- Milton William Cooper
For other people named William Cooper, see William Cooper (disambiguation).
Milton William Cooper Born May 6, 1943
Long Beach, California, USDied November 5, 2001 (aged 58)
Eagar, Arizona, USCause of death Shot to death during police execution of a warrant Resting place Springerville Cemetery, Springerville, Arizona, US Religion Christianity Parents Milton V. Cooper[1] and Dovie Nell Woodside[2] Milton William Cooper (May 6, 1943 – November 5, 2001) was an American writer, shortwave broadcaster, conspiracy theorist,[3] and political activist.
The son of a U.S. Air Force officer, Cooper grew up in a family that moved around the world living on Air Force bases where his dad was stationed. He had twin siblings, Ronnie and Connie, who were two years younger than he.[2] William Cooper was briefly active in the Masonic-affiliated youth organization DeMolay International.[4] He graduated in 1961 from Yamato High School in Japan[5][6] and enlisted in the U.S. Air Force that same year. He was honorably discharged from the Air Force in 1965. Later that year he enlisted in the U.S. Navy[7] where he rose to the rank of petty officer.[8] He served in Vietnam first on board a tanker, then following training at the Naval Security and Intelligence School for Internal Security Specialists,[9] as a patrol boat captain.[10] Cooper claimed that for the remainder of his Navy career he worked on and off for Naval Security and Intelligence.[9]
Behold a Pale Horse
Cooper's earliest notoriety developed among UFO enthusiasts, as he promoted UFO and Paranormal Research and documents he had seen while serving in Naval Intelligence.[citation needed] Cooper became a popular speaker on the UFO lecture circuit, and expanded his account into the 1991 book Behold a Pale Horse. The book details much of his research into government corruption, secret societies, conspiracies, and the UFO phenomenon. The title is from the Bible, Revelation 6:8: "And I looked, and behold a pale horse: and his name that sat on him was Death, and Hell followed with him...."
Radio host, author, and political activist
In addition to his book, Cooper was also the host of his own worldwide shortwave radio show, Hour of the Time, as well as a political activist known for his court battles with the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) despite strong efforts to dissuade him from pursuing his case.[citation needed] He also operated a dial-up bulletin board system (BBS) known as The Citizens Agency for Joint Intelligence (CAJI).[11]
He and Wayne Bentson co-researched the related CAJI News Service brief titled BATF/IRS—Criminal Fraud,[12] a history of alleged crimes committed by the Internal Revenue Service, Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms, and the Department of the Treasury. In an article published in Veritas magazine (issue #6, September 1995), Cooper asserted that the IRS is actually the same organization as the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms. [12]
He had also produced several documentaries covering subjects such as the John F. Kennedy assassination and government "black projects."[citation needed]
Cooper's detractors labeled him a conspiracy theorist because of his publications, a charge Cooper did not deny, arguing this:
Investigation of the alleged Internal Revenue Service and the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms has disclosed a broad, premeditated conspiracy to defraud the Citizens of the United States of America. Examination of the United States Code, the Code of Federal Regulations, the Statutes at Large, Congressional Record, the Federal Register, and Internal Revenue manuals too numerous to list, reveals a crime of such magnitude that words cannot adequately describe the betrayal of the American people. What we uncovered has clearly been designed to circumvent the limitations of the Constitution for the United States of America and to implement the Communist Manifesto within the 50 States. Marx and Engels claimed that, in the effort to create a classless society, a "graduated income tax" could be used as a weapon to destroy the middle class. [ . . . ] Through the clever use of language, the government promotes the fraud.[13]
William Cooper founded Harvest Trust, the CAJI News Service, Veritas newspaper, the Intelligence Service, and Harvest Publications. Under his leadership Harvest Trust ventured into publishing. The first book under the Harvest Trust imprint was Oklahoma City: Day One (ISBN 0-9653307-1-0), by Michele Marie Moore about the Oklahoma City bombing. In 1998, Veritas and Harvest Publications were sold to Hallmark Creative Corporation along with the copyright and all rights to all written material produced or ever to be produced by William Cooper including Behold A Pale Horse and Oklahoma City: Day One. Hallmark Creative Corporation has contracted to ensure this material is always available to the public.[14]
An advocate of free radio, Cooper operated the unlicensed Independence Foundation Trust at 101.1 FM in Eagar, Arizona. He boasted of having helped more than 700 low-power FM affiliate stations get equipped and on the air.[citation needed]
