- Comparison of video player software
This article is about video player software. For a comparison of audio player software, see Comparison of audio player software. For a comparison of hardware device type portable media players, see Comparison of portable media players.
The following comparison of video players compares general and technical information for notable software media player programs.
For the purpose of this comparison, "video players" are defined as any media player which can play video, even if it can also play audio files.
Name Author First public release date Stable version Cost Software license Based framework Written in ALLPlayer ALLCinema ltd 1998 4.5 (02 November 2008) Free Proprietary FFmpeg Delphi Banshee Aaron Bockover Aug 2005 2.2.1 (November 1, 2011 ) Free MIT GStreamer C# Chroma mirailabs 2003 2007.3 (January 1, 2007) Trialware, USD$22.00 Proprietary / license violating[generalnotes 1] FFmpeg[generalnotes 2] ? Creative MediaSource Creative Technology 2002 5.10.38 (December 22, 2006 ) Requires Creative product Proprietary ? ? CorePlayer CoreCodec Inc. 2006 USD$19.95 Proprietary ? ? CrystalPlayer Crystal Reality LLC Oct 2002 1.98 (May 31, 2007 ) USD$29.95 Proprietary FFmpeg ? DSPlayer DSPlayer team 2002 0.999 Free Proprietary Delphi, C++ FFplay FFmpeg project 06 Jun 2003[generalnotes 3] 0.5 (March 10, 2009) Free LGPL (partially GPL) FFmpeg C99 GOM Player Gretech Corporation 07 Jan 2003 (August 12, 2011 ) Free Proprietary / license violating[generalnotes 1] FFmpeg ? iTunes Apple Inc. 09 Jan 2001 (November 14, 2011 ) Free Proprietary QuickTime ? jetAudio (Basic) Cowon Systems 1997 8.0.15 Free Proprietary FFmpeg C++ jetAudio (Plus) Cowon Systems 1997 8.0.15 USD$29.00 Proprietary FFmpeg C++ Kaffeine KDE 2003 1.2.2 (April 4, 2011 ) Free GPL xine C++ K-Multimedia Player YoungHuee Kang 01 Oct 2002 R2 (26 September 2011[1]) Free Proprietary / license violating[generalnotes 1] ? Object Pascal Konqueror Media Player Koos Vriezen, Joonas Koivunen Jan 2003 0.11.2 (2010-03-04) Free GPL MPlayer C++ Media Center J. River, Inc. Jul 2003 16.0.181 (October 29, 2011 ) USD$49.98 Proprietary original C++, SSE/MMX Assembly Media Go Sony Creative Software Inc. 2009 1.6 Free Proprietary ? ? Media Player Classic Gabest 29 May 2003 (December 10, 2008 ) Free GPL DirectShow C++ Media Player Classic Home Cinema Casimir666 29 Mar 2006 v1.5.2.3456 (April 22, 2011 ) Free GPL DirectShow C++ MediaPortal Team MediaPortal 2004 1.1.3 (25 February 2011 ) Free GPL DirectShow C#, C++ MPlayer Árpád Gereöffy Sep 2000 1.0rc4 (January 29, 2011 ) Free GPL FFmpeg + original C99 Mplayerxp Guru Kas aka Nickols_K 2002 0.7.1/06.01.2009 Free GPL FFmpeg + original C99 Ogle Chalmers University of Technology 1999 0.9.2 (November 6, 2003 ) Free GPL ? C PowerDVD Standard CyberLink 1996 USD$49.95 Proprietary ? ? PowerDVD Deluxe CyberLink 1996 USD$69.95 Proprietary ? ? PowerDVD Ultra CyberLink 1996 USD$99.95 Proprietary ? ? QuickTime Basic Apple Inc. 02 Dec 1991 (October 27, 2011 ) Free Proprietary original Cocoa (on Mac OS X) QuickTime Pro Apple Inc. 02 Dec 1991 (October 27, 2011 ) USD$29.95 Proprietary original Cocoa (on Mac OS X) Quintessential Player Paul Quinn 1997 5.0.121 (February 18, 2009 ) Free Proprietary ? ? RealPlayer Basic RealNetworks 1995 Windows: (November 18, 2011[2]) Mac OS X: (August 16, 2011[3])
Linux: (December 4, 2010[4])
Free Proprietary ? ? RealPlayer Plus RealNetworks 1995 Windows: (November 18, 2011[2]) Mac OS X: (August 16, 2011[3])
Linux: (December 4, 2010[4])
USD$19.99 Proprietary ? ? SMPlayer RVM 11 Dec 2006[generalnotes 4] 0.6.9 (2010-02-22) Free GPL MPlayer C++ Songbird Tom Lord 08 Feb 2006 1.10.1 (November 1, 2011 ) Free GPL GStreamer, XULRunner C++ Splash Lite Mirillis 14 Sep 2009 1.6.1 (December 10, 2010 ) Free Proprietary ? ? The Core Media Player Basic CoreCodec Inc. Jun 2006 named "TCMP" 4.11 (January 20, 2006) Free Proprietary ? ? The Core Media Player Plus CoreCodec Inc. Jun 2006 named "TCMP" 4.11 (January 20, 2006) USD$9.95 Proprietary ? ? The Core Pocket Media Player Gabor Kovacs Jul 2004 named "BetaPlayer" 4.11 (2007-04-07) Free GPL FFmpeg + original C++ Totem Movie Player Totem Team Jul 2002 3.2.0 (28 September 2011 ) Free GPL GStreamer C VLC VideoLAN Feb 2000 1.1.12 (OS X, other: 1.1.11) (October 6, 2011 ) Free GPL FFmpeg + original C, C++ Winamp Lite/Full/Bundle Nullsoft Jun 1997 5.622 Build 3189 (October 26, 2011 ) Free Proprietary ? ? Winamp Pro Nullsoft Jun 1997 5.622 Build 3189 (October 26, 2011 ) USD$19.95 Proprietary ? ? Windows Media Player Microsoft Nov 1992 12.0.7600.16415 (12 October 2009) Free Proprietary DirectShow C++ (COM) WinDVD Gold Corel 1998 2010 ( USD$39.95 Proprietary ? ? WinDVD Platinum Corel 1998 2010 ( USD$59.95 Proprietary ? ? XBMC Media Center Team-XBMC Oct 2003 10.1 (codename: "Dharma") (10 March 2011) Free GPL FFmpeg C++ xine xine Team 15 Aug 2000 0.99.6 (March 6, 2010 ) Free GPL FFmpeg + original C TotalMedia Theatre ArcSoft 15 Nov 2009 Template: USD$99.99 Proprietary ? ? Name Author First public release date Stable version Cost Software license Based framework Written in - ^ a b c "FFmpeg's Hall of Shame". Ffmpeg.org. http://ffmpeg.org/shame.html. Retrieved 2009-12-16.
