Sirius Passet

Sirius Passet

Sirius Passet is a Cambrian Lagerstätte in Greenland. The Sirius Passet Lagerstätte was named after the Sirius sledge patrol that operates in North Greenland. It is located on the eastern shore of J.P. Koch Fjord in the far north of Greenland. It was discovered in 1984 by A. Higgins of the Geological Survey of Greenland. A preliminary account was published by Simon Conway Morris and others in 1987, but since then, three expeditions led by J. S. Peel and Simon Conway Morris have returned to the site, in 1989, 1991 and 1994, and a field collection of perhaps 10,000 fossil specimens has been amassed.

The fauna is inevitably compared to that of the Burgess Shale, although it is probably ten to fifteen million years older – 518 vs. 505 Ma (Martin et al. 2000) – and more closely contemporaneous with that from Chengjiang.

Although the fauna has not yet been fully described, it is known to consist of a moderate number of arthropods and sponges, together with rare representatives of other groups. It has yielded three highly problematic taxa, "Halkieria", "Kerygmachela" and "Pambdelurion", all of which have played prominent roles in discussions about the origins of the modern animal phyla.

In early 2008, Simon Conway Morris published another paper] describing a polychaete annelid from the Sirius Passet in the open-access journal Acta Palaeontologica Polonica, which is available online [|here] . As SCM et al note in their discussion, "the phyletic position of Phragmochaeta is very poorly constrained, but it may be fairly basal", which is what makes these early Cambrian Lagerstätte so fascinating. Polychaete annelids are a significant component of the Burgess Shale fauna, but are otherwise unknown from the other early Cambrian Lagerstätte, so this single species from a single locality appreciably extends the depth of understanding of this group. Unfortunately, the material so far described form Sirius Passet is sparse in morphological characters.

Simon Conway Morris notes in this most-recent paper that the study is being done on "almost 6000 fossiliferous slabs ... selected during visits between 1985 and 2006 from extensive talus slopes derived from the lower part of the Buen Formation", with indications that other outcrops of potentially fossiliferous material are known, but are under-explored.

Taxa from the Sirius Passet fauna

"Halkieria evangelista"
"Buenaspis forteyi"
"Kerygmachela kierkegaardi"
"Pambdelurion whittingtoni"
"Hadranax augustus"
"Buenellus higginsi"
"Kleptothule rasmusseni"
"Pauloterminus spinodorsalis"
"Phragmochaeta canicularis" gen. et sp. nov. [ [ Conway_Morris 20070078.vp ] ]



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