Infobox Law enforcement agency
agencyname = Fiscal Information and Investigation Service/Economic Investigation Service
nativename = Fiscale inlichtingen- en opsporingsdienst en Economische controledienst
commonname = FIOD
abbreviation = FIOD-ECD
formed = 1999 [,belastingen/uitvoering/fiod_ecd Ministerie van Financiën - FIOD-ECD ] ]
preceding1 = FIOD (from 1945)
preceding2 = ECD
employees = 1250
country = Netherlands
federal = yes
sizepopulation = 17 million
legaljuris = opsjuris
local = yes
overviewtype = Ministry
overviewbody = Ministry of Justice (Netherlands)
headquarters = Utrecht, Netherlands
minister1name =
minister1pfo =
chief1name =
chief1position =
parentagency =
child1agency =
unittype = Team
unitname = collapsible list |title=6-9 |Observation Teams|Technical Investigation Team|Digital Investigations|Strategic Investigations|International Investigations|Team Investiagion Piracy (TOP)
officetype =
officename =
provideragency =
uniformedas =
stationtype =
stations =
lockuptype =
lockups =
vehicle1type =
vehicles1 =
boat1type =
boats1 =
aircraft1type =
aircraft1 =
animal1type =
animals1 =
person1name =
person1reason =
person1type =
programme1 = Rekeningenproject [,belastingen/uitvoering/fiod_ecd/Rekeningenproject.html Ministerie van Financiën - Rekeningenproject ] ]
activity1name =
activitytype =
anniversary1 =
award1 =
website =
footnotes =

The Fiscal Information and Investigation Service/Economic Investigation Service, in Dutch 'Fiscale inlichtingen- en opsporingsdienst en Economische controledienst' and abbreviated almost always as "FIOD-ECD" and usually still referred to as the "FIOD", is the Dutch Anti-Fraud agency.


The FIOD-ECD was formed when the FIOD and the ECD were merged in 1999 [,belastingen/uitvoering/fiod_ecd Ministerie van Financiën - FIOD-ECD ] ] .


The FIOD main roles are in investigation and governance. Investigations are mainly carried out into economic, fiscal and financial fraud. Governance is carried out in economic and financial areas. [,belastingen/uitvoering/fiod_ecd Ministerie van Financiën - FIOD-ECD ] ]

Any one of the five main Dutch Ministries (Economics, Finance, Foreign Affairs, Justice, and Health, Work and Sports) can order the FIOD to act on information of fraud committed. They are also the investigational unit for several financial watchdogs.


One of the investigative teams is the Team Opsporing Piraterij (Team Investigations Piracy) which specifically investigates breaches of the Copyright-act of 1912.It has cooperated with BREIN to investigate p2p sites hosted in the Netherlands. [ [ The never ending story of BREIN versus the common (file sharing) people, Part 2. | ShareConnector blog ] ] [ [,2004/12/fiod_ecd_haalt_internetsites_uit_de_lucht.html Ministerie van Financiën - FIOD-ECD haalt internetsites uit de lucht ] ]


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