List of law enforcement agencies

List of law enforcement agencies

A law enforcement agency (LEA) is any agency which enforces the law. This may be a local or state police, federal agencies such as the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) or the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA). It could also refer to a national police force such as the Serious Organised Crime Agency. Also, it can be used to describe an international organization such as Europol or Interpol.This is a list of law enforcement agencies, organized by continent and then by country.


*Interpol (International Criminal Police Organization)
*Europol (European Police Office)
*EUROGENDFOR (European Gendarmerie Force)
*European Union Police Mission in Bosnia and Herzegovina
*European Union Rule of Law Mission in Kosovo
*United Nations Interim Administration Mission in Kosovo



*Gendarmerie Nationale
*Sûreté Nationale


*Angolan National Police


*Gendarmerie Nationale
*Police Nationale


*Botswana Police Service

Burkina Faso

*Gendarmerie Nationale


*Gendarmerie Nationale


*Law enforcement in Cameroon
*Brigade Mixte Mobile

Cape Verde

*Cape Verde National Police/Policia Ordem de Cabo Verde

Central African Republic

*Law enforcement in the Central African Republic


*Gendarmerie Nationale
*Agence Nationale de Sécurité


*Law enforcement in Comoros

Democratic Republic of the Congo

*Law enforcement in the Democratic Republic of the Congo

Republic of the Congo

*Law enforcement in the Republic of the Congo

Côte d'Ivoire

*Law enforcement in Côte d'Ivoire


*Gendarmerie Nationale


*Egyptian Police Service
*State Security Investigations

Equatorial Guinea

*Law enforcement in Equatorial Guinea


*Law enforcement in Eritrea


*Law enforcement in Ethiopia


*Gendarmerie Nationale


*Gambia Police Force


*Ghana Police Service


*Law enforcement in Guinea


*Law enforcement in Guinea-Bissau


*Kenya Police
**General Service Unit
**Kenya Police Criminal Investigation Department
*Administration Police


*Royal LeSotho Mounted Police


*Liberian National Police


*Libyan People's Security Force


*Gendarmerie Nationale


*Law enforcement in Malawi


*Gendarmerie Nationale


*Gendarmerie Nationale
*Police Nationale


*Mauritius Police Force


*Gendarmerie Royale du Maroc (paramilitary national police force)
*Sûreté Nationale du Maroc (civilian national police force)


*Law enforcement in Mozambique


*Namibia Police Service


*Gendarmerie Nationale


*Nigeria Police Force


*Law enforcement in Rwanda

ahrawi Arab Democratic Republic

*Law enforcement in the Sahrawi Arab Democratic Republic

ão Tomé and Príncipe

*Law enforcement in São Tomé and Príncipe


*Gendarmerie Nationale


*Seychelles Police Force

ierra Leone

*Sierra Leone Police Force


*Law enforcement in Somalia

outh Africa

*South African Police Service (SAPS)
*Special Investigations Unit (SIU)
*National Prosecuting Authority - Directorate of Special Operations (NPA)


*Sudanese Police Service


*Royal Swaziland Police Service


*Tanzania Police Force


*Gendarmerie Nationale


Law enforcement in Tunisia


*Uganda Police Force
*Internal Security Organisation


*Zambia Police Service


*Zimbabwe Republic Police



*Afghan National Police


*Royal Bahrain Police


*Law enforcement in Bangladesh


*Royal Bhutan Police


*Royal Brunei Police


*Cambodian National Police

People's Republic of China

*People's Police
*People's Armed Police
*People's Customs Service

Hong Kong

*Hong Kong Police Force
*Hong Kong Independent Commission Against Corruption
*Hong Kong Correctional Services Department
*Hong Kong Immigration Department
*Hong Kong Customs and Excise Department
*Hong Kong Auxiliary Police Force


*Macau Security Force

Republic of China (Taiwan)

*National Police Agency
*National Immigration Agency
*Bureau of Investigation
*Coast Guard Administration
*Military Police Command


*Assam Rifles
*Border Security Force
*Central Board of Excise and Customs
*Central Industrial Security Force
*Central Reserve Police Force
*Defence Security Corps
*Indian Police Service
*Indo-Tibetan Border Police
*Mumbai Police
*National Security Guards
*Punjab Police
*Railway Protection Force
*Rashtriya Rifles
*Special Frontier Force
*Tamilnadu Police