- ^ "Chroma's credit page". Chromaplayer.com. http://chromaplayer.com/support/credit/. Retrieved 2009-12-16.
- ^ Log of ffplay.c
- ^ "The SMPlayer Project / SMPlayer first anniversary". Smplayer.berlios.de. http://smplayer.berlios.de/forums/viewtopic.php?id=528. Retrieved 2009-12-16.
Operating system requirement
This section lists the operating systems on which the player works. There may be multiple versions of a player, each one for a given operating system.
Video player Windows Windows CE/Mobile Mac OS X iPhone Linux BSD Unix Solaris Unix-like DOS BeOS, Haiku, ZETA OS/2 PSP ALLPlayer Yes No No No No No No No No No No No Banshee Yes ? incomplete[osnotes 1] ? Yes Most probably ? ? No ? ? ? Chroma No ? Yes ? No No No No No ? ? ? CorePlayer Yes ? Yes ? Yes Yes Yes Yes No ? ? ? CrystalPlayer Yes ? No ? No No No No No ? ? ? DSPlayer Yes ? No ? No No No No No ? ? ? FFplay Yes network doesn't work Yes (ffmpeg4iphone)[osnotes 2] Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes (PSP Media Player)[osnotes 2] GOM Player Yes ? Yes ? No No No No No ? ? ? iTunes Yes ? Included Included No No No No No ? ? ? jetAudio Yes ? No ? No No No No No ? ? ? Kaffeine No ? No ? Yes Yes Yes Yes No ? ? ? K-Multimedia Player 2000/XP/Vista/7 only[osnotes 3] No No No No No No No No No No No KMPlayer Via KDE for Windows, XP-7 ? ? ? Yes ? ? ? ? ? ? ? Media Center Yes ? No ? No No No No No No ? ? Media Go Yes No No No No No No No No No No ? Media Player Classic Yes No No No No No No No No No No No Media Player Classic Home Cinema Yes No No No No No No No No No No No MediaPortal Yes No No No No No No No No No No No MPlayer Yes No Yes No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No Mplayerxp Yes ? No ? Yes Yes ? ? No ? ? ? Ogle No ? No ? Yes Yes Yes Yes No ? ? ? QuickTime Yes ? Included Included No No No No No ? ? ? Quintessential Player Yes ? No ? No No No No No ? ? ? RealPlayer Yes ? Yes ? Yes Yes Yes Yes No ? ? ? SMPlayer Yes ? No ? Yes No No No No ? ? ? Songbird Yes ? Yes ? Official support dropped No Official support dropped No No ? ? ? Totem Movie Player No ? No ? Yes Yes Yes Yes No ? ? ? VLC Yes libVLC only Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes ? Winamp Yes ? Mac 9 ? Last version is a beta of 2.x No No No No ? ? ? Windows Media Player Included Included Dropped (WMP9) ? No No Dropped (WMP6.3) No No ? ? ? XBMC Yes ? Yes ? Yes No No No No ? ? ? xine unmaintained ? WIP for 1.2 series ? Yes Yes Yes Yes No ? ? ? Video player Windows Windows CE/Mobile Mac OS X iPhone Linux BSD Unix Solaris Unix-like DOS BeOS, Haiku, ZETA OS/2 PSP - ^ Banshee 1.4
- ^ a b not merged
- ^ Not guaranteed to work on Windows 2000.
