- Taphonomy
Taphonomy is the study of a decaying
organism over time. The term taphonomy, (from the Greek "taphos - τάφος" meaning burial, and "nomos - νόμος" meaning law), was introduced topaleontology in 1940 by Russian scientist, Ivan Efremov, to describe the study of the transition of remains, parts, or products oforganism s, from thebiosphere , to thelithosphere , "i.e." the creation offossil assemblages, ("e.g." see Shipman 1981 p.5-6, Greenwood 1991, Lyman 1994).Taphonomists study such phenomena as
biostratinomy ,decomposition ,diagenesis , and encrustation andbioerosion by sclerobionts (see Taylor and Wilson, 2003).The primary motivation behind the study of taphonomy is to better understand biases present in the
fossil record. Fossils are ubiquitous in sedimentary rocks, yet paleontologists cannot draw the most accurate conclusions about the lives and ecology of the fossilized organisms without knowing about the processes involved in their fossilization. For example, if a fossil assemblage contains more of one type of fossil than another, one can either infer that that organism was present in greater numbers, or that its remains are more resistant to decomposition.During the late 20th century, taphonomic data began to be applied to other paleontological subfields such as behavioral paleobiology,
paleoceanography ,ichnology (the study oftrace fossils ) andbiostratigraphy . By coming to understand theoceanographic and ethological implications of observed taphonomic patterns, paleontologists have been able to provide new and meaningful interpretations and correlations that would have otherwise remained obscure in thefossil record .Archaeologists study taphonomic processes in order to determine how plant and animal (as well as human) remains accumulate and differentially preserve within archaeological sites. This is critical to determining whether these remains are associated with human activity. In addition, taphonomic processes may alter biological remains after they are deposited at a site. Some remains survive better than others over time, and can therefore bias the excavated collection.Experimental taphonomy "testing" usually consists of exposing the remains of organisms to various altering processes, and then examining the effects of the exposure.
*Efremov, I. A. (1940), Taphonomy: a new branch of paleontology. "Pan-American Geology" 74: 81-93. [http://www.astro.spbu.ru/staff/serg/interests/literature/efremov/tapharticle1.html]
*Emig, C. C. (2002). Death: a key information in marine palaeoecology. "In": Current topics on taphonomy and fossilization, Valencia. "Col.lecio Encontres", 5: 21-26.
*Greenwood, D. R. (1991), The taphonomy of plant macrofossils. In, Donovan, S. K. (Ed.), "The processes of fossilisation", p.141-169. Belhaven Press.
*Lyman, R. L. (1994), "Vertebrate Taphonomy." Cambridge University Press.
*Shipman, P. (1981), "Life history of a fossil: An introduction to taphonomy and paleoecology". Harvard University Press.
*Taylor, P. D. and Wilson, M. A. (2003), Palaeoecology and evolution of marine hard substrate communities. "Earth-Science Reviews" 62: 1-103. [http://www.wooster.edu/geology/Taylor%26Wilson2003.pdf]External links
* The [http://vertigo.hsrl.rutgers.edu/SSETI.html Shelf and Slope Experimental Taphonomy Initiative] is the first long-term large-scale deployment and re-collection of organism remains on the sea floor.
* [http://www.journaltaphonomy.com/ The Journal of Taphonomy]
* Bioerosion Website atThe College of Wooster [http://www.wooster.edu/geology/Bioerosion/Bioerosion.html]
* Comprehensive bioerosion bibliography compiled by Mark A. Wilson [http://www.wooster.edu/geology/bioerosion/BioerosionBiblio.pdf]
* [http://paleopolis.rediris.es/BrachNet/Taphonomy/index-en.html Taphonomy]
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