Charles Atlas

Charles Atlas
Charles Atlas

Comic ad from 1949 featuring Charles Atlas
Born Angelo Siciliano
Acri, Italy
Died December 23, 1972(1972-12-23) (aged 80)
Long Beach, New York
Occupation Bodybuilder
Known for Bodybuilding

Charles Atlas, born Angelo Siciliano (October 30, 1892,[1] Acri, Italy – December 23, 1972, Long Beach, New York[2]), was the developer of a bodybuilding method and its associated exercise program that was best known for a landmark advertising campaign featuring Atlas's name and likeness; it has been described as one of the longest-lasting and most memorable ad campaigns of all time.[3]

According to Atlas, he trained himself to develop his body from that of a "scrawny weakling", eventually becoming the most popular muscleman of his day. He took the name "Charles Atlas" after a friend told him he resembled the statue of Atlas on top of a hotel in Coney Island[2] and legally changed his name in 1922. His company, Charles Atlas Ltd., was founded in 1929 and, as of 2010, continues to market a fitness program for the "97-pound weakling" [44 kg]. The company is now owned by Jeffrey C. Hogue.



Born Angelo Siciliano in Acri, Calabria, Italy, in 1892, Angelino, as he was also called, moved to Brooklyn, New York, in 1905, took the name Charles, and became a leather worker. He tried many forms of exercise initially, using weights, pulley-style resistance, and gymnastic-style calisthenics. Atlas claimed they did not build his body. Atlas was inspired by other fitness and health advocates who preceded him; world-renowned strongman Eugene Sandow and Bernarr MacFadden (a major proponent of "Physical Culture").

As a youth, according to the story he always told, Siciliano had a bully kick sand into his face at a beach; at this time in his life, also according to the story, he weighed only 97 pounds (44 kg).[4] Humiliated, the young Siciliano joined the YMCA and began to do numerous exercise routines, becoming obsessed with strength. According to several stories/claims while at the zoo and watching a lion stretch, he thought to himself, "Does this old gentleman have any barbells, any exercisers?...And it came over me....He's been pitting one muscle against another!"[5] He concluded that lions and tigers became strong by pitting muscle against muscle.[6]

In 1921, Bernarr MacFadden, publisher of the magazine Physical Culture, dubbed Siciliano "The World's Most Perfectly Developed Man" in a contest held in Madison Square Garden[5][7] He soon took the role of strongman in the Coney Island Circus Side Show.

In 1922, the now-30-year-old Siciliano officially changed his name to Charles Atlas, as it sounded much more American. He met Dr. Frederick Tilney, a British homeopathic physician and course writer who was employed as publisher Bernarr MacFadden's "ideas man." Atlas and Tilney met through MacFadden, who was using Atlas as a model for a short movie entitled "The Road to Health." Atlas wrote a fitness course and then asked Tilney to edit the course. Tilney agreed and Atlas went into business in 1922. Tilney himself had an extensive background in weight training.

[5]== Dynamic Tension ==

Atlas' "Dynamic Tension" program consists of twelve lessons and one final perpetual lesson. Each lesson is supplemented with photos of Atlas demonstrating the exercises. Atlas' lesson booklets added commentary that referred to the readers as his friends and gave them an open invitation to write him letters to update him on their progress and stories. His products and lessons have sold millions, and Atlas became the face of fitness. Among the clients who took Atlas' course were Max Baer, heavyweight boxing champion from 1934-1935,[8] Rocky Marciano, heavyweight boxing champion from 1952-1956 and Joe Louis, heavyweight boxing champion from 1937-1949.