*Kepolisian Negara Republik Indonesia (Indonesian National Police)
*Kejaksaan Agung RI
*Departemen Kehakiman dan HAM
*Mahkamah Agung RI


*Iran Police Force
*Ministry of Intelligence
*Army of the Guardians of the Islamic Revolution


*Iraqi Police Service (civilian)
*Iraqi National Police Force (paramilitary)


*Israeli Police Force
*Israeli Border Police


*Japanese National Public Safety Commission
**Japanese National Police Agency
***Japanese Imperial Guard
***Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department
*** 46 prefecture police departments
*Japanese Coast Guard (known as the Japanese Maritime Safety Agency from 1949 - 2000)
*Japanese Customs Department
*Japanese Ministry of Justice
**Correctional Bureau
**Public Security Intelligence Agency


*Law enforcement in Jordan

Democratic People's Republic of Korea (North Korea)

*Law enforcement in North Korea

Republic of Korea (South Korea)

*Republic of Korea National Public Safety Commission
**Republic of Korea National Police Agency
***Seoul Metropolitan Police Agency
*** 13 local police agencies
*Republic of Korea Correctional Service
*Republic of Korea Customs Service
*Republic of Korea Coast Guard (formerly known as the Republic of Korea Maritime Police)


*Royal Kuwaiti Police


*Law enforcement in Kyrgyzstan


*Ministry of Security


*Internal Security Forces


*Royal Malaysian Police "(In Malay: Polis Diraja Malaysia)"
*Royal Malaysian Custom "(In Malay: Jabatan Kastam Diraja Malaysia)"
*National Anti-Drug Agency "(In Malay: Agensi Anti-Dadah Kebangsaan - AADK)"
*Malaysian Maritime Enforcement Agency "(In Malay: Agensi Penguatkuasaan Maritim Malaysia)"
*Anti-Corruption Agency "(In Malay: Badan Pencegah Rasuah)"
*Federal Intelligence Department (In Malay: "Jabatan Perisikan Persekutuan")


*Maldives Police Force
*Maldives National Defence Force
**Maldivian Coast Guard


*Law enforcement in Mongolia


*Myanmar Police Force


*Nepalese Police Force
*Nepalese Armed Police Force


*Royal Oman Police


*Pakistani Federal Police
*Punjab Police
*Sindh Police
*NWFP Police
*Baluchistan Police
*Federal Investigation Agency (FIA)
*Pakistan Rangers
*Pakistani Military Police
*Motorway and Highway Police
*Levis Force
*Elite Force Pakistan
*Crime Investigation Department {CID)


*Philippine National Police - created in 1991 from the below agencies:
**Philippine Constabulary (1898 - 1991)
**Philippine Integrated National Police ( ? - 1991)
*Philippine Drug Enforcement Agency
*Philippine National Bureau of Investigation
*Philippine Bureau of Customs Enforcement Service


*Law enforcement in Qatar

audi Arabia

*Royal Saudi Arabian Police Force
*Saudi Arabian Traffic Police Force
*Saudi Arabian Border Guard
*Saudi Arabian Coast Guard
*Saudi Arabian Customs and Immigration Department
*Mabahith (Secret Service)
*Mutawa (Religious Police)


*Singapore Police Force
**Special Operations Command
***Crisis Negotiation Unit
***Police K-9 Unit
***Police National Service Full-time Light Strike Force
***Police Tactical Unit
***Special Tactics and Rescue
*Auxiliary Police Forces
**Aetos Security Management
**Certis CISCO Security Private Limited
**SATS Security Services
*Corrupt Practices Investigation Bureau
*Internal Security Department
*Singapore Armed Forces Military Police Command

ri Lanka

*Sri Lanka Police
**Special Task Force
**Criminal Investigation Department
*Sri Lanka Corps of Military Police
*Naval Provost Branch
*Air Force Police
*Commission to Investigate Allegation of Bribery or Corruption (Bribery Commission)


