Supreme Court Police

Supreme Court Police

Infobox Law enforcement agency
agencyname = Supreme Court of the United States Police
nativename =
nativenamea =
nativenamer =
commonname =
abbreviation =
patch = United States Supreme Court Police.jpg
patchcaption =

logocaption =
badge =
badgecaption =

flagcaption =
imagesize =
motto =
mottotranslated =
mission =
formedyear = 1949
formedmonthday =
preceding1 =
dissolved =
superseding =
employees =
volunteers =
budget =
nongovernment =
country = United States
countryabbr =
federal = Yes

mapcaption =
sizearea =
sizepopulation =
legaljuris =
governingbody =
governingbodyscnd =
constitution1 =
police = Yes
speciality = property, and its occupation
secret =
overviewtype =
overviewbody =
headquarters =

hqlocleft =
hqloctop =
hqlocmappoptitle =
sworntype =
sworn = 125citation| url= |title=Who Protects David Souter? |newspaper=Slate |first=Brendan I. |last=Koerner |date=2004-05-03 |accessdate=2007-04-27]
unsworntype =
unsworn =
electeetype =
minister1name =
minister1pfo =
chief1name =
chief1position =
parentagency =
child1agency =
unittype =
unitname =
officetype =
officename =
provideragency =
uniformedas =
stationtype =
stations =
airbases =
lockuptype =
lockups =
vehicle1type =
vehicles1 =
boat1type =
boats1 =
aircraft1type =
aircraft1 =
animal1type =
animals1 =
person1name =
person1reason =
person1type =
programme1 =
activity1name =
activitytype =
anniversary1 =
award1 =
website =
footnotes =
reference =

The Supreme Court of the United States Police is a small federal law enforcement agency headquartered in the District of Columbia, whose mission is to ensure the integrity of the constitutional mission of the Supreme Court by protecting the United States Supreme Court building, the Justices, employees, guests, and visitors.citation| url= |title=Who Protects David Souter? |newspaper=Slate |first=Brendan I. |last=Koerner |date=2004-05-03 |accessdate=2007-04-27]

Established in 1949, the Supreme Court of the United States Police were tasked to provide protection for the recently completed Supreme Court Building. Until that time, the Court resided in the U.S. Capitol. The original force of 33 officers were selected from the ranks of the United States Capitol Police. Currently, the Supreme Court Police are responsible for protecting the Chief Justice, Associate Justices, building occupants, and the Court's historic building and grounds. Additional responsibilities include courtroom security, dignitary protection, emergency response, and providing assistance to building visitors.

Units of the Supreme Court Police include:
*Uniformed Services
*Protective Services
*Threat Assessment Unit
*Background Investigation Unit
*Honor Guard
*Key Response Squad
*HazMat/Bomb Response.

SCOTUS Police Officers are trained at the Federal Law Enforcement Training Center in Georgia.

See also

* List of United States federal law enforcement agencies


Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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