Video player Outbound streaming Skinnable Media database Gapless audio decoding Visualizer Remote controllable Intelligent playlists from database (based on criteria) ALLPlayer Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes Banshee Yes Partial[featurenotes 1] Yes Yes In Development Yes Yes Chroma No No No No No Yes No CorePlayer Yes Yes No No No No Yes DSPlayer No Yes No Yes Yes No No FFplay ? No No ? Yes No No GOM Player Yes Yes No No No Yes No iTunes Yes Partial[6] Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes jetAudio Partial[6] Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes ? Kaffeine Yes No No Yes Yes Yes No K-Multimedia Player Yes Yes Yes No[featurenotes 2] Yes Yes No KMPlayer Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Totem Movie Player No No No No Yes No No Media Center Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Media Go No No Yes No No No SensMe Media Player Classic No No No No No Yes No Media Player Classic Home Cinema ? No Yes Yes No Yes Yes MediaPortal Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes MPlayer Yes Yes No No No Yes No Mplayerxp Yes No Yes No No No No PowerDVD ? Yes No ? Yes ? No QuickTime Partial[featurenotes 3] Partial[featurenotes 4] No Yes No Yes No Quintessential Player Partial[6] Yes Yes Yes Yes ? ? RealPlayer No Yes Yes No Yes ? Yes SMPlayer ? Yes ? ? ? ? ? Songbird No Yes Yes Yes No Yes[featurenotes 5] Yes VLC Yes Yes yes, not Mac No Yes Yes No Winamp Partial[6] Yes Yes Yes Yes Partial[6] Yes[featurenotes 6] Windows Media Player Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes XBMC Yes[featurenotes 7] Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes xine No Yes No Yes Yes Yes No Video playback Outbound streaming Skinnable Media database Gapless audio decoding Visualizer Remote controllable Intelligent playlists from database (based on criteria) Extended features
Video player Color controls Time stretching Pitch shifting A-B repeat Audio resync Subtitle resync Chapter (dvd, mkv, mp4, ogm) Bookmark (dvd, video, audio) Auto resume (dvd, video, audio) Shutdown on play complete ALLPlayer Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Banshee ? No No ? ? ? ? Yes ? ? Chroma Yes No No No Yes Yes Yes No No No CorePlayer Yes Yes No Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes No FFplay No No No No ? No No No No Yes GOM Player Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes iTunes No Yes No No No No Yes Yes Yes No jetAudio Yes ? Yes Yes ? Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Kaffeine Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes K-Multimedia Player Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Some[featurenotes 8] Yes Yes Konqueror Media Player Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Media Center Yes Yes[featurenotes 9] Yes[featurenotes 9] No ? ? Yes Yes Yes No Media Go No No No No No No No No No No Media Player Classic Yes No No No Yes No Yes Yes Yes Yes Media Player Classic Home Cinema Yes No No No Yes No Yes Yes Yes Yes MediaPortal ? No No Yes ? Yes Yes Yes Yes No MPlayer Yes Yes Yes[featurenotes 10] Yes[featurenotes 10] Yes Yes Partial No No Yes Mplayerxp Yes Yes Yes[featurenotes 10] Yes[featurenotes 10] Yes Yes Partial No No Yes PowerDVD Yes Yes Yes Yes ? ? Yes Yes Yes No QuickTime Yes Yes Yes Yes[featurenotes 11] ? ? Yes ? ? No Quintessential Player ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? RealPlayer ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? SMPlayer Yes Yes Yes Yes[featurenotes 12] Yes Yes Partial No Yes Yes Songbird ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? Totem Movie Player Yes No No No No No Yes No Yes No VLC Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes Winamp No Yes Yes ? ? ? ? Yes ? ? Windows Media Player Yes Yes No No No No DVD Only No Partial[6] Partial[6] WinDVD Yes Yes No Yes ? ? Yes No Yes ? XBMC Yes No No No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No xine Yes Audio plugin No No Yes Yes Yes No No Yes Video player Color controls Time stretching Pitch shifting A-B repeat Audio resync Subtitle resync Chapter (dvd, mkv, mp4, ogm) Bookmark (dvd, video, audio) Auto resume (dvd, video, audio) Shutdown on play complete - ^ The user interface is a pluggable Mono Assembly
- ^ "gapless mp3 playback - The KMPlayer's Forums". Kmplayer.com. http://www.kmplayer.com/forums/showthread.php?t=138. Retrieved 2009-12-16.
- ^ Available with QuickTime Streaming Server.
- ^ Only the media creator can create skins.
- ^ Apple Remote ability, and dbus add-on for Linux
- ^ Via media library in "modern" skin
- ^ XBMC (XBoxMediaCenter) has a built-in UPnP AV MediaServer, FTP-server (based on FileZilla), and a web server (however the web-server is mainly designed for remote control and not for streaming, but it can be used for streaming with some small modifications any user can make)
- ^ Bookmarks are limited to 20 files and are stored with absolute paths, which renders them inaccessible when files are moved
- ^ a b For Audio files only.
- ^ a b c d Pitch-shifting and AB-Repeat are not included in Mplayer's interactive keyboard controls, but can be set up via command line parameters. Mplayer manual
- ^ www.apple.com/quicktime/pro/ - A-B repeat using Play Selection Only command
- ^ As of SVN 3349
Video format ability
Information about what video formats the players understand. Footnotes lead to information about abilities of future versions of the players or plugins/filters that provide such abilities.
