List of fighting games

List of fighting games

The vast majority of fighting games fall into two categories, versus fighters (usually referred to simply as fighting games), or beat 'em ups (a.k.a. scrolling fighters or brawlers). Some games fall into both categories, such as Dream Factory / Square Co.'s "The Bouncer".

Note: Games are in listed in a ""Common English Title/Alternate Title" 'series' - Developer" format, where applicable.

Beat 'em ups

Beat 'em ups pit a fighter or group of fighters against many underpowered enemies. Gameplay usually spans many levels, with most levels ending in an enemy boss. If multiple players are involved, players generally fight cooperatively.


*"" - Jaleco
*"Act of Fighter" - SoftStar
*"Alien Hominid" - The Behemoth
*"Alien Storm" - Sega
*"Alien vs. Predator" (Arcade) - Capcom
*"Alien vs Predator" (SNES) - Jorudan
*"Altered Beast" - Sega
*"Arabian Fight" - Sega
*"Arabian Magic" - Yukio Abe, Kazutomo Ishida
*"" - Capcom
*"Asterix" - Konami
*"Bad Dudes / Bad Dudes vs. Dragon Ninja / Dragon Ninja" - Data East
*"Bad Street Brawler / Street Hassle / Bop' N Rumble" - Beam Software
*"" - Kemco
*"Batman Forever" - Probe Entertainment (Game Gear, PC), Acclaim Entertainment (SNES, Genesis, Game Boy)
*"" - Iguana Entertainment
*"Batman Returns" (SNES) - Konami
*"Battle Circuit" - Capcom
*"Battletoads" series - Rare
**"Battletoads & Double Dragon"
**"Battletoads in Battlemaniacs" - Rare (SNES), Virgin Interactive (SMS)
**"Battletoads / Super Battletoads"
*"" - Tatsumi
*"Black Touch '96" - DGRM
*"Bucky O'Hare" - Konami
*"Burning Fight" - SNK
*"Cadillacs and Dinosaurs / Cadillacs Kyouryuu Shin Seiki" - Capcom
*"Captain America and the Avengers" - Data East
*"Captain Commando" - Capcom
*"Castle Crashers" - The Behemoth
*"The Combatribes" - Technos
*"Crime Fighters" series - Konami
**"Crime Fighters
**"Vendetta / Crime Fighters 2"
**"Violent Storm"
*"The Death and Return of Superman" - Blizzard Entertainment, Sunsoft
*"Denjin Makai" series - Banpresto
**"Denjin Makai
**"Ghost Chaser Densei"
**"Guardians / Denjin Makai II
*"D. D. Crew" - Sega
*"DJ Boy" series - Kaneko
**"DJ Boy"
**"B.Rap Boys!"
*"Double Dragon" series - Technos
**"Double Dragon"
**"" - East Technology
**"Super Double Dragon"
*"" - Dimps
*"Dragon Bowl" - Nics
*"Dungeon & Fighter" - Neople
*"Dungeon & Guarder" - Game Park
*"Dungeon Magic / Lightbringer" - Taito
*"Dynamite Dux" - Sega
*"Eightman" - Pallas
*"Electronic Popple" - Byteshock
*"Final Fight" series - Capcom
**"Final Fight / Fainaru Faito"
**"Final Fight 2 / Fainaru Faito 2"
**"Mighty Final Fight"
**"Final Fight 3 / Final Fight Tough / Fainaru Faito Tafu"
*"Gaia Crusaders" - Noise Factory
*"Gang Wars" - Alpha Denshi
*"" - Naps Team
*"Growl" - Taito
*"Guardian Heroes" series - Treasure
**"Guardian Heroes"
**"Advance Guardian Heroes"
*"Guardians of the 'Hood" - Atari Games
*"Hachoo!" - Jaleco
*"Her Knights" series - Byulbram
*"Hook" (Arcade) - Irem
*"The Incredible Hulk" (GBA) - Pocket Studios
*"" - Torus Games
*"Jail Break" - Konami
*"Judge Dredd" (unreleased) - Midway Games
*"" - WayForward Technologies
*"Karate Blazers" - Video System
*"Knights of Valour" series - IGS
**"Knights of Valour"
**"Knights of Valour 2"
**"" - IGS, Sammy
*"Knuckle Bash" series - Toaplan
**"Knuckle Bash"
**"Knuckle Bash 2"
*"Kunio-kun" series - Technos
**"Renegade / Nekketsu Kōha Kunio-kun"
**" River City Ransom / Street Gangs / Downtown Nekketsu Monogatari" - Technos (NES), Million (GBA)
**"" (Game Boy)
**"Shodai Nekketsu Kōha Kunio-kun"
*"Legend of Heroes" - Limenko