Besides photographs, Atlas posed for many statues throughout his life, including the statue of George Washington in New York's Washington Square Park, Dawn of Glory in Brooklyn's Prospect Park, and Alexander Hamilton at the U.S. Treasury building in Washington, D.C.[9] Atlas was also an inspiration and a model for later bodybuilders and fitness gurus, including Arnold Schwarzenegger.[citation needed]


Atlas died of heart failure at age 80 after his daily jog on the beach (his family had a history of heart attacks).[citation needed] At the time, people were still writing to him.[citation needed] He left behind a son, Herc, and a daughter, Diana.[2]

The print advertisements

The famous Charles Atlas print advertisements became iconic mostly because they were printed in so many comic books from the 1940s. The typical scenario presented a skinny young man (usually accompanied by a female companion) being threatened by a bully. The bully pushes down the "97-pound weakling" and the girlfriend joins in the derision. The young man goes home, gets angry (usually demonstrated by his kicking a chair), and sends away for the free Atlas book. Shortly thereafter, the newly muscled hero returns to the place of his original victimization, seeks out the bully, and beats him up. He is rewarded by the swift return of his girlfriend and the admiration of onlookers.

The ad was said to be based on an experience the real Atlas had as a boy.[10] With variations, it was a mainstay of comic books and boys' magazines for decades. The ads usually conclude with the words "As is true of all the exercises in Atlas's course, you can do these exercises almost anywhere."[11]

The comics have been found recently on Marvel's and DC's websites and can be found in various other places on the Web today.[3]

"The Insult that Made a Man out of Mac"

In this, the full-length version, the protagonist, "Mac," is accosted on the beach by a sand-kicking bully while his date watches. Humiliated, the young man goes home and, after kicking a chair and gambling a ten-cent stamp, subscribes to Atlas's "Dynamic-Tension" program. Later, the now muscular protagonist goes back to the beach and beats up the bully, becoming the "hero of the beach." His girl returns while other females marvel at how big his muscles are. (An earlier but otherwise almost identical version, "How Joe's Body Brought Him Fame Instead of Shame," debuted in the 1940s.[12])

"The Insult That Turned a 'Chump' Into a Champ"

In this version, which debuted in 1941,[12] "Joe" is at a fair with his girl when the bully (who has just shown his strength with the "Ring-the-bell" game) insults and pushes him. Joe goes home, slams his fist on the table, and orders the free Atlas book. Joe then returns to the fair, rings the bell, and pushes down the bully while his girlfriend reappears to compliment him on his new, powerful physique.

"Hey, Skinny! Yer Ribs Are Showing!"

The condensed, four-panel version stars "Joe," though it is otherwise identical to Mac's story. Instead of "Hero of the beach," the words floating above Joe's head are "What a man!"

"How Jack the Weakling Slaughtered the Dance-Floor Hog"

Another version of the ad presents a scenario in which "Jack" is dancing with his girl, Helen. They are bumped into by a bully, who comments on how puny Jack is, not even worth beating up. Jack goes home, kicks a chair, and sends away for Atlas's "free book." Later, the muscular Jack finds the bully, punches him, and wins back the admiration of Helen. This time, the words "Hit of the party" float over his head as he basks in the admiration of the other dancers.


  • In the 1966 postmodern novel Beautiful Losers, written by Leonard Cohen, Charles Atlas is parodied as "Charles Axis."
  • The short story "Charles Atlas Also Dies" by Sergio Ramirez centers on the main character, a follower of Atlas's exercise program, and his trip to America to meet Charles Atlas himself; written from an ironic and dark-humored perspective. Among the numerous references to Atlas's program/story/advertisements, the main character describes having sand kicked in his face by "two big hefty guys" in front of his girlfriend and later being compared to the mythological god Atlas after undergoing the program.[13] The story juxtaposes the superhuman strength and notoriety of Charles Atlas—the symbol, with the fragile and mortal aspects of Charles Atlas—the man. The story begins with the quote: "Charles Atlas swears that sand story is true. - Edwin Pope, The Miami Herald".[14]
  • In Kurt Vonnegut's novel Cat's Cradle, Charles Atlas is mentioned. When the narrator comes across the term "Dynamic Tension" in a book about the mysterious cult leader Bokonon, he laughs because he imagines the author does not know "that the term was one vulgarised by Charles Atlas, a mail-order muscle-builder." However, as he reads on he finds that Bokonon is an alumnus of Atlas's training program, which has inspired his idea that "good societies could be built only by pitting good against evil, and by keeping the tension between the two high at all times."