*Law enforcement in Syria


*Law enforcement in Tajikistan


*Royal Thai Police

East Timor

*East Timor National Police


*Law enforcement in Turkmenistan

United Arab Emirates

*Law enforcement in the United Arab Emirates
*Dubai Police Force


*Law enforcement in Uzbekistan


*Vietnamese People's Police


*Law enforcement in Yemen



*Albanian State Police


*Andorran Police Service and traffic police (local police) divided by comunes


*Armenian National Police Service


*Federal Investigation Bureau (Austria) ("Bundeskriminalamt")
*"Bundespolizei" (Federal Police) - Polizei (Austria)
*"Stadtpolizei" (Local Police)
*" EKO Cobra" (Federal SWAT unit, which is not part of the federal police)
*"Justizwache" (Penitentiary Police)


*Azerbaijani National Police


*Belarusian Militsiya (National Police)
*Belarusian Presidential Guard
*Belarusian State Security Agency


*Belgian Police

Bosnia and Herzegovina

*Bosnia and Herzegovina Federal Police


*Bulgarian National Police Service
*Bulgarian National Investigative Service
*Bulgarian Central Office for Combating Organized Crime
*Bulgarian Gendarmerie
*Bulgarian Border Police


*Croatian Federal Police


*Cyprus Police Force

Czech Republic

*Czech Republic National Police


*Danish National Police


*Estonian Police


*Finnish Police


*Gendarmerie Nationale
**Gendarmerie Départementale
**Gendarmerie Mobile
***Groupement de sécurité et d'intervention de la gendarmerie nationale (GSIGN)
****Escadron Parachutiste d'Intervention de la Gendarmerie Nationale (EPIGN, parachute-trained intervention squadron)
****Groupe d'Intervention de la Gendarmerie Nationale (GIGN, elite counter-terrorism and hostage rescue unit)
****Groupe de Sécurité de la Présidence de la République (GSPR, presidential security unit)
**Gendarmerie Maritime (maritime police)
**Gendarmerie de l'Air (air police)
**Garde républicaine (Republican Guard)
*Police Nationale
**Compagnies Républicaines de Sécurité (riot control force)
** Prefecture de Police Parisian Police Service
* Garde champêtre (Park Rangers/Game Wardens)
* Douane (Customs)
* Police Municipale (Local Police)
* Royal police and territorial guard (Wallis and Futuna)
* Administration pénitentiaire (Department of Corrections)
** Équipe régionale dintervention et de sécurité (SWAT teams)


*Law enforcement in Georgia


*"Bundeskriminalamt" (Federal Criminal Office)
*"Bundespolizei (BPOL)" (Federal Police)
**GSG-9 (Federal Police Special Forces Group)
**"Fliegergruppe" (Federal Police Air Group)
*"Landespolizei" (State Police)
**"Schutzpolizei (SchuPo)" (Uniformed Branch of State Police)
**"Landeskriminalamt" (State Criminal Office)
**"Kriminalpolizei (KriPo)" (Detective Branch of State Police)
**"Bereitschaftspolizei (BePo)" (Riot Police Branch of State Police)
**"Spezialeinsatzkommando (SEK)" (SWAT unit of State Police)
**"Autobahnpolizei" (Highway patrol or motorway police)
**"Wasserschutzpolizei (WSP)" (River Police)
*"Polizei beim Deutschen Bundestag" (Federal Parliament Police)
*"Stadtpolizei", "Ordnungsamt" or "Ordnungsdienst" (Local Police)
*"Bundeszollverwaltung" (Federal Customs Administration)
**"Wasserzoll" (Federal Maritime Customs Police)
*"Zollkriminalamt" (Customs Investigation Bureau)
**"Zentrale Unterstützungsgruppe Zoll" (ZUZ) (Customs SWAT Unit)
*"Justiz" (Penitentiary Police)
*Prisons in Germany


*Hellenic Police Service - created in 1984 from the below agencies:
**Hellenic Gendarmerie (1833 - 1984)
**Hellenic City Police ( ? - 1984)
*Hellenic Coast Guard


*Hungarian National Police
*Hungarian Border Guard
*Hungarian Customs and Excise Authority


*Lögreglan (Icelandic Police Service)
*Tollgæzlan or Tollgæslan (Icelandic Customs Service)
*Fangelsismálastofnun (Icelandic Prison Service)


*Garda Síochána
**Criminal Assets Bureau (joint unit between the Garda and Irish Sheriff Service)
**Civic Guard (disbanded and merged into the Garda Síochána in 1923)
**Dublin Metropolitan Police (disbanded and merged into the Garda Síochána in 1925)
*Garda Síochána Reserve (Reserve police force that works with and assists regular Police)
*Irish Revenue
**Irish Customs Service
**Irish Sheriff Service
*Irish Prison Service