*"The Legend of Silkroad" - Unico Electronics
*"Legionnaire" - TAD
*"Little Fighter" series
**"Little Fighter" - Marti Wong
**"Little Fighter 2" - Marti Wong, Starsky Wong
**"Little Fighter Online" - Marti Wong, Oscar Chu
*"Lethal Weapon" (NES, Game Boy) - Ocean Software
*"Mad Dancing" - Human Entertainment
*"" - Capcom
*"Mazin Saga" - Dynamic Planning
*"Metamorphic Force" - Konami
*"Michael Jackson's Moonwalker" - Sega
*"Mug Smashers" - Electronic Devices, 3D Games
*"Mutation Nation" - SNK
*"Night Slashers" - Data East
*"Ninja Baseball Bat Man" - Irem
*"Ninja Clowns" - Strata, Incredible Technologies
*"Ninja Combat" - Alpha Denshi
*"Ninja Gaiden" - Tecmo
*"Ninja Kids" - Taito
*"The Ninja Warriors" - Taito
*"Oriental Legend" series - IGS
**"Oriental Legend"
**"Oriental Legend Super"
**"Oriental Legend 2"
*"Panzer Bandit" - Fill-In Cafe
*"" - SNK
*"Power Rangers" series
**"Mighty Morphin Power Rangers" - Natsume (SNES), Bandai (Genesis)
**"" - Sims (Genesis), Bandai (SNES)
**"" - Vicarious Visions
**"" - Natsume
*"PuLiRuLa" - Taito
*"The Punisher" - Capcom
*"Ragnarok Battle Offline" - French-Bread
*"Renegade" series - Ocean Software
**"Renegade / Nekketsu Kōha Kunio-kun" - Technos
**"Renegade 3"
*"Riot City" - Sega, Westone
*"Rival Turf! / Rushing Beat" series - Jaleco
**"Rival Turf! / Rushing Beat
**"Brawl Brothers / Rushing Beat Ran Fukusei Toshi
**"The Peace Keepers / Rushing Beat Syura
*"Robo Army" - SNK
*"Sailor Moon" series - Angel
**"Sailor Moon"
**"Sailor Moon R"
**"Pretty Soldier Sailor Moon" - Gazelle, Banpresto
*"Samurai-Fighter Shingen" - Jaleco
*"Sengoku" series - SNK
**"Sengoku 2"
**"Sengoku 3" - Noise Factory
*"Shadow Force" - Technos
*"Silent Dragon" - Taito
*"The Simpsons" - Konami
*"S.P.Y Special Project Y" - Konami
*"Sonic Blast Man" series - Taito
**"Sonic Blast Man"
**"Sonic Blast Man 2"
*"Spartan X" series - Irem
**"Kung-Fu Master / Spartan X
**"Spartan X 2
*"Spider-Man" series - Software Creations
*"" - Sega
*"Splatterhouse" series - Namco
**"Splatterhouse 2"
**"Splatterhouse 3" - Now Production
*"Street Smart" - SNK, Treco
*"Streets of Rage" series - Sega
**"Streets of Rage"
**"Streets of Rage 2" - Ancient, H.I.C., Shout! Designworks
**"Streets of Rage 3"
*" Tecmo Knight / Wild Fang" - Tecmo
*"Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles" series - Konami
**"Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles"
*"TMNT" (GBA) - Ubisoft
*"The Tick" - Software Creations
*"Tough Turf" - Sega, Sunsoft
*"Ultra Toukon Densetsu" - Banpresto
*"Undercover Cops" - Irem
*"Vigilante" - Irem
*"West Adventure" - Panda Entertainment
*"X-Men" - Konami
*"" - Capcom
*"" - Digital Eclipse
*"Wild West C.O.W. Boys of Moo Mesa" - Konami
*"Zero Team" - Seibu Kaihatsu
*"Zombie Revenge" - Sega
*"Zombie Smashers X" series - Ska Software
**"Zombie Smashers X"


*"Viewtiful Joe" series - Clover Studio
**"Viewtiful Joe"
**"Viewtiful Joe 2"


*"" - Ubisoft Montreal
*"" - Capcom
*"The Bouncer" - Dream Factory, Square Co.
*"Death by Degrees" - Namco
*"Demolish Fist" - Sammy, Dimps
*"Dynamite Deka" series - AM1
**"Die Hard Arcade / Dynamite Deka" - AM1, Sega Technical Institute
**"Dynamite Cop / Dynamite Deka 2"
*"Fighting Force" series - Core Design
**"Fighting Force"
**"Fighting Force 2"
*"" - Capcom, Secret Level
*"Gekido" - Naps Team, Gremlin Interactive
*"God Hand" - Clover Studio
*"Hulk" - Radical Entertainment
*"" - Attention To Detail
*"" - Radical Entertainment
*"Jackie Chan Stuntmaster" - Radical Entertainment
*"Jackie Chan Adventures" - Atomic Planet Entertainment
*"" - Sony
*"" - Midway Games, Paradox Development
*"Naruto: Uzumaki Cronicles" series
**"" - cavia
**"" - Bandai

*"Perfect Weapon" - Gray Matter
*"The Rage" - FluidGames
*"" - Bandai, Grasshopper Manufacture
*"Spikeout" series - Sega
**"Slash Out"
*"State of Emergency" - VIS Entertainment
*"Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles" series - Konami
**"Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles"
**"TMNT" - Ubisoft
*"Urban Reign" - Namco
*"The Warriors" - Rockstar Toronto (PS2, Xbox), Rockstar Leeds (PSP)
*"" (PS) - Matrix Software
*"" - GenePool Software
*"" - Z-Axis
*"Yakuza" - Sega

Games with beat 'em up sections

*"The Adventures of Bayou Billy" - Konami
*"Bebe's Kids" - Radical Entertainment
*"Bully" - Rockstar Vancouver
**"" - Rockstar New England
*"Guilty Gear Isuka" - Sammy
*"Kodure Ookami" - Nichibutsu
*"Legend of Success Joe" - Wave

*"Tekken 3" - Namco
*"Tekken 5" - Namco
*"Super Smash Bros." series - HAL Laboratory
**"Super Smash Bros."
**"Super Smash Bros. Melee"
**"Super Smash Bros. Brawl" - Sora

Hack and slash

In this instance, hack and slash refers a to sub-genre of beat 'em up where player characters use edged weapons as the primary form of combat (weapons in regular beat 'em ups are usually blunt weapons that are found during gameplay). Generally these games have a fantasy or medieval setting.