Film and TV

  • In the Futurama episode "When Aliens Attack," Fry gets sand kicked in his face by a "professional beach bully" who asks for payment for his services after Fry has won the girl, Leela. Leela hits on the bully, but the bully claims to be gay.
  • The title song of the 1964 film Muscle Beach Party features the lyric "Cherry little woodies are the center of attention / Til the muscle men start the dynamic tension"
  • In the Ren and Stimpy episode "Ren's Pecs," Ren seeks counsel from the bodybuilder "Charles Globe," who inspires him to get plastic surgery. Charles Globe and the entire episode are obvious spoofs of the Charles Atlas story.
  • Rocky Horror Picture Show (film, 1975), a rock and roll musical, makes several references to Atlas:
    • In "Charles Atlas Song / I Can Make You a Man":
      • The title line exploits the grammatical ambiguity of Atlas's slogan[15] "In just seven days, I can make you a man," between the meanings "... cause you to become a 'real' man" and "... create a man for you."
      • Both Charles Atlas and "Dynamic-Tension" are mentioned by name.
      • It refers to a 98-pound weakling, a reference to Atlas' "97-pound weakling."
      • The second line refers to the Charles Atlas advertising campaign with "Will get sand in his face when kicked to the ground."
    • The mad-scientist character (Dr. Frank N. Furter) claims that his Frankensteinian creation "carries the Charles Atlas Seal of Approval."
  • A Spitting Image annual parodies the Charles Atlas advertisement, with the two protagonists competing not on muscular physique, but with their rhetorical skills and grasp of post-modernism.
  • In an episode of That '70s Show, Eric's sister accuses him of being weak by saying he ordered a Charles Atlas video to buff up.
  • In an episode of Monty Python's Flying Circus, Terry Gilliam creates an animation which is a visual spoof of Charles Atlas' ad campaign.
  • In an episode of Punky Brewster, Punky asks Henry if he still has his Charles Atlas books after being bullied at school.
  • In 'Mild Mannered', an episode of Warehouse 13, a pair of Charles Atlas's trunks imbue a character with superhuman powers, including superstrength and the ability to alter his own density.
  • In 'The Missing Page', an episode of Hancock's Half Hour, Hancock reads the fictional detective novel 'Lady, Don't Fall Backwards'. The final page has been removed, and Hancock reads the lines 'Men! Are you skinny?! Do bullies kick sand in your face?!', a parody of Atlas' advertising in pulp novels.


  • The song "Sand In My Face" by 10cc, on their debut album, is a detailed description of Atlas's legendary ads.
  • The band A.F.I. have a song called "Charles Atlas" on their album Very Proud Of Ya.
  • The Bonzo Dog Band song "Mr Apollo" is a parody that includes the lines "Five years ago I was a four-stone apology ... Today I am two separate gorillas!"
  • The Bob Dylan song "She's Your Lover Now" contains the lyric: "Why must I fall into this sadness? / Do I look like Charles Atlas? / Do you think I still got what you still got, baby?"
  • The Faces song "On the Beach" contains the line "though I may not be no Charlie Atlas, / Gonna take my shirt off anyway."
  • The Australian band The Fauves had a minor local hit with their song "The Charles Atlas Way."
  • The Josef K song "Sorry For Laughing" (made popular in the U.S. by Propaganda) contains the line "when we grooved on into town / Charles Atlas stopped to frown / cause he's not made like me and you"
  • "We Are The Champions" by Queen includes the line, "I've had my share of sand kicked in my face..."
  • The Who song "I Can't Reach You", on the album The Who Sell Out, is preceded by a "commercial" for the Charles Atlas Course. ("The Charles Atlas course with "Dynamic Tension" can turn you into a beast of a man.") John Entwistle poses on the cover as a panther skin-clad Charles Atlas alumnus, as the more muscular Roger Daltrey was otherwise occupied in a bathtub filled with baked beans.
  • Roger Waters' song "Sunset Strip," from Radio KAOS, contains the line "I like riding in my Uncle's car / Down to the beach where the pretty girls all parade / And movie stars and paparazzi play the Charles Atlas kicking-sand-in-the-face game."
  • In the song "I Will Not Fall" By Wiretrain/Wire, these lyrics appear: "And Charles Atlas Stands, upon the beach, upon his head and says ... I will not fall."
  • The Statler Brothers song "Do You Remember These" contains the line "Charles Atlas course, Roy Rogers' horse, and 'only the Shadow knows'..."

