in the storeroom of a ship", from Germanic (*)"rūmaz" "room "
*atrapar= to trap, to ensnare: from French "attraper", fromOld French "a-" + "trape" "trap ", from Germanic (*)"trep-" (seen in the Old English "træppe") from the IE root (*)"dreb-", from (*)"der-" "to run."
*bala= abullet : Italian "balla/palla", from Germanic (*)"ball-", see beisebol above in Old English section.
*balcão= abalcony : from Italian "balcone", from Old Italian "balcone" "scaffold ", from Germanic (*)"balkōn" "beam, crossbeam", from the IE root (*)"bhelg-" "beam, board, plank."
*balão= a largeball : from Italian "ballone, pallone", balla (see bala above) + "-one", an augmentive suffix, related to and possibly the source of Spanish "-ão" (in balão). see here.
*banda=ribbon , band,sash : fromOld French "bande" "knot , fastening", from Germanic '*band-', from the IE root (*)"bhondh-", from (*)"bhendh-" [http://www.bartleby.com/61/roots/IE54.html]
*banda= band,troop ,musical group : from Germanic '*bandwa-', "standard, signal", also "group" (from the use of amilitary standard by some groups] ), from the IE root (*)"bha-" "to shine" (implicit sense "signal that shines").
*bandeira=banner : fromVulgar Latin (*)"bandaria" "banner", fromLate Latin "bandum" "standard", from Germanic (*)"bandwa," see banda= group below
*bandido= bandit,gangster : from Italian "bandito" "bandit", from "bandire" "to band together", from Germanic '*"banwan, see abandonar"' above
*banquete= abanquet : romOld French "banquet",diminutive of "banc" "bench, longseat ", of Germanic origin, of the same family as theOld High German "banc", see banco= bench above in Old High German section.
*bisonte=Bison bison : fromLatin "bisontem" (accusative of "bison") "wisent (Bison bonasus )", from Germanic (*)"wisand-, wisunt-" (Old High German "wisant, wisunt").
*branco= white, white person, blank: fromVulgar Latin (*)"blancus", from Germanic (*)"blank-" "to shine", from the IE root [http://www.bartleby.com/61/roots/IE50.html] .
*bloco= a block, a bloc: from French "bloc", fromMiddle Dutch "blok" "trunk of a tree", from a Germanic source represented in theOld High German "bloh".
*boêmio= abohemian , ofBohemia ,vagabond , eccentric,Gitano , Gypsy: from "bohemio/Bohemia" (from the belief that theGitanos came from Bohemia), fromLatin "bohemus", from Boihaemum, literally "place of the Boi/Boii (from Celtic, see bohemio here) +Latin "-haemum" "home", from Germanic (*)"haima" "home", from the IE root (*)"koi-mo-", from
*borda=border , edge: fromOld French "bord" "side of a ship, border, edge", from Frankish
*bosque=forest , woods: from Catalan of Provençal ofOld French "bosc", from Germanic (*)"busk-" "brush, underbrush, thicket" (source ofOld High German "busc").
*bosquejo= a sketch, outline, rough draft: from Spanish "bosquejar" "to sketch, to outline", probably from Catalan "bosquejar" from "bosc", see bosque above.
*bota= aboot : from or simply from the same source as French "botte" "boot", fromOld French "bote" "boot", probably from the same source as Modern French "pied bot" "deformedfoot " in which "bot" is from Germanic (*)"būtaz", from the IE root (*)"bhau-" "to strike", see botar below.
*botar= to throw, to bounce, tojump : fromOld French "boter, bouter" "to open, to hit, to strike, to perforate", from Romance "bottare" "to strike, topush , to shove", from Germanic (*) buttan "to hit, to strike" from the IE root (*)"bhau-" [http://www.bartleby.com/61/roots/IE45.html]
*botão=button : fromOld French "boton, bouton" "button", from "boter, bouter" "to open, perforate", see botar above
*bóia= abuoy : probably fromOld French "boie", from Germanic, possibly fromOld High German "bouhhan", from Germanic (*)"baukna-" "signal", from the IE root (*)"bha-" "to shine" [http://www.bartleby.com/61/roots/IE36.html]
*brasa= acoal , ember: fromOld French "brese" "a coal" (Modern French "braise"), probably from Germanic (*)"bres-, (*)bhres-", from the IE root (*)"bhreu-" [http://www.bartleby.com/61/roots/IE69.html]
*estaca= astake : from Germanic (*)"stak-", from the IE root (*)"steg-" ",post pointedstick " [http://www.bartleby.com/61/roots/IE498.html] .
