Route number

Route number

A road number is often assigned to a stretch of public roadway. The number chosen is often dependent on the type of road, with numbers differentiating between interstates, motorways, arterial thoroughfares, two-lane roads, and so forth.


United Kingdom

In some countries, such as the United Kingdom, the road number has a letter followed by a number of up to 4 digits. For example, the main road from London to Edinburgh is called the A1, the "A" in Britain indicating a first class route; this is classified as being more important than "B" roads. The A2, A3, A4, A5, A6 also radiate out from London (in clockwise order) to points around the coast. All classified roads starting in the zone between the A1 and the A2 must begin with the figure 1 (A137, B1412), etc, etc. Scotland is similarly divided into zones by the A7, A8 and A9 which radiate out from Edinburgh. Motorways are marked by an M, for example the M25 (which forms a beltway around London). Motorways are fast freeways and are larger than "A" roads. Motorways follow different zoning and numbering systems than "A" and "B" roads.

This clock-face zonal system is used in many other European countries (for example, Spain).

United States

In other countries, such as the United States, the situation is a bit more complicated. The numbers can be broken up into several major classifications, such as Interstate highways, or high-speed limited-access highways. For instance, the interstate between Boston and Seattle is called Interstate 90. The United States highways are often more local routes that can span multiple states and can include multiple roadway classifications. An example of this is the U.S. highway linking Maine to Florida called U.S. Route 1. There are also state highways, or roadways under the control of the state government and are usually more minor than those of U.S. highways. These are often titled with the state name followed by the route number; Kentucky Route 67 indicates a Kentucky state road numbered 67.

Under the current numbering system for Interstate highways, odd numbers generally indicate a north-south route, and even numbers mean an east-west route. The numbering system creates a sort of grid; east-west Interstates increase in number as one goes north, and north-south Interstates increase in number as one goes east. For example, Interstate 4 is in central Florida, while Interstate 94 runs in the northern part of the country. Also, Interstate 5 travels along the Pacific Ocean while Interstate 95 runs up the East Coast. Conversely, north-south U.S. routes increase in number as one goes west (U.S. Route 1 parallels Interstate 95 and U.S. Route 97 runs in the Pacific Northwest) and the number of east-west U.S. routes increase as one goes south (U.S. Route 2 travels along the Canadian border and U.S. Route 98 runs along the Gulf of Mexico). States may or may not follow the odd and even rules and usually do not number their routes according to a grid. Some exceptions are Iowa, which uses a grid to number its county routes, and Ohio, which has "clusters" of similarly numbered routes.

The numbering system for state highways varies widely from state to state. A state may choose to use letter prefixes for all, some, or none of its state roads. For example, the Virginia Department of Transportation does not use letter prefixes for state primary or secondary routes, but does use an "F" prefix for frontage roads. Although the state's two-letter designation usually becomes a prefix for the route, some states, like Michigan, prefer to use a single-letter prefix (such as "M-28"). Indeed, a state may choose to give a route an entirely alphabetic designation, such as the lettered county routes in Wisconsin and the Missouri Supplemental Routes.

Some states (Southern and Midwestern states in particular) tend to use the term "Highway" for state routes and their sections of U.S. highways, while others prefer the term "Route."

Some routes may carry a letter suffix, such as E/W (for East/West) or N/S (for North/South). Other lesser-known suffixes include A (for Alternate), B (for Business) and C (for City), but not all states practice this convention. For example, in New York State, there has been or currently are routes 17, 17A, 17B, 17C, 17D, 17E, 17F, 17G, 17H, 17J, 17K, and 17M.

Complicating the issue further is the fact that some states have distinct numbering systems for primary and secondary routes or for state routes and county roads. For example, in Virginia, the primary and secondary road systems have numbering ranges that are, with rare exceptions, mutually exclusive.


The Trans-Canada Highway system is made up of federally maintain highways, and is the only system that uses route numbering that span multiple provinces. The provincial highways are assigned numbers by their respective provinces.


All provincial highways are 'Primary Highways'. They are divided into two series', and sub-series'.

  • 1-216 Seriescore highway network
    • Hwy 1-100intercity
    • Hwy 201, 216orbital routes
  • 500-986 Serieslocal highways
    • Hwy 500-699west-east routes
    • Hwy 700-899south-north routes
    • 900 and X seriespotential realignments and extensions

British Columbia

Owing to the mountainous terrain in the province, route numbers are assigned on an ad hoc basis, and vary between west-east and south-north routes. They currently span from 1-118, except for Hwy 395 which is a counterpart of US 395. British Columbia used to have a "400 series" of highways, but that scheme was dropped in 1973.


Provincial Trunk Highways (PTH) are divided into two series'.

  • PTH 1-199primary highways
    • PTH 1-89intercity
    • PTH 100, 101, 110loop routes
  • PR 200-699secondary highways

New Brunswick

Provincial highways are divided into three series'.