*"" - Collision Studios
*"Akuji the Heartless" - Crystal Dynamics
*"The Astyanax" - Jaleco
*"" - Ubisoft
*"Blade Master" - Irem
*"" - Omega Force
*"Blood Will Tell" - Sega
*"Bujingai" - Taito / Red Entertainment
*"Chaos Legion" - Capcom
*"Conan" - Nihilistic Software
*"The Crystal of Kings" - BrezzaSoft
*"Devil Kings / Sengoku Basara" series - Capcom
**"Devil Kings / Sengoku Basara"
**"Sengoku Basara 2"
***"Sengoku Basara 2 Heroes"'
*"Devil May Cry" series - Capcom
**"Devil May Cry"
**"Devil May Cry 2"
**"Devil May Cry 4"
*"Dragon Valor" - Namco
*"Drakengard" series - cavia
**"Drakengard 2"
*"Dungeon Magic" - Taito
*"Dungeons & Dragons" series - Capcom
*"Dynasty Warriors" series - Omega Force
**"Dynasty Warriors" (PSP)
**"Dynasty Warriors Vol. 2"
**"Dynasty Warriors 2"
**"Dynasty Warriors 3"
**"Dynasty Warriors 4"
**"Dynasty Warriors 5"
**"Dynasty Warriors BB"
**"Dynasty Warriors 6"
*"" - Koei, Omega Force
*"Gauntlet" series - Atari Games
**"Gauntlet II"
**"Gauntlet" (NES) - Tengen
**"" - Tengen
**"Gauntlet Legends" - Midway Games (Dreamcast, Nintendo 64, PS)
**"Gauntlet Dark Legacy"
**"" - Midway Games
*"Genji" series - Game Republic
*"" - Software Creations
*"God of War" series - SCE Studios Santa Monica
**"God of War"
**"God of War II"
**"God of War III"
**"" - Ready at Dawn
**"" - Javaground

*"Golden Axe" series - Sega
**"Golden Axe"
**"Golden Axe II"
**"Golden Axe III"
*"Heavenly Sword" - Ninja Theory
*"Kabuki-Z" - Kaneko
*"The King of Dragons" - Capcom
*"Knights of the Round" - Capcom
*"Legend" - Arcade Zone
*"Legend" (1998 remake) - Toka
*"The Lord of the Rings" series
**"" - Stormfront Studios
**"" - Electronic Arts
*"Lucifer Ring" - Toshiba EMI
*"" - Namco
*"" - Team Ninja
**"Ninja Gaiden"
***"Ninja Gaiden Black"
***"Ninja Gaiden Sigma"
**"Ninja Gaiden Dragon Sword"
**"Ninja Gaiden II"
*"Ninja Spirit" - Irem
*"The Onee Chanbara" series - Tamsoft
*"Onimusha" series - Capcom
*"Otogi" series - From Software
*"" series - Ubisoft
***"Prince of Persia: Revelations" (PSP)
***"Prince of Persia: Rival Swords" (PSP)
*"Rune" - Human Head Studios
*"" - Banpresto
*"Samurai Warriors" series - Omega Force
**"Samurai Warriors"
**"Samurai Warriors 2"
*"Savage" - Probe Software
*"Seven Samurai 20XX" - Dimps
*"Shinobi" - Sega
*"" - Rebel Act Studios
*"" - Technos
*"Skull & Crossbones" - Atari Games
*"Sonic Unleashed" - Sega
*"" - Creative Assembly
*"Tenchi wo Kurau" series - Capcom
**"Dynasty Wars / Tenchi wo Kurau"
*"" - Creative Assembly
*"" - Taito
*"Warriors Orochi" series - Koei, Omega Force
**"Warriors Orochi"
**"Warriors Orochi 2"
*"" - Vivendi
*"" - LTBDesigns

Versus fighters

Versus fighters are categorized by close combat between two fighters or groups of fighters of comparable strength, often broken into rounds. If multiple players are involved, players generally fight against each other.


Fighting games that use 2D sprites. Games tend to emphasize height based (high, medium, low) attacks and jumping.

