- List of Doctor Who audio plays by Big Finish
This is a list of audio plays based on the long-running British science fiction television series Doctor Who produced by Big Finish Productions.[1] The first fifteen audio plays were released in both audio tape and CD format, and subsequent releases have been on CD only. More recently, the audio plays have been made available as downloads.
- 1 Cast
- 2 Content
- 3 Broadcast
- 4 Doctor Who
- 5 Non-Doctor dramas
- 6 See also
- 7 References
- 8 External links
The plays feature both former actors who portrayed the Doctor and his companions, and new continuing characters as well as elements from other spin-off media.[2] The canonicity of the audio dramas, as with other Doctor Who spin-off media, is unclear.
So far, productions have featured the Fifth (Peter Davison), Sixth (Colin Baker), Seventh (Sylvester McCoy) and Eighth Doctor (Paul McGann). Tom Baker is scheduled to appear as the Fourth Doctor from January 2012.[3] Big Finish has not licensed the rights from the BBC to produce audio dramas featuring the Ninth, Tenth or Eleventh Doctors from the revived series.
Several of the companions from the original series have also appeared, voiced by their original actors. They include Susan (Carole Ann Ford), Jamie McCrimmon (Frazer Hines), Zoe Heriot (Wendy Padbury), Leela (Louise Jameson), K-9 (John Leeson), Romana II (Lalla Ward), Nyssa (Sarah Sutton), Tegan Jovanka (Janet Fielding), Vislor Turlough (Mark Strickson), Peri Brown (Nicola Bryant), Melanie Bush (Bonnie Langford) and Ace (Sophie Aldred).
Several actors who played companions of previous Doctors have appeared in other roles including William Russell, Maureen O'Brien, Jean Marsh, Anneke Wills, Deborah Watling, Wendy Padbury, Caroline John, Katy Manning, Daphne Ashbrook and Elisabeth Sladen. Sladen also reprised Sarah Jane Smith in a spin-off series simply entitled Sarah Jane Smith, but never appeared as Sarah alongside any incarnation of the Doctor for Big Finish. Though a series with Tom Baker was planned, it was never recorded due to Sladen's untimely death in April 2011. Mary Tamm (along with Ward, Jameson and Leeson) has appeared in the Gallifrey dramas. More recently, the companion Adric has appeared in a play, however not played by the original actor (Matthew Waterhouse), but recast and played by Andrew Sachs.
Big Finish also started the Companion Chronicle series of plays, a series of audios featuring a companion or friend of the Doctor along with sound effects and a supporting cast member. Ford, Hines, Padbury, Jameson, Ward, Sutton, Strickson and Aldred have all reprised their roles in this series along with Russell (Ian), O'Brien (Vicki), Marsh (Sara Kingdom), Wills (Polly), Watling (Victoria), John (Liz), Manning (Jo), Tamm (Romana I), and Peter Purves (Steven).
New companions created for the audio series include Evelyn Smythe (Maggie Stables), Erimem (Caroline Morris), Hex (Philip Olivier), Charley Pollard (India Fisher), C'rizz (Conrad Westmaas), Lucie Miller (Sheridan Smith), Thomas Brewster (John Pickard), Amy (Ciara Janson), Tamsin Drew (Niky Wardley), Elizabeth Klein (Tracey Childs) and Flip (Lisa Greenwood). Lisa Bowerman has appeared as Bernice Summerfield, a companion from the Virgin New Adventures, in three Doctor Who audio dramas as well as in original productions with her as the central character. Robert Jezek and Jemima Rooper have appeared as Frobisher and Izzy Sinclair, companions from the Doctor Who Magazine comic strip, whilst Matt Di Angelo has played Fitz Kreiner, a companion from the BBC Eighth Doctor Adventures.
In 2005, six of these audio plays featuring Paul McGann as the Eighth Doctor were broadcast on the digital radio station BBC 7 — these are Storm Warning, Sword of Orion, The Stones of Venice, Invaders from Mars, Shada (originally created for webcast on the BBC's online service), and The Chimes of Midnight. These plays were rebroadcast on BBC7 beginning in July 2006. The Chimes of Midnight was subsequetly repeated yet again to round off the massive repeat of "The New Eighth Doctor Adventures" Series 1 & 2 (mentioned below) in 2009.
On January 2007, a new series of Eighth Doctor audio adventures was broadcast on BBC7. These starred McGann and Sheridan Smith as the aforementioned new companion Lucie Miller. There were eight 50-minute episodes in total; the first and last stories were two parters, and the rest were single episodes. These adventures have since been released on CD. In 2008, BBC7 broadcast the second series of "The New Eighth Doctor Adventures" (which Big Finish had already released on CD) bar the final two-part story, perhaps because it ended with a cliffhanger. All fourteen episodes were then repeated in 2009, and the final two-part story later that year. Big Finish has gone on to produce two further series of these Adventures, and four selected stories from the third series aired in 2010.
In May/June 2011, BBC Radio 4 Extra broadcast the Fifth Doctor stories Cobwebs, The Whispering Forest and Cradle of the Snake.
Doctor Who
Monthly releases
In 1999 Big Finish started producing monthly audio plays featuring the Fifth, Sixth and Seventh Doctors, and since have typically released thirteen of these per year, one every month apart from September when two are released. From 2001 to 2007 the monthly audio series also featured the Eighth Doctor with his companion Charley Pollard (and, for a time, C'rizz), but these were phased out and ended due to the simultaneously running "New Eighth Doctor Adventures" which ran from 2006 to 2011 and featured companion Lucie Miller. From 2008 to late 2011, only one Eighth Doctor story was produced for the monthly range, The Company of Friends (featuring companions from other media to the audio plays, and the historical figure Mary Shelley). The Eighth Doctor is scheduled to return to the monthly range in new adventures with Mary Shelley in October 2011.[4] As of April 2011[update], the monthly audio series again features only the Fifth, Sixth and Seventh Doctors, in the pattern of three audio plays featuring the same Doctor and companion being released consecutively (and one special per year). In other words, four three-release "seasons" and one other special audio are released every year.
