Teaneck, New Jersey

Teaneck, New Jersey

Infobox Settlement
official_name = Township of Teaneck, New Jersey
nickname =
motto =

imagesize =
image_caption =


mapsize = 250x200px
map_caption = Map highlighting Teaneck's location within Bergen County. Inset: Bergen County's location within New Jersey

mapsize1 = 250x200px
map_caption1 = Census Bureau map of Teaneck, New Jersey
subdivision_type = Country
subdivision_type1 = State
subdivision_type2 = County
subdivision_name = United States
subdivision_name1 = New Jersey
subdivision_name2 = Bergen
settlement_type = Township
government_type = Faulkner Act Council-Manager
leader_title = Mayor
leader_name = Michael "Kevie" Feit
leader_title1 = Manager
leader_name1 = Helene V. Fall [http://TeaneckNJ.gov/Departments/MunicipalManager.aspx Municipal Manager] , Township of Teaneck. Accessed July 1, 2008.]
government_type = Council-Manager
established_title = Incorporated
established_date = February 19, 1895
area_magnitude =
area_total_sq_mi = 6.25
area_total_km2 = 16.19
area_land_sq_mi = 6.05
area_land_km2 = 15.67
area_water_sq_mi = 0.20
area_water_km2 = 0.52
area_urban_sq_mi =
area_urban_km2 =
area_metro_sq_mi =
area_metro_km2 =
population_as_of = 2007
population_footnotes =
population_total = 39019
population_metro =
population_urban =
population_density_km2 = 2475.6
population_density_sq_mi = 6601.6
timezone = Eastern (EST)
utc_offset = -5
timezone_DST = EDT
utc_offset_DST = -4
latd = 40 |latm = 53 |lats = 51 |latNS = N
longd = 74 |longm = 00 |longs = 58 |longEW = W
elevation_m = 33
elevation_ft = 108
elevation_footnotes = [Gnis|882227|Teaneck, Geographic Names Information System, accessed April 12, 2007.]
postal_code_type = ZIP code
postal_code = 07666
area_code = 201
website = http://www.TeaneckNJ.gov
blank_name = FIPS code
blank_info = 34-72360GR|2 [ [http://mcdc2.missouri.edu/webrepts/commoncodes/ccc_nj.html A Cure for the Common Codes: New Jersey] , Missouri Census Data Center. Accessed July 14, 2008.]
blank1_name = GNIS feature ID
blank1_info = 0882227GR|3
footnotes =

Teaneck (pronEng|ˈtiːnɛk) is a township in Bergen County, New Jersey, and is a suburb in the New York metropolitan area. As of the United States 2000 Census, the township population was 39,260. The Census Bureau's 2007 population estimate for the township is 39,019. [http://factfinder.census.gov/servlet/SAFFPopulation?_event=ChangeGeoContext&geo_id=06000US3400372360&_geoContext=&_street=&_county=teaneck&_cityTown=teaneck&_state=04000US34&_zip=&_lang=en&_sse=on&ActiveGeoDiv=&_useEV=&pctxt=fph&pgsl=010&_submenuId=population_0&ds_name=null&_ci_nbr=null&qr_name=null&reg=null%3Anull&_keyword=&_industry= Teaneck township, Bergen County, New Jersey] , United States Census Bureau, accessed July 24, 2007.]

Teaneck was the second-most populous municipality in Bergen County (as of the 2000 Census), and lies at the crossroads of Interstate 95 and the eastern terminus of Interstate 80. In 1965, Teaneck became the first community in the nation with a white majority to voluntarily desegregate its public schools, after the Board of Education approved the plan by a 7-2 vote on May 13, 1964. [ [http://query.nytimes.com/gst/fullpage.html?res=9C0CE5D71138F931A25757C0A966958260&scp=2&sq=teaneck+desegregate+1965&st=nyt "Decades of Pride Shattered"] , "The New York Times", April 12, 1990. Accessed February 13, 2008. "And in 1965, the town became the first predominantly white community in the United States to desegregate its schools voluntarily through busing."] [Kane, Joseph Nathan. "Famous First Facts", H.W. Wilson Company, 2006 (ISBN 0-8242-1065-4), p. 511.]

Teaneck was created on February 19, 1895 by an Act of the New Jersey Legislature. Teaneck was formed from portions of Englewood Township and Ridgefield Township, both of which are now defunct (despite existing municipalities with similar names), along with portions of Bogota and Leonia."The Story of New Jersey's Civil Boundaries: 1606-1968", John P. Snyder, Bureau of Geology and Topography; Trenton, New Jersey; 1969. p. 87.] Independence followed the results of a referendum held on January 14, 1895, in which voters favored incorporation by a 46-7 margin. [http://www.bergencountyhistory.org/Pages/part4.html A Centennial Review of Bergen County Borough Fever 1894-95: Part 4] , accessed January 7, 2007.] To assuage the concerns of Englewood Township's leaders, the new municipality was formed as a township, rather than succumbing to the borough craze sweeping across Bergen County at the time. On May 3, 1921 and on June 1, 1926, portions of what had been Teaneck were transferred to Overpeck Township. [http://www.dutchdoorgenealogy.com/bergen_county_new_jersey_municipalities.html Bergen County New Jersey Municipalities] , accessed January 7, 2007.]


Early history

The origin and meaning of the name "Teaneck" is not known. The resemblance to certain Dutch words has encouraged speculation about a possible Dutch derivation and meaning. Likewise, the two syllables "Tea" and "Neck" have equally distinct English meanings. Teaneck is probably Native American in origin, and may mean "the woods". [ [http://www.teaneck.org/virtualvillage/teaneck1895-1970/pieceofland.html A Piece Of Land Becomes A Town] , text of article from "The Teaneck Shopper", October 21, 1970. "ACCORDING to a Lenape-English dictionary compiled by Moravian missionaries to further their work among the Indians, "Tekene" meant woods, or uninhabited place. "Nek" was the plural of "Ne", thus the word could have been "Tekenek" or simply "The Woods". The Dutch, who Hollandized so many Indian place names, would quite naturally have spelled it "Tiene Neck" or tiny neck."] An alternative is from the Dutch "Tiene Neck" meaning "neck where there are willows" (from the Dutch "tene" meaning willow).

When Europeans first entered the area, "Teaneck" referred to the north-south ridge that runs along present-day Queen Anne Road, with Lenni Lenape Native Americans having established camps on either side of the ridge. The Lenape were led by a chief named Oratam, who led a group that lived in a village called Achikinhesacky, on the banks of the Tantaqua (Overpeck) Creek, on the eastern slope of Teaneck Ridge near today's Fycke Lane. [http://www.TeaneckNJ.gov/general/teaneckhistory.htm A Hisyory of Teaneck] , Teaneck Public Library. Accessed April 22, 2008.]

Troubles persisted between the Native Americans and the Europeans until 1655, and it wasn't until 1704 that any reference to a permanent structure within Teaneck's current boundaries can be found. Later, more houses and farm buildings were constructed along the old Indian trail that ran along and above the west bank of the Hackensack River. The neighborhood that grew here came to be known as East Hackensack or New Hackensack.

A separate group of Dutch farm houses was constructed along the eastern slope of the Teaneck ridge. There were only a few European families in this neighborhood. Teaneck has several of these early stone houses still standing, each privately owned and maintained as reminders of Teaneck's 17th and 18th century Dutch farm heritage.

The Revolutionary War period

During November of 1776, Teaneck was witness to General George Washington's famous withdrawal of Colonial forces from nearby Fort Lee on the Hudson River. Early on the morning of November 20, 1776, Washington rode by horseback from his headquarters in Hackensack through Teaneck and across the Overpeck Creek to Fort Lee. There he watched as 6,000 British troops made their way by boats up the Hudson River. He arranged for his own troops to abandon their vulnerable position on the Palisades. Abandoning camp and most of their provisions, they hastily made their way across Overpeck Creek and through Teaneck to New Bridge Landing (today's Brett Park in Teaneck). They crossed the bridge, marching barefoot, two abreast, their garments so worn that they were exposed to the cold rain that fell that day.