*"Aggressors of Dark Kombat" - ADK
*"Angel Eyes" - Tecmo
*"Akatsuki Blitzkampf" - Subtle Style
*"Akatsuki Blitzkampf Ausf Achse" - Subtle Style
*"Arcana Heart" - Examu
*"Arcana Heart 2" - Examu
*"Art of Fighting" series - SNK
**"Art of Fighting"
**"Art of Fighting 2"
**"Art of Fighting 3: The Path of the Warrior"
**"Art of Fighting Anthology"
*"Astra Super Stars" - Sunsoft
*Asura series - Fuuki
**"Asura Buster: Eternal Warriors "
*"Asuka 120% series" - Fill-in-Cafe
**"Asuka 120% Burning Fest."
**"Asuka 120% excellent Burning Fest."
**"Asuka 120% Maxima Burning Fest."
**"Asuka 120% special Burning Fest."
**"Asuka 120% limited Burning Fest."
**"Asuka 120% final Burning Fest."
**"Asuka 120% return Burning Fest."
**"Asuka 120% LimitOver Burning Fest."
*"Avengers in Galactic Storm" - Data East
*"Babel Sword" - TsMUGEN
*"Battle Blaze" - American Sammy
*"Battle Beast" - 7th Level
*"Battle K-Road" - Psikyo
*"Battle Monsters" - Naxat Soft
*"" - Right Stuff
*"BattleCry" - Home Data
*"Barbarian" series - Palace Software
**"Barbarian: The Ultimate Warrior/Death Sword"
**"Barbarian II: Dungeons of Drax/Death Sword II"
*"" - Futura
*"Bible Fight" - Pop & Co
*"Big Bang Beat" - NRF
*"Bikini Karate Babes" - Creative Edge Studios
*"Blandia" - Allumer
*"" - Arc System Works
*"BloodStorm" - Incredible Technologies
*"Body Blows" series - Team17
*"Bounces" - Denton Designs
*"Breakers/Breakers Revenge" - Visco
*"Brian Jack's Uchi Mata" - Andy Walker/Paul Hodgson
*"" series - GameTek
*"" - Electronic Arts
*" [ Burning Rival] " - Sega
*"Capcom Fighting Evolution" - Capcom
*" [ Chinese Hero] - Taiyo System
*"Chaos Breaker" - Eolith
*"Clay Fighter" series - Visual Concepts
*"Cosmic Carnage" - Sega
*"" - Capcom
*"Darkstalkers/Vampire Savior" series - Capcom
*" [ Dino Rex] " - Taito
* Draglade series - Dimps
**"" -
**"Draglade 2"
*"" - Virgin
*" [ Dragon Ball Z (Arcade)] " - Banpresto
*"Dragon Master" - Unico
*" [ Dragoon Might] " - Konami
*"Dual Heroes" - Hudson Soft
*"Elfmania" - Terramarque
*"Eternal Champions" series - Sega
*"Eternal Fighter Zero" - Tasogare Frontier
*"The Fallen Angels/Daraku Tenshi" - Psikyo
*"Fatal Fury/Garou Densetsu" series - SNK
*"Fighter's History" series - Data East
*"Fist of the North Star" - Arc System Works
*"Fight Fever" - Viccom
*"Fu'un" series - SNK
**"Savage Reign"
*"Galaxy Fight" - Sunsoft
*"Glove on Fight" - French-Bread
*"Guilty Gear" series - Arc System Works
*"" series - Bandai
*"Hiryu no Ken" series - Culture Brain
*"Immaterial and Missing Power" - Twilight Frontier/Team Shanghai Alice
*"" - Bandai
*"International Karate" series - System 3
*"" - Tomy
*"Holosseum" - Sega
*"JoJo's Bizarre Adventure/JoJo's Venture" - Capcom
*"Joy Mech Fight" - Nintendo
*"Jump Stars" series - Ganbarion
*"Justice League Task Force" - Blizzard Entertainment
*"" - Hudson Soft
*"Karate" - Ultravision
*"Karate Champ" - Technos Japan Corporation
*"Karateka" - Jordan Mechner
*"Kasumi Ninja" - Hand Made Software