# Series Sorted Title Author Doctor Featuring Released 1 7Z The Sirens of Time Nicholas Briggs 5th, 6th, 7th 19 July 1999 2 6PA Phantasmagoria Mark Gatiss 5th Turlough 4 October 1999 3 6ZA Whispers of Terror Justin Richards 6th Peri 1 November 1999 4 6CA The Land of the Dead Stephen Cole 5th Nyssa January 2000 5 7R The Fearmonger Jonathan Blum 7th Ace 17 February 2000 6 7CA The Marian Conspiracy Jacqueline Rayner 6th Evelyn 14 March 2000 7 7S The Genocide Machine
Dalek Empire Part 1Mike Tucker 7th Ace, Daleks 14 April 2000 8 6QA Red Dawn Justin Richards 5th Peri, Ice Warriors 5 May 2000 9 7CB The Spectre of Lanyon Moor Nicholas Pegg 6th Evelyn, Brigadier 5 June 2000 10 6CB Winter for the Adept Andrew Cartmel 5th Nyssa 10 July 2000 11 7CC The Apocalypse Element
Dalek Empire Part 2Stephen Cole 6th Evelyn, Romana II, Daleks 9 August 2000 12 7FA The Fires of Vulcan Steve Lyons 7th Mel 8 September 2000 13 SS1 The Shadow of the Scourge Paul Cornell 7th Ace, Benny 8 November 2000 14 SS2 The Holy Terror Robert Shearman 6th Frobisher 21 November 2000 15 6CC The Mutant Phase
Dalek Empire Part 3Nicholas Briggs 5th Nyssa, Daleks, Thals 18 December 2000 16 8B Storm Warning Alan Barnes 8th Charley 22 January 2001 17 8C Sword of Orion Nicholas Briggs 8th Charley, Cybermen 26 February 2001 18 8D The Stones of Venice Paul Magrs 8th Charley 19 March 2001 19 8E Minuet in Hell Alan W. Lear
Gary Russell8th Charley, Brigadier 17 April 2001 20 6PB Loups-Garoux Marc Platt 5th Turlough 21 May 2001 21 7T Dust Breeding Mike Tucker 7th Ace, The Master 18 June 2001 22 7CD Bloodtide Jonathan Morris 6th Evelyn, Silurians 23 July 2001 23 7CE Project: Twilight Cavan Scott
Mark Wright6th Evelyn, Nimrod 20 August 2001 24 6QB The Eye of the Scorpion Iain McLaughlin 5th Peri, Erimem 17 September 2001 25 7U Colditz Steve Lyons 7th Ace, Klein 22 October 2001 26 6CD Primeval Lance Parkin 5th Nyssa 26 November 2001 27 7CR The One Doctor Gareth Roberts
Clayton Hickman6th Mel 17 December 2001 28 8F Invaders from Mars Mark Gatiss 8th Charley 28 January 2002 29 8G The Chimes of Midnight Robert Shearman 8th Charley 25 February 2002 30 8H Seasons of Fear Paul Cornell
Caroline Symcox8th Charley, Nimon 25 March 2002 31 8J Embrace the Darkness Nicholas Briggs 8th Charley 29 April 2002 32 8K The Time of the Daleks
Dalek Empire Part 4Justin Richards 8th Charley, Daleks 28 May 2002 33 8L Neverland Alan Barnes 8th Charley, Romana II, Rassilon 27 June 2002 34 6CE Spare Parts Marc Platt 5th Nyssa, Cybermen 25 July 2002 35 6ZB …ish Phil Pascoe 6th Peri 29 August 2002 36 7V The Rapture Joseph Lidster 7th Ace 26 September 2002 37 7CF The Sandman Simon A. Forward 6th Evelyn 24 October 2002 38 6QC The Church and the Crown Cavan Scott
Mark Wright5th Peri, Erimem 28 November 2002 39 7EA Bang-Bang-a-Boom! Gareth Roberts
Clayton Hickman7th Mel 19 December 2002 40 7CG Jubilee Robert Shearman 6th Evelyn, Daleks 31 January 2003 41 6QD Nekromanteia Austen Atkinson 5th Peri, Erimem 28 February 2003 42 SS4 The Dark Flame Trevor Baxendale 7th Ace, Benny March 2003 43 7CH Doctor Who and the Pirates Jacqueline Rayner 6th Evelyn April 2003 44 6CF Creatures of Beauty Nicholas Briggs 5th Nyssa May 2003 45 7CJ & 7X Project: Lazarus Cavan Scott
Mark Wright6th, 7th Evelyn, Nimrod June 2003 46 7EB Flip-Flop Jonathan Morris 7th Mel July 2003 47 6EA Omega Nev Fountain 5th Omega August 2003 48 6WA Davros Lance Parkin 6th Davros September 2003 49 7Y Master Joseph Lidster 7th The Master October 2003 50 8M Zagreus Gary Russell
Alan Barnes3rd, 5th, 6th,
7th, 8thCharley, Romana II, Leela, K-9, Rassilon November 2003 51 SS5 The Wormery Stephen Cole
Paul Magrs6th Iris Wildthyme November 2003 52 8N Scherzo Robert Shearman 8th Charley December 2003 53 8P The Creed of the Kromon Philip Martin 8th Charley, C'rizz January 2004 54 8Q The Natural History of Fear Jim Mortimore 8th Charley, C'rizz February 2004 55 8R The Twilight Kingdom Will Shindler 8th Charley, C'rizz March 2004 56 6QE The Axis of Insanity Simon Furman 5th Peri, Erimem April 2004 57 7CK Arrangements for War Paul Sutton 6th Evelyn May 2004 58 7W The Harvest Dan Abnett 7th Ace, Hex, Cybermen June 2004 59 6QF The Roof of the World Adrian Rigelsford 5th Peri, Erimem July 2004 60 7CL Medicinal Purposes Robert Ross 6th Evelyn August 2004 61 8S Faith Stealer Graham Duff 8th Charley, C'rizz September 2004 62 8T The Last Gary Hopkins 8th Charley, C'rizz October 2004 63 8U Caerdroia Lloyd Rose 8th Charley, C'rizz November 2004 64 8V The Next Life Alan Barnes
Gary Russell8th Charley, C'rizz, Rassilon December 2004 65 7CS The Juggernauts Scott Alan Woodard 6th Mel, Davros, Daleks, Mechonoids January 2005 66 6CG The Game Darin Henry 5th Nyssa February 2005 67 7WA Dreamtime Simon Forward 7th Ace, Hex March 2005 68 7CT Catch-1782 Alison Lawson 6th Mel April 2005 69 6QG Three's A Crowd Colin Brake 5th Peri, Erimem May 2005 70 7DA Unregenerate! David A. McIntee 7th Mel June 2005 71 6QH The Council of Nicaea Caroline Symcox 5th Peri, Erimem July 2005 72 8W Terror Firma Joseph Lidster 8th Charley, C'rizz, Samson and Gemma Griffin, Davros, Daleks August 2005 73 7CU Thicker than Water Paul Sutton 6th Mel, Evelyn September 2005 74 7WB LIVE 34 James Parsons