Bergen County was the site of such events, and Teaneck was right in the middle of it. Throughout the war, both British and American forces occupied local homesteads at various times, and Teaneck citizens played key roles on both sides of the conflict.

After the war, Teaneck returned to being a quiet farm community. Fruits and vegetables grown locally were taken by wagon to busy markets in nearby Paterson and New York City. New growth and development were aroused at mid-century by the establishment of railroads throughout the regions. Wealthy New Yorkers and others purchased large tracts of land on which they built spacious mansions and manor houses. They maintained New York City as their principal places of employment and traveled daily to work by train, thus becoming Teaneck's first suburban commuters.

The Phelps Estate

The largest estate built in Teaneck belonged to William Walter Phelps, the son of a wealthy railroad magnate and New York City merchant. In 1865, Phelps arrived in Teaneck and enlarged an old farmhouse into a spectacular Victorian mansion on the site of the present Municipal Government Complex. Phelps' "Englewood Farm" eventually encompassed nearly 2,000 acres (8 km²) of landscaped property within the central part of Teaneck, on which some 600,000 trees were planted. [ [http://query.nytimes.com/gst/fullpage.html?res=9402E7DF103FF932A25755C0A9669C8B63&sec=&spon=&pagewanted=3 If You're Thinking of Living In/Teaneck, N.J.; A Town That Champions Its Diversity] , "The New York Times", June 11, 2000.] Subsequent development and house construction refocused along the perimeters of the Township, the central part being a tract crisscrossed by roads and trails.

Township formed

The Township of Teaneck was established on February 19, 1895 and was composed of portions of Englewood Township, Ridgefield Township and Bogota. Teaneck's choice to incorporate as a Township was unusual in an era of "Boroughitis," in which a flood of new municipalities were being formed using the Borough form of government.

At a referendum held on January 14, 1895, 46 of 53 voters approved incorporation as a Borough. Citizens of Englewood Township challenged the creation of the borough, but accepted the new municipality as a Township, given its more rural character. A bill supporting the creation of the Township of Teaneck was put through the New Jersey General Assembly on February 18, 1895 and in the New Jersey Senate on the 19th. Governor of New Jersey George Werts signed the bill into law, and Teaneck was an independent municipality.

At its incorporation, Teaneck's population was 811. William W. Bennett, overseer of the Phelps Estate, was selected as chairman of the first three-man Township Committee, which focused in its early years on "construction of streets and street lamps (originally gaslights), trolley lines (along DeGraw Avenue), telephones and speeding traffic." [ [http://www.teaneck.org/virtualvillage/history/history.html "A History of Teaneck -- 1895 - 1995"] , copy of article from "The Record (Bergen County)", October 20, 1995. Accessed May 15, 2008.]

Growth in early 20th century

The opening of the Phelps Estate in 1927 led to substantial population growth in subsequent years. [http://www.teaneckchamber.org/history.html History] , Teaneck Chamber of Commerce. Accessed May 15, 2008.] The George Washington Bridge was completed in 1931 [Nash, Margo. [http://query.nytimes.com/gst/fullpage.html?res=9E07E0DC113FF930A35752C1A9649C8B63&scp=1&sq=%221931%22+%22george+washington+bridge%22&st=nyt "BY THE WAY; In the Dark With George"] , "The New York Times", November 3, 2002. Accessed May 15, 2008.] and its connection to Teaneck via Route 4 brought thousands of new home buyers. From 1920 and 1930, Teaneck's population nearly quadrupled, from 4,192 to 16,513.

Rapid growth led to financial turmoil, and inefficiencies in the town government resulted in the adoption of a new non-partisan Council-Manager form of government under the 1923 Municipal Manager Law in a referendum on September 16, 1930. A full-time Town Manager, Paul A. Volcker, Sr. (father of former Chairman of the Federal Reserve Paul A. Volcker, Jr.), was appointed to handle Teaneck's day-to-day business affairs. Volcker's 20-year term, from 1930 to 1950, provided Teaneck with economic stability, zoning and long-term development plans, a paid fire department and civil service for Township employees. It also established a model for future administrations.

Development after World War II

Teaneck's reputation was enhanced when it was selected in 1949 from over 10,000 communities as America's model community. A film made, and photographs taken, in Teaneck was shown in Occupied Japan as a part of the United States Army's education program to show democracy in action. [ [http://teaneck.org/virtualvillage/ModelCommunity/index.htm Teaneck Virtual Village: Teaneck as a Model Town] , accessed May 9, 2006.]

After World War II, there was a second major spurt of building and population growth. The rapid changes and complicated demands of the modern era were met by careful consideration and adherence to the principles established by Teaneck's early citizens and planners. In 1965, after a long and difficult struggle to address de facto segregation, Teaneck became the first community in the nation where a white majority voted voluntarily for school integration. The sequence of events was the subject of a book entitled "Triumph in a White Suburb" written by Township resident Reginald G. Damerell (1968. New York: William Morrow & Company, Inc.) [Onishi, Norimitsu. [http://query.nytimes.com/gst/fullpage.html?res=990CE2DE1131F932A25755C0A963958260&scp=1&sq=teaneck+desegregate+1965+triumph&st=nyt "STATEWIDE; Imbalance Persists, Defying Courts"] , "The New York Times", June 11, 1995. Accessed February 13, 2008.]

The African-American population in the Northeast corner of Teaneck grew substantially starting in the 1960s, accompanied by white flight triggered by blockbusting efforts of township real estate agencies. [Garbarine, Rachel. [http://www.teaneck.org/virtualvillage/PortraitOfTeaneck/liveinTeaneck1987.html "If You're Thinking of Living in: TEANECK"] , copy of article from "The New York Times", October 11, 1987. Accessed April 29, 2008. "For Teaneck, it was a far-from-quiet period, underscored by blockbusting and white flight in the early 60's. The influx of black families set off panic-selling among white homeowners encouraged by some unscrupulous real-estate agents to get rid of their properties."] As this de facto racial segregation increased, so did tensions between residents of the Northeast and members the predominantly white male Teaneck Police Department. Complaints by African-American youths of being pulled over by police officers while walking in the streets increased into the 1980s. A perception grew among African-American residents that they were not treated equally by the township and its employees.

On the evening of April 10, 1990, the Teaneck Police Department responded to a call from a resident complaining about a teenager with a gun. After an initial confrontation near the Bryant School and a subsequent chase, Phillip Pannell, an African-American teenager, was shot and killed by Gary Spath, a white Teaneck police officer. Spath said he thought Pannell had a gun and was turning to shoot him. Witnesses said Pannell was unarmed and had been shot in the back. Protest marches, some violent, ensued; most African-Americans believed that Pannell had been killed in cold blood, and some residents insisted that Spath had been justified in his actions. Testimony at the trial claimed that Pannell was shot in the back, and that he was carrying a gun. Spath was ultimately acquitted on charges of reckless manslaughter in the shooting. The incident was an international news event that brought Reverend Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson to the community and inspired the 1995 book "Color Lines: The Troubled Dreams of Racial Harmony in an American Town", by Mike Kelly. [Beckerman, Jim. [http://www.highbeam.com/doc/1P1-22485838.html "TEANECK: ANATOMY OF A TRAGEDY -- NEW BOOK BY RECORD COLUMNIST EXAMINES THE EVENTS"] , "The Record (Bergen County)", August 27, 1995. Accessed February 13, 2008.]