Magazine and newspapers

  • A Canberra Times cartoon features the athletic Tony Abbott having his comeuppance against policy heavyweight Kevin Rudd.[16]
  • An issue of Nickelodeon Magazine features a fake advertisement that parodies the Atlas body ads; the difference is that the product promises to make a person extremely smart. In this parody, a genius man picks on an incredibly strong yet slow-witted man for his lack of intelligence. The man gets his revenge by scientifically proving that the genius bully does not exist, making him disappear.
  • An article in The Onion spinoff Our Dumb Century portrays a feud between Adlai Stevenson and General William Westmoreland being carried out in the same vein as illustrated in the Charles Atlas advertisement.


  • In an issue of the DC Comics title Mystery in Space[volume & issue needed], the main character, Comet, referring to an army of super-powered clones, says, "Physically those clones may make me look like a 98-pound-weakling, but psychically I'm the Charles Atlas of this beach."
  • The January, 1974 issue of the satiric magazine National Lampoon was dedicated to animals: Pets, circus, wild beasts, evolution, law, etc. A fake advertisement in the article ‘’Popular Evolution’’, a parody of the magazine Popular mechanics, presents in the three-stage comic strip manner a Charles Atlas-style commercial. A little skinny mouse suffers the humiliation of being kicked at the beach by a bully, some sort or medium-size carnivore. Little mouse, goes home, kicks a chair, fills the form and sends it to Mr. Charles Darwin, Galapagos Islands. “After a few millions years of evolutionary exercise” little mouse has developed fangs, and ugly scary face, wings, amongst other attributes; goes back to the beach, bites the bully predator in the neck, Count Dracula style and is declared the “heroe of the habitat” by the admiring females. Leider the issue is out of print and cannot be seen online anywhere.[17]
  • The "kicking sand in the face" image has been used many time in Archie comics.
  • Flex Mentallo in Doom Patrol was supposed to be the character in the Charles Atlas ad. Several years later, Jeffrey C. Hogue, president of Charles Atlas, Ltd. sued DC Comics, particularly over issue #42, in which Mentallo's origin is told, in which the character literally arises straight form the ad. The court found that the statute of limitations had run out between the publication of the comic and the lawsuit, and that, because the comicbook could not be considered an advertisement for something else, it was legally-protected parody.[18]
  • Marvel Comics' humor series What The--?! used Atlas parodies regularly, as in "The Insult that Made Mac a Blood-Sucking Freak!" (What The--?! #23, November 1992).
  • Minicomics pioneer Matt Feazell uses the sand-kicking bully to represent the Etruscan attack on Rome in Not Available Comics #25, 1993.
  • "The Hold-Up that Made a Hero Out of Mac," from Radioactive Man #1 (Bongo Comics, 1993), blends Mac's story with Batman's origin.
  • Cartoonist Chris Ware appropriated Mac's "chair-kicking resolve" in a Jimmy Corrigan story from Acme Novelty Library #1 (Fantagraphics, Winter 1993).
  • Cartoonist Josh Neufeld used the ad to spoof business writer David A. Vise in a piece done for Fortune Small Business magazine in 2002.[19]
  • In the June 4, 2007, edition of "This Modern World," Tom Tomorrow uses the ad to make a point about how President George W. Bush pushes around Congressional Democrats.[20]
  • New Orleans cartoonist Caesar Meadows spoofed the ad—substituting zine-making for bodybuilding—while advertising the 2008 Alternative Media Expo.[21]