Andrew Stirling-Brown7th Ace, Hex September 2005 75 8X Scaredy Cat Will Shindler 8th Charley, C'rizz October 2005 76 6PC Singularity James Swallow 5th Turlough November 2005 77 8Y Other Lives Gary Hopkins 8th Charley, C'rizz December 2005 78 7CMA Pier Pressure Robert Ross 6th Evelyn January 2006 79 7WC Night Thoughts Edward Young 7th Ace, Hex February 2006 80 8YA Time Works Steve Lyons 8th Charley, C'rizz March 2006 81 6QI The Kingmaker Nev Fountain 5th Peri, Erimem April 2006 82 7WD The Settling Simon Guerrier 7th Ace, Hex May 2006 83 8YB Something Inside Trevor Baxendale 8th Charley, C'rizz June 2006 84 7CMB The Nowhere Place Nicholas Briggs 6th Evelyn July 2006 85 7DB Red Stewart Sheargold 7th Mel August 2006 86 6ZC The Reaping Joseph Lidster 6th Peri, Cybermen Early September 2006 87 6QJ The Gathering Joseph Lidster 5th Tegan, Cybermen Late September 2006 88 8YC Memory Lane Eddie Robson 8th Charley, C'rizz October 2006 89 7WE No Man's Land Martin Day 7th Ace, Hex November 2006 90 6YA Year of the Pig Matthew Sweet 6th Peri December 2006 91 6CH Circular Time
~ Spring
~ Summer
~ Autumn
~ WinterPaul Cornell
Mike Maddox5th Nyssa, Kamelion January 2007 92 7WF Nocturne Dan Abnett 7th Ace, Hex February 2007 93 6CI Renaissance of the Daleks from a story by Christopher H. Bidmead 5th Nyssa, Daleks March 2007 94 7C preAA I.D. &
Urgent CallsEddie Robson 6th April 2007 95 6QAA Exotron &
Urban MythsPaul Sutton 5th Peri May 2007 96 7ZA Valhalla Marc Platt 7th June 2007 97 7CV The Wishing Beast &
The Vanity BoxPaul Magrs 6th Mel July 2007 98 7ZB Frozen Time Nicholas Briggs 7th Ice Warriors August 2007 99 6QK Son of the Dragon Steve Lyons 5th Peri, Erimem Early September 2007 100 7CMC 100
~ 100 BC
~ My Own Private Wolfgang
~ Bedtime Story
~ The 100 Days of the Doctor~ Jacqueline Rayner
~ Rob Shearman
~ Joseph Lidster
~ Paul Cornell6th Evelyn Late September 2007 101 8YD Absolution Scott Alan Woodard 8th Charley, C'rizz October 2007 102 6QL &
6QNThe Mind's Eye &
Mission of the ViyransColin Brake &
Nicholas Briggs5th Peri, Erimem &
Peri, ViyransNovember 2007 103 8YE The Girl Who Never Was Alan Barnes 8th Charley, Cybermen December 2007 104 6QM The Bride of Peladon Barnaby Edwards 5th Peri, Erimem, Ice Warriors, Osiran January 2008 105 7CPA The Condemned Eddie Robson 6th Charley, DI Menzies February 2008 106 7WG The Dark Husband David Quantick 7th Ace, Hex March 2008 107 6CK The Haunting of Thomas Brewster Jonathan Morris 5th Nyssa, Brewster April 2008 108 7CMD Assassin in the Limelight Robert Ross 6th Evelyn May 2008 109 7ZC The Death Collectors &
Spider's ShadowStewart Sheargold 7th June 2008 110 6CL The Boy That Time Forgot Paul Magrs 5th Nyssa, Brewster, Adric July 2008 111 7CPB The Doomwood Curse Jacqueline Rayner 6th Charley August 2008 112 7ZD Kingdom of Silver &
KeepsakeJames Swallow 7th Cybermen Early September 2008 113 6CM Time Reef &
A Perfect WorldMarc Platt &
Jonathan Morris5th Nyssa, Brewster Late September 2008 114 7CPC Brotherhood of the Daleks Alan Barnes 6th Charley, Daleks, Thals October 2008 115 7WH Forty Five
~ False Gods
~ Order of Simplicity
~ Casualties of War
~ The Word Lord~ Mark Morris
~ Nick Scovell
~ Mark Michalowski
~ Steven Hall7th Ace, Hex, Nobody No-One November 2008 116 7CPE The Raincloud Man Eddie Robson 6th Charley, DI Menzies December 2008 117 6RA The Judgement of Isskar
Key2Time Part 1Simon Guerrier 5th Amy, Zara, Ice Warriors January 2009 118 6RB The Destroyer of Delights
Key2Time Part 2Jonathan Clements 5th Amy, Black Guardian, White Guardian February 2009 119 6RC The Chaos Pool
Key2Time Part 3Peter Anghelides 5th Amy, Zara, Black Guardian, White Guardian, Romana II March 2009 120 7WJ The Magic Mousetrap Matthew Sweet 7th Ace, Hex,
Celestial ToymakerApril 2009 121 7WK Enemy of the Daleks David Bishop 7th Ace, Hex, Daleks May 2009 122 7WL The Angel of Scutari Paul Sutton 7th Ace, Hex June 2009 123 8Z The Company of Friends
~ Benny's Story
~ Fitz's Story
~ Izzy's Story
~ Mary's Story~ Lance Parkin
~ Stephen Cole
~ Alan Barnes
~ Jonathan Morris8th ~ Benny
~ Fitz
~ Izzy
~ Mary ShelleyJuly 2009 124 7CPF Patient Zero Nicholas Briggs 6th Charley, Mila, Daleks, Viyrans August 2009 125 7CPG Paper Cuts Marc Platt 6th Charley, Mila, Draconians Early September 2009 126 7CPH Blue Forgotten Planet Nicholas Briggs 6th Charley, Mila, Viyrans Late September 2009 127 6CN Castle of Fear Alan Barnes 5th Nyssa, Rutans October 2009 128 6CO The Eternal Summer Jonathan Morris 5th Nyssa,
Maxwell EdisonNovember 2009 129 6CP Plague of the Daleks Mark Morris 5th Nyssa, Daleks December 2009 130 7ZE A Thousand Tiny Wings Andy Lane 7th Klein January 2010 131 7ZG &
7ZFSurvival of the Fittest &
Klein's StoryJonathan Clements
John Ainsworth & Lee Mansfield7th
7th & 8thKlein February 2010 132 7ZH The Architects of History Steve Lyons 7th Klein, Rachel Cooper March 2010 133 7CPI City of Spires Simon Bovey 6th Jamie April 2010 134 7CPJ The Wreck of the Titan Barnaby Edwards 6th Jamie May 2010 135 7CPK Legend of the Cybermen Mike Maddox 6th Jamie, Zoe, Cybermen June 2010 136 6HA Cobwebs Jonathan Morris 5th Nyssa, Tegan, Turlough July 2010 137 6HB The Whispering Forest Stephen Cole 5th Nyssa, Tegan, Turlough August 2010 138 6HC The Cradle of the Snake Marc Platt 5th Nyssa, Tegan, Turlough, Mara September 2010 139 7WM Project: Destiny Cavan Scott & Mark Wright 7th Ace, Hex, Nimrod September 2010 140 7WN A Death in the Family Steven Hall 7th Ace, Hex, Evelyn, Nobody No-One October 2010 141 7WO Lurkers at Sunlight's Edge Marty Ross 7th Ace, Hex November 2010 142 6CQ The Demons of Red Lodge and Other Stories
~ The Demons of Red Lodge
~ The Entropy Composition
~ Doing Time
~ Special Features
~ Jason Arnopp
~ Rick Briggs
~ William Gallagher
~ John Dorney5th Nyssa December 2010 143 7CNA The Crimes of Thomas Brewster Jonathan Morris 6th Evelyn, Brewster, Flip, DI Menzies January 2011 144 7CNB The Feast of Axos Mike Maddox 6th Evelyn, Brewster, Axos February 2011 145 7CNC Industrial Evolution Eddie Robson 6th Evelyn, Brewster March 2011 146 6HD Heroes of Sontar Alan Barnes 5th Nyssa, Tegan, Turlough, Sontarans April 2011 147 6HE Kiss of Death Stephen Cole 5th Nyssa, Tegan, Turlough May 2011 148 6HF Rat Trap Tony Lee 5th Nyssa, Tegan, Turlough June 2011 149 7ZAA Robophobia Nicholas Briggs 7th Voc Robots July 2011 150 6ZAA Recorded Time and Other Stories