Teaneck, and the neighboring communities of Bergenfield and New Milford, has drawn a large number of Modern Orthodox Jews who have established at least fourteen synagogues and four yeshivas (three high schools and one for young men). [Applebome, Peter. [http://select.nytimes.com/2007/02/18/nyregion/18towns.html "Proudly Diverse Teaneck Is Forced to Re-examine Its Assumptions"] , "The New York Times", February 18, 2007. Accessed November 3, 2007. "There are at least 18 Orthodox synagogues in a town of 39,000."] [ [http://www.teaneckshuls.org/files/shuls.htm Synagogues in Teaneck and Surrounding Areas] , Teaneck Shuls. Accessed November 3, 2007.] It's the functional center of northern New Jersey Orthodox community with nearly twenty kosher shops (restaurants, bakeries and supermarkets). [ [http://www.teaneckshuls.org/files/RCBC.htm The Kosher Directory] , Rabbinical Council of Bergen County, dated September 2007. Accessed November 3, 2007.] It is within ten minutes' driving time of Yeshiva University in New York City. This community tends to be involved with Religious Zionist causes and offers strong support of Israel.

Historic homes

Several homes in Teaneck date back to the colonial era and to the period after the American Revolutionary War and have been preserved and survive to this day. Teaneck sites on the National Register of Historic Places are: [ [http://www.nationalregisterofhistoricplaces.com/nj/Bergen/state.html NEW JERSEY - Bergen County] , National Register of Historic Places. Accessed November 3, 2007.]

* Christian Cole House
* Adam Vandelinda House
* Banta-Coe House
* Brinkerhoff-Demarest House
* Caspar Westervelt House
* James Vandelinda House
* Zabriskie-Kipp-Cadmus House


Teaneck is located at coor dms|40|53|27|N|74|0|40|W|city (40.890964, -74.011156)GR|1.

According to the United States Census Bureau, the township has a total area of convert|6.25|sqmi|km2|2, of which, convert|6.05|sqmi|km2|2 of it is land and convert|0.20|sqmi|km2|2 of it (3.20%) is water. [ [http://factfinder.census.gov/servlet/GCTTable?-geo_id=04000US34&-mt_name=DEC_2000_SF1_U_GCTPH1_ST7&-ds_name=DEC_2000_SF1_U GCT-PH1. Population, Housing Units, Area, and Density: 2000 for New Jersey -- Place and County Subdivision] , United States Census 2000. Accessed August 13, 2008.]

Teaneck is bordered to the West by River Edge and Hackensack which lie across the Hackensack River, to the North by New Milford and Bergenfield, to the East by Englewood and Leonia, and to the South by Ridgefield Park and Bogota.

Teaneck has 23 municipally owned parks, of which 14 are developed. [ [http://www.TeaneckNJ.gov/general/Services&Programs.htm Did you know? - Parks] , accessed January 15, 2007.] Overpeck County Park, along the shores of Overpeck Creek, a tributary of the Hackensack River, is more than 8,000 acres (32 km²) in size, of which about 500 were donated by Teaneck, and which is also in portions of Englewood, Leonia, Ridgefield Park and Palisades Park. [ [http://www.teterboro-online.com/park/index.shtml Overpeck Park Background] , accessed January 15, 2007.]


Like New York City, Teaneck has a humid subtropical climate according to the Koppen climate classification. The climate in Teaneck is moderated by the ocean, resulting in cooler summers and warmer winters than inland areas such as Chicago, though this moderating effect isn't as strong as it is in New York City.


2000 Census

As of the census GR|2 of 2000, there were 39,260 people, 13,418 households, and 10,076 families residing in the township. The population density was 6,486.2 people per square mile (2,505.5/km²). There were 13,719 housing units at an average density of 2,266.5/sq mi (875.5/km²). The racial makeup of the township was 56.25% White, 28.78% African American, 0.15% Native American, 7.13% Asian, 0.03% Pacific Islander, 4.16% from other races, and 3.51% from two or more races. Hispanic or Latino of any race were 10.45% of the population.

There were 13,418 households out of which 34.9% had children under the age of 18 living with them, 59.3% were married couples living together, 12.3% had a female householder with no husband present, and 24.9% were non-families. 21.2% of all households were made up of individuals and 10.5% had someone living alone who was 65 years of age or older. The average household size was 2.86 and the average family size was 3.34.

In the township the population was spread out with 25.8% under the age of 18, 8.5% from 18 to 24, 26.1% from 25 to 44, 25.3% from 45 to 64, and 14.2% who were 65 years of age or older. The median age was 38 years. For every 100 females there were 89.9 males. For every 100 females age 18 and over, there were 84.9 males.

The median income for a household in the township was $74,903, and the median income for a family was $84,791. Males had a median income of $53,327 versus $40,085 for females. The per capita income for the township was $32,212. About 2.4% of families and 4.2% of the population were below the poverty line, including 3.7% of those under age 18 and 6.7% of those age 65 or over.

Ancestry information reported in the 2000 Census reflects the diversity of Teaneck residents, with no single country accounting for more than a small fraction of the population. Residents listed Italian (6.2%), German (6.0%), Russian (5.3%), Irish (5.1%) and Polish (4.2%) as the most common countries of ancestry, and an additional 4.3% listed United States of America. 6.3% of residents identified themselves as being of West Indian ancestry, of which 3.4% were from Jamaica. [ [http://factfinder.census.gov/servlet/QTTable?_bm=y&-geo_id=86000US07666&-qr_name=DEC_2000_SF3_U_QTP13&-ds_name=DEC_2000_SF3_U&-_lang=en&-redoLog=false&-_sse=on QT-P13. Ancestry: 2000 for 07666 5-Digit ZCTA] , 2000 United States Census. Accessed August 21, 2008.]

English is spoken by 74.31% of residents. Other languages (accounting for more than 1% of residents) include Spanish (10.53%), Hebrew (2.81%), Tagalog (1.88%), Urdu (1.22%) and Russian (1.11%). [ [http://www.mla.org/cgi-shl/docstudio/docs.pl?map_data_results MLA Data Center Results for Teaneck, New Jersey] , Modern Language Association. Accessed October 25, 2007.]

Historical population data

After its founding as a township, Teaneck saw rapid growth in its population during the first half of the 20th century. As Teaneck changed from a sparsely populated rural area into a suburb, particularly after development of property that had been part of the Phelps estate started in the late 1920s, Teaneck's population grew rapidly, far outpacing the growth of Bergen County.

After World War II, the 1950 census showed growth in Teaneck (33.6%) pacing Bergen County overall (31.6%). Starting in 1960, a substantial decline in the rate of growth compared to Bergen County occurred as Teaneck reached the limits of developable land, and the township neared its peak population. Population growth in the 1970 census was small, but positive, with Teaneck reaching its historical maximum of 42,355. Absolute declines in population followed in both the 1980 (-7.9%) and 1990 (-3.0%) data. The 2000 census showed recovery in Teaneck's population to 39,260, though growth (3.8%) was smaller than in Bergen County overall (7.1%)

With almost no land left to develop for housing, Teaneck's population is likely to remain stable for the foreseeable future. A reluctance to permit high-rise development as a means to increase population density also places a limit on growth. Changes in family size are one of the few influences that may affect population over time.


Teaneck has a violent crime rate of 187 incidents per 100,000 people, compared to a rate of 391 in New Jersey as a whole and 596 nationwide. Teaneck's property crime rate is 1860.6 incidents per 100,000 people, compared to an average of 2533.8 in New Jersey and 4296 nationally. [ [http://www.homesurfer.com/crimereports/view/crime_report.cfm?state=NJ&area=Teaneck%20Township Teaneck Crime Statistics] , homesurfer.com. Accessed July 18, 2007.]

