

In anatomy, flexion is a position that is made possible by the joint angle decreasing. The skeletal (bones, cartilage, and ligaments) and muscular (muscles and tendons) systems work together to move the joint into a "flexed" position. For example the elbow is flexed when the hand is brought closer to the shoulder. The trunk may be flexed toward the legs or the neck to the chest.

The opposite term is extension, or straightening. Flexion "decreases" the angle between the bones of the limb at a joint, and extension "increases" it.

Note that specific flexion activities may occur only along the sagittal plane, i.e. from the forward to backward direction, and not side-to-side direction, which is further discussed in abduction.


Active range of motion exercises include movements such as flexion and extension. These exercises are used after an injury or surgery. They are done by a physical therapist or nurse initially, and may be continued by the patient.

In the healing process, active range of motion exercises, should avoid forcing the appendage into the extension or flexion position. The stress induced may re-injure the affected appendage (limb).

Muscles of flexion

Upper limb

* of arm, at shoulder [ [http://www.exrx.net/Articulations/Shoulder.html#anchor102874 Shoulder Articulations ] ]
** Anterior compartment of the arm
*** Coracobrachialis
*** Biceps brachii

* of forearm, at elbow [ [http://www.exrx.net/Articulations/Elbow.html#anchor764071 Elbow Articulations ] ]
** Anterior compartment of the arm
*** Biceps brachii
*** Brachialis
*** Brachioradialis
** Anterior compartment of the forearm
*** Pronator teres
*** Flexor carpi radialis
*** Palmaris longus
*** Flexor carpi ulnaris
*** Flexor digitorum superficialis

* of hand, at wrist [ [http://www.exrx.net/Articulations/Wrist.html#anchor260949 Wrist Articulations ] ]
** Anterior compartment of the forearm
*** Flexor carpi radialis
*** Palmaris longus
*** Flexor carpi ulnaris
*** Flexor digitorum superficialis
*** Flexor digitorum profundus

* of proximal phalanges, at metacarpophalangeal joint [ [http://www.exrx.net/Articulations/Fingers.html#anchor801484 Finger Articulations ] ]
** Lumbricals of the hand
** Dorsal interossei of the hand
** Palmar interossei
** Flexor digiti minimi brevis (little finger only)

* of intermediate phalanges, at proximal interphalangeal joints [ [http://www.exrx.net/Articulations/Fingers.html#anchor783387 Finger Articulations ] ]
** Flexor digitorum superficialis

* of distal phalanges, at distal interphalangeal joints
** Flexor digitorum profundus

* of thumb [ [http://www.exrx.net/Articulations/Thumb.html#anchor206196 Thumb Articulations ] ] [ [http://www.exrx.net/Articulations/Thumb.html#anchor212077 Thumb Articulations ] ]
** Flexor pollicis longus
** Flexor pollicis brevis

Lower limb

* of femur/thigh at hip (L1-L2) [ [http://www.exrx.net/Articulations/Hip.html#anchor845056 Hip Articulations ] ]
** Iliopsoas
** Tensor fasciae latae
** Rectus femoris
** (additional minor contributions from other hip flexors)

* of leg at knee (L5-S2) [ [http://www.exrx.net/Articulations/Knee.html#anchor22052 Knee Articulations ] ]
** Posterior compartment of thigh/Hamstrings
*** Biceps femoris
*** Semitendinosus
*** Semimembranosus
** Gracilis
** Sartorius
** Tensor fasciae latae
** Gastrocnemius
** Popliteus
** Plantaris (negligible)

* of toes
** Posterior compartment of leg
*** Flexor hallucis longus
*** Flexor digitorum longus
** Flexor digitorum brevis
** Quadratus plantae
** Flexor hallucis brevis
** Flexor digiti minimi brevis

* of proximal phalanges at metatarsophalangeal joint [ [http://www.exrx.net/Articulations/Toes.html#anchor229680 Foot Articulations ] ]
** Lumbrical muscle (foot)
** Plantar interossei
** Dorsal interossei


* torso/lumbar vertebrae
** Rectus abdominis muscle

* neck at atlanto-occipital joint
** Longus capitis muscle

ee also

* Hip flexors



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  • flexion — [ flɛksjɔ̃ ] n. f. • 1411; lat. flexio, onis, de flexus → flexible 1 ♦ Mouvement par lequel une chose fléchit; état de ce qui est fléchi. ⇒ fléchissement; courbure. Flexion d un ressort. Mécan. Courbure d une pièce (poutre, barre) sous l action… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

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  • flexion — c.1600, from L. flexionem (nom. flexio) a bending, swaying; bend, turn, curve, noun of action from pp. stem of flectere to bend …   Etymology dictionary

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