Jackie Chan Adventures (video game)

Jackie Chan Adventures (video game)

Infobox VG
title = Jackie Chan Adventures

developer = Atomic Planet
publisher = Sony
engine =
version =
platform = Playstation 2, GBA
release = December 30, 2005
genre = Action
modes = Single player
ratings = ESRB: E10+
requirements =
input = Dualshock 2, GBA
The "Jackie Chan Adventures" video game is based upon the cartoon Jackie Chan Adventures. It was released on PlayStation 2 and created by Atomic Planet and published by Sony . It was compatible with the Eyetoy. Jackie, Jade, Uncle, Valmont and Shendu were voiced by the original actors, while most of the rest of the cast were voiced by different actors. A Jackie Chan Adventures video game was also released for the Game Boy Advance.


The story is a mix of Season 1 and Season 2 of Jackie Chan Adventures. The main story of the game follows The Demon Sorcerers, led by Shendu, the demon of fire. The eight demons were banished to the Demon Netherworld by eight Chinese immortals using the magic of the Pan Ku Box. In present times, the Dark Hand, led by Valmont are using the Pan Ku Box to unleash the demons upon the world. But Jackie Chan, his niece Jade Chan and their Uncle are willing to stop the evil demons from returning to the planet. The heroes, also known as the J Team, search for the magical 12 Talismans as well. Can our heroes save the world, or will the Dark Hand, Shendu and the Demon Sorcerers prevail?


Jackie Chan : The main protagonist of the game. Jackie is an archeologist who secretly works for Section 13. He has a niece named Jade and an uncle named Uncle. In his mission, he must collect the Talismans and defeat the Demon Sorcerers as well. He is an expert in martial arts.

Jade Chan: Jackie's 11 year old niece, from China. She moved to America and has enjoyed her adventures with her uncle, who believes the missions he goes on are too dangerous for Jade.

Uncle: Jackie's uncle who owns an antique shop. He is a Chi Wizard and studied with Chi Master Fong for 15 years. He knows a lot about antiques and magical things, and does research to find out what magic forces Jackie may deal with in his adventures. He has a habit for hitting Jackie over the head.

Tohru: A very large Japanese man. He used to work for the Dark Hand and Valmont gave him the Dragon Talisman to power up his strength. He later joined the J Team.

Captain Black: An old friend of Jackie's and the leader of Section 13. He sends Jackie off on his missions, but he dislikes magic and demons.

El Toro Fuerte: A famous masked wrestler form Mexico. He was using the Ox Talisman to power up his strength but gave it to Jackie, after he defeated him in battle. El Toro's biggest fan is Paco.

Paco: El Toro's biggest fan. He believes Jackie is a "mouseman" and El Toro is the greatest. He and Jade seem to argue about this every time they meet.

Viper: A ex-thief who is good with martial arts. She once used the Snake Talisman to steal jewels, but Jackie managed to get it off her and she now is a member of the J Team.

The Fishing Guy: This Chinese man appears practically in every level. He enjoys fishing and will save the game for Jackie in his diary. He also has his own fishing store. He allows you access to the fishing game.

The Dark Hand: An organisation of criminals, led by the British Valmont, who is possessed by Shendu. Valmont is smart, intelligent and dislikes sharing his body with Shendu. Hak Foo is a muscular henchman of the Dark Hand and has given all of his attacks names. Finn is a real joker and dresses in clothes from the 70's. Ratso is strong, but a bit stupid and his favourite music group is Kiss. Chow is the shortest member of the Dark Hand but the best at using martial arts. He wears sunglasses, black clothes and likes drinking coffee.

The Demon Sorcerers: The eight evil demons that once ruled the world. They are led by Shendu. They each have their own powers derived from fire, sky, moon, earth, thunder, mountain, wind and water. They were defeated and banished to the Netherworld by the eight immortals of China, using the Pan Ku Box. Shendu wishes to use the puzzle box to release his brothers and sisters, so he and they can rule the world again.

Shadowkhan: These shadow warriors are Shendu's minions. The normal Shadowkhan are weak and don't take much time to be defeated. The Shadowkhan Warriors dress in red and attack with lethal blades. The Shadowkhan Mages wear Chinese hats and Shoot fireballs at Jackie. The Shadowkhan Samurais are the most powerful of the Shadowkhan. They are spirits in samurai armour and attack with sharp swords. They do tend to lose their helmets occasionally.


During the game, Jackie can obtain the twelve magical talismans which give him special powers. The talisman powers drain Jackie's Chi Energy, but Jackie can heal his energy by collecting green orbs in every level. Below is the order that Jackie collects the talismans.

Rabbit Talisman: Allows Jackie to move at fast speeds. Jackie finds it in a Mexican temple.

Rooster Talisman: Allows Jackie to perform a double jump and get over large holes, etc. Jackie finds it in a Mexican temple.

Ox Talisman: Gives Jackie super strength and allows him to move heavy objects. Jackie finds it in a Mexican town, being used by El Toro.

Sheep Talisman: Allows Jackie's astro form to travel to different areas of a level. Can only be used is Jackie is standing on a sheep symbol. Jackie finds it in a Japanese castle.

Tiger Talisman: Allows Jackie's yin and yang forms to split up. Yang is able to move about. The Tiger Talisman is only activated if Jackie is standing on a tiger symbol. Jackie finds it in a Japanese castle.

Monkey Talisman: Allows Jackie to shapeshift into a monkey and climb up walls and travel through small holes. Jackie can only use the Monkey Talisman if he is standing on a monkey symbol. Jackie finds it on Alcatraz Island.

Pig Talisman: Allows Jackie to fire heat beams from his eyes. It is wise not to use this much as it can easily use up a lot of your chi energy. Jackie finds it in a series of caves underneath Alcatraz.

Rat Talisman: Allows Jackie to bring objects to life. It brings trees to life in the game and also the fossil of a "Tyrannosaurus rex". The power of the Rat Talisman can only be activated if Jackie is on a rat symbol. Jackie finds it on the moon.

Horse Talisman: Allows Jackie to heal himself. The healing process acts slowly but it does drain a lot of your chi energy. Jackie finds it on the moon.

Dog Talisman: Allows Jackie to use a protective shield to avoid being hurt. This is a very usual power. Jackie finds it in the sewers of a Spanish village.

Dragon Talisman: Allows Jackie to launch a fiery wave of energy. Jackie finds it in a Spanish castle, being used by Tohru.

Snake Talisman: Allows Jackie to become invisible and avoid detection from alarms. Jackie finds it in a museum, being used by Viper.

External links

*moby game|id=/jackie-chan-adventures|name="Jackie Chan Adventures"
* [http://www.mobygames.com/game/gameboy-advance/jackie-chan-adventures-legend-of-the-dark-hand The Gameboy Advance game at MobyGames]

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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