Gang violence hit Teaneck in July 2006 with the death of Ricky Lee Smith, Jr., a teenager shot outside a house party by a member of the Bloods gang who had attended the party. Other gang violence involving the Bloods and Crips has erupted since then. In May 2007, the Chief of Police requested the addition of 14 new officers to Teaneck's existing 98-member police force to establish a gang unit. [Fallon, Scott. [http://www.northjersey.com/page.php?qstr=eXJpcnk3ZjcxN2Y3dnFlZUVFeXkzJmZnYmVsN2Y3dnFlZUVFeXk3MTY2MDM5 "Vigil recalls a life ended far too soon"] , "The Record (Bergen County)", July 10, 2007. Accessed July 18, 2007. "Smith, 15, was shot dead by then 17-year-old Zechariah Eaton after a late night house party had broken up. Eaton and three alleged members of the Bloods street gang who also attended the party got involved in one of several scuffles that broke out in front of the house at the end of the night, police said at the time."] [Aberback, Brian. [http://www.northjersey.com/page.php?qstr=eXJpcnk3ZjcxN2Y3dnFlZUVFeXkzJmZnYmVsN2Y3dnFlZUVFeXk3MTMxMzQy "Chief wants anti-gang unit"] , "The Record (Bergen County)", May 10, 2007. Accessed July 18, 2007.] In June, the Township Council approved the hiring of five additional officers at a cost of $500,000 per year, though there are concerns that the gang problem in Teaneck has been "hyped". [Salazar, Carolyn and Tsai, Jason. [http://www.northjersey.com/page.php?qstr=eXJpcnk3ZjczN2Y3dnFlZUVFeXkzJmZnYmVsN2Y3dnFlZUVFeXk3MTcwNDg4JnlyaXJ5N2Y3MTdmN3ZxZWVFRXl5Mg= "Report: Police hype gangs to score funding"] , "The Record (Bergen County)", July 19, 2007. Accessed July 19, 2007. "Teaneck recently approved hiring five more officers to form an anti-gang unit. Police are seeking $500,000 in funding for the initiative, making them one of several departments that are looking to tap state and federal grants. 'We're definitely seeing an increase in gang activity over the years,' Teaneck Police Chief Paul Tiernan said Wednesday. 'But we realize that we're not going to arrest our way out of the problem. We're also doing a lot of outreach efforts and prevention efforts.' Retired Teaneck Officer Fred Greene said he, for one, isn't convinced. 'They are hyping the gang problem,' said Greene, who attended a recent gang presentation in town. 'It really has to do with getting more equipment and manpower than having an actual problem.'"]

Teaneck has received attention in the media due to sexual crimes committed against minors by New Jersey educators. Joseph White, former principal of Teaneck High School pleaded guilty to official child endangerment in June 2006 and was sentenced to one year in prison. White had been charged in 2002 with fondling a 17-year-old student and was subsequently acquitted. [Markos, Kibret. [http://www.northjersey.com/page.php?qstr=eXJpcnk3ZjczN2Y3dnFlZUVFeXk2NSZmZ2JlbDdmN3ZxZWVFRXl5NzIxNjQ5NiZ5cmlyeTdmNzE3Zjd2cWVlRUV5eTQ= "Ex-principal in Teaneck gets 1 year"] , "The Record (Bergen County)", November 3, 2007. Accessed December 24, 2007.] James Darden, an award-winning former eight grade teacher at Thomas Jefferson Middle School, was charged with sexual assault and misconduct in June 2007. He pleaded guilty on December 2007 to a charge of aggravated sexual assault and faces up to years in prison when sentenced on January 18, 2008. [Markos, Kibret. [http://www.northjersey.com/page.php?qstr=eXJpcnk3ZjcxN2Y3dnFlZUVFeXkzJmZnYmVsN2Y3dnFlZUVFeXk3MjM1MDYz "Teaneck teacher admits classroom sex with student"] , "The Record (Bergen County)", December 18, 2007. Accessed December 24, 2007.]


Major institutions in Teaneck include a campus of Fairleigh Dickinson Universitythe largest private university in the state [Schemo, Diana Jean. [http://query.nytimes.com/gst/fullpage.html?res=9900E7DB1330F934A25752C1A9649C8B63 "Tackling Foreign Students' Visa Troubles, Fairleigh Dickinson Finds Errors in I.N.S. Database"] , "The New York Times", November 17, 2002. Accessed December 30, 2007. "The largest private university in New Jersey, Fairleigh Dickinson found itself tangled in bureaucracy over the last two months, as a problem in the I.N.S. computer system blocked foreign students accepted for admission this January from obtaining visas."] — and Holy Name Hospital. The Teaneck Armory is the home of the New Jersey National Guard's 50th Main Support Battalion. [ [http://www.globalsecurity.org/military/agency/army/50msb.htm 50th Main Support Battalion] , accessed January 15, 2007.]

Teaneck has four main commercial districts: Cedar Lane, north Teaneck Road, West Englewood Avenue/The Plaza and Queen Anne Road/DeGraw Avenue. [Aberback, Brian. [http://www.northjersey.com/page.php?qstr=eXJpcnk3ZjczN2Y3dnFlZUVFeXk1MSZmZ2JlbDdmN3ZxZWVFRXl5NzA1MzkzOCZ5cmlyeTdmNzE3Zjd2cWVlRUV5eTM= "Charting Teaneck's business growth"] , "The Record (Bergen County)", January 8, 2007. Accessed July 5, 2007. "The report includes various suggestions for each of the township's four business districts -- Cedar Lane, north Teaneck Road, West Englewood/The Plaza, and DeGraw Avenue/Queen Anne Road -- including that each district have an executive director."] Cedar Lane underwent a $3.9 million Streetscape project, completed in 2006, designed to attract additional business to the area. [Aberback, Brian. [http://www.highbeam.com/doc/1P1-107473995.html "Work to start on Teaneck's Cedar Lane improvements"] , "The Record (Bergen County)", April 15, 2005. Accessed July 5, 2007.]

Teaneck's largest single group of commercial ratables is the Glenpointe Centre, completed in the 1980s, which includes a 350-room Marriott hotel and convert|650000|sqft|m2|-3 of Class A office space at the intersection of Interstate 95 and Interstate 80. [Waite, Thomas L. [http://query.nytimes.com/gst/fullpage.html?res=940DE1DE1E31F937A15754C0A96E948260 " POSTINGS: At Languishing Teaneck Retail Center; And Now, Offices"] , "The New York Times", July 24, 1988. Accessed July 5, 2007. "At Glenpointe in Teaneck, N.J., Alfred Sanzari built 160 town houses and has sold all but five. He built convert|567000|sqft|m2|-2 of office space in two seven-story towers and has leased 95 percent of it."] As of 2007, convert|150000|sqft|m2|-3 of space was vacant, including 100,000 vacated by Eisai Pharmaceuticals earlier in the year. [Quirk, James. [http://www.northjersey.com/page.php?qstr=eXJpcnk3ZjczN2Y3dnFlZUVFeXk4NDImZmdiZWw3Zjd2cWVlRUV5eTcxNjI5NzEmeXJpcnk3ZjcxN2Y3dnFlZUVFeXkyMg= "Bergen offices have plenty of space"] , "The Record (Bergen County)", July 5, 2007. Accessed July 5, 2007. "A case in point is the Glenpointe Centre, a convert|650000|sqft|m2|-3|sing=on office complex in Teaneck where convert|150000|sqft|m2|-3 of Class A space is available. Three months ago, the Japanese drug company Eisai Pharmaceuticals Inc. vacated convert|100000|sqft|m2|-4 in the complex. Buck Consulting fled the third floor a year ago, leaving convert|50000|sqft|m2|-3 of fully furnished office space available -- what Gunsberg calls a 'plug and play opportunity.'"]

The Givaudan Fragrances Corp Creative Fragrances Centre, a division of Givaudan, was constructed in 1972 from a design by Der Scutt, architect of the Trump Tower. [Chadderdon, Lisa. [http://www.fastcompany.com/magazine/14/smell.html "The Sweet Smell of Success: A building in Teaneck, New Jersey is the source of some of the world's most popular fragrances. Meet Givaudan Roure's perfumers, the 'ghostwriters' behind your favorite scents."] , "Fast Company (magazine)", March 1998. Accessed August 22, 2007. "In fact, more than 30% of the world's fine perfumes for women can be traced to Givaudan Roure - and to an inconspicuous brick building set back from the street in suburban Teaneck, New Jersey. Inside the building, designed by Der Scutt (architect of the Trump Tower) and constructed in 1972, is an environment that fosters creativity."]