  • Route 1-99arterial highways
  • Route 100-199collector highways
  • Route 200-999local highways

Newfoundland and Labrador

Provincial highways are divided into three seres'.

  • Main highways have varying numbers
  • Regional roads are numbered by region
    • Route 2-203Avalon Peninsula
    • Route 204-205, 230-239Bonavista Peninsula
    • Route 210-222Burin Peninsula
    • Route 301-346Kittiwake Coast, Fogo Island, & Twillingate
    • Route 350-371Exploits River Valley & Bay d'Espoir
    • Route 380-392, 410-419Baie Verte
    • Route 401, 420-438Great Northern Peninsula
    • Route 402-407, 440-490Western Newfoundland
    • Route 500-520Labrador
  • Local highways are based on intersecting primary routes and numbered with extension (i.e. 210-1)

Nova Scotia

Provincial highways are divided into five series'.

  • 100 Seriesarterial highways
  • Trunk Highways
  • Route 200-399collector highways
  • Scenic Routes are unnumbered
  • Local roads are unnumbered


Provincial highways are divided into four classes.

  • Hwy 2-148, 400-427King's (primary) highways
    • Hwy 2-148intercity
    • 400-series highways
  • Hwy 500-699secondary highways
  • Hwy 800-813tertiary highways
  • 7000-seriesresource & industrial roads

Prince Edward Island

Provincial highways are divided into three series'.

  • Route 1-4primary highways
  • Route 4-25secondary highways
  • Local highways are numbered by county
    • Route 101-199Prince County
    • Route 201-299Queens County
    • Route 301-399Kings County


Provincial highways are divided into three classes. Odd numbers refer to routes that are generally perpendicular to the Saint Lawrence River. Even numbers refer to routes that are generally parallel to the Saint Lawrence River.

  • Autoroutes - expressways
    • Route numbers for bypasses and spurs take on a prefix (4nn-9nn)
  • 100-seriesprimary highways
  • Secondary routes
    • 200-seriessouth of the Saint Lawrence River
    • 300-seriesnorth of the Saint Lawrence River


Provincial highways are divided into three seres', and sub-series'.

  • Hwy 1-99primary highways
  • Hwy 100-399secondary highways which are spurs of primary highways
    • Hwy 102-167northern routes
    • Hwy 201-271routes to recreational areas
    • Hwy 301-397routes to minor communities
  • Hwy 600-799, 900-999minor highways
    • Hwy 600-699south-north highways
    • Hwy 700-799west-east highways
    • Hwy 900-999northern or isolated roads

Northwest Territories

There are currently eleven territorial highways in the Northwest Territories. All eleven are named, eight are numbered 1-8, and two are winter roads.


There are a number of roads and highways in Nunavut, none are yet numbered.


There are currently fourteen territorial highways in Yukon. All fourteen are named and numbered 1-11, 14-15, & 37.

Hong Kong

  • Highways or Routes are numbered 1-10; there is no Route 6 (it is a proposed route)
  • Routes are also given names (e.g. Tolo Highway)


Route numbering in Malaysia is fairly simple.


  • All expressways (classified as an expressway by the Malaysian government) has a route number beginning with 'E', followed by a number. (e.g. Mes-e1.png NorthSouth Expressway Northern Route and New Klang Valley Expressway)
  • All federal roads can have any route number except those stated below. (e.g. Jkr-ft1.png Malaysia Federal Route 1)
  • Industrial roads has a four-digit route number beginning with '3'.
  • Roads build by the Federal Land Development Authority has a four-digit route number starting with '1' or '2'.
  • Institutional facilities roads follow the normal numbering of federal roads.
  • All state roads begins with a letter other than 'E', followed by a number.
Starting Letter State
A Perak
B Selangor
C Pahang
D Kelantan
J Johor
K Kedah
M Melaka
N Negeri Sembilan
P Penang
R Perlis
T Terengganu



  • All major roads in Sabah are federal roads. The route numbers are usually three-digits beginning with '5'.
  • Route 1, 13 and 22 belong to the Pan Borneo Highway.
  • Institutional roads route numbers have three-digits beginning with '6'.


  • Federal roads in Sarawak are divided into sections. They have a main route number of '1', referring to the whole stretch of the route (i.e. Jkr-ft1.png Pan Borneo Highway), followed by a dash (-) and the section number. (e.g. Jkr-ft1-13.png Jkr-ft1-14.png Jkr-ft1-15.png Jkr-ft1-16.png Jalan Kuching-Serian)
  • Other roads can have any route number and are also divided into sections.


  • All federal roads in Labuan have a three-digit number beginning with '7'.


France still uses Route Nationale numbers from an 1824 revision of 1811 numbers made under Napoleon.

Some countries, such as Brazil, number their national highways by direction. (BR1xx = North/South highways, BR2xx = East/West, BR3xx = 'Diagonal' (ie NW/SE or NE/SW)).

See also

Further reading

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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