- Respiratory physiology
Respiratory physiology is the branch of
human physiology focusing upon respiration.Topics include:
lung volumes
*vital capacity
*functional residual capacity
*dead space
*body plethysmography
*peak flow meter Mechanics
Breathing in, or inhaling, is usually an active movement. The contraction of the diaphragm muscles cause a pressure variation, which is equal to the pressures caused by elastic, resistive and inertial components of the respiratory system.
Where Pel equals the product of
elastance E (inverse of compliance) and volume of the system V, Pre equals the product of flow resistance R and time derivate of volume V (which is equivalent to the flow), Pin equals the product ofinertance I and second time derivate of V. R and I are sometimes referred to as Rohrer's constants.* Anatomy:
pleural cavity ,thoracic diaphragm ,Intercostales externi muscles ,Intercostales interni muscles
*inhalation andexhalation
*lung ,pulmonary alveolus
* With insufficientpulmonary surfactant , the pulmonary alveoli collapse, causingatelectasis (in infants,infant respiratory distress syndrome )
* thelaw of Laplace ,
*compliance (physiology) - decreased withfibrosis , increased withemphysema [ [http://oac.med.jhmi.edu/res_phys/Encyclopedia/Compliance/Compliance.HTML Compliance ] ]
*Poiseuille's law
*asthma andCOPD
*hysteresivity Circulation, ventilation, and perfusion
pulmonary circulation
*positive pressure ventilation
* hypoxic vasoconstriction
*ventilation (physiology) ,perfusion ,ventilation/perfusion ratio (V/Q), andventilation/perfusion scan
* shunts: right-to-left (tetralogy of fallot ), left-to-right (patent ductus arteriosus )
*respiratory rate andrespirometer Gas exchange/transport (primarily oxygen and carbon dioxide)
gas exchange
*Dalton's law
*oxygen-hemoglobin dissociation curve ,Bohr effect ,Haldane effect
*carbonic anhydrase
*respiratory quotient
*arterial blood gas Control and response
control of respiration
*reticular formation
*pons (apneuistic and pneumotaxic)
*chemoreceptors (medulla ,carotid body ,aortic body )
*Hering-Breuer reflex
*involuntary control of respiration
*hypoxemia (hypoxic hypoxia )Disorders
altitude sickness
*carbon monoxide poisoning
*chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
*infant respiratory distress syndrome
*pulmonary edema ee also
breath sounds
*respiratory system
External links
* [http://oac.med.jhmi.edu/res_phys/index.HTML Overview] at
Johns Hopkins University
* [http://www.lib.mcg.edu/edu/eshuphysio/program/section4/4outline.htm Overview] atMedical College of Georgia
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