*"Killer Instinct" series - Rareware
**"Killer Instinct"
**"Killer Instinct 2"
**"Killer Instinct Gold"
*" [ The Killing Blade] " - IGS
*"The King of Fighters" series - SNK
*"Konjiki no Gash Bell Yuujou no Zakeru 2" - Banpresto
*"Konjiki no Gash Bell Yuujou no Zakeru Dream Tag Tournament" - Banpresto
*"The Last Blade" series - SNK
*"Maribato" - DK Soft
*"Martial Masters" - IGS
*"Martial Champion" - Konami
*"Marvel vs. Capcom" series - Capcom
*"Melty Blood" series - Type-Moon/French-Bread
*"" - Forest
*"MONSTER" - [ 8105 Graphics]
*Mortal Kombat series - Midway
**"Mortal Kombat"
**"Mortal Kombat II"
**"Mortal Kombat 3"
**"Ultimate Mortal Kombat 3"
**"Mortal Kombat Trilogy"
*"Neo Geo Battle Coliseum" - SNK
*"" - Natsume Co., Ltd
*"Ninja Master's" - ADK
*"" - Epic Games
*"Operation Ragnagard/Shin-Oh-Ken" - Saurus/System Vision
*"Osu!! Karate Bu" - Culture Brain
*"Queen of Heart" - Watanabe Seisakujo
*"Pit-Fighter" - Atari Games
*"Power Instinct/Goketsuji Ichizoku" series - Atlus
**"Power Instinct"
**"Power Instinct 2"
**"Power Instinct Legends"
**"Groove on Fight"
**"Power Instinct Matrimelee"
**"Power Instinct Bonnou no Kaihou"
*"Power Moves" - Kaneko
*"Pretty Fighter/Seifuku Densetsu" - Imagineer
*"Primal Rage" series - Atari Games
*"Red Earth/Warzard" - Capcom
*"Rage of the Dragons" - Evoga/Noise Factory
*"Rise of the Robots" series - Mirage Media
*"Rumble Fish" series - Dimps
*"Sango Fighter" series - Panda Entertainment
*"Sailor Moon" series - Angel
*"Samurai Shodown/Samurai Spirits" series - SNK
*"Scarlet Weather Rhapsody" - Twilight Frontier/Team Shanghai Alice
*"Sengoku Basara X" - Capcom
*"Shaq-Fu" - Delphine
*"SNK Gals' Fighters" - SNK
*"SNK vs. Capcom" series - Capcom/SNK
*" [ Spectral Vs. Generation] " - IGS
*Street Fighter series - Capcom
**"Street Fighter"
**"Street Fighter IITurbo: Hyper Fighting"
**"Super Street Fighter II Turbo"
**"Hyper Street Fighter II: The Anniversary Edition"
**"Street Fighter Alpha 2"
**"Street Fighter Zero 2 Alpha"
**"Street Fighter Alpha 3"
**"Street Fighter Alpha Anthology"
**"Street Fighter III"
**"Street Fighter III: 2nd Impact: Giant Attack"
**"Street Fighter III: 3rd Strike: Fight for the Future"
**"" - IT/Capcom
**"X-Men vs. Street Fighter"
**"Marvel Super Heroes vs. Street Fighter"
*"Strip Fighter" series - Games Express
*"Super Fighter" - C&E
*"" - Capcom
*"Swashbuckler" - Paul Stephenson
*"Tao Taido" - Video Systems
*"Tattoo Assassins" - Data East
*"Tatsunoko Fight" - Takara
*"Time Killers" - Incredible Technologies
*"Tuff E Nuff/Dead Dance" - Jaleco
*"" - Konami
*"" - Bec
*"Ultra Vortek" - Atari
*"Untouchable" - Creative Edge Studios
*"Urban Champion" - Nintendo
*"Variable Geo" series - TGL/Giga
*"Voltage Fighter Gowcaizer" - Technos
*"Waku Waku 7" - Sunsoft
*"Warriors of Elysia" - Creative Edge Studios
*"The Way of the Exploding Fist" - Beam Software
*"Way of the Warrior" - Naughty Dog
*"Weaponlord" - Visual Concepts
*"World Heroes" series - ADK/SNK
*"Yie Ar Kung-Fu" series - Imagine Entertainment/Konami
*"Yu Yu Hakusho Final" - Namcot
*"Zatch Bell! Electric Arena/ Konjiki no Gash Bell! Yuujou no Zakeru" - Banpresto


2.5D versus fighting games are displayed in full 3D graphics, but the gameplay is based on 2D style games, via traditional style (Street Fighter IV), or via sidescrolling style (Smash Bros.).

*"Battle Fantasia" - Arc System Works
*"Battle Stadium D.O.N." - 8ing/Q Entertainment
*"Digimon Rumble Arena series" - Namco Bandai Games
*"Dream Mix TV World Fighters" - Hudson
*"Fate/Unlimited Codes" - Capcom
*"Konjiki no Gash Bell!! Go! Go! Mamono Fight!!" - 8ing
*"Hinokakera" - Reddish Region
* series - Bandai Namco
*"" - Bandai

*"Rakuga Kids" - Konami
*"Rival Schools" series - Capcom
**"Project Justice"
*"" - Capcom
*"Street Fighter EX" series - Arika
*"Street Fighter IV" - Capcom
*"Super Smash Bros"


Unlike 2D and 2.5D fighters, these fighters can be played with full 3D movement. These often emphasize sidestepping and interactive environments.

*"Battle Arena Toshinden" series - Tamsoft
*"Bio F.R.E.A.K.S." - Saffire
*"Bloody Roar/Beastorizer" series - Hudson/Eighting/Raizing
*"Buriki One" - SNK
*"Capcom Fighting All-Stars" - Capcom
*"Cardinal Syn" - Kronos
*"Celebrity Deathmatch" - Big Ape
*"" - Ertain
*"Criticom" - Kronos
*Custom Robo series - Noise
*"Dark Rift" - Kronos
*"Dead or Alive" series - Team Ninja
*"Deadly Arts"
*"Def Jam" series Aki/EA Canada/EA Chicago
*"Destrega" - Koei
*"" series - Dimps
*"Ehrgeiz" - Dream Factory
*"Evil Zone" - YUKE's Future Media Creators
*"Exteel" - NCsoft (MMO)
*"Fate/tiger colosseum" - cavia, inc./TYPE MOON
*"Fight for Life" - Atari
*"Fighter's Destiny" series - Imagineer/Genki
*"Fighter's Impact" series - Taito
**" [ Fighter's Impact] "
**" [ Fighter's Impact A] "
*"Fighting Layer" - Arika
*"Fighting Vipers" - Sega-AM2
*"Final Fight Revenge" - Capcom
*"Flying Dragon" - Culture Brain
*"" - 8ing/Raizing
*"FX Fighter" series - Argonaut Games
**"FX Fighter"
**"FX Fighter Turbo"
*" - Konami
*" [ Heaven's Gate] " - Atlus
*"Iron and Blood" - Take-Two Interactive
*"Kabuki Warriors" - Genki (company)/Lightweight
*"" series - SNK
*"" -Dream Publishing
*"" - Konami
*"Kung Fu Chaos" - Just Add Monsters/Microsoft Game Studios
*"Kwonho" - Radio Games
*"Legend of the Dragon" - The Games Factory
*"" - Midway