~ Recorded Time
~ Paradoxicide
~ A Most Excellent Match
~ Question Marks
~ Catherine Harvey
~ Richard Dinnick
~ Matt Fitton
~ Philip Lawrence6th Peri August 2011 151 7ZAB The Doomsday Quatrain Emma Beeby & Gordon Rennie 7th September 2011 152 7ZAC House of Blue Fire Mark Morris 7th September 2011 153 8AAA The Silver Turk Marc Platt 8th Mary Shelley, Cybermen October 2011 154 8AAB The Witch from the Well Rick Briggs 8th Mary Shelley November 2011 155 8AAC Army of Death Jason Arnopp 8th Mary Shelley December 2011 156 7CNAA The Curse of Davros Jonathan Morris 6th Flip, Davros, Daleks January 2012 157 7CNAB The Fourth Wall John Dorney 6th Flip February 2012 158 7CNAC Wirrn Isle William Gallagher 6th Flip, Wirrn March 2012 159 6HG TBA TBA 5th Nyssa, Tegan, Turlough April 2012 160 6HH TBA TBA 5th Nyssa, Tegan, Turlough May 2012 161 6HI TBA TBA 5th Nyssa, Tegan, Turlough June 2012 162 7WP TBA TBA 7th Ace, Hex July 2012 163 7WQ TBA TBA 7th Ace, Hex August 2012 164 7WR TBA TBA 7th Ace, Hex September 2012 New Fourth Doctor Adventures
Series 1
# Title Author Featuring Released 1 Destination: Nerva Nicholas Briggs Leela January 2012 2 The Renaissance Man Justin Richards Leela February 2012 3 The Wrath of the Iceni John Dorney Leela March 2012 4 Energy of the Daleks Nicholas Briggs Leela, Daleks April 2012 5 Trail of the White Worm Alan Barnes Leela, The Master May 2012 6 TBA Alan Barnes Leela, The Master June 2012 Series 2
# Title Author Featuring Released 1 TBA TBA Romana I, K-9 TBA 2 TBA TBA Romana I, K-9 TBA 3 TBA TBA Romana I, K-9 TBA 4 TBA TBA Romana I, K-9 TBA 5 TBA TBA Romana I, K-9 TBA 6 TBA TBA Romana I, K-9 TBA 7 TBA TBA Romana I, K-9 TBA New Eighth Doctor Adventures
In 2006 Big Finish began releasing audio plays featuring the Eighth Doctor, set after his travels with Charley Pollard and C'Rizz (as in the monthly audio series), which were subsequently phased out. This stand-alone range ended in March 2011, and the Eighth Doctor returned to the monthly series in October 2011.[4]
Series 1
# Title Author Featuring Broadcast 1 Blood of the Daleks Part 1 Steve Lyons Lucie Miller, Daleks 31 December 2006 2 Blood of the Daleks Part 2 Steve Lyons Lucie Miller, Daleks 7 January 2007 3 Horror of Glam Rock Paul Magrs Lucie Miller 14 January 2007 4 Immortal Beloved Jonathan Clements Lucie Miller 21 January 2007 5 Phobos Eddie Robson Lucie Miller 28 January 2007 6 No More Lies Paul Sutton Lucie Miller 4 February 2007 7 Human Resources Part 1 Eddie Robson Lucie Miller, The Headhunter 11 February 2007 8 Human Resources Part 2 Eddie Robson Lucie Miller, The Headhunter, Cybermen 18 February 2007 Series 2
# Title Author Featuring Released 1 Dead London Pat Mills Lucie Miller January 2008 2 Max Warp Jonathan Morris Lucie Miller February 2008 3 Brave New Town Jonathan Clements Lucie Miller, Autons March 2008 4 The Skull of Sobek Marc Platt Lucie Miller April 2008 5 Grand Theft Cosmos Eddie Robson Lucie Miller, The Headhunter May 2008 6 The Zygon Who Fell to Earth Paul Magrs Lucie Miller, Zygons June 2008 7 Sisters of the Flame Part 1 Nicholas Briggs Lucie Miller July 2008 8 Vengeance of Morbius Part 2 Nicholas Briggs Lucie Miller, Morbius August 2008 Series 3
# Title Author Featuring Released 1 Orbis Alan Barnes, Nicholas Briggs Lucie Miller, The Headhunter 7/14 March 2009 2 Hothouse Jonathan Morris Lucie Miller, Krynoid 21/28 March 2009 3 The Beast of Orlok Barnaby Edwards Lucie Miller 4/11 April 2009 4 Wirrn Dawn Nicholas Briggs Lucie Miller, Wirrn 18/25 April 2009 5 Scapegoat Pat Mills Lucie Miller 2/9 May 2009 6 The Cannibalists Jonathan Morris Lucie Miller 16/23 May 2009 7 The Eight Truths Part 1 Eddie Robson Lucie Miller, The Headhunter 30 May/6 June 2009 8 Worldwide Web Part 2 Eddie Robson Lucie Miller, The Headhunter, The Eight Legs 13/20 June 2009 Series 4
# Title Author Featuring Released 1 Death in Blackpool Alan Barnes Lucie Miller, Zygons December 2009 2 Situation Vacant Eddie Robson Tamsin Drew July 2010 3 Nevermore Alan Barnes Tamsin Drew August 2010 4 The Book of Kells Barnaby Edwards Tamsin Drew, The Monk, Lucie Miller September 2010 5 Deimos Part 1 Jonathan Morris Tamsin Drew, Ice Warriors October 2010 6 The Resurrection of Mars Part 2 Jonathan Morris Tamsin Drew, Ice Warriors, Lucie Miller, The Monk November 2010 7 Relative Dimensions Marc Platt Lucie Miller, Susan Foreman, Alex Campbell December 2010 8 Prisoner of the Sun Eddie Robson January 2011 9 Lucie Miller Part 1 Nicholas Briggs Lucie Miller, Tamsin Drew, Susan Foreman, Alex Campbell, The Monk, Daleks February 2011 10 To the Death Part 2 Nicholas Briggs Lucie Miller, Tamsin Drew, Susan Foreman, Alex Campbell, The Monk, Daleks March 2011 Special releases
# Series Sorted Title Author Doctor Featuring Released 33½ SS3 (BFPDWCDSS3) The Maltese Penguin
(originally released free to
subscribers with Neverland)Robert Shearman 6th Frobisher 27 June 2002 I ? (BFPDWBBCiCD01) Real Time
(originally webcast on the
official BBC Doctor Who website)Gary Russell 6th Evelyn Smythe, Cybermen 2 August -
6 September 2002II ? (BFPDWBBCiCD02) Shada
(originally webcast on the
official BBC Doctor Who website)Douglas Adams (adapted by Gary Russell) 8th Romana II, K-9 2 May -
6 June 2003III 7CpreA (BFPDWCD7CPREA) Her Final Flight
(special 1-disc story released
free to subscribers with The Next Life)Julian Shortman 6th Peri December 2004 IV 6WB (BFPDWCD6WB) Cryptobiosis