*estibordo=starboard side of a ship: fromOld French "estribord" "starboard", (Modern French "tribord"), from a Germanic source (confer Old English "stēorbord"). From Germanic (*)"stiurjō" "to steer", + Germanic
*grupo= group: rom Italian "gruppo", from a Germanic word represented byOld High German "kropf" "beak ."
*guardar= to guard, watch over, keep, observe (a custom): from Germanic (*)"wardōn" "to look after, take care of", from the IE root (*)"wor-to-", "to watch", from (*)"wor-", (*)"wer-" "to see, watch, perceive" [http://www.bartleby.com/61/roots/IE572.html]
*oboé= anoboe : from French "hautbois" from "haut" (ultimately fromLatin "altus" "high") + "bois" "wood", see bosque above.
*sala= aroom : from Germanic "sal-" "room, house", from the IE root (*)"sol-" "hamlet, human settlement."
*salão= main room of a house (see sala above) + "-on", augmentive suffix.
*trampa= atrap : possibly from Germanic, from the same derivation as trampolín (see below) and atrapar (see above).
*trampolim= atrampoline : from Italian "trampolino" "trampoline " (implicit sense:game ofagility onstilts ), from "trampoli",plural of a Germanic word (*)"tramp-" (such as German "trampeln" andOld High German "trampen", both meaning "to tread, trample"), from the IE root (*)"dreb-", from
*vanguarda= vanguard: from Old Spanish "avanguardia", from Catalan "avantguarda" from "avant" "before, advance", (fromLatin "ab-" + "ante" "before") + "guarda" "guard", from Germanic "wardaz", see guardia above in Visigothic section.List
*abandonar; abandono= "to abandon" ; "abandon"
*atacar= "to attack"
*abordar= "to attack (a problem)"B
*balcão= "balcony"
*bandoleiro= "bandit"
*bebê= "baby"
*bife= "beefsteak"
*bigode= "moustache " (from German "Bei Gott", "By God")
*branco; branca= "white"
*bloco; bloquear= "block; to block"
*bordar="to embroider"
*bote= "boat"
*bramar= "to , "
*brecha= ", "
*brinde= "toast(with drinks)"
*brio= "spirit ", "" (Celtic???)
*brisa= "breeze" (Old Spanish "briza" from East Frisian "brisen", to blow fresh and strong)
*brotar= "to sprout"
*buganvília = "bougainvillea "
*burguês= "bourgeoisie ", "member of themiddle class "
*busca; buscarC
*carpa "
carp "
*chocar "tocrash , collide"
*clube "club , association"
*cobalto "cobalt "
*comarca "region "
*correia= "strap , belt,leash "D
dahlia (named for Swedish 18th century botanistAnders Dahl )
*dinamarquês= "aDane , a citizen of theKingdom of Denmark "
*dança; dançar= "dance; to dance"
*dardo= "a dart"
*dique= "a dikewall"
*dólar= "adollar "E
*edredão/edredom= "eiderdown"
*emboscar= "toambush "
*embraiagem= "clutch "
*estampar= "to stamp"
*este= "east"
*estuco; estuqueF
*filtro; filtrar
*flutuar; frota; flotilha
*folclore (from English "Folklore")
*fornido; fornecido
*franco (candid)
*franco (money)
*gabardine; gabardina
*ganso; gansa
*gripe, gripa
*guia= "a guide"
*lua-de-mel (calque)M
*oeste= "west"
*orgulho = prideP
*queque= "cake"
*raça= "race (lineage)" from Italian "raza" of Gmc origin, akin to OHG "rīga", line; OE "ræw", row
*refutar (Gmc origin???)
*sud- /sul
*tungstênio (Tungsten )U
zinc ee also
History of the Portuguese language
*List of Spanish words of Germanic origin
*Portuguese vocabulary
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