*"Carabinieri" (Paramilitary Police - military corps)
*"Guardia di Finanza" (Border Police, Financial and Customs Police, is also a military corps)
*"Polizia di Stato" (State Police)
*"Polizia Penitenziaria" (Penitentiary Police)
*"Corpo Forestale dello Stato" (State Forestry Corps)
*"Polizia Municipale" (Municipal Police; originally called the "Vigiles" or "Vigili Urbani")
*"Polizia Provinciale" (Provincial Police) that mainly enforce hunting and fishing laws.


*Kazak Militsiya (National Police)


*Latvian State Police
*Latvian State Security Police
*Latvian State Border Guard


*Liechtenstein Police


*Lithuanian National Police


*Grand Ducal Police

Republic of Macedonia

*Macedonian Police Service


*Malta Police Force


*Moldovan Ministry of the Interior
**Moldovan National Police


*Sûreté Publique de Monaco (Police)
*Compagnie des Carabiniers du Prince de Monaco (Prince's Guard)


*Montenegro Civil Police

The Netherlands

*"Koninklijke Marechaussee" (Royal Constabulary)
*"Korps landelijke politiediensten" (National Police Services Agency)
*"Fiscale inlichtingen- en opsporingsdienst en Economische controledienst" (Fiscal Information and Investigation Service/Economic Investigation Service), referred to as "FIOD-ECD"
*25 regiokorpsen (regional police forces)


*"Politidirektoratet" (National Police Directorate)
*"Økokrim" (National Economic and Fraud Police)
*"Politiets sikkerhetstjeneste" (National Security Police)


*"Policja" (former "Milicja Obywatelska")
*"Centralne Biuro Śledcze"


*Guarda Nacional Republicana (paramilitary police)
*Polícia de Segurança Pública (uniformed police)
**Grupo de Operações Especiais
*Polícia Judiciária (investigation police)


*"Poliţia Română" (Romanian Police, national police force)
*"Poliţia de Frontieră" (Border Police)
*"Jandarmeria Română" (Romanian Gendarmerie, has military status)
*"Poliţia Comunitară" (Local/Municipal Police)
*"Direcţia Generală Anticorupţie" (Internal Affairs)
*"Direcţia Naţională Anticorupţie" (anti-corruption agency)
*"Financial Guard


*Internal Troops
*Federal Protective Service
*Federal Security Service

an Marino

*Gendarmeria (paramilitary police)
*Polizia Civile (civilian police)
*Guardia di Rocca (border patrol and permanent military force)


*Bezbednosno Informativna Agencija (BIA)
*Serbian Ministry of the Interior (MUP)
*Gendarmerie (Serbia)


*Law enforcement in Slovakia


*Slovenian National Police
*Specialna Enota Policije


**Guardia Civil
**Cuerpo Nacional de Policía (National Police Corps)
**Dirección de Instituciones Penitenciarias (Directorate of Penitentiary Institutions)
**Vigilancia Aduanera (Customs Service)
*Autonomous communities
**Ertzaintza in the Basque Country
**Mossos d'Esquadra in Catalonia
**Policía Foral in Navarre
**Policía Municipal (also known as Policía Local or Guardia Urbana) in every town and city.


*Swedish National Police Board
*SÄPO (National Police Board Department of Security)


*Federal Office of Police
*Cantonal police ( _fr. Police cantonale, _de. Kantonspolizei, _rm. Polizia Chantunala, _it. Polizia cantonale)
*Municipal police ( _fr. Police municipale, _de. Stadtpolizei, _rm. Polizia Cumûnala, _it. Polizia Municipale)


*Turkish Police (civilian police)
*Turkish Jandarma (paramilitary police)
*Military Police
*National Intelligence Organization



United Kingdom

*British Transport Police
*Civil Nuclear Constabulary (known as the UK Atomic Energy Authority Constabulary from 1955 - 2005)
*Her Majesty's Revenue and Customs (known as HM Customs and Excise Service from 1909 - 2005, Customs and Excise were separate agencies until 1909 with Customs being created in 1243 and Excise in 1642)
*Her Majesty's Prison Service
*Marine and Fisheries Agency
*Ministry of Defence Police
*MI5 (Security Service)
*MI6 (Secret Intelligence Service)
*Royal Air Force Police
*Royal Marines Police
*Royal Military Police (British Army)
*Royal Navy Police
*Royal Parks Constabulary
*Scottish Fisheries Protection Agency
*Serious Organised Crime Agency
*UK Border Agency


