- Lake Erie Basin
Lake Erie Basin consists of
Lake Erie and surrounding watersheds, which are typically named after the river, creek, or stream that provides drainage into the lake. The watersheds are located in the states ofIndiana ,Michigan ,New York ,Ohio , andPennsylvania in theUnited States , and in theProvince of Ontario inCanada . The basin is part of theGreat Lakes Basin andSaint Lawrence River Watershed, which feeds into theAtlantic Ocean . 80% of the lake's water flows in from the Detroit River, with only 9% coming from all of the remaining watersheds combined. (The remainder (11%) is derived from direct precipitation into the lake.) Alittoral zone serves as the interface between land and lake, being that portion of the basin where the lake is less than 15 feet in depth. [ [http://www.dec.ny.gov/docs/wildlife_pdf/lkerietxt.pdf Comprehensive Wildlife Conservation Strategy for New York, pp 235-236] ]History
The Lake Erie Basin was formed at the end of the
Wisconsin glaciation . The basin was part ofGlacial Lake Maumee until an eastern drainage opened atNiagara , at which point the Maumee River Watershed reversed its flow eastward. TheGreat Black Swamp is thought to be a remnant of the glacial lake.Geography
* Maumee Watershed (Adams, Allen, DeKalb, Noble, Steuben, and Wells counties) (see Ohio)
**Maumee River
** St. Joseph RiverMichigan
Michigan's drainage basin consists of 5,808 square miles.
* Belle Watershed (Lapeer, Macomb, Oakland, and St. Clair counties)
** Belle River
* Black Watershed
** Black River
* Clinton Watershed (Lapeer, Macomb, Oakland, and St. Clair counties)
**Clinton River
* Detroit Watershed (see also Ontario)
**Detroit River
**Ecorse River
** River Rouge
* Huron Watershed (Livingston, Monroe, Oakland, Washtenaw, and Wayne counties)
** Huron River
**Portage River
* Pine Watershed
** Pine River
* Raisin Watershed
**River Raisin
* Maumee Watershed (see Ohio)
**Tiffin River becomes Bean Creek in northern Ohio and MichiganNew York
New York's drainage basin covers 2,300 square miles.
* Buffalo River Watershed (Erie, Genesse, and Wyoming counties)
** Buffalo Creek, Little Buffalo Creek, and Buffalo River
**Cayuga Creek
**Cazenovia Creek
**Hunter Creek
* Cattaraugus Creek Watershed (Cattaraugus, Chautauqua, Erie, and Wyoming counties)
**Cattaraugus Creek
* Chautauqua Creek - Lake Erie Watershed (Chautauqua County) (see also Pennsylvania)
** Beaver Creek
**Chautauqua Creek
** Crooked Brook
** Hyde Creek
** Scott Creek
** Silver Creek
**Twentymile Creek
** Walnut CreekOhio
* Ashtabula-Chagrin Watershed (Ashtabula, Cuyahoga, Geauga, Lake, and Portage counties) (see also Pennsylvania)
**Ashtabula River
**Chagrin River
* Auglaize Watershed (Allen, Auglaize, Defiance, Mercer, Paulding, Putnam, and Van Wert counties)
** Ottawa River
* Black-Rocky Watershed (Ashland, Cuyahoga, Huron, Lorain, and Medina counties)
** Black River
** Rocky River
* Blanchard Watershed (Allen, Hancock, Hardin, Putnam, and Wyandot counties)
** Blanchard River
* Cedar-Portage Watershed (Hancock, Lucas, Ottawa, Sandusky, and Wood counties)
** Cedar Creek
** Crane Creek
** Packer Creek
** Portage River
** Rusha Creek
**Toussaint River
** Turtle Creek
* Chautauqua-Conneaut Watershed (Ashtabula County) (see also Pennsylvania)
**Conneaut Creek
* Cuyahoga Watershed (Cuyahoga, Geauga, Portage, and Summit counties)
**Cuyahoga River
* Grand Watershed (Ashtabula, Geauga, Lake, Portage, and Trumbull counties)
** Grand River
* Huron-Vermilion Watershed (Ashland, Crawford, Erie, Huron, Lorain, Richland, and Seneca counties)
** Huron River
**Vermilion River
* Maumee Watershed (Defiance, Fulton, Hancock, Henry, Lucas, Putnam, Williams, and Wood counties) (see Michigan)
** Bad Creek
** Beaver Creek
** Brush Creek
**Maumee River
** Swan Creek
** Tenmile Creek
**Tiffin River becomes Bean Creek in northern Ohio and Michigan
** Turkeyfoot Creek
* Ottawa-Stony Watershed (Fulton and Lucas counties) (see also Michigan)
** Ottawa River
* Sandusky Watershed (Crawford, Erie, Hardin, Huron, Marion, Ottawa, Richland, Sandusky, Seneca, and Wyandot counties)
**Sandusky River Pennsylvania
* Ashtabula-Chagrin Watershed (Erie County) (see also Ohio)
**Ashtabula River
* Chautauqua-Conneaut Watershed (Crawford and Erie counties) (see also Ohio)
**Conneaut Creek
** Turkey Creek
* Lake Erie Watershed (Crawford and Erie counties)Ontario
* Detroit River Watershed (see also Michigan)
** Avon River
**Detroit River
** Lake St. Clair
**St. Clair River
**Sydenham River
** Thames River
* Grand River Watershed is the largest drainage in southern Ontario at 2,600 sq mi (7,000 km²)
