DD Gujarati

DD Gujarati

DD-Gujarati or called DD Girnar/DD-11 is the Gujarati language channel of India's national broadcaster, Doordarshan. It is broadcast out of studios at Doordarshan Kendra (Center) in Ahmedabad in Gujarat State.

Doordarshan Gujarati
Type Broadcast television network
Country India India
Availability India and parts of Asia,China and Gulf Countries.
Founded by Govt. of India
Headquarters Ahmedabad, Gujarat, India,
Owner Prasar Bharati
Launch date 2003(as Doordarshan Kendra Ahmedabad)
Former names Doordarshan Kendra Ahmedabad
Official website http://www.ddgirnar.com

Doordarshan Kendra, Ahmedabad was set up on March 15, 1976, as a part of the SITE Project of ISRO and the 1 KW transmitter was based in PIJ, Kheda District. The studio used to function from the ISRO, Ahmedabad premises, while the administrative office was located in the Polytechnic compound in Ahmedabad.

Few years later, a plot of land was identified and a Low Power LPT was set up in Ahmedabad at Thaltej Tekra on November 19, 1993. The studio was commissioned on October 2, 1987 while the regional language uplinking was started on December 30, 1992. DD Metro channel was set up on May 1, 1994 while the Regional languages Satellite Channels (RLSC), DD GIRNAR 24 Hour on October 1, 1993.


List of programmes


It uses SRLS transmissions from 3pm to 8pm as it cuts DD National from the terrestrial network and the same 8pm to 3pm it runs satellite transmission.

See also DD Gujarati's Sister Channels

See also

External links

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