
ICD-10 R04.2
ICD-9 786.3
DiseasesDB 5578
MedlinePlus 003073
MeSH D006469

Hemoptysis or haemoptysis (play /hɨˈmɒptɨsɪs/) is the expectoration (coughing up) of blood or of blood-stained sputum from the bronchi, larynx, trachea, or lungs (e.g. in tuberculosis or other respiratory infections or cardiovascular pathologies).


Differential diagnosis

There are many conditions involving Hemoptysis, including bronchitis and pneumonia most commonly, but also lung neoplasm (in smokers, hemoptysis is often persistent), aspergilloma, tuberculosis, bronchiectasis, coccidioidomycosis, pulmonary embolism, pneumonic plague, and Cystic Fibrosis. Rarer causes include hereditary hemorrhagic telangiectasia (HHT or Rendu-Osler-Weber syndrome), or Goodpasture's syndrome and Wegener's granulomatosis. In children hemoptysis is commonly caused by the presence of a foreign body in the respiratory tract. The condition can also result from over-anticoagulation from treatment by drugs such as warfarin.

Blood-laced mucus from the sinus or nose area can sometimes be misidentified as symptomatic of hemoptysis (such secretions can be a sign of nasal or sinus cancer, but also a sinus infection). Extensive non-respiratory injury can also cause one to cough up blood. Cardiac causes like congestive heart failure and mitral stenosis should be ruled out.

The origin of blood can be identified by observing its color. Bright red, foamy blood comes from the respiratory tract while dark red, coffee-colored blood comes from the gastrointestinal tract. Sometimes hemoptysis may be rust colored.

Diagnostic approach

Diagnostic approach to solving the puzzle of hemoptysis.
  • Past history, history of present illness, family history
  • Blood
    • duration, frequency, amount;
    • Amounts of blood: large amounts of blood, or is there blood-streaked sputum;
    • Probably source of bleeding: is the blood coughed up, or vomited?
  • Bloody sputum
    • color, characters: blood-streaked, fresh blood, frothy pink, bloody gelatinous.
  • Accompanying symptoms
    • fever, chest pain, coughing, purulent sputum, mucocutaneous bleeding, jaundice.
  • Imaging examination
    • chest X-ray, CT scan and 3D reconstruction images or CT virtual bronchoscopy, bronchial angiography.
  • Laboratory tests
    • blood test: WBC
    • Sputum: cells and bacterial examinations, sputum culture
  • Bronchial fiber endoscopy[11]


Treatment depends largely upon the underlying cause. Many modalities of treatment can be used, like, iced saline, or topical vasoconstrictors, such as adrenalin or vasopressin can be used. Selective bronchial intubation can be used to collapse lung in which the hemorrhage is occurring, also endobrachial tamponade can be used. Laser photocoagulation can be used to stop bleeding during bronchoscopy. Angiography of bronchial arteries can be performed to locate the bleeding, and it can often be embolized.[12] Surgical option is usually the last resort, and can involve, lobectomy or pneumonectomy. Non–Small-Cell Lung Cancer can also be treated with Erlotinib or Gefitinib[13]


External links

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  • Hemoptysis — He*mop ty*sis, n. [NL., fr. Gr. a i^ma blood + ? to spit: cf. F. h[ e]moptysie.] (Med.) The expectoration of blood, due usually to hemorrhage from the mucous membrane of the lungs. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • hemoptysis — [hē mäp′tə sis, hem äp′tə sis] n. [ModL < HEMO + Gr ptysis, spitting < ptyein, to spit out < IE echoic base (s)pyū > L spuere, SPEW] the spitting or coughing up of blood: usually caused by bleeding of the lungs or bronchi …   English World dictionary

  • Hemoptysis — Spitting up blood or blood tinged sputum. Pronounced he MOP tis is. The word “hemoptysis” comes from the Greek “haima” for “blood” + “ptysis” meaning “a spitting” = a spitting of blood. The source of the blood was originally not specified but now …   Medical dictionary

  • hemoptysis — noun Etymology: New Latin, from hem + Greek ptysis act of spitting, from ptyein to spit more at spew Date: 1646 expectoration of blood from some part of the respiratory tract …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • hemoptysis — /hi mop teuh sis/, n. Pathol. the expectoration of blood or bloody mucus. [1640 50; < NL, equiv. to hemo HEMO + Gk ptýsis spitting; cf. ptýein to spit] * * * …   Universalium

  • hemoptysis — noun expectoration (coughing up) of blood …   Wiktionary

  • hemoptysis — n. spitting up of blood or bloody mucus …   English contemporary dictionary

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  • hemoptysis — he•mop•ty•sis [[t]hɪˈmɒp tə sɪs[/t]] n. pat the expectoration of blood or bloody mucus • Etymology: hemo + Gk ptýsis spitting (ptý(ein)to spit + sis sis) …   From formal English to slang

  • hemoptysis —    Coughing up blood or pulmonary bleeding. If simply resulting from excessive coughing, where bleeding is from prolonged tracheal or pharynx irritation and minute mucosal hemorrhage, it can be self treatable ...anything else and start worrying …   Herbal-medical glossary

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