*"" - Nihilistic/EA Canada/Team Fusion
*"Mortal Kombat" series - Midway
**"Mortal Kombat 4"
*"One Piece" series - Ganbarion
*"Power Stone" series - Capcom
*Poy Poy series - Konami
**"Poy Poy"
**"Poy Poy 2"
*"Psychic Force" series - Taito/Acclaim
*"Robo Pit" - Kokopeli
*"Rumble Roses" series - YUKE's Future Media Creators/Konami
*"Shadow Of Rome" - Capcom
*"Shaolin (Video game) - THQ
*"Sonic The Fighters" - Sega-AM2
*"" - LucasArts
*"Soul" series - Namco
*"" - Gameness
*"Star Gladiator" series - Capcom
*"" - Studio Gigante
*"Tech Romancer" - Capcom
*"Tekken" series - Namco
*" [ Tenth Degree] - Atari
*"Thrill Kill" - Paradox Development
*"Tobal" series - Dream Factory Co., Ltd.
*"" - VIS Entertainment
*"" - Takara
*"Virtua Fighter" series - Sega-AM2
*"War Gods" - Midway
*"" - Black Ops Entertainment/DreamWorks Interactive
*"" - Paradox Development
*"X-men fighting games - Paradox Development/Activision
*"" - Saffire
*"" - Digital Fiction
*"Zatch Bell! Mamodo Battles/ Konjiki no Gash Bell! Yuujou no Tag Battle 2" - 8ing/Raizing
*"Zatch Bell! Mamodo Fury/ Konjiki no Gash Bell! Gekitou! Saikyou no Mamonotachi" - Mechanic Arms


Adding melee weapons to a versus fighting game often makes attack range more of a factor.


*"Battle Blaze" - American Sammy
*"Blandia" - Allumer
*" [ Dragoon Might] " - Konami
*"The Last Blade" series - SNK Playmore
*"Ninja Master's Haou Ninpou-ko" - Alpha Denshi

*"Red Earth"
*"Savage Reign" - SNK Playmore
*"Samurai Shodown/Samurai Spirits series" - SNK Playmore
*"Time Killers" - Strata
*"WeaponLord" - Namco


*"Battle Arena Toshinden" series - Tamsoft
*"Bleach (video game series)"
*Bushido Blade series - Square-Enix/Lightweight
**"Bushido Blade"
**"Bushido Blade 2"
*"Criticom" - Kronos Digital Entertainment/Vic Tokai
*"Dark Rift" - Kronos Digital Entertainment/Vic Tokai
*"Dynasty Warriors (Playstation)" - Koei
*"Last Bronx" - Sega-AM3
*"" - Midway

*"Mortal Kombat" series - Midway
**"Mortal Kombat 4"
*Samurai Shodown 3D series - SNK
**"Samurai Shodown 64" - SNK
**"" - SNK
**"" - SNK Playmore
*"Soul series" - Namco
*"Star Gladiator" series - Capcom
*"" - Lucasarts

Tag team-based

Fighting games that feature 'tag-teaming' as the core gameplay element. Other fighters feature tag-teaming as a separate mode.


*"" - SNK
*"Marvel vs. Capcom" series - Capcom
*"Neo Geo Battle Coliseum" - SNK

*"The King of Fighters 2003" - SNK
*"Rage of the Dragons" - Evoga/Noise Factory
*"Konjiki no Gash Bell! Yuujou no Zakeru Dream Tag Tournament" - Banpresto


*"Dead or Alive series" - Tecmo(Available via mode)
**"Dead or Alive 2"
**"Dead or Alive 3"
**"Dead or Alive 4"

*"Street Fighter EX3" - Arika/Capcom(Available via mode)
*"" - Eighting/D3 Publisher/Takara Tomy
*"Tekken Tag Tournament" - Namco

4-way simultaneous fighting

Fighters in which four fighters face off at once simultaneously. However, some fighting games feature 4-way fighting as game modes.


* Bleach DS games
**""(Available via mode)
**"Bleach DS 2nd"(Japan only/Available via mode)
* Guilty Gear series
**" - Majesco(Nintendo DS/Available via mode)
**"Guilty Gear Isuka" - Sammy

* Jump Stars series - Ganbarion(Nintendo DS/Japan only/Available via mode)
**"Jump Super Stars"
**"Jump Ultimate Stars"


*"Battle Stadium D.O.N. - Eighting(Only in Japan/Available via mode)
*"Dream Mix TV World Fighters" - Hudson(Only in Japan/Available via mode)
*"Konjiki no Gash Bell!! Go! Go! Mamono Fight!!" - 8ing

*"" - Bandai
*"Super Smash Bros. (series)" - Nintendo/HAL Laboratory
*"" - Capcom


*"" - Konami(Available via mode)
*"" - Eighting/Takara Tomy
**"Naruto: Clash of Ninja 2"
**"Naruto: Clash of Ninja Revolution"
**"Naruto: Gekitou Ninja Taisen 3"
**"Naruto: Gekitou Ninja Taisen 4"
**"Naruto Shippūden: Gekitou Ninja Taisen EX"
**"Naruto Shippūden: Gekitou Ninja Taisen EX 2"

*"Power Stone 2" - Capcom(Available via mode)
*"Thrill Kill" - Virgin Interactive(Available via mode)
*"" - Capcom
*"" - Activision(Available via mode)

ports/fighting game sub-genres

Sports-based fighting games are titles that fall firmly within the definitions of both the Fighting game and Sports game genre, such as boxing and wrestling video games. As such, they are usually put in their own separate sub-genres. Often the fighting is far more realistic than in traditional fighting games (though the amount of realism can greatly vary), and many feature real-world franchises or fighters.


