Bernarr Macfadden

Bernarr Macfadden
Bernarr Macfadden

Macfadden posing as Michelangelo'sDavidin 1905
Born Bernard Adolphus McFadden
August 16, 1868(1868-08-16)
Mill Spring, Missouri, U.S.
Died October 12, 1955(1955-10-12) (aged 87)
Jersey City, New Jersey, U.S.
Cause of death Urinary tract infection
Resting place Woodlawn Cemetery
Nationality American
Occupation Bodybuilder, author, magazine publisher
Known for Founder of Macfadden Publications

Bernarr Macfadden (August 16, 1868October 12, 1955) was an influential American proponent of physical culture, a combination of bodybuilding with nutritional and health theories. He also founded the long-running magazine publishing company Macfadden Publications.


Early life

Born Bernard Adolphus McFadden in Mill Spring, Missouri, Bernarr Macfadden changed his first and last names to give them a greater appearance of strength.[1] He thought "Bernarr" sounded like the roar of a lion, and that "Macfadden" was a more masculine spelling of his name.

As a young child, Macfadden was weak and sickly. After being orphaned by the time he was 11, he was placed with a farmer and began working on the farm. The hard work and wholesome food on the farm turned him into a strong and fit boy for his time. When he was 13, however, he moved to St. Louis, Missouri and took a desk job. Quickly his health reverted again and by 16 he described himself as a "physical wreck". He started exercising again with dumbbells, walking up to six miles a day and became a vegetarian. He quickly regained his previous health.[2]


Publishing and writings

Macfadden founded Physical Culture magazine in 1899, and was editor up to the August 1912 issue. Aided by long-time Supervising Editor Fulton Oursler, Macfadden eventually grew a publishing empire, including Liberty, True Detective, True Story, True Romances, Dream World, Ghost Stories, the once-familiar movie magazine Photoplay, and the tabloid newspaper, The New York Graphic. Macfadden's magazines included SPORT, a preeminent sports magazine prior to Time, Inc.'s Sports Illustrated.

Ghost Stories was a nod in the direction of the rapidly growing field of pulp magazines, though it was a large-size magazine that preserved Macfadden's confessional style for most of its stories.[3] In 1928, Macfadden made more overt moves into the pulps with, for example, Red Blooded Stories (1928-29), Flying Stories (1928-29), and Tales of Danger and Daring (1929). These were all unsuccessful. In 1929, Macfadden underwrote Harold Hersey's pulp chain, the Good Story Magazine Company. Macfadden titles like Ghost Stories and Flying Stories continued as Good Story publications. Other intended Macfadden pulps, like Thrills of the Jungle (1929) and Love and War Stories (1930), originated as Good Story magazines. In 1931, Macfadden purchased the assets of the Mackinnon-Fly magazine publishers, which gave him the pioneering sci-fi pulp Amazing Stories, and several other titles; they were published under the Teck Publications imprint. This apparently made Good Story expendable and financial support was withdrawn almost immediately. The Teck titles lasted under Macfadden control until being sold in the late '30s, after which Macfadden was absent from the pulp field.

Macfadden also contributed to many articles and books including The Virile Powers of Superb Manhood (1900), MacFadden's Encyclopedia of Physical Culture (19111912), Fasting for Health (1923), and The Milk Diet (1923).

Health advocacy

Macfadden popularized the practice of fasting that previously had been associated with illnesses such as anorexia nervosa.[4] He felt strongly that fasting was one of the surest ways to physical health. Many of his subjects would fast for a week in order to rejuvenate their body. He claimed thata person could exercise unqualified control over virtually all types of disease while revealing a degree of strength and stamina such as would put others to shamethrough fasting. He saw fasting as an instrument with which to prove a man's superiority over other men.