Later life
Cooper was best known for being the first to provide evidence of explosives being found inside the Murrah Building in Oklahoma City on April 19, 1995, including the type of explosive used.[citation needed] Shortly after the bombing of the Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building, Rush Limbaugh read a White House memo on the air during his broadcast which named William Cooper "...the most dangerous radio host in America."[citation needed] Mr. Cooper considered President Bill Clinton's pronouncement the greatest compliment that he had ever received.[14]
In June 1998, Cooper was charged with three counts of tax evasion under Internal Revenue Code section 7201[15] and with bank fraud for allegedly giving false information on a loan application.[citation needed] A warrant was issued for his arrest on July 1, 1998 after he failed to appear in federal court . Claiming to belong to the "Second Continental Army of the Republic," he posted a message in big red letters on his Internet site:
- "WARNING!! Any attempt by the federal government or anyone else to execute the unconstitutional and unlawful arrest warrants... will be met with armed resistance."[16]
The U.S. attorney for Arizona, Jose de Jesus Rivera said, federal agents would move carefully to arrest Cooper, who faced an indictment on charges that he failed to pay taxes from 1992 to 1994.[16] In Phoenix, Thomas Nixon of the U.S. Marshal's Office said authorities intended to act cautiously as they enforced the arrest warrant "because no federal agency wants any copies of Ruby Ridge or Waco."[16] But Nixon added, "Obviously, at some point, we'll effect the arrest."[16]
On his Web site, however, Cooper called summonses "unconstitutional" and "unlawful" because the federal government has no jurisdiction in Arizona "except over land that was ceded to the United States by the State Legislature."[16] In the 1990s Cooper's interest moved from UFOs to covert government programs and the militia movement.
By 1998 Cooper was living in Arizona. Still wanted on the charges of tax evasion,[17][18] Cooper was the subject of an arrest warrant for "aggravated assault with a deadly weapon" against a local doctor shortly before his death.[17] On his website, Cooper wrote that any attempt to execute unlawful arrest warrants "will be met with armed resistance."[17] In July and September 2001, Cooper was accused of brandishing a handgun to threaten passersby near his home in Eagar, Arizona.[18] Just before midnight on November 5, 2001, officers of the Apache County Sheriff's office converged on Cooper's homestead to arrest him on a warrant arising from the threat complaint.
On November 5, 2001 at 11:40 P.M., Apache County Sheriff's deputies attempted to serve an arrest warrant at Cooper's residence. Cooper was considered armed and dangerous. The execution of this warrant was attempted by deception. Two deputies, a young man and woman in an unmarked car, appeared to be drinking beer and tossing the beer cans out on Cooper's property. This was done to lure Cooper out of his house, whereby the warrant could be served and Cooper's arrest could be facilitated.[citation needed] Cooper drove down his driveway to kick off his property what he thought were kids drinking and littering.[citation needed] When he approached their car, a marked deputy Sheriff car pulled across his driveway to block Cooper's return to his house.[citation needed]
When the deputies identified themselves, Cooper refused to stop or comply with orders from deputies. Cooper drove off his driveway driving around the marked Sheriff's vehicle.[citation needed] Cooper then stopped his vehicle by his front porch of his house, got out of his vehicle and attempted to reach his front door. Initial reports said Cooper drew a handgun, and began shooting.[citation needed] The Sheriff's report states: "After refusing once again to comply with the Apache County deputies orders, Cooper was firing shots with a handgun toward the deputies",[citation needed][citation needed] Additionally reported was that one deputy, Robert Martinez, was shot in the head and was hospitalized in critical condition.[18] Another deputy returned fire, killing Cooper.[19] When Cooper was instructed to stop going towards his front door, he was fired upon by a 25-year old deputy Sheriff to prevent Cooper from reaching his house.[citation needed] The wound to the deputy sheriff was later determined to be from a single bullet accidentally discharged by the same deputy sheriff. Following the shooting, the scene was secured by officers from the Eagar police department and Apache county sheriff's deputies. The Arizona department of public safety's special investigations unit is conducting an investigation into the shooting. DPS special operations were called to the scene to clear the residence of any potential hazards that may exist.[19]
Milton William Cooper also produced videos, including:
- Assassin Unmasked
- Behold A Pale Horse, Cooper Lecture of Febr. 23, 1991, 4h:39m:56s, http://youtube.com/watch?v=yUbFwqglIaA and [20]
- CNN Interview With William Cooper (early 1990s, ca. 120 min.)