** Grand River
***Conestogo River
***Eramosa River
***Nith River
***Speed River
* Lynn River Watershed
** Lynn RiverEconomy
Agricultural, industrial, and residential land use are the primary nonpoint sources of pollution in the Lake Erie Basin. National and state environmental agencies, as well as interstate and binational cooperative efforts, focus on water quality, especially since the freshwater lake is used extensively for drinking water, recreation, and the fishing industry. Habitat and flow alteration cause
silt ation andsediment ation issues which can requiredredging . Fertilizer runoff from farms and residences and unplanned releases from sewage treatment plants promoteeutrophication through nutrient and organic enrichment, bacterial contamination, and the appearance of ammonium hydroxide. Industrial land use adds metals that flow into the basin and cause sediment contamination. [ [http://www.epa.state.oh.us/dsw/documents/Toussaint2005TSD_1.pdf Biological and Water Quality Study of the Toussaint River and Rusha Creek Basins, 2005, Ohio EPA, pp x-xv] ]References
See also
Great Lakes
* Waterways that feed the Lake Erie Basin
** Indiana
** Michigan
** New York
** Ohio
** Ontario
** PennsylvaniaExternal links
* [http://www.cec.org/naatlas/NA-Watersheds.gifLakenet map of North American watersheds]
* [http://www.worldlakes.org/lakedetails.asp?lakeid=8542 Lakenet profile of Lake Erie Basin]
* [http://www.epa.gov/glnpo/lakeerie/ Lakewide Management Plan (LaMP)]
* [http://www.glc.org/eriehabitat/ Lake Erie Basin integrated habitat and mapping project of the Great Lakes Commission]
* [http://oh.water.usgs.gov/reports/circ1203.pdf USGS Water Quality in the Lake Erie / Lake Saint Clair Drainages - MI, OH, IN, NY and PA 1996-1998 (Circular 1203)]Indiana
* See Map of Ohio's Principal Streams and Drainage Areas, including a small but important extension of waterway mapping across Ohio's Lake Erie Basin borders into the states of Indiana, Michigan, and Pennsylvania
* [http://www.michigan.gov/dnr/0,1607,7-153-10370_30909_31053-153455--,00.html Michigan and the Lake Erie Basin]
* See Map of Ohio's Principal Streams and Drainage Areas, including a small but important extension of waterway mapping across Ohio's Lake Erie Basin borders into the states of Indiana, Michigan, and PennsylvaniaNew York
* [http://www.dec.ny.gov/docs/wildlife_pdf/lkerietxt.pdf Lake Erie Basin (pp 235-279 of the Comprehensive Wildlife Conservation Strategy for New York)]
* [http://www.fbnr.org/programs/tributary/buffalo_river/Buffalo_river.htm Buffalo River Watershed]
* [http://www.dec.ny.gov/docs/water_pdf/01pwllecc.pdf Lake Erie/Chautauqua Creek Watershed Waterbody Inventory]Ohio
* [http://www.dnr.state.oh.us/Portals/13/science/pdf/eriewatersheds.pdf Map of Ohio's Lake Erie watersheds]
* [http://www.dnr.state.oh.us/portals/7/watersheds/Basins72PDI_40x40_OnScreen.gifMap of Ohio's Principal Streams and Drainage Areas, including a small but important extension of waterway mapping across Ohio's Lake Erie Basin borders into the states of Indiana, Michigan, and Pennsylvania]
* [http://www.crwp.org/ Chagrin River Watershed Partners]
* [http://www.epa.state.oh.us/dsw/documents/Toussaint2005TSD_1.pdf Report on Toussaint River and Rusha Creek watersheds includes detailed map on page 4]Pennsylvania
* [http://www.dcnr.state.pa.us/wlhabitat/aquatic/streamdist.aspx Pennsylvania's watersheds]
* [http://www.dep.state.pa.us/dep/deputate/watermgt/WC/Subjects/WSNoteBks/shedtable.htm Interactive map of Pennsylvania's watersheds]
* [http://seagrant.psu.edu/nemo/about.htm Pennsylvania Lake Erie NEMO Project on land use and water quality]
* [http://seagrant.psu.edu/nemo/maps/misc_maps5.pdf Pennsylvania Lake Erie Drainage Basin map]
* [http://seagrant.psu.edu/nemo/maps/misc_maps4.pdf Pennsylvania Lake Erie Basin Subwatersheds map]
* See Map of Ohio's Principal Streams and Drainage Areas, including a small but important extension of waterway mapping across Ohio's Lake Erie Basin borders into the states of Indiana, Michigan, and Pennsylvania
* [http://www.rootsweb.com/~paerie/bates/bates4.htm Samuel Bates' History of Erie County, Pennsylvania, 1884, Chapter IV Streams, Lakes, Bays, Bridges and Culverts]
* [http://www.eriecountyhistory.org/GlobalPages/Photo4/LlbPhoto.html Mill Creek Flood of August 3, 1915]Ontario
* [http://www.eco.on.ca/english/aboutont/priority.htm Priority Environmental Site Map for Ontario]
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