Macfadden had photographs of himself taken before and after fasts to demonstrate their positive effects on the body. For example, one photograph showed Macfadden lifting a 100 pound dumbbell over his head immediately after a seven day fast. He also promoted fasting by appealing to racial prejudices, suggesting that fasting was a practice of self-denial that only civilized white men would choose to embrace. Macfadden acknowledged the difficulties of fasting and did not support it as an ascetic practice but rather because he believed its ultimate benefits outweighed its costs.[4]

Macfadden established manyhealthatoriumsin the eastern and midwestern states. These institutions offered educational programs such asThe Physical Culture Training School”. Although he gained his reputation for physical culture and fitness, he gained much notoriety for his views on sexual behavior. He viewed intercourse as a healthy activity and not solely a procreative one. This was a different attitude than most physicians had at the time. He also attempted to found a "Physical Culture City" in Monroe Township, Middlesex County, New Jersey, which folded after a few years and became the vacation-cabin neighborhood, and, later, suburban development of Outcalt.

NicknamedBody Love Macfaddenby Timea moniker he detested. He was branded akookand a charlatan by many, arrested on obscenity charges, and denounced by the medical establishment. Throughout his life, he campaigned tirelessly againstpill-pushers,” processed foods and prudery.

Macfadden made an unsuccessful attempt to found a religion, “cosmotarianism”, based on physical culture. He claimed that his regimen would enable him to reach the age of 150.

Macfadden's Macfadden Foundation established two boarding schools for young boys and girls in Westchester County, New York, the Macfadden School in Briarcliff Manor (Scarborough) and the Tarrytown School in Tarrytown. The Macfadden School took the younger children, with some being as young as 3. On March 7, 1943, the advertisement in The New York Times Magazine for the Tarrytown School read: "To Meet the Needs of a Nation at War." The boys at the Tarrytown School wore uniforms and were subject to military type discipline. The Macfadden School operated from 1939 to 1950, the Tarrytown School from 1943 to 1954.

Other Enterprises

At the peak of his career, he owned several hotels and a major building in New York.

Personal life

Macfadden was married four times and had eight children, seven of whose names began with the letter "B".

He was an acquaintance of Shirley Temple, Clark Gable, Franklin D. Roosevelt, Will Rogers, and Rudolph Valentino.


Macfadden died of a urinary tract infection in 1955 in Jersey City, New Jersey, after refusing medical treatment. Upon his death, Edward Longstreet Bodin became the president of the Bernarr Macfadden Foundation.

After his death his fourth wife Johnnie Lee Macfadden claimed that there was still money that was buried at various locations across the country. She said that Bernarr told her that he buried the money in steel cartridge boxes, and it amounted to millions. Several people have reported that they saw Macfadden leave one of his hotels carrying a bag and a shovel thereafter returning with only the shovel. However, all attempts to locate the buried treasure have failed. People close to Macfadden have said that the rumors of buried money were false. Although in 1960 though a steel cartridge box was found buried on Long Island on some property that was once owned by Macfadden. It contained approximately $89,000.

Partial bibliography

During his lifetime, Macfadden wrote over 100 books. This is a partial list of titles:

  • Physical Training (1900)
  • Fasting, Hydropathy, and Exercise (1900)
  • Virile Powers of Superb Manhood (1900)
  • Power and Beauty of Superb Womanhood (1901)
  • Strength from Eating (1901)
  • Strong Eyes (1901)
  • Natural Cure for Rupture (1902)
  • Vaccination Superstition (1902)
  • Marriage: a Lifelong Honeymoon (1903)
  • Building of Vital Power (1904)
  • Creative and Sexual Science (1904)
  • Health, Beauty, and Sexuality (1904)
  • How Success Is Won (1904)
  • A Perfect Beauty (1904)
  • Physical Culture for Babies (1904)
  • Strenuous Lover (1904)
  • Muscular Power and Beauty (1906)
  • Macfadden Prosecution- A Curious Story of Wrong and Oppression (1908)
  • Vitality Supreme (1915)
  • Brain Energy (1916)
  • Manhood and Marriage (1916)
  • Womanhood and Marriage (1918)
  • Strengthening the Eyes (1918)
  • Making Old Bodies Young (1919)
  • Truth About Tobacco (1921)
  • The Miracle of Milk (1923)
  • Fasting for Health (1923)
  • Constipation: Its Cause, Effect, and Treatment (1924)
  • How To Raise a Strong Baby (1924)
  • Physical Culture Cook Book (1924)
  • Walking Cure, Pep and Power from Walking - How to Cure Disease (1924)
  • Hair Culture (1924)
  • Diabetes: Its Cause, Nature and Treatment (1925)
  • Headaches: How Caused and How Cured (1925)
  • Strengthening the Spine (1925)
  • Tooth Troubles (1925)
  • Asthma and Hay Fever (1926)
  • Colds, Coughs, and Catarrh (1926)
  • Foot Troubles (1926)
  • Predetermine Your Baby's Sex (1926)
  • Rheumatism, Its Cause, Nature and Treatment (1926)
  • Skin Troubles (1927)
  • Digestive Troubles (1928)
  • Talks to a Young Man about Sex (1928)
  • Tuberculosis (1929)
  • Home Health Manual (1930)
  • After 40 - What? (1935)
  • Practical Birth Control (1935)
  • Woman's Sex Life (1935)
  • How to Gain Weight (1936)
  • How to Reduce Weight (1936)
  • Be Married and like It (1937)
  • Macfadden's Encyclopedia of Physical Culture (several editions)