- Cooper in California – The Porterville Presentation (1997, 2-Day-Seminar on 6 DVDs, ca. 12 Hrs.)
- Dimensions in Parapsychology (59 min.)
- Kennedy - The Sacrificed King (ca. 80 min.)
- William Cooper – Lansing Michigan (ca. 60 min.)
- Luxor – The Source of Light (other title Luxor – Mystery School Symbology Exposed, 1994, ca. 33 min.)
- Project Redlight I
- Project Redlight II
- The Secret Government. Origin, Identity & Purpose of the Real MJ-12 (1989, ca. 120 min.)
- The Branch Davidian's Last Will and Testament (ca. 120 min.)
- UFOs - The Secret Government[21]
His life and work are the subject of the 2005 documentary film, The Hour of Our Time, The Legacy of William Cooper by Jim Jankiewicz (86 min.).
Audio recordings
Mystery Babylon complete list of episodes:
HOTT Episode # Original Airdate Show Title 29 February 11, 1993 The Dawn of Man 30 February 12, 1993 Mystery Babylon #1 - The Sun of God 31 February 15, 1993 Mystery Babylon #2 - Egyptian Majick 32 February 16, 1993 Mystery Babylon #3 - Isis and Osiris, part I 33 February 17, 1993 Mystery Babylon #4 - Isis and Osiris, part II 34 February 18, 1993 Mystery Babylon #5 - The NWO and Freemasonry 35 February 19, 1993 Mystery Babylon #6 - Maitreya 36 February 22, 1993 Mystery Babylon #7 - Ecumenism 38 February 24, 1993 Mystery Babylon #8 - Initiation 39 February 25, 1993 Mystery Babylon #9 - Gnosticism 41 March 1, 1993 Mystery Babylon #10 - The Assassins 42 March 2, 1993 Mystery Babylon #11 - The Templars and the Assassins 43 March 3, 1993 Mystery Babylon #12 - The End of the Templars 46 March 8, 1993 Mystery Babylon #13 - Skull and Bones 47 March 9, 1993 Mystery Babylon #14 - The Roshaniya 48 March 10, 1993 Mystery Babylon #15 - Quotes by Freemasons 62 March 30, 1993 Mystery Babylon #16 - Sun Worship 63 March 31, 1993 Mystery Babylon #17 - Bibliography 92 May 11, 1993 Mystery Babylon #19 - 68th Convocation of the Rose Cross Order 93 May 12, 1993 Mystery Babylon #18 - Lucifer Worship 95 May 14, 1993 Mystery Babylon #20 - William Morgan* Interview, part I 96 May 17, 1993 Mystery Babylon #21 - William Morgan Interview, part II 97 May 18, 1993 Mystery Babylon #22 - William Morgan Interview, part III 119 June 17, 1993 Mystery Babylon #23 - Jordan Maxwell interview 128 June 30, 1993 Mystery Babylon #24 - America's Assignment With Destiny, part I 129 July 1, 1993 Mystery Babylon #25 - America's Assignment With Destiny, part II 151 August 2, 1993 Mystery Babylon #26 - America's Assignment With Destiny, part III 162 August 17, 1993 Mystery Babylon #27 - In The Coils of The Coming Conflict 163 August 18, 1993 Mystery Babylon #28 - Lucifer 2000 203 October 13, 1993 Mystery Babylon #29 - The Godmakers and Bo Gritz 206 October 22, 1993 Mystery Babylon #30 - United Nations Meditation Room[22] 240 December 3, 1993 Mystery Babylon #31 - Rerun 123 (5-5-2000 Ice The Ultimate