(special 1-disc story released
free to subscribers with Other Lives)Elliot Thorpe 6th Peri December 2005 V D02A (BFPDECD02A) Return of the Daleks
(special 1-disc story released
free to subscribers with Year of the Pig)Nicholas Briggs 7th Daleks, Ogrons, Susan Mendes, Kalendorf December 2006 VI 6C/J Return to the Web Planet
(special 1-disc story released free to subscribers with
The Girl Who Never Was)Daniel O'Mahony 5th Nyssa, Zarbi, Menoptera December 2007 VII 7CPD Return of the Krotons
(special 1-disc story released
free to subscribers with The Raincloud Man)Nicholas Briggs 6th Charley, The Krotons December 2008 (N/A) (?) The Three Companions
(12-part mini-series included as a bonus feature on 12 consecutive monthly Doctor Who plays from The Magic Mousetrap through to Survival of the Fittest & Klein's Story)Marc Platt 2nd, 3rd Polly, Brigadier, Thomas Brewster April 2009 - February 2010 VIII (?) An Earthly Child
(special 1-disc story released free to subscribers with Plague of the Daleks)Marc Platt 8th Susan Foreman, Alex Campbell December 2009 IX (?) The Four Doctors
(special 1-disc story released free to subscribers with The Demons of Red Lodge and Other Stories)Peter Anghelides 5th, 6th, 7th, 8th Daleks December 2010 X (?) The Five Companions
(special 1-disc story released free to subscribers with Army of Death)Eddie Robson 5th Nyssa, Ian, Steven, Sara, Polly, Daleks, Sontarans December 2011 Doctor Who Magazine releases
Code Issue Title Author Doctor Featuring Released DWMCD01 279 Talking ’Bout My Regeneration 30 June 1999 DWMCD02 300 Last of the Titans Nicholas Briggs 7th 11 January 2001 DWM CD03 313 The Ratings War Steve Lyons 6th Beep the Meep 11 January 2002 DWM CD04 326 No Place Like Home Iain McLaughlin 5th Erimem, Shayde 9 January 2003 DWM CD05 337 Living Legend Scott Gray 8th Charley November 2003 DWM CD06 351 The Coup &
Silver LiningSimon Guerrier Brigadier, Silurians &
Benny, CybermenDecember 2004 DWM CD07 367 The Veiled Leopard Iain McLaughlin
Claire BartlettPeri, Erimem, Ace, Hex March 2006 BFPDDWMFREE07 380 Doctor Who Sample Disc 28 March 2007 DWMCD09 393 Cuddlesome Nigel Fairs 5th 6 March 2008 DWMCD10 411* The Mists of Time Jonathan Morris 3rd Jo Grant 23 July 2009 DWMCD11 419* Freakshow Mark Morris 5th Turlough March 2010 *Beginning with the release in issue 411 and continuing with 419, a physical compact disc was no longer included with the issue; instead, an online link and a download code provided an .mp3 file for download.
# Title Author Doctor Featuring Released 1 Excelis Dawns Paul Magrs 5th Iris Wildthyme February 2002 2 Excelis Rising David A. McIntee 6th 8 April 2002 3 Excelis Decays Craig Hinton 7th June 2002 4 The Plague Herds of Excelis
(Bernice Summerfield adventure)Stephen Cole N/A Benny, Iris Wildthyme 1 July 2002 The Stage Plays
# Title Author Doctor Featuring Released 1 The Ultimate Adventure Terrance Dicks 6th Daleks, Cybermen September 2008 2 The Seven Keys to Doomsday Terrance Dicks Trevor Martin Daleks October 2008 3 The Curse of the Daleks David Whitaker & Terry Nation Daleks November 2008 The Lost Stories
Series 1
# Title Author Doctor Featuring Released 1 The Nightmare Fair Graham Williams (adapted by John Ainsworth) 6th Peri, Celestial Toymaker November 2009 2 Mission to Magnus Philip Martin 6th Peri, Ice Warriors, Sil December 2009 3 Leviathan Brian Finch (adapted by Paul Finch) 6th Peri January 2010 4 The Hollows of Time Christopher H. Bidmead 6th Peri, Tractators February 2010 5 Paradise 5 PJ Hammond and Andy Lane 6th Peri March 2010 6 Point of Entry Barbara Clegg and Marc Platt 6th Peri April 2010 7 The Song of Megaptera Pat Mills 6th Peri May 2010 8 The Macros Ingrid Pitt & Tony Rudlin 6th Peri June 2010 Series 2
# Title Author Doctor Featuring Released 1 The First Doctor Boxset
~ Farewell Great Macedon
~ The Fragile Yellow Arc of FragranceMoris Farhi (adapted by Nigel Robinson) 1st Susan Foreman,
Ian Chesterton,
Barbara Wright10 November 2010 2 The Second Doctor Boxset
~ Prison in Space
~ The Destroyers
~ Dick Sharples (adapted by Simon Guerrier)
~ Terry Nation (adapted by Nicholas Briggs & John Dorney)
~ 2nd
~ none
~ Jamie McCrimmon,
Zoe Heriot
~ Sara Kingdom, Daleks23 December 2010 3 Thin Ice Marc Platt 7th Ace, Ice Warriors 14 April 2011 4 Crime of the Century Andrew Cartmel 7th Ace, Raine 31 May 2011 5 Animal Andrew Cartmel 7th Ace, Raine, Brigadier Bambera 2 June 2011 6 Earth Aid Ben Aaronovitch & Andrew Cartmel 7th Ace, Raine July 2011 Fourth Doctor Lost Stories
# Title Author Doctor Featuring Released 1 The Fourth Doctor Boxset
~ The Foe from the Future
~ The Valley of Death
~ Robert Banks Stewart and John Dorney
~ Philip Hinchcliffe and Jonathan Morris4th Leela January 2012 Series 3
# Title Author Doctor Featuring Released 1 The Elite Barbara Clegg and John Dorney 5th Tegan, Nyssa, Dalek October 2011 2 Hexagora Peter Ling & Hazel Adair and Paul Finch 5th Tegan, Nyssa November 2011 3 The Children of Seth Christopher Bailey and Marc Platt 5th Tegan, Nyssa December 2011 4 The Guardians of Prophecy Johnny Byrne and Jonathan Morris 6th Peri May 2012 5 Power Play Gary Hopkins 6th Peri, Victoria June 2012 6 The First Sontarans Andrew Smith 6th Peri, Sontarans July 2012 7 The Masters of Luxor Anthony Coburn (adapted by Nigel Robinson) 1st Susan Foreman, Ian Chesterton, Barbara Wright August 2012 8 The Rosemariners Donald Tosh 2nd Jamie McCrimmon, Zoe Heriot September 2012 Doctor Who Unbound
The Unbound series is set outside of the normal continuity of the Big Finish Doctor Who range. It features new actors playing the Doctor in a series of "What if...?" scenarios.