Video player MPEG-1 MPEG-2 MPEG-4 ASP (MPEG-4 Part 2) MPEG-4 AVC (H.264) (MPEG-4 Part 10) WMV RealVideo Theora Flash Dirac Snow ALLPlayer Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Banshee Yes[7] Yes[7] Yes[7] Yes[7] Yes[7] Yes[7] Yes[7] No Yes[7] ? Chroma Yes Yes Yes Partial Partial No Partial No ? ? CorePlayer Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No No Yes ? ? DSPlayer Partial[8] Partial[8] Partial[8] Partial[8] Yes Partial[9] Partial[8] Yes ? ? FFplay Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Partial[videonotes 1] Yes GOM Player Yes Partial[8] Yes Partial[8] Yes Partial[9] Partial[8] Yes ? ? iTunes Yes Partial[videonotes 2] Yes Yes Partial[10] No Partial[11] Yes ? ? jetAudio Partial[8] Partial[8] Partial[8] Partial[8] Yes Partial[9] Partial[8] Yes ? ? K-Multimedia Player Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Partial[8] Yes Partial[8] ? ? Konqueror Media Player Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Media Center Yes Yes Yes ? Yes Yes No Yes ? ? Media Player Classic Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Partial[9] Yes Partial[12] ? ? Media Player Classic Home Cinema Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes ? ? MediaPortal Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes MPlayer Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Mplayerxp Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes QuickTime Yes Partial[videonotes 2] Yes Yes Partial[10] No Partial[11] Yes ? ? Quintessential Player Yes No No No Yes No No No ? ? RealPlayer Yes Yes Partial[8] Partial[8] Yes Yes Partial[6] Yes ? ? SMPlayer Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes ? ? Songbird ? ? Yes[13] Yes[13] Yes ? ? ? ? ? TotalMedia Theatre Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes ? No No ? No Totem Movie Player Yes[7] Yes[7] Yes[7] Yes[7] Yes[7] Yes[7] Yes[7] No Yes[7] ? VLC Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Winamp Partial[8] Partial[8] Partial[8] Partial[8] Yes Partial[9] Partial[8] Yes ? ? Windows Media Player Yes Yes Partial[8] Partial[8] Yes Partial[9] Partial[8] Yes ? ? XBMC Yes Yes Yes Yes[videonotes 3] Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes xine Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes ? ? Video player MPEG-1 MPEG-2 MPEG-4 ASP (MPEG-4 Part 2) MPEG-4 AVC (H.264) (MPEG-4 Part 10) WMV RealVideo Theora Flash Dirac Snow - ^ with external library
- ^ a b The playing compatibility depends on the availability of MPEG2 component for Quicktime.
- ^ XBMC running on Linux, Mac and Windows plays MPEG-4 ASP and H.264. Because of the relatively 'slow' Intel Pentium III 733 MHz processor inside the Xbox, the Xbox version of XBMC is limited to decoding 480x576 resolution H.264 video encoded without CABAC and deblocking, or 352x288 resolution MPEG-4 AVC (H.264) video encoded with CABAC and deblocking. As the FFmpeg-based codec is optimized further, XBMC on Xbox might be able to decode MPEG-4 AVC (H.264) at 720x480 resolution on the Xbox hardware, but probably no higher than that.[citation needed]
Audio format ability
Information about what audio formats the players understand. Footnotes lead to information about abilities of future versions of the players or plugins/filters that provide such abilities.
Video player Lossy compression Lossless compression MP3 WMA RealAudio Vorbis Musepack AAC AC3 APE FLAC ALAC SHN WV ALLPlayer Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Banshee Yes[7] Yes[7] Yes[7] Yes[7] Yes[7] Yes[7] Yes[7] Yes[7] Yes[7] Yes[7] Yes[7] Yes[7] CorePlayer Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No No Yes DSPlayer Yes Yes No Yes No No Yes Yes Yes No No Yes FFplay Yes Partial[audionotes 1] Partial[audionotes 1] Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes GOM Player Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes No No No No No iTunes Yes yes, no DRM No Partial[11] No Yes No No Partial[11] Yes No No jetAudio Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No No Yes K-Multimedia Player Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Partial[8] Yes Konqueror Media Player Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Media Center Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Media Player Classic Yes Yes Yes Yes Partial[8] Yes Yes Partial[8] Yes Partial[8] Partial[8] Partial[8] Media Player Classic Home Cinema Yes Yes Yes Yes Partial[8] Yes Yes Partial[8] Yes Partial[8] Partial[8] Yes MediaPortal Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes MPlayer Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Mplayerxp Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes QuickTime Yes Partial[10] No Partial[11] No Yes Partial[6] No Partial[11] Yes No No Quintessential Player Yes Yes No Yes No Yes No Partial[6] Partial[6] No No Partial[6] RealPlayer Yes Yes Yes Partial[6] No Yes No No No No No No SMPlayer Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Songbird Yes Yes No Yes ? Yes ? No Yes ? ? ? TotalMedia Theatre Yes Yes No Yes No Yes Yes Yes Yes ? No No Totem Movie Player Yes[7] Yes[7] Yes[7] Yes[7] Yes[7] Yes[7] Yes[7] Yes[7] Yes[7] Yes[7] Yes[7] Yes[7] VLC Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Winamp Yes Yes Partial[8] Yes Partial[14] Yes Partial[14] Partial[14] Yes Partial[14] Partial[14] Partial[14] Windows Media Player Yes Yes Partial[8] Partial[8] Partial[8] Partial[8] Partial[8] Partial[8] Partial[8] Partial[8] Partial[8] Partial[8] XBMC Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes xine Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes Yes Video player MP3 WMA RealAudio Vorbis Musepack AAC AC3 APE FLAC ALAC SHN WV Container format ability
Information about what container formats the players understand. Footnotes lead to information about abilities of future versions of the players or filters that provide such abilities.