Disaster) 261A January 3, 1994 Mystery Babylon #32 - Aid & Abet Newsletter 267A January 11, 1994 Mystery Babylon #33 - Luxor, The Source of Light – VIDEO** 267B January 11, 1994 Mystery Babylon #33 - Open Phones 268A January 12, 1994 Mystery Babylon #34 - Secret Societies & Vatican II 287A February 8, 1994 Mystery Babylon #35 - From Christianity to Babylon 296A February 22, 1994 Mystery Babylon #36 - Rose Cross College #1 296B February 22, 1994 Mystery Babylon #37 - Rose Cross College #2 298A February 24, 1994 Mystery Babylon #38 - Rose Cross College #3 300 February 28, 1994 Mystery Babylon #39 - Occult History of the Third Reich (The Enigma of the Swastika) 301 March 1, 1994 Mystery Babylon #40 - Occult History of the Third Reich (The SS - Blood and Soil) 302 March 2, 1994 Mystery Babylon #41 - Occult History of the Third Reich (Himmler the Mystic) [Unknown] April 11, 1996 Jessica Dubroff 959 September 20, 1996 Darkness*** [Unknown] December 31, 1999 The Alex Jones Deception [Unknown] January 1, 2000 The Alex Jones Deception 2425 April 18, 2001 Lexington 2495 June 11, 2001 Timothy McVeigh Executed 2515 June 28, 2001 "Bill predicts 9/11 attack" 2615–2623 September 11, 2001 Hours 1-9 of World Trade Center attack coverage 2624 September 12, 2001 "How Cold Americans are after 9-11" 2625 September 13, 2001 "Sheeple now showing feelings over 9-11" 2632 September 18, 2001 Bush and Bin Laden 2642 September 26, 2001 Alex Jones - Liar! 2652 October 8, 2001 FREEDOMS IN DANGER [sic] 2678 October 31, 2001 Mystery of Fulcanelli 2679 November 1, 2001 Secret Societies and the Alchemical Meme [Unknown] November 6, 2001 Last broadcast, primarily dealing with Vietnam * The individual being interviewed is using the name William Morgan as a pseudonym.
** This episode is a video rather than a radio broadcast.
*** At the beginning of this show, Cooper states the title and refers to the episode as one in the Mystery Babylon series.References
- ^ Cooper, Milton William (1991-12-01) (Paperback). Behold a Pale Horse (First Paperback Edition ed.). Light Technology Publications. p. 8. ISBN 978-0929385228.
- ^ a b Cooper, Milton William (1991-12-01) (Paperback). Behold a Pale Horse (First Paperback Edition ed.). Light Technology Publications. p. 11. ISBN 978-0929385228.
- ^ Goldwag, Arthur (2009). Cults, Conspiracies, and Secret Societies: the Straight Scoop on Freemasons, the Illuminati, Skull and Bones, Black Helicopters, the New World Order, and Many, Many More. London: Vintage. p. 136. ISBN 9780307390677.
- ^ Cooper, Milton William (1991-12-01) (Paperback). Behold a Pale Horse (First Paperback Edition ed.). Light Technology Publications. pp. 26, 75. ISBN 978-0929385228.
- ^ Cooper, Milton William (1991-12-01) (Paperback). Behold a Pale Horse (First Paperback Edition ed.). Light Technology Publications. p. 13. ISBN 978-0929385228.