# Title Author Doctor Featuring Released 1 Auld Mortality Marc Platt Geoffrey Bayldon Susan Foreman May 2003 2 Sympathy for the Devil Jonathan Clements David Warner The Brigadier, The Master June 2003 3 Full Fathom Five David Bishop David Collings July 2003 4 He Jests at Scars... Gary Russell Michael Jayston The Valeyard, Mel August 2003 5 Deadline Robert Shearman Derek Jacobi September 2003 6 Exile Nicholas Briggs Arabella Weir September 2003 7 A Storm of Angels
(a sequel to Auld Mortality)Marc Platt Geoffrey Bayldon Susan Foreman January 2005 8 Masters of War
(a sequel to Sympathy for the Devil)Eddie Robson David Warner Brigadier, Davros, Daleks, Thals December 2008 The Companion Chronicles
The Companion Chronicles is an ongoing series of stories detailing adventures (usually) featuring the Doctor, as told by various former companions of his, with only one further voice actor taking part in the narration. They began in 2007 as a mini-series of four stories about adventures of the first four Doctors (none of whom appear in regular Big Finish audio plays, as William Hartnell, Patrick Troughton and Jon Pertwee died before they began and Tom Baker had declined to participate at that time), but their popularity ensured that they returned for a second mini-series, and then in July 2008 they began being released monthly throughout the year.
Series 1
# Title Author Doctor Told By Featuring Released 1.1 Frostfire Marc Platt 1st Vicki Steven Taylor February 2007 1.2 Fear of the Daleks Patrick Chapman 2nd Zoe Heriot Jamie McCrimmon, Daleks February 2007 1.3 The Blue Tooth Nigel Fairs 3rd Liz Shaw Brigadier, Benton, Yates, Cybermen February 2007 1.4 The Beautiful People Jonathan Morris 4th Romana II K-9 February 2007 Series 2
# Title Author Doctor Told By Featuring Released 2.1 Mother Russia Marc Platt 1st Steven Taylor Dodo Chaplet October 2007 2.2 Helicon Prime Jake Elliot 2nd Jamie McCrimmon November 2007 2.3 Old Soldiers James Swallow 3rd Brigadier December 2007 2.4 The Catalyst Nigel Fairs 4th Leela January 2008 Series 3
# Title Author Doctor Told By Featuring Released 3.1 Here There Be Monsters Andy Lane 1st Susan Foreman Ian Chesterton, Barbara Wright July 31, 2008 3.2 The Great Space Elevator Jonathan Morris 2nd Victoria Waterfield Jamie McCrimmon 29 August 2008 3.3 The Doll of Death Marc Platt 3rd Jo Grant Brigadier, Benton, Yates 30 September 2008 3.4 Empathy Games Nigel Fairs 4th Leela October 2008 3.5 Home Truths Simon Guerrier 1st Sara Kingdom Steven Taylor November 2008 3.6 The Darkening Eye Stewart Sheargold 5th Nyssa Tegan, Adric December 2008 3.7 The Transit of Venus Jacqueline Rayner 1st Ian Chesterton Susan Foreman, Barbara Wright January 2009 3.8 The Prisoner's Dilemma Simon Guerrier 7th Ace January 2009 3.9 Resistance Steve Lyons 2nd Polly Ben, Jamie McCrimmon March 2009 3.10 The Magician's Oath Scott Handcock 3rd Yates Jo Grant, Brigadier, Benton April 2009 3.11 The Mahogany Murderers Andy Lane Jago, Litefoot May 2009 3.12 Stealers from Saiph Nigel Robinson 4th Romana I June 2009 Series 4
# Title Author Doctor Told By Featuring Released 4.1 The Drowned World Simon Guerrier 1st Sara Kingdom Steven Taylor July 2009 4.2 The Glorious Revolution Jonathan Morris 2nd Jamie McCrimmon Zoe Heriot August 2009 4.3 The Prisoner of Peladon Mark Wright
Cavan Scott3rd King Peladon Ice Warriors, Alpha Centuari September 2009 4.4 The Pyralis Effect George Mann 4th Romana II October 2009 4.5 Ringpullworld Paul Magrs 5th Turlough Tegan November 2009 4.6 Bernice Summerfield and the Criminal Code Eddie Robson 7th Benny January 2010 4.7 The Suffering Jacqueline Rayner 1st Steven Taylor, Vicki February 2010 4.8 The Emperor of Eternity Nigel Robinson 2nd Jamie McCrimmon, Victoria Waterfield March 2010 4.9 Shadow of the Past Simon Guerrier 3rd Liz Brigadier April 2010 4.10 The Time Vampire Nigel Fairs 4th Leela, K-9 May 2010 4.11 Night's Black Agents Marty Ross 6th Jamie McCrimmon May 2010 4.12 Solitaire John Dorney 8th Charley Pollard Celestial Toymaker June 2010 Series 5
# Title Author Doctor Told By Featuring Released 5.1 The Guardian of the Solar System Simon Guerrier 1st Sara Kingdom Steven Taylor, Mavic Chen July 2010 5.2 Echoes of Grey John Dorney 2nd Zoe Heriot Jamie McCrimmon August 2010 5.3 Find and Replace Paul Magrs 3rd Jo Grant, Iris Wildthyme Benton September 2010 5.4 The Invasion of E-Space Andrew Smith 4th Romana II Adric October 2010 5.5 A Town Called Fortune Paul Sutton 6th Evelyn Smythe November 2010 5.6 Quinnis Marc Platt 1st Susan Foreman December 2010 5.7 Peri and the Piscon Paradox Nev Fountain 5th, 6th Peri Brown, Sixth Doctor January 2011 5.8 The Perpetual Bond Simon Guerrier 1st Steven Taylor, Oliver Harper February 2011 5.9 The Forbidden Time David Lock 2nd Polly, Jamie McCrimmon Ben March 2011 5.10 The Sentinels of the New Dawn Paul Finch 3rd Liz Shaw April 2011 5.11 Ferril's Folly Peter Anghelides 4th Romana I May 2011 5.12 The Cold Equations Simon Guerrier 1st Steven Taylor, Oliver Harper June 2011 Special
# Title Author Doctor Told By Featuring Released The Specials (featuring The Three Companions, The Mists of Time and Freakshow) Marc Platt, Jonathan Morris and Mark Morris 2nd, 3rd, 5th Polly, Brigadier, Jo