
Fossil fish from the Green River Formation, an Eocene Lagerstätte

A Lagerstätte (German: [ˈlaːɡɐʃtɛtə], from Lager 'storage' Stätte 'place'; plural Lagerstätten) is a sedimentary deposit that exhibits extraordinary fossil richness or completeness.

Palaeontologists distinguish two kinds.[1]

  1. Konzentrat-Lagerstätten (concentration Lagerstätten) are deposits with a particular concentration of disarticulated organic hard parts, such as a bone bed. These Lagerstätten are less spectacular than the more famous Konservat-Lagerstätten. Their contents invariably display a large degree of time averaging, as the accumulation of bones in the absence of other sediment takes some time. Deposits with a high concentration of fossils that represent an in-situ community, such as reefs or oyster beds, are not considered Lagerstätten.
  2. Konservat-Lagerstätten (conservation Lagerstätten) are deposits known for the exceptional preservation of fossilized organisms, where the soft parts are preserved in the form of impressions or casts. This is caused by incompleteness of biological recycling, for example where anoxic conditions, as in oxygen-free mud, has suppressed common bacterial decomposition long enough for the initial casts of soft body parts to register. The individual taphonomy of the fossils varies with the sites. Conservation Lagerstätten are crucial in providing answers to important moments in the history and evolution of life, for example the Burgess Shale of British Columbia is associated with the Cambrian explosion, and the Solnhofen limestone with the earliest known bird, Archaeopteryx.


Konservat-Lagerstätten preserve lightly sclerotized and soft-bodied organisms that are not otherwise preserved in the usual shelly and bony fossil record; thus they offer a more complete record of ancient biodiversity and enable some reconstruction of the palaeoecology of ancient aquatic communities. In 1986 Simon Conway Morris calculated that only about 14% of genera in the Burgess Shale had possessed biomineralized tissues in life. The affinities of the shelly elements of conodonts were mysterious until the associated soft tissues were discovered near Edinburgh, Scotland, in the Granton Lower Oil Shale of the Carboniferous.[2] Information from the broader range of organisms found in Lagerstätten have contributed to recent phylogenetic reconstructions of some major metazoan groups. Lagerstatten seem to be temporally autocorrelated, perhaps because global environmental factorsperhaps climate? – affect their deposition.[3]

A number of taphonomic pathways may produce Lagerstätten. The following is an incomplete list:

Important Lagerstätten

The world's major Lagerstätten include:

    Bitter Springs 1000850 Ma South Australia
    Ediacara Hills 630-542 Ma South Australia
    Doushantuo Formation 600555 Ma Guizhou Province, China
    Mistaken Point 565 Ma Newfoundland, Canada
    Maotianshan Shales (Chengjiang) 525 Ma Yunnan Province, China
    Sirius Passet 518 Ma Greenland
    Emu Bay shale 517 Ma South Australia
    Kaili Formation 513501 Ma Guizhou province, south-west China
    Wheeler Shale (House Range) 507 Ma Western Utah, US
    Burgess Shale 505 Ma British Columbia, Canada
    Kinnekulle Orsten and Alum Shale 500 Ma Sweden
    Öland Orste and Alum Shale 500 Ma Sweden
    Fezouata formation c.485 Ma Draa Valley, Morocco
    Walcott-Rust quarry c.450 Ma New York, US
    Beecher's Trilobite Bed 445 Ma New York, US
    Soom Shale 435 Ma South Africa
    Wenlock Series 420 Ma England
    Rhynie chert 400 Ma Scotland
    Hunsrück Slates 390 Ma Rheinland-Pfalz, Germany
    Miguasha National Park 370 Ma Québec, Canada
    Canowindra, New South Wales 360 Ma Australia
    Gogo Formation 350 Ma Western Australia
    Bear Gulch Limestone 320 Ma Montana, US
    Joggins Fossil Cliffs 315 Ma Nova Scotia, Canada
    Mazon Creek 300 Ma Illinois, US
    Montceau-les-Mines 300 Ma France
    Hamilton Quarry 295 Ma Kansas, US
    Madygen Formation 230 Ma Kyrgyzstan
    Ghost Ranch 205 Ma New Mexico, US
    Holzmaden/Posidonia Shale 180 Ma Württemberg, Germany
    Karabastau Formation 155.7 Ma France
    La Voulte-sur-Rhône 160 Ma Ardèche, France
    Solnhofen limestone 145 Ma Bavaria, Germany
    Canjuers limestone 145 Ma France
    Yixian Formation ca 125-121 Ma Liaoning, China
    Las Hoyas ca 125 Ma (Barremian) Cuenca, Spain
    Crato Formation ca 117 Ma (Aptian) northeast Brazil
    Xiagou Formation ca 110 Ma Gansu, China
    Haqel/Hadjula/al-Nammoura lagerstätten ca 95 Ma Lebanon
    Santana Formation 10892 Ma Brazil
    Smoky Hill Chalk 8782 Ma Kansas and Nebraska, US
    Ingersoll Shale 85 Ma Alabama, US
    Auca Mahuevo 80 Ma Patagonia, Argentina
    Zhucheng 65 Ma Shandong, China
    Fur Formation 5553 Ma Fur, Denmark
    London Clay 5448 Ma UK
    Green River Formation 50 Ma Colorado/Utah/Wyoming, US
    Monte Bolca 49 Ma Italy
    Messel Oil Shale 49 Ma Hessen, Germany
    Dominican amber 3010 Ma Dominican Republic
    Riversleigh 2515 Ma Queensland, Australia
    Clarkia fossil beds 2017 Ma Idaho, US
    Barstow Formation 13.4 Ma California, US
    Ashfall Fossil Beds 10 Ma Nebraska, US
    The Mammoth Site 26 ka South Dakota, US
    Rancho La Brea Tar Pits 40 ka - 12 ka California, US

See also


  1. ^ The term was originally coined by Adolf Seilacher here:Seilacher, A. (1970). "Begriff und Bedeutung der Fossil-Lagerstätten: Neues Jahrbuch fur Geologie und Paläontologie" (in German). Monatshefte 1970: 3439. 
  2. ^ Briggs et al. 1983; Aldridge et al. 1993.
  3. ^ Retallack, G. J. (2011). "Exceptional fossil preservation during CO2 greenhouse crises?". Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology. doi:10.1016/j.palaeo.2011.04.023.  edit
  • Penney, D.(ed.) 2010. Biodiversity of Fossils in Amber from the Major World Deposits. Siri Scienfic Press, Manchester, 304 pp.

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