Suture (joint)

Suture (joint)
This article is about joints in the bones of the cranium. There is also an article about sutures as features of a wide range of animals. "Suture" also has other meanings in other contexts:
  • Surgical suture, to describe stitches and other techniques for holding tissues together.
  • Geology, to describe a certain type of boundary between layers of rock.
Suture (joint)
Side view of the skull.
Human skull side suturas right.svg
Human skull side suturas right
Gray's subject #70 284

A suture is a type of fibrous joint which only occurs in the skull (or "cranium"). They are bound together by Sharpey's fibres. A tiny amount of movement is permitted at sutures, which contributes to the compliance and elasticity of the skull.

These joints are synarthroses.[1]

It is normal for many of the bones of the skull to remain unfused at birth. If they are fused at birth, we speak of a craniosynostosis. The term "fontanelle" is used to describe the resulting "soft spots". The relative positions of the bones continue to change during the life of the adult (though less rapidly), which can provide useful information in forensics and archaeology. In old age, cranial sutures may ossify (turn to bone) completely.[verification needed]


List of sutures

Most sutures are named for the bones they articulate, but some have special names of their own.

Primarily visible from the side (norma lateralis)

Primarily visible from front (norma frontalis) or above (norma verticalis)

Primarily visible from below (norma basalis) or inside


External links

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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  • joint — joint, articulation, suture denote a place where two things are united or the mechanism by which they are united. Joint is the most inclusive of these terms and is freely usable in reference both to anatomical and mechanical structures. In… …   New Dictionary of Synonyms

  • Suture — literally means join . The term may refer to:* surgical suture, a stich used by doctors and surgeons to hold tissue together. * Suture (anatomical), a rigid joint between hard parts of animals * suture (geology), a major fault through an orogen… …   Wikipedia

  • joint — [adj] shared, combined collective, common, communal, concerted, conjoint, conjunct, consolidated, cooperative, hand in hand, intermutual, joined, mutual, public, united; concepts 577,708 Ant. disjoint, separate, single, uncombined, unshared  … …   New thesaurus

  • suture — n *joint, articulation …   New Dictionary of Synonyms

  • joint — /joynt/, n. 1. the place at which two things, or separate parts of one thing, are joined or united, either rigidly or in such a way as to permit motion; juncture. 2. a connection between pieces of wood, metal, or the like, often reinforced with… …   Universalium

  • Suture — The word suture has several uses in medicine, including: {{}}Cranial suture A type of joint between the bones of the skull where the bones are held tightly together by fibrous tissue. A surgical suture Thread like material used to sew tissue… …   Medical dictionary

  • Joint — A joint is the area where two bones are attached for the purpose of motion of body parts. A joint is usually formed of fibrous connective tissue and cartilage. An articulation or an arthrosis is the same as a joint. Joints are grouped according… …   Medical dictionary

  • Suture (anatomical) — In anatomy, a suture is a fairly rigid joint between two or more hard elements of an animal, without significant overlap. Sutures are found in a wide range of animals, from the Cambrian period to the present day. Hence they are formed by several… …   Wikipedia

  • Joint — For other uses, see Joint (disambiguation). Typical Joint A joint is the location at which two or more bones make contact.[1] They are constructed to allow movement and provide mechanical support, and are classified structurally and functionally …   Wikipedia

  • Suture (médecine) — Pour les articles homonymes, voir Suture. Suture par agrafes chirurgicales En chirurgie, une suture est une opération qui consiste à rapprocher les lèvres d une …   Wikipédia en Français

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