Video player AVI ASF QuickTime Ogg OGM Matroska MP4 NUT FLV ALLPlayer Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Chroma Yes Partial Yes No Partial Partial Partial ? ? CorePlayer Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes ? Yes DSPlayer Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes Yes No No FFplay Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes GOM Player Yes Yes Yes Vorbis only Yes Yes Yes ? Yes iTunes No[containernotes 1] Win: yes
Mac: file is parsableYes Partial[11] No No Yes ? ? jetAudio Yes Yes Partial[13] Vorbis only Yes Yes Partial[8] ? ? K-Multimedia Player Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Konqueror Media Player Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Media Center Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes ? Yes Media Player Classic Yes Yes Yes Vorbis only Yes Yes Yes ? Yes Media Player Classic Home Cinema Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes ? Yes MediaPortal Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes MPlayer Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Mplayerxp Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes QuickTime Yes Partial[10] Yes Partial[11] No Yes[15] Yes ? Yes[15] Quintessential Player Yes Yes ? Yes ? ? ? ? ? RealPlayer Yes Yes Yes Partial[6] Partial[6] No Yes ? ? Songbird Yes No Yes[13] Yes No No Yes ? ? TotalMedia Theatre Yes Yes Yes Yes No Partial Yes No Yes Totem Movie Player Yes[7] Yes[7] Yes[7] Yes[7] Yes[7] Yes[7] Yes[7] ? Yes[7] VLC Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Winamp Yes Yes Partial[13] Vorbis only Partial[8] Partial[8] Yes ? ? Windows Media Player Yes Yes Partial[13] Partial[8] Partial[8] Partial[8] Partial[8] ? Yes XBMC Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes xine Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes ? Yes Video player AVI ASF QuickTime Ogg OGM Matroska MP4 NUT FLV - ^ A hack allows playback.
Scalable, composite and emulation format abilities
Video player Flash RealPix QuickTime Video Effects in mov HTML+TIME(+VML) Silverlight smil/smi SVG MIDI(smf) MIDI(kar) MIDI(xmf) MIDI(rmi) MIDI(xmi) NSF SPC PSF ALLPlayer ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? Chroma ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? CorePlayer ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? FFplay Partial No No No No No No No No No No No No No No GOM Player ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? iTunes ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? jetAudio ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? K-Multimedia Player Yes ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? Konqueror Media Player ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? Media Center ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? Media Player Classic Partial ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? Media Player Classic Home Cinema Yes No No No No No No Partial[9] Partial[9] Partial[9] Partial[9] Partial[9] No No No MediaPortal Yes ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? MPlayer Partial ? ? ? ? Partial ? Yes (via xmms-plugins) ? ? ? ? ? ? ? Mplayerxp Partial ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? QuickTime ? ? Yes ? ? Yes ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? Quintessential Player ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? RealPlayer ? Yes ? ? ? Yes ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? Songbird ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? TotalMedia Theatre Yes ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? Totem Movie Player Partial ? ? ? ? ? ? Yes ? ? ? ? ? ? ? VLC Yes ? ? ? ? ? ? Yes ? ? ? ? Yes Yes ? Winamp ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? Yes (plugin) Yes (plugin) Yes (plugin) Windows Media Player ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? XBMC ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? xine ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? Video player Flash RealPix QuickTime Video Effects in mov HTML+TIME(+VML) Silverlight smil/smi SVG MIDI(smf) MIDI(kar) MIDI(xmf) MIDI(rmi) MIDI(xmi) NSF SPC PSF Protocol abilities
Information about which internet protocols the players understand, for receiving streaming media content. Footnotes lead to information about abilities of future versions of the players or plugins that provide such abilities.
General protocols