Boxing games go back farther than any other kind of fighting game, starting with Sega's "Heavyweight Champ" in 1976. Fighters wear boxing gloves and fight in rings, and fighters can range from actual professional boxers to aliens to .

*"ABC Wide World of Sports Boxing" - Cinemaware
*"Best Bout Boxing" - Jaleco
*"Boxing" - Activision
*"Boxing Legends of the Ring" - Sculptured Software
*"Black & Bruised" - Majesco
*"Evander Holyfield's Real Deal Boxing" - ACME Interactive
*"Final Blow" - Taito
*"Fight Night" - U.S. Gold
*Fight Night series
**"Fight Night 2004" - EA Sports
**"" - EA Sports
**"" - EA Chicago
*"Foes of Ali" - Gray Matter Studios
*"4-D Boxing" - Distinctive Software
*"George Foreman's KO Boxing" - Beam Software
*"Greatest Heavyweights of the Ring" - Sega
*"" - AQ Interactive
*Knockout Kings series - EA Sports
**"Knockout Kings"
**"Knockout Kings 2000"
**"Knockout Kings 2001"
**"Knockout Kings 2002"
**"Knockout Kings 2003"

*"Legend of Success Joe" - Wave Corp.
*"Power Punch II"
*Punch-Out!! series - Nintendo
**"Super Punch-Out!!" (1985)
**"Mike Tyson's Punch-Out!!"
**"Super Punch-Out!!" (1994)
*Ready 2 Rumble series
**"Ready 2 Rumble Boxing" - Midway
**"" - Midway/Point of View (developer)
**"" - 10TACLE Studios/Stereo Mode
*"Riddick Bowe Boxing" - Malibu Interactive
*"Ring King" - Data East
*Rocky series
**"Rocky (video game)" - Rage Software
**"" - Venom Games
*"Teleroboxer" - Nintendo R&D3
*Victorious Boxers - New Corporation
**"Victorious Boxers"
**"Victorious Boxers 2"
*"" - AQ Interactive
*"Wade Hixton's Counter Punch" - Inferno Games
*"" - Nintendo

Mixed martial arts

While most versus fighting games could be considered mixed martial arts games, listed here are games that are based on actual mixed martial arts franchises or tournaments. As such, they are unlikely to contain energy attacks, fatalities, or giant demon bees.

*"Ultimate Fighting Championship" - Anchor Inc.
*"" - Opus
*"" - Dream Factory
*"" - Genki/Capcom

*Sougou Kakutougi Astral Bout Super Famicom 1992
*Sougou Kakutougi Astral Bout 2 The Total Fighters Super Famicom 1994
*Sougou Kakutougi Astral Bout 3 Super Famicom 1995
*Sakiyou Takada Nobuhiko Super Famicom 1995
*Fighting Network RINGS: PS one 1997
*Buriki One World Grappler Tournament ARCADE 1999
*Grappler Baki Baki Sadai no Tournament/Fighting Fury PS2 2000
*PRIDE FC Fighting Championship PS2 2003
*The Wild Rings Xbox 2003
*PRIDE GP Grand Prix 2003 PS2 2003
*The Ishu Kakutougi/World Fighting PS2 2003
*K-1 PREMIUM 2004 Dynamite PS2 2004
*Garouden Breakblow PS2 2005
*K-1 PREMIUM 2005 Dynamite PS2 2005
*Garouden Breakblow Fist or Twist PS2 2007


Wrestling games are either based on or have elements of professional wrestling, such as grappling and the wrestling ring itself.

*"3 Count Bout" - SNK
*"All Star Pro-Wrestling" series - Square/Square Enix
*"Appoooh" - Sanritsu
* series - Paradox Development
**"Backyard Wrestling 2K8"
*"The Big Pro Wrestling!" - Technos
*"Blazing Tornado" - Human Entertainment
*"Def Jam Vendetta" - Aki/EA Canada
*Fire Pro Wrestling series -
**"Fire Pro Wrestling Combination Tag" - Human Entertainment
**"Fire Pro Wrestling 2nd Bout" - Human Entertainment
**"Super Fire Pro Wrestling 3 Final Bout" - Human Entertainment
**"Super Fire Pro Wrestling Special" - Human Entertainment
**"Super Fire Pro Wrestling X Premium" - Human Entertainment
**"Fire Pro Wrestling (GBA)" - Spike
**"Fire Pro Wrestling 2" - Spike
**"Fire Pro Wrestling Returns" - Spike

*"HAL Wrestling" - Human Entertainment
*"Galactic Wrestling/Kinnikuman Generations" - Bandai
*"Legends of Wrestling" series
*"Pro Wrestling (NES)" - Nintendo
*"Pro Wrestling (Sega Master System)" - Sega
*"Rumble Roses" series
*"Saturday Night Slam Masters" - Capcom
*Shin Nihon Pro Wrestling Tokon Hono series - Yuke's
*"The Simpsons Wrestling" - Big Ape Productions
*"Super Star Pro Wrestling" - Nihon Bussan
*"Tag Team Wrestling" - Technos
*"Tecmo World Wrestling" - Tecmo
*"TNA Impact!" - Midway
*"Wrestle Kingdom" - Yuke's
*"Wrestle Kingdom 2" - Yuke's

World Wrestling Entertainment

Wrestling video games based on World Wrestling Entertainment WWE/WWF properties.