See also


  1. ^ Macfadden, Mary and Emile Gauvreau. Dumbbells and Carrot Strips: the Story of Bernarr Macfadden. New York: Holt, 1953.
  2. ^ "Dustbin of History: Bernarr Macfadden". Uncle John's Triumphant 20th Anniversary Bathroom Reader. Bathroom Readers Press. 2007. pp213216. ISBN 978-1-59223-093-8. 
  3. ^ Locke, John; editor. Ghost Stories: The Magazine and Its Makers: Volumes 1 & 2, Off-Trail Publications, 2010.
  4. ^ a b Griffith, Ruth Marie; “Apostles of Abstinence: Fasting and Masculinity in the Progressive Era”, American Quarterly, vol. 52, no. 4 (December 2000), pp. 599-638.


  • Fishbein, M., The Medical Follies: An Analysis of the Foibles of Some Healing Cults, including Osteopathy, Homeopathy, Chiropractic, and the Electronic Reactions of Abrams, with Essays on the Anti-Vivisectionists, Health Legislation, Physical Culture, Birth Control, and Rejuvenation, Boni & Liveright, (New York), 1925.
  • Hale, A.R., "These Cults": An Analysis of the Foibles of Dr. Morris Fishbein's "Medical Follies" and an Indictment of Medical Practice in General, with a Non-Partisan Presentation of the Case for the Drugless Schools of Healing, Comprising Essays on Homeopathy, Osteopathy, Chiropractic, The Abrams Method, Vivisection, Physical Culture, Christian Science, Medical Publicity, The Cost of Hospitalization and State Medicine, National Health Foundation, (New York), 1926.

Further reading

  • Weakness Is a Crime: The Life of Bernarr Macfadden by Robert Ernst. Syracuse University Press, 1991. ISBN 081562512X; ISBN 978-0815625124.
  • Mr. America: How Muscular Millionaire Bernarr Macfadden Transformed the Nation Through Sex, Salad, and the Ultimate Starvation Diet by Mark Adams. HarperCollins, 2009. ISBN 9780060594756; ISBN 0060594756.
  • Bernarr Macfadden: A Study in Success, by Clement Wood. Kessinger Publishing, LLC, 2003. ISBN 0766143422; ISBN 978-0766143425.
  • Deutsch, Ronald M. The Nuts Among the Berries. New York, Ballantine Books, rev. ed. 1967

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  • Macfadden, Bernarr — orig. Bernard Adolphus McFadden born Aug. 16, 1868, Mill Spring, Mo., U.S. died Oct. 12, 1955, Jersey City, N.J. U.S. publisher and champion of physical health. A sickly orphan by age 11, McFadden began in his teens to increase his strength as an …   Universalium

  • Macfadden, Bernarr — orig. Bernard Adolphus McFadden (16 ago. 1868, Mill Spring, Mo., EE.UU.–12 oct. 1955, Ciudad de Jersey, N.J.). Editor y promotor de la salud física. Huérfano a los 11 años y enfermizo, McFadden comenzó a desarrollar su fuerza física en la… …   Enciclopedia Universal

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