Local government

From its founding in 1895, Teaneck used the traditional Township form of government, led by a three-man Township Committee (later expanded to five seats) elected on a partisan basis. On September 16, 1930, Teaneck residents voted to establish a nonpartisan Council-Manager form of government under the terms of the 1923 Municipal Manager Law, with five members elected concurrently on an at-large basis. In 1962, the Council was expanded to its current size of seven members and the position of Deputy Mayor was created. In 1987, a referendum to alter the form to a Faulkner Act Council-Manager form of government was approved, providing for staggered terms for the Council. With this change, Council elections now take place in even years on the second Tuesday in May. The Council's seven members are elected at-large in nonpartisan elections to serve staggered, four-year terms of office. The four seats elected in 2006 will expire in 2010 and the seats of the three who took office in 2008 will expire in 2012, etc. [ [http://www.teaneck.org/managers/2003/allaboutteaneck.htm All About Teaneck] , Teaneck Municipal Services 2003. Accessed July 8, 2008. "In 1987, a referendum to alter the form was approved, creating staggered terms for the Council. As part of the change, Council elections now take place every two years on the second Tuesday in May. Seven members serve four year terms which expire in even numbered years as follows: three will expire in 2004, four will expire in 2006, etc."] "2005 New Jersey Legislative District Data Book", Rutgers University Edward J. Bloustein School of Planning and Public Policy, April 2005, p. 157.]

The Township Council serves as Teaneck's governing body. It sets policies and standards and passes ordinances. It adopts an annual budget and approves contracts and agreements for services. The Council appoints the Manager, Clerk, Auditor, Attorney, Magistrate and Assessor. The Council appoints seven members of the Planning Board, the members of the Redevelopment Agency, Board of Adjustment, and all other statutory and advisory boards.

As of 2008, Members of the Teaneck Township Council are: [ [http://www.TeaneckNJ.gov/html/AboutCouncil.aspx Township Council] , Township of Teaneck. Accessed July 8, 2008.] [Ax,Joseph. [http://www.northjersey.com/news/bergenpolitics/New_Teaneck_mayor_will_be_named_tonight.html "New Teaneck mayor named"] , "The Record (Bergen County)", July 1, 2008. Accessed July 1, 2008.]
*Mayor Michael "Kevie" Feit (term ends June 30, 2010)
*Deputy Mayor Lizette Parker (2010)
*Adam Gussen (2010)
*Mohammed Hameeduddin (2012)
*Monica Honis (2012)
*Elie Y. Katz (2010)
*Barbara Ley Toffler (2012)

On May 13, 2008, the Township voted to re-elect Monica Honis to the council (with 2,981 votes). Elnatan Rudolph (2,852) lost his bid for re-election, falling 38 votes behind his running mate. Barbara Toffler (leading the voting with 3,356 votes) and Mohammed Hameeduddin (2,890) were elected and took office on July 1, 2008, filling the seats left by Rudolph and former-mayor Jackie Kates, who did not run for re-election. [Ax, Joseph. [http://www.northjersey.com/news/elections/18920109.html "Rivals split the vote"] , "The Record (Bergen County)", May 14, 2008. Accessed May 15, 2008. "Challenger Barbara Toffler surged to victory in Tuesday's bitterly contested council election, finishing first in a field of eight, and Councilwoman Monica Honis and newcomer Barbara Toffler also captured four-year terms."]

On July 1 following a municipal election, the Township Council holds an Organizational Meeting where the candidates elected (or re-elected) to serve on the Council are sworn in and begin their terms of office. The newly-inducted council selects one of its members to serve as Mayor, and another to serve as Deputy Mayor, who presides in the absence of the Mayor. [ [http://TeaneckNJ.gov/html/AboutCouncil.aspx#Meetings Township Council: Meetings] , Township of Teaneck. Accessed May 15, 2008.]

The Mayor, elected by the Council from among its members after each biennial election, serves for a two-year term of office which expires upon the selection of a mayor at the subsequent reorganization meeting. The Mayor presides over all meetings and votes on every issue as a regular member. The Mayor is a member of the Planning Board and the Library Board. The Mayor appoints the members of the Library Board, and one member of the Planning Board. The Mayor executes bonds, notes, contracts and written obligations of the Township and is empowered by State Law to perform marriages. [ [http://www.TeaneckNJ.gov/html/AboutCouncil.aspx#Mayor Mayor] , Township of Teaneck. Accessed July 8, 2008.]

The Municipal Manager is appointed by the Council to serve as a full-time professional chief executive officer. The Manager implements Council policies, enforces ordinances and coordinates the activities of all departments and employees and is responsibel for preparing and submitting a budget to the Council. The Manager makes recommendations to the Council on relevant matters, appoints and removes Township employees and investigates and acts on complaints. The Manager appoints the Municipal Courts Prosecutor and Public Defender, members of the Rent Board and one member of the Teaneck Economic Development Corporation, and one member of the Civilian Complaint Review Board.

Federal, state and county representation

Teaneck is part of New Jersey's 37th Legislative District and is in the Ninth Congressional District. [ [http://www.lwvnj.org/pubs/CG06.pdf 2006 New Jersey Citizen's Guide to Government] , New Jersey League of Women Voters, p. 64. Accessed August 30, 2006.]


As of April 1, 2006, out of a 2007 Census estimated population of 39,019, there were 23,378 registered voters (58.7% of the population, vs. 55.4% in all of Bergen County). Of registered voters, 7,889 (33.7% vs. 20.7% countywide) were registered as Democrats, 1,704 (7.3% vs. 19.2% countywide) were registered as Republicans and 13,774 (58.9% vs. 60.1% countywide) were registered as Undeclared. There were 11 voters registered to other parties. ["County of Bergen: Voter Statistics by Municipality, Ward & District," dated April 1, 2006.]

On the national level, Teaneck leans strongly toward the Democratic Party. In the 2004 presidential election, Democrat John Kerry received 69% of the vote here, defeating Republican George W. Bush, who received around 30%. [ [http://www.nj.gov/lps/elections/2004results/04_Municipality_pdf%27s/presidential_bergen_co_2004.pdf 2004 Presidential Election results: Bergen County] New Jersey Department of Law and Public Safety: Division of Elections, dated December 13, 2004.]


New Jersey has the highest median property tax rates in the United States. [New Jersey Reporter, June 2006, p. 30] Teaneck, situated in Bergen County, the fourth wealthiest county in New Jersey, has among the highest equalized tax rates in New Jersey.

Roughly 60% of a Teaneck property owner's tax goes to support the local school system (ranked 98th out of 104 from lowest to highest cost in per-pupil spending, relative to comparable K-12 school districts in the state). [ [http://www.nj.gov/education/guide/2008/k-12.pdf Comparative Spending Guide March 2008: K-12 Districts] , New Jersey Department of Education. Accessed May 13, 2008.] Most of the rest of the property tax (33%) goes to municipal taxes and the remainder (7%) to county services. Much of Teaneck's current cost structure is a result of long term labor agreements.

The 2006 tax rate was set at $4.64 per $100 of assessed value, which is composed of school taxes of $2.690, municipal taxes of $1.592, county taxes of $0.338, and county and municipal open space taxes of one cent each per $100 of assessed value. [ [http://www.TeaneckNJ.gov/managersreport.pdf Teaneck Municipal Services 2006] , p. 4, accessed February 16, 2007.] A property assessed at the township average of $200,000 [ [http://www.northjersey.com/page.php?qstr=eXJpcnk3ZjcxN2Y3dnFlZUVFeXkzJmZnYmVsN2Y3dnFlZUVFeXk2OTI4MDI3 Litigation, taxes are top issues in Teaneck] , "The Record (Bergen County)" by Brian Aberback, April 30, 2006. "That would mean a $226 municipal tax increase for the owner of a home assessed at $200,000, the township average."] would pay annual property taxes of $9,280. The average sale price of a single family home in Teaneck during fourth quarter of 2007 was $410,906. [ [http://www.relohomesearch.com/NorthAmericaCity/NJ/Teaneck.aspx Teaneck, new Jersey] , Relo Home Search. Accessed May 13, 2008.] The median sale price for a single family home in Teaneck during 2007 was $431,500. [ [http://www.starledger.com/str/indexpage/homesales/salestown.asp "NJ By The Numbers", "The Star-Ledger". Accessed July 17, 2008.]