- ^ "Yamato High School Class of 1961". 1961. http://www.yamatohs.com/yhs61.html. Retrieved 2010-11-09.
- ^ Cooper, Milton William (1991-12-01) (Paperback). Behold a Pale Horse (First Paperback Edition ed.). Light Technology Publications. p. 15. ISBN 978-0929385228.
- ^ Cooper, Milton William (1991-12-01) (Paperback). Behold a Pale Horse (First Paperback Edition ed.). Light Technology Publications. p. 21. ISBN 978-0929385228.
- ^ a b Cooper, Milton William (1991-12-01) (Paperback). Behold a Pale Horse (First Paperback Edition ed.). Light Technology Publications. p. 22. ISBN 978-0929385228.
- ^ Cooper, Milton William (1991-12-01) (Paperback). Behold a Pale Horse (First Paperback Edition ed.). Light Technology Publications. p. 23. ISBN 978-0929385228.
- ^ Letter from Mr. Cooper referring to his BBS and its dialup phone number http://www.thewatcherfiles.com/cooper/aids.htm
- ^ a b Cooper, William (1995). "BATF/IRS -- Criminal Fraud". Veritas. supremelaw.org. http://www.supremelaw.org/authors/cooper/cooper.htm. Retrieved 2006-08-12.
- ^ ""BATF/IRS - Criminal Fraud", ''Veritas'' (issue no. 6, September 1995)". http://www.tax-freedom.com/origins.txt. Retrieved 2010-12-13.
- ^ a b "William Cooper: A Short Biography". hourofthetime.com. 2002. http://www.hourofthetime.com/william.htm. Retrieved 2006-08-12.
- ^ See docket entry 1, June 10, 1998, United States v. Milton William Cooper, case no. 3:98-cr-00345-SMM-1, U.S. District Court for the District of Arizona (Prescott Div.).
- ^ a b c d e [1][dead link]
- ^ a b c Paul Sieveking (2001-12-02). "How a conspiracy theorist lost the plot". The Sunday Telegraph. p. 41.
- ^ a b c "Arizona Militia Figure Is Shot to Death". Los Angeles Times. November 7, 2001. p. A24. http://articles.latimes.com/2001/nov/07/news/mn-1182. Retrieved October 17, 2010.
- ^ a b Foresta, Jeanette (2001-11-05). "The Police Report". jpg image of original police report (no longer posted). http://www.thewatcherfiles.com/william_cooper.htm.
- ^ Behold a Pale Horse at www.suppressedminds.com
- ^ Internet Archive: Details: UFOs = The Secret Government at www.archive.org
- ^ DAG HAMMARSKJÖLD: The UN years ... at www.un.org
Further reading
- Cooper, Milton William (1991). Behold a Pale Horse. Light Technology Publications. ISBN 0-929385-22-5.
- Barkun, Michael (2003). A Culture of Conspiracy: Apocalyptic Visions in Contemporary America. University of California Press. ISBN 0-520-23805-2.
- Montes, Eduardo (2001-11-06). "Militia figure killed after shooting deputy". The Associated Press State & Local Wire. Associated Press.
- Shaffer, Mark (2001-11-07). "Officers kill militia voice". The Arizona Republic.
External links
- Milton William Cooper at Find a Grave
- Biography, free eBook (PDF) of Behold a Pale Horse, radio shows and DVDs of William Cooper at hourofthetime.com
- MAJESTYTWELVE – document which outlines Cooper's beliefs and theories at the time of his death.
- Behold A Pale Horse – video at SuppressedMinds.com
Categories:- 1943 births
- 2001 deaths
- American anti-communists
- American Christians
- American political writers
- American radio personalities
- American UFO writers
- Christianity conspiracy theorists
- Conspiracy theorists
- Deaths by firearm in Arizona
- People from Long Beach, California
- People shot dead by law enforcement officers in the United States
- UFO conspiracy theorists
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.