Video player HTTP HTTPS FTP RTSP (RTSPU, RTSPT) MMS (MMSU, MMST) RTMP Netstream (mpst://) Podcasting PeerCast RDT TCP UDP SCTP Gopher SFTP NFS SMB/CIFS PNA (pnm://, pna://) RTP ALLPlayer ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? Amarok Yes ? ? Yes Yes ? ? Yes ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? Banshee Yes ? ? Yes No ? ? Yes ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? CorePlayer Yes ? ? Yes No ? ? Yes ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? DSPlayer No ? ? No No ? ? No ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? FFplay Yes No No Yes No Yes No No No No Yes Yes No Yes No No No No Yes GOM Player Yes ? ? No Yes ? ? No ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? iTunes Yes ? ? Yes No ? ? Yes ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? jetAudio Yes ? ? No ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? K-Multimedia Player Yes ? ? Yes Yes ? ? No ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? Konqueror Media Player ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? Media Center Yes ? ? ? ? ? ? Yes ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? Media Player Classic Yes ? ? No Yes ? ? No ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? Media Player Classic Home Cinema Yes ? ? No Yes ? ? No ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? MediaPortal Yes Yes Yes ? Yes ? ? ? ? ? Yes Yes ? ? ? ? ? ? Yes MPlayer Yes ? Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes No ? ? ? ? ? ? ? Yes (optional) ? Yes Mplayerxp Yes No Yes No Yes No No No No No No Yes No No No ? No Yes Yes Quod Libet Yes ? ? Yes ? ? ? Yes ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? QuickTime Yes ? ? Yes No ? ? Yes ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? Quintessential Player Yes ? ? Yes Yes ? ? Yes ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? RealPlayer Yes ? ? Yes Yes ? ? Yes ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? Yes ? Songbird Yes ? ? ? No ? ? Yes ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? Totem Movie Player Yes ? ? Yes Yes ? ? No ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? VLC Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes No No Yes Yes No No Yes No Yes No Yes Winamp Yes ? ? No Yes ? ? Yes ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? Windows Media Player Yes ? ? Yes Dropped
(WMP10)? ? Yes ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? XBMC Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes ? Yes ? ? Yes Yes ? ? Yes Yes Yes ? Yes xine Yes ? ? Yes Yes ? ? No ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? XMMS Yes ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? Video player HTTP HTTPS FTP RTSP (RTSPU, RTSPT) MMS (MMSU, MMST) RTMP Netstream (mpst://) Podcasting PeerCast RDT TCP UDP SCTP Gopher SFTP NFS SMB/CIFS PNA (pnm://, pna://) RTP Other
Video player DAAP DMAP DPAP EsounD protocol PulseAudio Simple protocol PulseAudio Native protocol DLNA ALLPlayer ? ? ? ? ? ? ? Amarok Yes ? ? ? ? ? ? Banshee ? ? ? ? ? ? ? CorePlayer ? ? ? ? ? ? ? FFplay No No No No No No No GOM Player ? ? ? ? ? ? ? iTunes Yes ? ? ? ? ? ? jetAudio ? ? ? ? ? ? ? K-Multimedia Player ? ? ? ? ? ? ? Konqueror Media Player ? ? ? ? ? ? ? Media Center ? ? ? ? ? ? ? Media Player Classic ? ? ? ? ? ? ? Media Player Classic Home Cinema ? ? ? ? ? ? ? MediaPortal ? ? ? ? ? ? ? MPlayer ? ? ? ? ? ? ? Mplayerxp No No No No No No ? Quod Libet ? ? ? ? ? ? ? QuickTime ? ? ? ? ? ? ? Quintessential Player ? ? ? ? ? ? ? RealPlayer ? ? ? ? ? ? ? Songbird ? ? ? ? ? ? ? Totem Movie Player ? ? ? ? ? ? ? VLC ? ? ? ? ? ? ? Winamp ? ? ? ? ? ? ? Windows Media Player ? ? ? ? ? ? Yes XBMC Yes ? ? ? Yes Yes Yes xine ? ? ? ? ? ? ? XMMS ? ? ? ? ? ? ? Video player DAAP DMAP DPAP EsounD protocol PulseAudio Simple protocol PulseAudio Native protocol DLNA Playlist format ability
Information about which playlist formats the players understand.
Video player asx/wax/wvx m3u/m3u8 pls xspf ram/rmm sdp rpl xpl bdmv mpcpl wmx ALLPlayer No Yes Yes ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? Chroma ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? CorePlayer ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? DSPlayer Yes Yes Yes No ? ? ? ? ? ? ? FFplay No No No No No No No No ? ? ? GOM Player ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? iTunes No No No No ? ? ? ? ? ? ? jetAudio ? Yes Yes ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? K-Multimedia Player Yes Yes Yes ? Yes ? ? ? ? ? ? Konqueror Media Player ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? Media Center Yes Yes Yes ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? Media Player Classic ? Yes Yes ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? Media Player Classic Home Cinema Yes Yes Yes No No No No No Yes Yes Yes MediaPortal ? Yes Yes ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? MPlayer Yes Yes Yes No ? ? ? ? ? ? ? Mplayerxp Yes Yes Yes No No No No No ? ? ? QuickTime ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? Quintessential Player ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? RealPlayer ? ? Yes ? Yes Yes Yes Yes ? ? ? Songbird Yes ? No ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? Totem Movie Player Yes ? Yes Yes ? ? ? ? ? ? ? VLC Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes ? ? Yes ? ? Winamp Yes Yes Yes Yes ? ? ? ? ? ? ? Windows Media Player Yes Yes No ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? XBMC ? Yes Yes ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? xine ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? Video player asx/wax/wvx m3u8 pls xspf ram/rmm sdp rpl xpl bdmv mpcpl wmx Subtitle ability
Information about what subtitle formats the players understand. Footnotes lead to information about abilities of future versions of the players or filters that provide such abilities.