At the April 2006 school elections, voters rejected the proposed $84.8 million budget for the Teaneck Public Schools for the 2006-07 school year by a 1,644 to 1,336 margin. Based on recommendations specified by the Township Council, the Board of Education approved $544,391 in cuts. [Aberback, Brian. [http://www.northjersey.com/page.php?qstr=eXJpcnk3ZjcxN2Y3dnFlZUVFeXkzJmZnYmVsN2Y3dnFlZUVFeXk2OTM2Mzgy Teaneck school board OKs budget cuts] , "The Record (Bergen County)", May 18, 2006.]

During 2006, Teaneck underwent a revaluation of all privately-owned real estate, as required periodically by the state. This revaluation adjusted property values to market prices, ensuring that taxes are equitably allocated. The average property in Teaneck was assessed at approximately $417,900, an increase of 132.1% from the prior year's average. The new valuations took effect for the 2007 tax year. [Aberback, Brian; and Sheingold, David. [http://www.northjersey.com/page.php?qstr=eXJpcnk3ZjcxN2Y3dnFlZUVFeXkzJmZnYmVsN2Y3dnFlZUVFeXk3MDc2NjIz Teaneck's seismic tax shift] , "The Record (Bergen County)", February 13, 2007.]

Teaneck's four fire stations are staffed around the clock by paid full-time fire fighters. Teaneck is one of four municipalities in Bergen County with a paid fire department, joining Englewood, Hackensack and Ridgewood. [Aberback, Brian. [http://www.highbeam.com/doc/1P1-107166880.html "Acting fire chief takes over in Teaneck"] , "The Record (Bergen County)", April 7, 2005. Accessed July 3, 2008. "Teaneck is one of four towns in Bergen County that have a paid fire department. Hackensack, Ridgewood and Englewood are the others."] Teaneck is the number one responder to the Bergen Country fire mutual aid system.

Another significant portion of municipal taxes goes to fund municipal services including the Police Department, Department of Public Works and the Court, all township responsibilities rather than County or State.


Public Schools

The Teaneck Public Schools serves students in pre-Kindergarten through 12th grade. Schools in the district (with 2005-06 enrollment data from the National Center for Education Statistics [ [http://nces.ed.gov/ccd/schoolsearch/school_list.asp?Search=1&DistrictID=3416080 data for the Teaneck Public Schools] , National Center for Education Statistics. Accessed June 1, 2008.] ) include Bryant School, with 345 students in pre-K and Kindergarten; three lower schools serving grades 1-4: Hawthorne School, with 374 students; Lowell School, with 375 students; and Whittier School, with 411 students {Longfellow Elementary school was discontinued in 1998}; two middle schools serving grades 5-8: Benjamin Franklin Middle School, with 611 students, and Thomas Jefferson Middle School, with 690 students; and Teaneck High School, which has an enrollment of 1,460 students in grades 9-12.

The Teaneck Public School spends more per-pupil than all but five New Jersey school districts. It budgeted spending of $16,087 per student for the 2007-08 school year on a Comparative Cost per Pupil basis (a measure that excludes out-of-district tuition payments, transportation costs and judgments against the school district), 98th highest of the 104 K-12 school districts in the state with more than 3,500 students. This is up more than $2,000 (more than 15%, from $13,928) from the 2005-06 school year. 86% of that funding comes from local property taxes. (The median per-pupil spending in NJ is $12,182, by the Piscataway Township Schools.)

Of the 2007-08 per-pupil allocation, $9,255 goes to classroom instruction (97th highest of K-12 districts in the state with more than 3,500 students), $2,478 to Support Services (84th), $1,566 to Administrative Costs (95th) and $2,359 to Operations and Maintenance (100th). The district's Median Teacher Salary of $66,900 is ranked 92nd in the state, while the Median Administrator Salary is $128,245 and ranks 98th. [ [http://www.nj.gov/njded/guide/2008/k-12.pdf#page=579 Comparative Spending Guide March 2008] , New Jersey Department of Education. Accessed May 13, 2008.]

Teaneck High School had not met the "Adequate Yearly Progress" requirements of the federal No Child Left Behind Act, and was currently classed as "In need of improvement", but was removed in 2006 after scores increased for special-needs students. [Aberback, Brian. [http://www.highbeam.com/doc/1P1-120809708.html "Teaneck schools removed from warning list"] , "The Record (Bergen County)", March 29, 2006. Accessed July 17, 2008.] New Jersey Department of Education's 2007 School Report Card showed that the high school had a graduation rate of 97.1%. [ [http://education.state.nj.us/rc/rc07/menu/03-5150.html Teaneck High School 2007 School Report Card] , New Jersey Department of Education. Accessed May 15, 2008.]

The Teaneck Community Charter School is a charter school that operates independently of the Teaneck Public Schools under a charter granted by the Commissioner of the New Jersey Department of Education. Admission is open to the public for available slots (after returning students and siblings of existing students are entered) and covers kindergarten through eighth grade, with an after school program and summer camp. As the school is a public school, no tuition is charged. Funding comes from the Teaneck Public Schools (and other home districts of non-resident students), which provides 90% of its cost per pupil in the district; the balance of funding comes directly from the state of New Jersey. [ [http://www.tccsnj.org/index.php?module=pagemaster&PAGE_user_op=view_page&PAGE_id=4&MMN_position=10:10 About TCCS] , Teaneck Community Charter School. Accessed June 1, 2008.]

Private and parochial schools

Teaneck is home to the Metropolitan Campus of Fairleigh Dickinson University, which straddles the Hackensack River, in Teaneck and Hackensack. The campus served 4,114 undergraduates and 2,350 graduate students as of the 2007-08 school year. [ [http://view.fdu.edu/default.aspx?id=700 Metropolitan Campus > About the Campus] , Fairleigh Dickinson University. Accessed June 1, 2008.]

Private Orthodox Jewish day schools include the Torah Academy of Bergen County (for boys) and Ma'ayanot Yeshiva High School (for girls), both high schools (grades 9-12).

Teaneck was home to the Metropolitan Schechter High School, a co-ed Conservative Jewish high school, which closed its doors in August 2007 due to fundraising problems. [Spence, Rebecca. [http://www.forward.com/articles/11505/ "Families Mourn as School Abruptly Closes"] , "The Forward", August 29, 2007. Accessed August 29, 2007. "Less than two weeks before the Metropolitan Schechter High School in Teaneck, N.J., was set to begin the academic year, the board announced to a shocked audience of parents, teachers and students that the school had not met its fundraising goals and would therefore be forced close its doors for good."]

The Al-Ghazaly High School is a co-ed religious day school (grades 7 through 12) primarily serving the Muslim community. Students come from the greater Teaneck area.

The Community School is a private school, founded in 1968 to serve the bright child with learning and attentional disabilities. Both the lower school and high school are in Teaneck.

Public services

The Teaneck Police Department has 99 uniformed officers as of 2008, out of a total of 106 authorized uniformed positions. Robert Wilson was named Chief as of July 2008, filling the acting chief role previously held by Deputy Chief Fred Ahearn, who had been serving in that position since the departure of Paul Tiernan in 2007. [Ax, Joseph. [http://www.northjersey.com/news/northernnj/Teaneck_gives_top_police_job_to_acting_chief.html "Teaneck gives top police job to acting chief"] , "The Record (New Jersey)", July 3, 2008. Accessed July 3, 2008.] The department hired its first two officers in 1914; Freddie Greene, its first African-American officer, joined the department on September 15, 1962, and its first female on January 4, 1981. [Prosnitz, Howard. "Council approves five new officers", "Teaneck Suburbanite", June 27, 2007, p. 1.] [Ax, Joseph. [http://www.northjersey.com/obituaries/19037174.html "Frederick Greene, first black cop in Teaneck"] , "The Record (Bergen County)", May 17, 2008. Accessed July 3, 2008. "But it was breaking through the color line in 1962 that remains his lasting legacy, former colleagues said."]