Video games

  • In early versions of the game, The Secret of Monkey Island, there was a statue in a voodoo shop that when inspected would make the character say "Looks like an emaciated Charles Atlas." The reference has since been removed due to Lucasfilm Games receiving a cease and desist letter.[22]
  • Video game developer Valve released an update to their popular game, Team Fortress 2 that gave the sniper class a jar of urine called "Jarate". The comic strip that Valve used to advertise the update is a parody of the strip "The Insult that Made a Man out of Mac"[23]
  • The physically unimposing "Little Mac" character in Mike Tyson's Punch-Out!! and the Punch-Out!! franchise is named in homage to the "Mac" of Atlas' best-known comic-book advertisement.

See also


  1. ^
  2. ^ a b c New York Times obituary (December 24, 1972).
  3. ^ a b Kannenburg, Gene. "The ad that made an icon out of Mac," Hogan's Alley.. Retrieved August 6, 2008.
  4. ^ [1]
  5. ^ a b c Jonathan Black (August 2009). Smithsonian magazine. 
  6. ^ Wallechinsky, D. The 20th Century History With The Boring parts Left Out (Little Brown & Co., 1996).
  7. ^ Charles Atlas section of R. Christian Anderson's Sandow Museum website.. Retrieved September 30, 2008.
  8. ^ Muscles by Mail, Stewart Robertson, Family Circle Magazine, Vol. 14, No. 3, January 20, 1939
  9. ^ Maeder, Jay, "Charles Atlas Body and Soul," New York Daily News (May 16, 1999).. Retrieved September 30, 2008.
  10. ^ " Federal judge: Parody of Atlas man protected by First Amendment," Associated Press (August 31, 2000).
  11. ^ Gaines, Charles and Butler, George. Yours in Perfect Manhood, Charles Atlas: the Most Effective Fitness Program Ever Devised (Simon & Schuster, 1982).
  12. ^ a b "Classic Ads,"[dead link]
  13. ^ Geok-Lin Lim, Shirley, and Norman A. Spencer. One World Of Literature. Boston: Houghton Mifflin Company, 1993. pg. 847-48
  14. ^ Geok-Lin Lim, Shirley, and Norman A. Spencer. One World Of Literature. Boston: Houghton Mifflin Company, 1993. pg. 846
  15. ^ James Woycke, Au Naturel: The History of Nudism in Canada, p. 3
  16. ^ Scratch Media
  17. ^ "Animals". National Lampoon ( (#46 -). November 17, 1997. Retrieved August 7, 2010. 
  18. ^ Sullivan, John (August 31, 2000). "Charles Atlas Complaint Held as Legal Weakling". The New York Times. 
  19. ^
  20. ^
  21. ^
  22. ^ "Grumpy Gamer Stuff and Things and Monkey Island". June 1, 2009. Retrieved August 7, 2010. 
  23. ^

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  • Charles Atlas — Charles Atlas, geboren als Angelo Siciliano (* 30. Oktober 1892[1] in Acri, Italien; † 23. Dezember 1972 in Long Beach, USA) war der Erfinder einer Bodybuilding Methode mit kombiniertem Trainingsprogramm, besonders bekannt durch eine seinen Namen …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Charles Atlas — (30 de octubre de 1892 23 de diciembre de 1972) fue un culturista, uno de los primeros referentes del strongman. Su compañía, Charles Atlas ltd. tiene varias marcas registradas. Contenido 1 Biografía 2 Juventud 3 …   Wikipedia Español

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  • Charles Atlas (video artist) — Charles Atlas is a video artist and film director who also does lighting and set design. He is a pioneer in developing media dance, also called dance for camera, which is work that is created directly for the camera. While Atlas’ primary artistic …   Wikipedia

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  • Atlas — (griech. Träger) steht für: Atlas (Gebirge), ein Gebirge in Nordwest Afrika Atlas (Kartografie), ein kartografisches Werk in meist gebundener Form Atlas, eine Sammlung von Bildtafeln oder Bilddaten als ein grafisches oder elektronisches… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

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