*Avon and Somerset Constabulary
*Bedfordshire Police
*Cambridgeshire Constabulary
*Cheshire Constabulary
*City of London Police
*Cleveland Police
*Cumbria Constabulary
*Derbyshire Constabulary
*Devon and Cornwall Constabulary
*Dorset Police
*Durham Constabulary
*Essex Police
*Gloucestershire Constabulary
*Greater Manchester Police
*Hampshire Constabulary
*Hertfordshire Constabulary
*Humberside Police
*Kent Police
*Lancashire Constabulary
*Leicestershire Constabulary
*Lincolnshire Police
*Merseyside Police
*Metropolitan Police (London)
*Norfolk Constabulary
*Northamptonshire Police
*Northumbria Police
*North Yorkshire Police
*Nottinghamshire Police
*South Yorkshire Police
*Staffordshire Police
*Suffolk Constabulary
*Surrey Police
*Sussex Police
*Thames Valley Police
*Warwickshire Police
*West Mercia Constabulary
*West Midlands Police
*West Yorkshire Police
*Wiltshire Constabulary


*Central Scotland Police
*Dumfries and Galloway Constabulary
*Fife Constabulary
*Grampian Police
*Lothian and Borders Police
*Northern Constabulary
*Strathclyde Police
*Tayside Police
*Scottish Prison Service
*Scottish Crime and Drug Enforcement Agency
*Scottish Fisheries Protection Agency


*Dyfed-Powys Police ("Heddlu Dyfed Powys")
*Gwent Police ("Heddlu Gwent")
*North Wales Police ("Heddlu Gogledd Cymru")
*South Wales Police ("Heddlu De Cymru")

Northern Ireland

*Police Service of Northern Ireland
**Royal Ulster Constabulary "(disbanded in 2001 and reformed into the Police Service of Northern Ireland)"
***Ulster Special Constabulary "(disbanded in 2001)"
*Northern Ireland Prison Service


*Swiss Guard
*Corpo della Gendarmeria (known as the Corpo di Vigilanza until 2002)

North America

Antigua and Barbuda

*Royal Antigua and Barbuda Police Force
*Royal Antigua and Barbuda Defense Force
**Antigua and Barbuda Regiment
**Royal Antigua and Barbuda Coast Guard


*Royal Bahamas Defence Force
*Royal Bahamas Police Force
*Bahamas Prison Service
*Bahamas Customs Service


*Barbados Defence Force
**Barbados Regiment
**Barbados Coast Guard
*Royal Barbados Police Force


*Belize Defense Force
**Ground Forces
**Air Wing
**Maritime Wing
**Volunteer Guard
*Royal Belize Police Force


*Bermuda Police Service
*Bermuda Reserve Police
*Bermuda International Airport Security Police



*Canada Border Services Agency - composed of the former agencies listed below:
**Canada Customs and Revenue Agency
**Citizenship and Immigration Canada
**Canadian Food Inspection Agency
*Canadian Forces Military Police
*Royal Canadian Mounted Police
*Canadian National Railway Police
*Environment Canada Federal Game Officers
*Parks Canada Park Wardens
*Fisheries and Oceans Canada Fishery Enforcement Officers
*Correctional Service of Canada
*Canadian Pacific Railway Police


*Ontario Provincial Police
*Royal Newfoundland Constabulary
*Sûreté du Québec
*Alberta Sheriffs Branch


*Barrie Police
*Brockville Police Service
*Calgary Police Service
*Camrose Police Service
*Charlottetown Police Department
*Durham Regional Police
*Edmonton Police Service
*Fredericton Police Force
*Gatineau Police
*Halifax Regional Police
*Halton Regional Police Service
*Hamilton Police Service
*Laval Police Service
*Lethbridge Police Service
*London Police Service
*Medicine Hat Police Service
*Niagara Parks Police
*Niagara Regional Police Service
*Ottawa Police Service
*Peel Regional Police
*Quebec City Police
*Rivière-du-Nord Police
*Regina Police Service
*Saskatoon Police Service
*Montreal Police Service
*South Coast British Columbia Transportation Authority Police Service
*Toronto Police Service
*Vancouver Police Department
*Victoria Police Department
*Waterloo Regional Police Service
*West Vancouver Police Department
*Winnipeg Police Service
*York Regional Police