Grant, Turlough, Brewster Ben, Jamie McCrimmon, Tegan August 2011 Series 6
# Title Author Doctor Told By Featuring Released 6.1 Tales from the Vault Jonathan Morris 3rd, 4th, 2nd, 1st Jo Grant, Romana I, Zoe Heriot, Steven Taylor Jamie McCrimmon, Dodo Chaplet July 2011 6.2 The Rocket Men John Dorney 1st Ian Barbara Wright, Vicki August 2011 6.3 The Memory Cheats Simon Guerrier 2nd Zoe Heriot Jamie McCrimmon September 2011 6.4 The Many Deaths of Jo Grant Mark Wright, Cavan Scott 3rd Jo Grant Brigadier October 2011 6.5 The First Wave Simon Guerrier 1st Steven Taylor, Oliver Harper Vardans November 2011 6.6 Beyond the Ultimate Adventure Terrance Dicks 6th Crystal, Jason, Sixth Doctor Rutans, Raston Warrior December 2011 6.7 The Anachronauts Simon Guerrier 1st Steven Taylor, Sara Kingdom January 2012 6.8 The Selachian Gambit Steve Lyons 2nd Polly, Jamie McCrimmon Ben February 2012 6.9 Binary Eddie Robson 3rd Liz Shaw March 2012 6.10 The Wanderer Richard Dinnick 1st Ian Chesterton Barbara Wright April 2012 6.11 TBA TBA 2nd TBA May 2012 6.12 TBA TBA 2nd TBA June 2012 Series 7
# Title Author Doctor Told By Featuring Released 7.1 TBA TBA 1st TBA July 2012 7.2 TBA TBA 2nd TBA August 2012 Short Trips Audiobooks
On December 31, 2009, Big Finish lost their license to produce or sell the short story anthologies, Short Trips. On 10 February 2010 Big Finish announced that the range would be relaunched as double CD audiobooks featuring eight new short stories each. The stories will be read by popular Doctor Who actors. Also on this day Big Finish asked for short story submissions, from anyone who hadn't written for them before, for possible inclusion on the CDs. Soon after the closing date it was announced that they had received 500 entries and that Colin Baker would be among the actors reading the stories, as well as writing the 6th Doctor story for Volume 1.
Series 1
# Title Authors Doctors Featuring Read By Released 1 Short Trips - Volume 1
~ Rise and Fall
~ A Stain of Red in the Sand
~ A True Gentleman
~ Death-Dealer
~ The Deep
~ The Wings of a Butterfly
~ Police and Shreeves
~ Running Out of Time
~ George Mann
~ David A McEwan
~ Jamie Hailstone
~ Damian Sawyer
~ Ally Kennen
~ Colin Baker
~ Adam Smith
~ Dorothy Koomson
~ 1st
~ 2nd
~ 3rd
~ 4th
~ 5th
~ 6th
~ 7th
~ 8th
~ Ian
~ Zoe
~ Leela
~ Nyssa
~ Ace
~ William Russell
~ David Troughton
~ Katy Manning
~ Louise Jameson
~ Peter Davison
~ Colin Baker
~ Sophie Aldred
~ India FisherNovember 2010 2 Short Trips - Volume 2
~ 1963
~ The Way Forward
~ Walls of Confinement
~ Chain Reaction
~ Sock-Pig
~ The Doctor's Coat
~ Critical Mass
~ Letting Go
~ Niall Boyce
~ Steve Case
~ Lawrence Conquest
~ Darren Goldsmith
~ Sharon Cobb & Iain Keiller
~ John Bromley
~ James Moran
~ Simon Guerrier
~ 1st
~ 2nd
~ 3rd
~ 4th
~ 5th
~ 6th
~ 7th
~ 8th
~ Ian, Barbara, Vicki
~ Victoria
~ Liz, Brigadier
~ Sarah Jane
~ Ace
~ Charley
~ William Russell
~ David Troughton
~ Katy Manning
~ Louise Jameson
~ Peter Davison
~ Colin Baker
~ Sophie Aldred
~ India FisherFebruary 2011 3 Short Trips - Volume 3
~ Seven to One
~ The Five Dimensional Man
~ Pop Up
~ The Wondrous Box
~ Wet Walls
~ Murmurs of Earth
~ The Riparian Ripper
~ All the Fun of the Fair
~ Simon Miller
~ Kate Orman
~ Dave Curran
~ Juliet Boyd
~ Mathilde Madden
~ Michael Deacon, Jamie Middleton & Chris Wraight
~ Andrew Cartmel
~ Bev Conway
~ 1st-7th
~ 2nd
~ 3rd
~ 4th
~ 5th
~ 6th
~ 7th
~ 8th
~ Ace, Peri, Nyssa, Romana, Jo, Jamie, Susan
~ Zoe, Jamie
~ Jo
~ Sarah Jane
~ Peri
~ Peri
~ Ace
~ Lucie
~ Nicholas Briggs, William Russell
~ David Troughton
~ Katy Manning
~ Louise Jameson
~ Peter Davison
~ Colin Baker
~ Sophie Aldred
~ India FisherMay 2011 4 Short Trips - Volume 4
~ A Star is Born
~ Penny Wise, Pound Foolish
~ Lost in the Wakefield Triangle
~ The Old Rogue
~ The Lions of Trafalgar
~ To Cut a Blade of Grass
~ The Shadow Trader
~ Quantum Heresy
~ Richard Dinnick
~ Foster Marks
~ Vin Marsden Hendrick
~ John Grindrod
~ Jason Arnopp
~ Cindy Garland
~ Charles Williams
~ Avril Naude
~ 1st
~ 2nd
~ 3rd
~ 4th
~ 5th
~ 6th
~ 7th
~ 8th
~ Susan, Barbara, Ian
~ Jamie, Zoe
~ Jo
~ Romana, K-9
~ Nyssa, Tegan
~ Peri
~ Ace
~ William Russell
~ David Troughton
~ Katy Manning
~ Louise Jameson
~ Peter Davison
~ Colin Baker
~ Sophie Aldred
~ India FisherAugust 2011 Non-Doctor dramas
Dalek Empire
Dalek Empire I
# Title Author Released 1 Invasion of the Daleks Nicholas Briggs 25 June 2001 2 The Human Factor Nicholas Briggs 6 August 2001 3 Death to the Daleks! Nicholas Briggs 29 October 2001 4 Project Infinity Nicholas Briggs 17 December 2001 Dalek Empire II: Dalek War
# Title Author Released 1 Chapter One Nicholas Briggs January 2003 2 Chapter Two Nicholas Briggs February 2003 3 Chapter Three Nicholas Briggs March 2003 4 Chapter Four Nicholas Briggs April 2003 Dalek Empire III
# Title Author Released 1 The Exterminators Nicholas Briggs May 2004 2 The Healers Nicholas Briggs June 2004 3 The Survivors Nicholas Briggs July 2004 4 The Demons Nicholas Briggs August 2004 5 The Warriors Nicholas Briggs October 2004 6 The Future Nicholas Briggs October 2004 Dalek Empire IV: The Fearless
# Title Author Released 1 Part One Nicholas Briggs September 2007 2 Part Two Nicholas Briggs October 2007 3 Part Three Nicholas Briggs November 2007 4 Part Four Nicholas Briggs December 2007 Sarah Jane Smith
Series 1