The Richard Rodda Community Center, located near Route 4 at the south end of Votee Park, is a 50,000 square foot community and recreation center completed in 1998. The facility includes two full sized gyms, a dance studio, a kitchen and several multipurpose rooms of different sizes. The Teaneck Recreation department offers educational, sports and arts programs throughout the year. The Rodda center is home to the Senior Citizens Service Center, which offers educational and fitness activities for adults ages 55 and up, and serves hot lunch daily, provided by the Bergen County Division of Senior Services. [ [http://teanecknj.gov/Departments/Recreation.aspx Recreation Department] , Township of Teaneck. Accessed July 3, 2008.]

Arts and culture

The Puffin Foundation and its Puffin Cultural Forum have been leading supporters and producers of art in Teaneck, sponsoring plays and art exhibitions at it location on Puffin Way. [Aberback, Brian. [http://www.northjersey.com/page.php?qstr=eXJpcnk3ZjcxN2Y3dnFlZUVFeXkzJmZnYmVsN2Y3dnFlZUVFeXk3MTU0NzAw "Puffin founders give artists a voice"] , "The Record (Bergen County)", June 20, 2007. Accessed August 13, 2007.]

Teaneck is home to the [http://ethicalfocus.org Ethical Culture Society of Bergen County] , founded in 1953. The Bergen Society is a member organization of the [http://aeu.org American Ethical Union] .

The Teaneck Community Band presents a series of five outdoor summer band concert each summer. The 67th annual series, in 2007, was sponsored by the Puffin Foundation. [ [http://www.TeaneckNJ.gov/departments/recreation.htm Teaneck Recreation department] , Township of Teaneck. Accessed August 13, 2007.]

The now-defunct Teaneck Cultural Arts Coalition had organized many community-wide cultural events, including an annual First Night community celebration of the arts held for several years through New Year's 2005. [Beckerman, Jim. [http://www.northjersey.com/page.php?qstr=eXJpcnk3ZjczN2Y3dnFlZUVFeXk2MzgmZmdiZWw3Zjd2cWVlRUV5eTY2Mjc2NjQmeXJpcnk3ZjcxN2Y3dnFlZUVFeXk5 "A First Night leap for Teaneck"] , "The Record (Bergen County)", December 19, 2004. Accessed August 13, 2007. "In fact, Teaneck's seventh annual First Night celebration will be chock-full of traditional after-dark events beginning at 6:30 p.m., and most of them, like the circus, illustrate this year's First Night theme, 'East Meets West.'"]

Teaneck New Theatre, founded in 1986, performs productions at St. Mark's Church in Teaneck and at the Hackensack Cultural Arts Center, across the river in Hackensack, New Jersey. [ [http://go-tnt.org/history.html History] , Teaneck New Theatre. Accessed May 15, 2008.]

Cedar Lane Cinema is the township's lone movie theater, and hosts live performances on its stage by local performance groups. Teaneck has been the site of many films, including "The Family Man", the 2000 film starring Nicolas Cage. [Graham, Bob. [http://www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?f=/c/a/2000/12/22/DD24532.DTL "Cage's Wonderful Lives"] , "San Francisco Chronicle", December 22, 2000. Accessed August 22, 2007. "Jack slowly discovers that he has traded Manhattan for Teaneck, N.J., his penthouse for a four-bedroom house and mortgage, his Ferrari for a minivan."] The Teaneck Armory has been used for films including "Sweet and Lowdown", and for interior scenes of "You've Got Mail". [Davis, Tom. [http://www.teaneck.org/virtualvillage/Armory/armory2002.html A Place For Troops, Troupes, Hoops: Teaneck Armory Still Vital] , copy of article from "The Record (Bergen County)", January 2, 2002. Accessed June 6, 2007.] [Ivry, Bob. [http://www.highbeam.com/doc/1P1-22378856.html "FILMMAKERS DESCENDING ON NEW JERSEY"] , "The Record (Bergen County)", June 17, 1998. Accessed June 6, 2007. "When Randy Sokol Sweeney was asked to find a New York-area spot in which to shoot the indoor scenes of "You've Got Mail," a romantic comedy starring Tom Hanks and Meg Ryan, she tried the usual studios in Queens, but they were booked. Then she checked out Teaneck."]

In 2007, two non-fiction volumes appeared dealing, "inter alia", with Teaneck's Orthodox Jewish community. In "Foreskin's Lament", writer Shalom Auslander describes living in Teaneck and finding the Jewish community stifling and claustrophobic. [McGrath, Charles. [http://www.iht.com/articles/2007/10/02/arts/lament.php?page=2 "Shalom Auslander: An Orthodox Jewish outsider grapples with his past"] , "International Herald Tribune", October 3, 2007. Accessed May 15, 2008.] In contrast, Rifka Rosenwein, in "Life in the Present Tense", describes the close-knit community as a gift she couldn't imagine when living in Manhattan. [Wiener, Julie. [http://www.thejewishweek.com/viewArticle/c44_a1292/The_Arts/Books.html "Rifkas Words Still Speak To Me"] , "The Jewish Week", December 5, 2007. Accessed May 15, 2008.]


Although licensed to Oakland, a community in Western Bergen County, radio station WVNJ operating at 1160 kHz on the AM dial maintains its studio at 1086 Teaneck Road. [ [http://www.wvnj.com/contact.htm Contact WVNJ] , WVNJ. Accessed July 17, 2008.] WFDU FM-89.1 operates from studios at Fairleigh Dickinson University, and there was a defunct AM Carrier Current version of WFDU on 640 through some time in the 1980s. [ [http://alpha.fdu.edu/wfdu/wfdufm/home.html WFDU] , Fairleigh Dickinson University. Accessed July 7, 2008. "Since 1971, WFDU FM has provided distinctive entertainment shows and prize-winning public affairs programming for the tri-state metro area from studios on the Metropolitan (Teaneck, New Jersey) campus of Fairleigh Dickinson University."]


The New Jersey Nets NBA pro basketball team were founded as the New Jersey Americans in Teaneck for the 1967-68 season, as charter members of the American Basketball Association. The team played their home games at the Teaneck Armory for that one season, and was scheduled to play a one-game playoff at the armory. However, the circus had been booked for the week, and the game was relocated to a court in Commack, New York that was unplayable, and the game had to be forfeited. After the one season in Teaneck, the team relocated to Long Island and was renamed the New York Nets. [Wojnarowski, Adrian. [http://www.northjersey.com/page.php?qstr=eXJpcnk3ZjczN2Y3dnFlZUVFeXkyNjkmZmdiZWw3Zjd2cWVlRUV5eTYzODYwMjkmeXJpcnk3ZjcxN2Y3dnFlZUVFeXk5 "Warped floors, lumbering elephants"] , "The Record (Bergen County)", June 1, 2003. Accessed September 6, 2007.]

Portions of Fairleigh Dickinson University's Metropolitan Campus are located in Teaneck, with most of the school's athletic facilities are located across the river in Hackensack. The school's University Stadium, home for its men's and women's soccer teams, lies on the Hackensack River, just north of Route 4. The 1,000-seat stadium has hosted NCAA Men's Soccer Tournament games in recent years. [ [http://www.fduknights.com/pdf3/80422.pdf?ATCLID=1138046&SPSID=93301&SPID=4559&DB_OEM_ID=11000 2007 Fairleigh Dickinson University Mens Soccer Prospectus] , Fairleigh Dickinson University. Accessed September 6, 2007.] The natural grass field was resurfaced with FieldTurf in 2004. [ [http://www.northeastconference.org/news/wsoc/2004/8/3/fdu_newturf.asp?path=wsoc Fairleigh Dickinson University Installs FieldTurf at University Stadium] , Fairleigh Dickinson University press release, dated August 3, 2004. Accessed September 6, 2007.]