Costa Rica

*Guardia Civil
*Guardia Rural


*Policía Nacional Revolucionaria


*Royal Dominica Police Force

Dominican Republic

*Dominican Republic National Police

El Salvador

*El Salvadoran Policía Nacional


*Royal Grenada Police Force


*Guatemalan Policía Nacional


*Haitian National Police
*United Nations Stabilization Mission in Haiti


*Honduran National Police


*Jamaica Constabulary Force


* Federal Investigations Agency (Agencia Federal de Investigación)
** known as the Federal Judicial Police (Policía Judiciara Federal) until 2002.
* Federal Preventive Police was created in 1998 from the below agencies:
** Federal Highway Police (Policía de Federal Caminos)
** Fiscal Police (Policía Fiscal Federal)
** Investigation and National Security Center (Centro de Investigación y Seguridad Nacional)
** 3rd Military Police Brigade from the Mexican Army
* Mexican Customs (Aduana)


*Nicaraguan Policía Nacional


*Panamanian Policía Nacional (called the Fuerza Publica from 1990 - 2006)

aint Kitts and Nevis

*Royal Saint Kitts and Nevis Police Force
*Saint Kitts and Nevis Defence Force

aint Lucia

*Royal Saint Lucia Police Force
*Regional Security System

aint Vincent and the Grenadines

*Royal Saint Vincent and the Grenadines Police Force
*Regional Security System

Trinidad and Tobago

*Trinidad and Tobago Police Force

United States


=Department of Homeland Security (DHS)=

**United States Coast Guard (USCG)
***Coast Guard Police (CGPD)
***Coast Guard Investigative Service (CGIS)
**United States Customs and Border Protection (CBP)
***United States Border Patrol (USBP)
**United States Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE)
***Federal Air Marshal Service (FAMS)
***Federal Protective Service (FPS)
**United States Secret Service (USSS)
**Transportation Security Administration (TSA)

=Department of Justice (USDOJ)=

*Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives (ATF)
*Drug Enforcement Administration (since 1973)
**Bureau of Narcotics and Dangerous Drugs (1968 - 73)
***Federal Bureau of Narcotics (1930 - 68)
****Bureau of Prohibition (1927 - 33)
***Bureau of Drug Abuse Control (1966 - 68)
*Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI)
*Federal Bureau of Prisons (BOP)
*United States Marshals Service (USMS)

Department of State (DOS)

*Bureau of Diplomatic Security
**Diplomatic Security Service (DSS)

Department of Treasury

*Internal Revenue Service Criminal Investigations Division (IRS-CID)
*Treasury Inspector General for Tax Administration (TIGTA)
*United States Mint Police (USMP)
*United States Treasury Police - merged into the US Secret Service Uniformed Division in 1986.

=Department of Defense=

*Defense Criminal Investigative Service(DCIS)
*United States Pentagon Police(USPPD)

Department of the Army
**United States Army Criminal Investigation Division (Army CID)
**United States Army Military Police Corps

Department of the Air Force
**Air Force Office of Special Investigations (Airforce OSI)
**Air Force Security Forces

Department of the Navy
**Naval Criminal Investigative Service (NCIS)
**Office of Naval Intelligence Police (ONI Police)
**Coast Guard Investigative Service (CGIS)
**Marine Corps Provost Marshal's Office

=Department of Education=

**Office of the Inspector General (OIG)

Department of Health and Human Services

*Food and Drug Administration (FDA)
**Office of Criminal Investigations

Department of Agriculture (USDA)

*U.S. Forest Service Law Enforcement and Investigations
*Office of Inspector General

Department of the Interior (USDI)

*Bureau of Indian Affairs Police
*Bureau of Land Management Office of Law Enforcement
*National Parks Service
**United States Park Rangers
**United States Park Police
*U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service Office of Law Enforcement