Video player Bitmap Text Bitmap Text VobSub (.idx+.sub) SubStation Alpha (.ssa+.ass) SubRip (.srt) SAMI (.smi) RealText (.rt) MicroDVD (.sub) SubViewer (.sub) Text file[stnotes 1] (.txt) PowerDivx (.psb) Universal Subtitle Format (.usf) Structured Subtitle Format (.ssf) XSUB (.divx embedded subtitles) DVB subtitles DVD subtitles PGS (.sup) Closed captioning ALLPlayer Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No No Yes Yes ? ? ? ? Chroma Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No No No No No ? ? ? ? CorePlayer No No No No No No No No No No No No ? ? ? ? FFplay No No No No No No No No No No No Yes Yes Yes Yes No GOM Player Yes Partial[stnotes 2] Yes Yes Yes Yes No No No No No No ? ? ? ? iTunes No No No No No No No No No No No No ? ? ? ? jetAudio Yes Partial[stnotes 2] Yes No No Yes ? No Yes Yes No No ? Yes ? Yes K-Multimedia Player Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes[8] ? ? ? ? Konqueror Media Player Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Media Center No No No No No No No No No No No No ? ? ? ? Media Player Classic Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes[9] Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes[8] ? ? ? ? Media Player Classic Home Cinema Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes ? MediaPortal Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes MPlayer Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No No No No Yes Yes Yes ? Mplayerxp Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No No No No ? ? ? ? QuickTime No Yes[15] Yes[15] No No No No No No No No No ? ? ? ? Quintessential Player No No No No No No No No No No No No ? ? ? ? RealPlayer Yes[6] No Yes[6] Yes Yes Yes[6] ? Yes[6] No No No No ? ? ? ? The Core Media Player ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? Yes ? ? ? ? ? ? TotalMedia Theatre Yes Yes Yes No No Yes No No No No No No ? Yes ? ? Totem Movie Player Yes Partial[stnotes 2] Yes No No ? ? ? No No No No ? ? ? ? VLC Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Winamp Yes[stnotes 3] Yes[stnotes 3] Yes[stnotes 3] Yes[stnotes 3] No Yes[stnotes 3] No Yes[stnotes 3] Yes[stnotes 3] Yes[stnotes 3] Yes[stnotes 3] Yes[8] ? ? ? ? Windows Media Player Yes[stnotes 3] Yes[stnotes 3] Yes[stnotes 3] Yes[stnotes 3] No Yes[stnotes 3] No Yes[stnotes 3] Yes[stnotes 3] Yes[stnotes 3] Yes[stnotes 3] Yes[8] ? ? ? ? XBMC Yes Partial[stnotes 2] Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No[stnotes 4] No[stnotes 4] No[stnotes 4] Yes Yes Yes Yes ? xine[stnotes 5] Yes Partial[stnotes 2] Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes No No No No ? ? ? ? Video player VobSub (.idx+.sub) SubStation Alpha (.ssa+.ass) SubRip (.srt) Sami (.smi) RealText (.rt) MicroDVD (.sub) SubViewer (.sub) TXT (.txt) PowerDivx (.psb) Universal Subtitle Format (.usf) Structured Subtitle Format (.ssf) XSUB (.divx embedded subtitles) DVB subtitles DVD subtitles PGS (.sup) Closed captioning - ^ This player can open files with the extension .txt, but those could contain any script language. So there is no guarantee it will play it.
- ^ a b c d e This player understands some of the formatting data from SSA/ASS (at most coloring but no positioning, animation, typesetting etc.), but some players could understand the rest of it by using VSFilter as external subtitle filter instead of the built-in one.
- ^ a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r For Windows, one can add the ability to use many subtitle formats by installing VSFilter or ffdshow.
- ^ a b c XBMC (XBoxMediaCenter) uses the subtitle library / source code from MPlayer so when/if MPlayer can display these subtitles then XBMC will soon be able to display them too.
- ^ "FAQ | Kaffeine - KDE Media Player". Kaffeine FAQ. http://kaffeine.kde.org/?q=faq#question9. Retrieved 2009-10-02.
Metadata ability
Information about what metadata, or tagging, formats the players understand. Most other containers have their own metadata format and the players usually use them. Footnotes lead to information about abilities of future versions of the players or plugins that provide such abilities.
Video player ID3v1 ID3v2 APEv2 tag Vorbis comment AMF ASF metadata MOV metadata Cue sheet CD-Text ALLPlayer Yes Yes No No ? ? ? No No Cog Yes Yes Yes Yes ? ? ? Yes ? CorePlayer Yes Yes Yes Yes ? ? ? Yes ? DSPlayer Yes Yes No No ? ? ? No No FFplay Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No No GOM Player No No No No ? ? ? ? ? iTunes Yes Yes No ? ? ? Yes ? Yes jetAudio Yes Yes Yes Yes ? ? ? Partial[metadatanotes 1] ? K-Multimedia Player Yes Yes Yes Yes ? ? ? Yes Yes Konqueror Media Player ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? Media Center Yes Yes Yes Yes ? ? ? Yes Yes Media Player Classic Yes No ? Partial ? ? ? ? ? Media Player Classic Home Cinema Yes Yes ? Partial ? ? ? ? ? MediaPortal Yes Yes Yes ? ? ? ? ? ? MPlayer Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Partial[metadatanotes 2] ? Mplayerxp Yes Yes No Yes ? ? ? No No QuickTime Yes ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? Quintessential Player Yes Yes ? Yes ? ? ? ? ? RealPlayer Yes Yes ? No ? ? ? Yes Songbird Yes Yes ? ? ? ? ? No ? Totem Movie Player Yes Yes Yes Yes ? ? ? ? ? VLC Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Partial Yes Winamp Yes Yes Partial[metadatanotes 3] Yes ? ? ? Partial[6] Yes Windows Media Player Yes Partial[metadatanotes 4] ? Partial[6] ? Yes ? No Partial[6] XBMC Yes Yes Yes Yes ? ? ? Yes ? xine Yes Partial[metadatanotes 5] ? Yes ? ? ? ? ? Video player ID3v1 ID3v2 APEv2 tag Vorbis comment AMF ASF metadata MOV metadata Cue sheet CD-Text - ^ Supports via plugin available in COWON Forums
- ^ MPlayer can read .cue files with cue:// type URL, but has problems, see Talk:Cue sheet (computing)#mplayer have more faults
- ^ Winamp relies on the tagging of its decoder. Replacing the standard decoder with an APEv2 capable one is possible.
