

Plantarflexion is the movement which increases the angle between the foot and the leg, as when depressing an automobile pedal. The word "plantar" translates as "toward the sole".

The movement in the opposite direction is dorsiflexion.

It occurs at the ankle. [cite book |author=Kyung Won, PhD. Chung |title=Gross Anatomy (Board Review) |publisher=Lippincott Williams & Wilkins |location=Hagerstown, MD |year=2005 |pages=123 |isbn=0-7817-5309-0 |oclc= |doi=]

The range of motion for plantarflexion is usually indicated in the literature as 30° to 40°, but sometimes also 50°.

The nerves are primarily from the sacral spinal cord roots S1 and S2.


Primary muscles for plantarflexion are:

* Posterior compartment of leg
** superficial
*** gastrocnemius
*** soleus
*** plantaris (only weak participation)
** deep
*** flexor hallucis longus
*** flexor digitorum longus
*** tibialis posterior

* Lateral compartment of leg (only weak participation)
** peronaeus longus
** peronaeus brevis


External links

* [ at]
* [ Overview at - ankle]
* [ Overview - foot]

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