Other Major Federal Law Enforcement Agencies

**Federal Reserve Police
**Library of Congress Police
**National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Fisheries Office for Law Enforcement
**National Security Agency Police (NSA Police)
**Smithsonian National Zoological Park Police
**United States Capitol Police (USCP)
**United States Postal Inspection Service (USPIS)
**United States Supreme Court Police
**Veterans Affairs Police

tate and Local

Territorial Police

Commonwealth of Puerto Rico

* Puerto Rico Department of Justice
** Special Investigations Bureau
* Puerto Rico Commonwealth Police (also known as the Policia de Puerto Rico or the Puerto Rico Police Department)
* Puerto Rico Commonwealth Marshal's Office
* Puerto Rico Department of Natural Resources Police
* Puerto Rico Department of Parks and Recreation Park Rangers
* Port Authority of Puerto Rico
** Puerto Rico Port Authority Police Department (Policia de los Puertos}
* Puerto Rico Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation
* Adjuntas Police Department
* Aguada Police Department
* Aguadilla Police Department
* Aguas Buenas Police Department
* Aibonito Police Department
* Anasco Police Department
* Arecibo Police Department
* Arroyo Police Department
* Barceloneta Police Department
* Barranquitas Police Department
* Bayamón Police Department
* Cabo Rojo Police Department
* Caguas Police Department
* Camuy Police Department
* Canóvanas Police Department
* Carolina Police Department
* Cataño Police Department
* Cayey Police Department
* Ceiba Police Department
* Ciales Police Department
* Cidra Police Department
* Coamo Police Department
* Comerío Police Department
* Corozol Police Department
* Culebra Police Department
* Dorado Police Department
* Fajardo Police Department
* Florida Police Department
* Guánica Police Department
* Guayama Police Department
* Guayanilla Police Department
* Guaynabo Police Department
* Gurabo Police Department
* Hatillo Police Department
* Hormigueros Police Department
* Humacao Police Department
* Isabela Police Department
* Jayuya Police Department
* Juana Díaz Police Department
* Juncos Police Department
* Lajas Police Department
* Lares Police Department
* Las Marías Police Department
* Las Piedras Police Department
* Loíza Police Department
* Luquillo Police Department
* Manatí Police Department
* Maricao Police Department
* Maunabo Police Department
* Mayagüez Police Department
* Moca Police Department
* Morovis Police Department
* Naguabo Police Department
* Naranjito Police Department
* Orocovis Police Department
* Patillas Police Department
* Peñuelas Police Department
* Ponce Police Department
* Quebradillas Police Department
* Rincón Police Department
* Río Grande Police Department
* Sabana Grande Police Department
* Salinas Police Department
* San Germán Police Department
* San Juan Police Department
* San Lorenzo Police Department
* San Sebastián Police Department
* Santa Isabel Police Department
* Toa Alta Police Department
* Toa Baja Police Department
* Trujillo Alto Police Department
* Utuado Police Department
* Vega Alta Police Department
* Vega Baja Police Department
* Vieques Police Department
* Villalba Police Department
* Yabucoa Police Department
* Yauco Police Department

Territory of Guam

* Guam Police Department
* Supreme Court of Guam Deputy Marshals
* Guam Superior Court Deputy Marshals
* Guam Customs and Quarantine Agency
* Port Authority of Guam
** Guam Port Authority Police
* Antonio B. Won Pat Guam International Airport Police Department
* Guam Department of Agriculture Conservation Officers
* Guam Department of Parks and Recreation Park Patrol Officers
* Guam Department of Corrections

Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands

* Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands Department of Public Safety
** Police Division
** Fire/Rescue Division
* Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands Department of Corrections
* Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands Department of Conservation Conservation Officers
* Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands Ports Authority Police Department

Territory of American Samoa

*American Samoa Department of Public Safety
**American Samoa Territorial Police
*Pago Pago International Airport Police Department
*American Samoa Ports Authority Police Department
*American Samoa Community College Police Department

Territory of the United States Virgin Islands

*United States Virgin Islands Police Department
*United States Virgin Islands Territorial Marshal's Office

Railroad Police

*Union Pacific Police Department
*BNSF Police Department
*CSX Police Department
*Norfolk Southern Police Department
*Amtrak Police Department