# Title Author Released 1 Comeback Terrance Dicks July 2002 2 The TAO Connection Barry Letts August 2002 3 Test Of Nerve David Bishop September 2002 4 Ghost Town Rupert Laight October 2002 5 Mirror, Signal, Manoeuvre Peter Anghelides November 2002 Series 2
# Title Author Released 6 Buried Secrets David Bishop January 2006 7 Snow Blind David Bishop February 2006 8 Fatal Consequences David Bishop March 2006 9 Dreamland David Bishop April 2006 Gallifrey
Series 1
# Title Author Released 1.1 Weapon of Choice Alan Barnes March 2004 1.2 Square One Stephen Cole April 2004 1.3 The Inquiry Justin Richards April 2004 1.4 A Blind Eye Alan Barnes May 2004 Series 2
# Title Author Released 2.1 Lies Gary Russell April 2005 2.2 Spirit Stephen Cole May 2005 2.3 Pandora Justin Richards June 2005 2.4 Insurgency Steve Lyons July 2005 2.5 Imperiatrix Stewart Sheargold August 2005 Series 3
# Title Author Released 3.1 Fractures Stephen Cole May 2006 3.2 Warfare Stewart Sheargold June 2006 3.3 Appropriation Paul Sutton July 2006 3.4 Mindbomb Justin Richards July 2006 3.5 Panacea Alan Barnes August 2006 Series 4
# Title Author Released 4.1 Reborn Gary Hopkins March 2011 4.2 Disassembled Justin Richards March 2011 4.3 Annihilation Scott Handcock and Gary Russell March 2011 4.4 Forever David Wise March 2011 UNIT
# Title Author Released - The Coup (included with DWM #351) Simon Guerrier January 5, 2005 1 Time Heals Iain McLaughlin and Claire Bartlett December 2004 2 Snake Head Jonathan Clements January 2005 3 The Longest Night Joseph Lidster March 2005 4 The Wasting Iain McLaughlin and Claire Bartlett June 2005 Iris Wildthyme
Series 1
# Title Author Released 1 Wildthyme at Large Paul Magrs November 2005 2 The Devil in Ms Wildthyme Stephen Cole December 2005 Series 2
# Title Author Released 1 The Sound of Fear Mark Michalowski February 2009 2 Land of Wonder Paul Magrs March 2009 3 The Two Irises Simon Guerrier April 2009 4 The Panda Invasion Mark Magrs May 2009 5 The Claws of Santa Cavan Scott and Mark Wright November 2009 Series 3
# Title Author Released 1 TBA Cavan Scott April 2012 2 TBA Guy Adams April 2012 3 TBA George Mann April 2012 Cyberman
Series 1
# Title Author Released 1 Scorpius Nicholas Briggs September 2005 2 Fear Nicholas Briggs October 2005 3 Conversion Nicholas Briggs November 2005 4 Telos Nicholas Briggs January 2006 Series 2
# Title Author Released 1 Outsiders James Swallow December 2009 2 Terror James Swallow December 2009 3 Machines James Swallow December 2009 4 Extinction James Swallow December 2009 I, Davros
# Title Author Released 1 Innocence Gary Hopkins September 2006 2 Purity James Parsons and Andrew Stirling-Brown October 2006 3 Corruption Lance Parkin November 2006 4 Guilt Scott Alan Woodard December 2006 Jago & Litefoot
Series 1
# Title Author Released 1 The Bloodless Soldier Justin Richards June 2010 2 The Bellova Devil Alan Barnes June 2010 3 The Spirit Trap Jonathan Morris June 2010 4 The Similarity Engine Andy Lane June 2010 Series 2
# Title Author Released 1 Litefoot and Sanders Justin Richards January 2011 2 The Necropolis Express Mark Morris January 2011 3 The Theatre of Dreams Jonathan Morris January 2011 4 The Ruthven Inheritance Andy Lane January 2011 Series 3
# Title Author Released 1 Dead Men's Tales Justin Richards June 2011 2 The Man at the End of the Garden Matthew Sweet June 2011 3 Swan Song John Dorney June 2011 4 Chronoclasm Andy Lane June 2011 Series 4
# Title Author Released 1 Jago in Love Nigel Fairs March 2012 2 Beautiful Things John Dorney March 2012 3 The Lonely Clock Matthew Sweet March 2012 4 The Hourglass Killers Justin Richards March 2012 Series 5
# Title Author Released 1 TBA TBA 2012 2 TBA TBA 2012 3 TBA TBA 2012 4 TBA TBA 2012 Counter-Measures
Series 1
# Title Author Released 1 TBA TBA July 2012 2 TBA TBA July 2012 3 TBA TBA July 2012 4 TBA TBA July 2012 Graceless
Series 1
# Title Author Released 1 The Sphere Simon Guerrier November 2010 2 The Fog Simon Guerrier November 2010 3 The End Simon Guerrier November 2010 Series 2
# Title Author Released 1 The Line Simon Guerrier December 2011 2 The Flood Simon Guerrier December 2011 3 The Dark Simon Guerrier December 2011 See also
- Big Finish Productions
- Doctor Who spin-offs
- Bernice Summerfield
- List of Doctor Who serials#Radio broadcasts
- ^ http://www.bigfinish.com/Doctor-Who
- ^ http://www.telegraph.co.uk/culture/tvandradio/doctor-who/8096995/Dr-Who-a-parallel-world-of-audio-stories.html
- ^ http://www.bigfinish.com/news/Tom-Baker-Joins-Big-Finish
- ^ a b "Doctor Who Update". Big Finish News. Big Finish Productions. 17 April 2011. http://www.bigfinish.com/news/Doctor-Who-Update. Retrieved 17 April 2011.
External links
- Big Finish Productions — Big Finish's official site for Doctor Who: The New Audio Adventures
- Doctor Who page on BBC 7 Drama site
- Official Doctor Who website — Trailers for the BBC 7 broadcasts are currently linked from this page.
- The TARDIS Library — An expanded listing of Big Finish's Doctor Who audios, with cover images & user ratings/reviews.
- Official Jago & Litefoot facebook group
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