- ^ ID3 V2.4 not supported (even on Windows Media Player 12).
Optical media ability
Information about what kinds of optical discs the players can play. Footnotes lead to information about abilities of future versions of the players or plugins that provide such abilities. Playback of Super Audio CD is not possible for any media player, because no suitable hardware exists. All media players capable of audio CD playback will also play the Redbook core of any HDCD disc, providing no sound-quality benefits over standard audio CDs.
Video player Audio Video CD DVD-Audio HDCD VCD SVCD DVD Blu-ray HD DVD ALLPlayer Yes ? ? ? No Yes ? ? Chroma No No No No No Yes No ? CorePlayer No No No No No No No ? DSPlayer Yes Yes No ? ? ? ? ? FFplay No No No No No No No No GOM Player Yes No No Yes Yes Yes No ? iTunes Yes No No No No No No No jetAudio Yes No No Yes Yes Yes No No K-Multimedia Player Yes No No Yes Yes Yes No No Konqueror Media Player ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? Media Center Yes No No Yes Yes Yes Yes ? Media Player Classic Yes No No Yes Yes Yes No No Media Player Classic Home Cinema Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No MediaPortal Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes[opticalmedianotes 1] ? MPlayer Yes No No Yes Yes Yes No No Mplayerxp Yes No No Yes Yes Yes ? ? Ogle No No No No No Yes No ? QuickTime Yes No No Yes Yes No No No Quintessential Player Yes No No No No No No No RealPlayer Yes No No Yes Yes Yes No No Songbird No[opticalmedianotes 2] No No ? ? ? ? ? TotalMedia Theatre Yes ? No Yes No Yes Yes Yes Totem Movie Player Yes No No Yes Yes Yes No No VLC Yes Yes[opticalmedianotes 3] No Yes Partial[opticalmedianotes 4] Yes No No Winamp Yes No Yes No No No No No Windows Media Player Yes No Yes Yes No Yes No ? XBMC Yes No No Yes Yes Yes No No xine Yes No No Yes Yes Yes No No Video player CD DVD-Audio HDCD VCD SVCD DVD Blu-ray HD DVD Audio Video - ^ See this thread on team-mediaportal.com
- ^ See this thread on Getsatisfaction.com
- ^ DVD Audio files are playable in VLC 1.1
- ^ Handling still frames and switching between different video formats is problematic.
See also
- List of codecs
- Open source codecs and containers
- Comparison of video codecs
- Comparison of audio codecs
- Comparison of container formats
- Subtitle (captioning)
- Comparison of portable media players
- Comparison of video encoders
- ^ "[2011/09/26] The KMPlayer R2 Release". 2011-09-26. http://www.kmplayer.com/forums/showthread.php?t=20794. Retrieved 2011-09-26.
- ^ "RealPlayer 1.1.5 Build". Softpedia. SoftNews NET SRL. http://www.softpedia.com/get/Multimedia/Video/Video-Players/RealPlayer.shtml. Retrieved 21 August 2011.
- ^ "RealNetworks, Inc. Releases Update to Address Security Vulnerabilities". Real.com. RealNetworks, Inc. 16 August 2011. http://service.real.com/realplayer/security/08162011_player/en/. Retrieved 22 August 2011.
- ^ "RealPlayer GOLD". Softpedia. SoftNews NET SRL. http://linux.softpedia.com/get/Multimedia/Video/RealPlayer-2742.shtml. Retrieved 21 August 2011.
- ^ "RealPlayer 1.1". Softpedia. SoftNews NET SRL. http://handheld.softpedia.com/get/Multimedia-Graphics/Video-Players/RealPlayer-80639.shtml. Retrieved 21 August 2011.
- ^ a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v Plugin available.
- ^ a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z aa ab ac ad ae af ag ah ai aj ak al am an ao ap aq ar as at au av Available via Gstreamer plugin.
- ^ a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z aa ab ac ad ae af ag ah ai aj ak al am an ao ap aq ar as at au av aw ax ay az ba bb bc bd be The playing compatibility depends on the availability of DirectShow filters.
- ^ a b c d e f g h i j k l The playing compatibility depends on the availability of RealMedia filters. There is a distribution known as Real Alternative which bundles the needed RealPlayer components without the need to install the corresponding player.
- ^ a b c d The playing compatibility depends on the availability of WMV Player component for Quicktime.
- ^ a b c d e f g h 3rd party plugins are available. The Xiph QuickTime Components allow any QuickTime application to parse Ogg files and play Vorbis, FLAC (Doesn't work with FLAC containers), Speex, and Theora.
- ^ The playing compatibility depends on the availability of Shockwave filters.
- ^ a b c d e f The playing compatibility depends on the availability of QuickTime filters. There is a distribution known as QuickTime Alternative which bundles the needed QuickTime components without the need to install the corresponding player.
- ^ a b c d e f Available via plugins that can be automatically downloaded during installation
- ^ a b c d The open source Perian plug-in adds the ability to use many video formats and codecs to QuickTime. It also adds the ability to use SubRip and SubStation Alpha subtitles.
Related lists on other projects
- m:Open Source Toolset - short sections on Audio editing and Video editing
- Software - short lists of Ogg audio and video editors
- Help:Converting video - tools for manipulating audio and video
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