*Australian Federal Police (AFP) (also ACT territory police)
*Australian Protective Service (APS) (diplomatic & Head of Govt. protection)
*Australian Customs Service (ACS) (Border protection)
*Australian Quarantine and Inspection Service (AQIS)
*Australian Crime Commission (ACC) (ex. National Crime Authority)
*Australian Government Attorney General's Department
*Australian Securities and Investments Commission (ASIC)
*Australian Security Intelligence Organisation (ASIO) (domestic intelligence)
*Australian Secret Intelligence Service (ASIS) (overseas intelligence)


*New South Wales Police
*Office of the Sheriff of New South Wales
*RailCorp Transit Officer
*Northern Territory Police
*Queensland Police
*South Australia Police
*Tasmania Police
*Victoria Police
*Western Australia Police

*Crime and Corruption Commission, Western Australia
*Crime and Misconduct Commission, Queensland
*Independent Commission Against Corruption, New South Wales
*New South Wales Crime Commission
*New South Wales Police Integrity Commission
*Office of Police Integrity, Victoria

*Local Government Council Ranger


*Fiji Police


*Kiribati Police Force

Marshall Islands

*Marshall Islands National Police

Federated States of Micronesia

*Federated States of Micronesia National Police


*Nauru Police Force

New Zealand

*New Zealand Police
**Armed Offenders Squad
**Organised Crime Agency
***Serious Fraud Office
*New Zealand Security Intelligence Service
**Government Communications Security Bureau
*New Zealand Customs Service
*New Zealand Department of Corrections


*Palau National Police

Papua New Guinea

*Royal Papua New Guinea Constabulary

Pitcairn Islands

*Law enforcement in the Pitcairn Islands


*Samoa Police Service

olomon Islands

*Royal Solomon Islands Police Force


*Royal Tongan Police Service


*Tuvalu Police Force


*Vanuatu Police Force

outh America


"See also: Sistema de Seguridad Interior" (SSI) (Interior Security System)


*"Gendarmería Nacional Argentina" (GNA) (Argentine National Gendarmerie)
*"Prefectura Naval Argentina" (PNA) (Argentine Naval Prefecture)
*"Policía de Seguridad Aeroportuaria" (PSA) (Airport Security Police)
*"Policía Federal Argentina" (PFA) (Argentine Federal Police)
*"Servicio Penitenciario Federal" (SPF) (Federal Penitentiary Service)
*"Oficina Anticorrupción" (OA) (Counter Corruption Bureau)


"Each one of Argentina's twenty-three provinces has its own Provincial Police force."
*"Policía Bonaerense" (Buenos Aires Police)
*"Policía de la Provincia de Santa Fe" (Santa Fe Province Police)
*"Policía de la Provincia de Córdoba" (Córdoba Province Police)
*"Policía de la Provincia de Tucumán" (Tucumán Province Police)


*"Guardia Urbana de Buenos Aires" (Buenos Aires Urban Guard)


*Bolivian Policia Nacional


*Law enforcement in Brazil
*Brazilian Federal Police
*Brazilian Military Police
*Brazilian Civil Police
*Brazilian Intelligence Agency
*Municipal guards


*Carabineros de Chile


*"Policia Nacional de Colombia
*"Departamento Administrativo de Seguridad", the national security agency.


*Law enforcement in Ecuador


*Law enforcement in Guyana


*Law enforcement in Paraguay


*Policia Nacional del Peru


*Law enforcement in Suriname


*Law enforcement in Uruguay


*Law enforcement in Venezuela
*Dirección de los Servicios de Inteligencia y Prevención

Disbanded agencies

"Note: Many of these fall under the definition of secret police and derive from that list."

Nazi Germany

*"Ordnungspolizei" (Order Police)
*"Kriminalpolizei" (Criminal Police)
*"Sicherheitspolizei" (Security Police)
*"Geheime Staatspolizei" (Secret State Police)

East Germany

*"Volkspolizei" (People's Police)
*Stasi (State Security Police)

Fascist Italy

*"Milizia Volontaria" (Volunteer Militia; Blackshirts)
*"Guardia Nazionale Repubblicana" (National Republician Guard)

Panama Canal Zone

*"Canal Zone Police"


*Philippine Constabulary

Communist Romania


oviet Union

*KGB (Committee for State Security)

outh Vietnam/Republic of Vietnam

*South Vietnamese National Police

ee also

*Law enforcement by country
*List of intelligence agencies
*List of protective service agencies

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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