The FDU baseball field is situated between Route 4 and University Stadium. The school received a $1 million bequest from FDU alumnus Vince Naimoli, founding owner of the Tampa Bay Devil Rays, to establish a 500-seat stadium with artificial turf and lighting on the site of the current facility. [ [http://www.northjersey.com/sports/fairleighdickinson/FDU_baseball_complex_gets_bequest.html "FDU baseball complex gets bequest"] , "The Record (Bergen County)", December 18, 2007. Accessed May 19, 2008.]



Teaneck is situated along a number of major transportation routes, including the northern terminus of the New Jersey Turnpike (a portion of Interstate 95). Teaneck is the eastern terminus of Interstate 80, which stretches over 2,900 miles west to downtown San Francisco, California.

Route 4 runs east-west through Teaneck, where, unlike all other towns situated along the highway, there is no commercial development. Route 4 narrows from three lanes on the eastbound section between Belle Avenue and Englewood, causing rush-hour traffic backups that may extend all the way back into Hackensack. The New Jersey Department of Transportation (NJDOT) has discussed a series of proposed replacement projects for bridges over the highway, which could start in 2011, pending completion of feasibility studies and design work. While the township has indicated its willingness to cede space along the Greenbelt for a third lane, the lack of space for a shoulder may preclude the creation of a full three-lane route through Teaneck, due to safety concerns by the NJDOT. [Aberback, Brian. [http://www.northjersey.com/page.php?qstr=eXJpcnk3ZjcxN2Y3dnFlZUVFeXkyJmZnYmVsN2Y3dnFlZUVFeXk3MDgwNTUz Teaneck road project timeline set] , "The Record (Bergen County)", February 20, 2007.]

New Jersey's other main trunk route, the Garden State Parkway, can be reached just a few miles west of Teaneck.

Access to New York City is available for motorists across the George Washington Bridge in Fort Lee which can be reached by highway via Route 4 or Interstate 95, and (via the Turnpike) through the Lincoln Tunnel in Hudson County into Midtown Manhattan.

Public transportation

Ample New Jersey Transit bus service is available in Teaneck, with frequent service on Teaneck Road, Route 4 and Cedar Lane, and less frequent service on other main streets. NJTransit bus service is offered to the Port Authority Bus Terminal in Midtown Manhattan on the 155, 157, 167, 168 routes; to the George Washington Bridge Bus Terminal on the 171, 175, 178, 186 routes; and to other New Jersey communities served on the 751, 753, 755, 756, 772, 780 routes. [ [http://web.archive.org/web/20070528052749/http://www.njtransit.com/sf_bu_schedules.shtml New Jersey Transit Bus Schedules] , from the Internet Archive, as of May 28, 2007. Accessed December 27, 2007.] Bus service is also available from private companies such as Red and Tan Lines to the Port Authority Bus Terminal and George Washington Bridge Bus Terminal, as well as within New Jersey.

While there is no passenger train operation in Teaneck, train service is available on New Jersey Transit on the Pascack Valley Line at the North Hackensack station (in River Edge) and the Anderson Street station (in Hackensack). This line runs north-south to Hoboken Terminal with connections to the PATH train from the Hoboken PATH station and New Jersey Transit connecting service to Penn Station in Midtown Manhattan via the Secaucus Junction transfer station. Connections are also available at Hoboken Terminal to New York Waterways ferry service to the World Financial Center and other destinations and for the Hudson-Bergen Light Rail system, serving routes along the Hudson River in Hudson County.

Teaneck is split east and west by railroad tracks, which currently provide freight service by CSX Transportation. Until 1959, passenger train service was provided on these same tracks by the West Shore Railroad, with Teaneck stations at Cedar Lane and West Englewood Avenue. Commuter service was available from these stations, with 44 passenger trains operating to and form Weehawken, with ferry service available across the Hudson River to New York City at 42nd Street and at the Financial District in lower Manhattan. [ [http://www.njslom.org/magart0107_p36.html The Sad Story of Trains in Teaneck] , "New Jersey Municipalities" by Jacqueline Kates, January 2007. "In the 1950s Teaneck residents and local businesses were well-served by 44 passenger and 40 freight trains on the West Shore line daily, but by 1959, ferry service to New York was discontinued, train ridership dropped, and passenger service was eliminated."] Service was also available north along the west shore of the river to Albany. Efforts are continuing to restore passenger train service on this line for the commuters heading into New York City. However, with recent decisions to extend Hudson-Bergen Light Rail service via the Northern Branch to Tenafly, this possibility seems far less likely.

The closest airport in New Jersey with scheduled passenger service is Newark Liberty International Airport, convert|19.7|mi|km|1 away (about 27 minutes) in Newark / Elizabeth. [ [http://www.google.com/maps?saddr=Teaneck,+NJ+07666&daddr=EWR+-+Newark+Liberty+Intl+Airport&f=d&sll=40.912475,-74.016266&sspn=0.109748,0.346069&layer=&ie=UTF8&z=11&om=1 Google Maps: Teaneck, NJ to EWR] , accessed March 15, 2007.] New York City's LaGuardia Airport is convert|14.7|mi|km|1 away in Flushing, Queens via the George Washington Bridge, an estimated 22 minutes (in ideal conditions). [ [http://www.google.com/maps?f=d&hl=en&saddr=Teaneck,+NJ+07666&daddr=LGA+-+La+Guardia+Airport&sll=40.819525,-74.069824&sspn=0.219804,0.466919&layer=&ie=UTF8&z=11&ll=40.829398,-73.944168&spn=0.219772,0.466919&om=1 Google Maps: Teaneck, NJ to LGA] , accessed March 15, 2007.] John F. Kennedy International Airport in Queens is 25.7 miles (and 34 minutes) from Teaneck. [ [http://www.google.com/maps?f=d&hl=en&saddr=Teaneck,+NJ+07666&daddr=JFK+-+John+F+Kennedy+Intl+Airport&sll=40.829398,-73.944168&sspn=0.219772,0.466919&layer=&ie=UTF8&z=10&om=1 Google Maps: Teaneck, NJ to JFK] , accessed March 15, 2007.] Teterboro Airport offers general aviation service, and is a convert|9.2|mi|km|1|sing=on drive (about 13 minutes) away. [ [http://www.google.com/maps?f=d&hl=en&saddr=Teaneck,+NJ+07666&daddr=TEB+-+Teterboro+Airport&sll=40.76815,-73.901029&sspn=0.439948,0.933838&layer=&ie=UTF8&z=12&om=1 Google Maps: Teaneck, NJ to TEB] , accessed March 15, 2007.]

ee also

*List of people from Teaneck, New Jersey


External links

* [http://www.TeaneckNJ.gov/ Township of Teaneck official website]
* [http://www.Teaneck.org/ Teaneck Public Library]
* [http://www.TeaneckSchools.org/ Teaneck Public Schools website]
*NJReportCard|03|5150|0|Teaneck Public Schools
* [http://nces.ed.gov/ccd/schoolsearch/school_list.asp?Search=1&DistrictID=3416080 Data for the Teaneck Public Schools] , National Center for Education Statistics
* [http://www.TeaneckVAC.org/ Teaneck Volunteer Ambulance Corps]
* [http://www.TeaneckInfo.com/ Teaneck Community Calendar]
* [http://www.co.bergen.nj.us/planning/data/census/HistoricalPop.pdf Historical Population Trends in Bergen County 1990 - 2000]
* [http://www.teaneckchamber.org/demographics.html Teaneck Chamber of Commerce - Demographics]
* [http://factfinder.census.gov/servlet/SAFFFacts?_event=Search&geo_id=&_geoContext=&_street=&_county=&_cityTown=&_state=&_zip=07666&_lang=en&_sse=on&pctxt=fph&pgsl=010 Census 2000 Demographic Profile Highlights for Teaneck]
* [http://teaneckprogress.blogspot.com/ Teaneck Progress community issues discussion blog]

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