*Extreme Championship Wrestling (ECW) series
**"ECW Anarchy Rulz (video game)"
**"ECW Hardcore Revolution"
*SmackDown! series
**"WWF SmackDown!"
**"WWF SmackDown! Just Bring It"
**"WWE SmackDown! Shut Your Mouth"
**"WWE SmackDown! Here Comes The Pain"
**"WWE SmackDown! vs. RAW"
**"WWE SmackDown! vs. RAW 2006"
**"WWE SmackDown vs. Raw 2007"
**"WWE SmackDown vs. Raw 2008"
*World Championship Wrestling (WCW) series
**"WCW Backstage Assault"
**"WCW Mayhem (video game)"
**"WCW Nitro (video game)"
**"WCW/nWo Revenge"
**"WCW/nWo Thunder"
**"WCW SuperBrawl Wrestling"
**"WCW The Main Event"
**"WCW vs. the World"
**"WCW Wrestling"

*World Wrestling Entertainment (WWF/WWE) series
**"WWE Day of Reckoning"
**"WWE Day of Reckoning 2"
**"WWE RAW (video game)"
**"WWE RAW 2"
**"WWE Survivor Series"
**"WWF Attitude"
**"WWF In Your House"
**"WWF King of the Ring"
**"WWF No Mercy"
**"WWF Rage in the Cage"
**"WWF Raw (video game)"
**"WWF Royal Rumble"
**"WWF Royal Rumble (2000 video game)"
**"WWF Superstars"
**"WWF Superstars (Game Boy)"
**"WWF Superstars 2"
**"WWF War Zone"
**"WWF WrestleFest"

*WrestleMania series
**"WWF WrestleMania Challenge"
**"WWF Road to WrestleMania"
**"WWE Road to WrestleMania X8"
**"WWF Super WrestleMania"
**"WWF WrestleMania"
**"WWF WrestleMania 2000"
**"WWE WrestleMania X8"
**"WWE WrestleMania XIX"
**"WWE WrestleMania 21"

By theme


Fighting games featuring characters from more than one franchise, be they from video games, comics or cartoons.

*"Battle Stadium D.O.N."
*"Capcom Fighting Evolution"
*"Dream Mix TV World Fighters"
*"Ganbarion's 'Jump' series"
*"Marvel vs. Capcom (series)"

*"Mortal Kombat vs. DC Universe"
*"Neo Geo Battle Coliseum"
*"SNK vs. Capcom (series)"
*"" - Capcom
*"Super Smash Bros. (series)" - Nintendo

See also: Gaming Crossovers


Fighting eroge (erotic games). Fighting games with pornographic elements.

*"Battle Raper" series - Illusion Soft
**"Battle Raper"
**"Battle Raper 2"

*"Variable Geo - TGL/Giga


Fighters with a mecha or robot theme.

*Armored Warriors series - Capcom
**"Armored Warriors"
*"Joy Mech Fight" - Nintendo
*"" - Bandai
*"" - Natsume Co. Ltd./Bandai
*"Power Quest" - Sunsoft

*"Rise of the Robots" - Mirage Media/Time Warner Interactive
*"Robopit" - Kokopeli Digital Studios/Altron
*"Super Robot Spirits" - Banpresto
*"Tech Romancer" - Capcom
*"Teleroboxer" - Nintendo R&D3
*"Virtual On" series - Sega


These games feature monsters as playable characters, usually set in destructable city environments.

*"Godzilla video games" Toho/Atari

*"King of the Monsters series - SNK Playmore

*"War of the Monsters" - Incognito Entertainment/Sony Computer Entertainment


Fighting games with RPG elements, like character building or variable storylines.

*"The Bouncer"
*"Flying Dragon"
*Legaia series
**"Legend of Legaia"

*"Namco x Capcom"
*"Red Earth"
*"River City Ransom"
*"Samurai Shodown RPG
*Tobal series
**"Tobal No.1
**"Tobal 2
*"Virtua Quest"

uper deformed

Super deformed refers to a popular type of Japanese caricature where the subject is made to have exaggerated toddler-like features, such as an over-sized head and short chubby limbs. Their movements and expressions while super deformed also tend to be exaggerated.

*"Exteel" - NCsoft (only when "SD Mode" is selected)
*"Fate/tiger colosseum" - Type-Moon
*"Flying Dragon" - Culture Brain
*"Glove On Fight" - Watanabe Seisakujo
*"Guilty Gear" series - Arc System Works
**"Guilty Gear Petit"
**"Guilty Gear Petit 2"
*"King of Fighters R-2 - SNK
*"Mighty Final Fight" - Capcom

*"Small Arms" - Gastronaut Studios
*"SNK Gals' Fighters" - Yumekobo
*"" - SNK Playmore
*"" - Namco
*"" - Capcom
*"Virtua Fighter Kids" - Sega-AM2

ee also

*List of fighting game companies

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