- Science in medieval Islam
In the
history of science , Islamic science refers to thescience developed under the Islamic civilization between the 8th and 16th centuries, during what is known as theIslamic Golden Age . [cite journal|first=A. I.|last=Sabra|authorlink=A. I. Sabra|title=Situating Arabic Science: Locality versus Essence|journal=Isis|year=1996|volume=87|pages=654–670|url=http://links.jstor.org/sici?sici=0021-1753%28199612%2987%3A4%3C654%3ASASLVE%3E2.0.CO%3B2-M|issue=4|doi=10.1086/357651quote|"Let us begin with a neutral and innocent definition of Arabic, or what also may be called Islamic, science in terms of time and space: the term "Arabic" (or "Islamic") "science" the scientific activities of individuals who lived in a region that might extended chronologically from the eighth century A.D. to the beginning of the modern era, and geographically from the Iberian Peninsula and north Africa to the Indus valley and from the Southern Arabia to the Caspian Sea—that is, the region covered for most of that period by what we call Islamic Civilization, and in which the results of the activities referred to were for the most part expressed in the Arabic Language. We need not be concerned over the refinements that obviously need to be introduced over this seemingly neutral definition."] It is also known as Arabic science since most texts during this period were written in Arabic, the "lingua franca " ofIslam ic civilization. Despite these names, not all scientists during this period wereMuslim orArab , as there were a number of notable non-Arab scientists (most notably Persians), as well as some non-Muslim scientists, contributing to science in the Islamic civilization. [Bernard Lewis , "What Went Wrong ? Western Impact and Middle Eastern Response":]There are several different views on Islamic science among historians of science. The traditionalist view, as exemplified by
Bertrand Russell , [Bertrand Russell (1945), "History of Western Philosophy", book 2, part 2, chapter X] holds that Islamic science, while admirable in many technical ways, lacked the intellectual energy required for innovation and was chiefly important as a preserver of ancient knowledge and transmitter tomedieval Europe . The revisionist view, as exemplified byAbdus Salam [Abdus Salam , H. R. Dalafi, Mohamed Hassan (1994). "Renaissance of Sciences in Islamic Countries", p. 162.World Scientific , ISBN 9971507137.] andGeorge Saliba ,Harv|Saliba|1994|pp=245, 250, 256-257] holds that a Muslim scientific revolution occurred during theMiddle Ages , [Abid Ullah Jan (2006), "After Fascism: Muslims and the struggle for self-determination", "Islam, the West, and the Question of Dominance", Pragmatic Publishings, ISBN 978-0-9733687-5-8.] [Salah Zaimeche (2003), [http://www.muslimheritage.com/uploads/Introduction_to_Muslim%20Science.pdf An Introduction to Muslim Science] , FSTC.] an expression with which scholars such asDonald Routledge Hill andAhmad Y Hassan express the view that Islam was the driving force behind the Muslim achievements, [Ahmad Y Hassan andDonald Routledge Hill (1986), "Islamic Technology: An Illustrated History", p. 282,Cambridge University Press ] whileRobert Briffault even sees Islamic science as the foundation of modern science. The most prominent view in recent scholarship, however, as examplified by Toby E. Huff,Harv|Huff|2003] [citation|last=Saliba|first=George|author-link=George Saliba|title=Seeking the Origins of Modern Science? Review of Toby E. Huff, The Rise of Early Modern Science: Islam, China and the West|url=http://www.riifs.org/review_articles/review_v1no2_sliba.htm|journal=Bulletin of the Royal Institute for Inter-Faith Studies|volume=1|issue=2|date=Autumn 1999|accessdate=2008-04-10]Will Durant ,Fielding H. Garrison ,Muhammad Iqbal Hossein Nasr andBernard Lewis , [citation|title=End the Biggest Educational and Intellectual Blunder in History: A $100,000 Challenge to Our Top Educational Leaders|first=Norman W.|last=Edmund|publisher=Scientific Method Publishing|year=2005|isbn=0963286668|page=447] holds that Muslim scientists did help in laying the foundations for anexperiment al science with their contributions to thescientific method and theirempirical , experimental andquantitative approach to scientificinquiry , but that their work cannot be considered aScientific Revolution , like what occurred inearly modern Europe and led to the emergence of modern science, [Thomas Kuhn, "The Copernican Revolution", (Cambridge: Harvard Univ. Pr., 1957), p. 142.] [Herbert Butterfield, The Origins of Modern Science, 1300-1800.] with the exception ofIbn al-Haytham 's "Book of Optics " which is widely considered a revolution in the fields ofoptics andvisual perception . [Citation|journal=The Medieval History Journal|volume=9|issue=1|pages=89-98|year=2006|doi=10.1177/097194580500900105|title=The Gaze in Ibn al-Haytham|first=Gérard|last=Simon] [citation|title=Burning Instruments: From Diocles to Ibn Sahl|first=Hélèna|last=Bellosta|journal=Arabic Sciences and Philosophy|year=2002|volume=12|pages=285-303|publisher=Cambridge University Press |doi=10.1017/S095742390200214X] [citation|title=Portraits of Science: A Polymath in the 10th Century|first=Roshdi|last=Rashed|journal=Science|date=2 August 2002|volume=297|issue=5582|page=773|doi=10.1126/science.1074591] [Citation |last=Lindberg |first=David C. |year=1967 |title=Alhazen's Theory of Vision and Its Reception in the West |journal=Isis |volume=58 |issue=3 |pages=321–341 [332] |doi=10.1086/350266 ]Overview
During the early
Muslim conquests , theMuslim Arab forces, led primarily byKhalid ibn al-Walid , conquered the SassanidPersian Empire and more than half of the ByzantineRoman Empire , establishing theArab Empire across theMiddle East ,Central Asia , andNorth Africa , followed by further expansions acrossPakistan , southern Italy and theIberian Peninsula . As a result, the Islamic governments inherited the knowledge and skills of the ancient Middle East, of Greece, of Persia and of India [Bernard Lewis , "What Went Wrong ?"]The art of
papermaking was obtained from two Chinese prisoners at theBattle of Talas (751), resulting inpaper mill s being built inSamarkand andBaghdad . The Arabs improved upon the Chinese techniques usinglinen rags instead ofmulberry bark.Most notable Arab scientists and Iranian scientists lived and practiced during the Islamic Golden Age, though not all scientists in Islamic civilization were
Arab orMuslim . Some argue that the term "Arab-Islamic" does not appreciate the rich diversity of eastern scholars who have contributed to science in that era. [Behrooz Broumand, The contribution of Iranian scientists to world civilization, Archives of Iranian Medicine 2006; 9 (3): 288 – 290]During the Islamic Golden Age, Muslim scholars made significant advances in
science ,mathematics ,medicine ,astronomy ,engineering , and many other fields. During this time,early Islamic philosophy developed and was often pivotal in scientific debates — key figures were usuallyscientist s andphilosopher s.The number of important and original Arabic works written on the mathematical sciences is much larger than the combined total of
Latin and Greek works on the mathematical sciences. [N. M. Swerdlow (1993). "Montucla's Legacy: The History of the Exact Sciences", "Journal of the History of Ideas" 54 (2), p. 299-328 [320] .]cientific institutions
A number of important
institution s previously unknown in the ancient world have their origins in the medieval Islamic world, with the most notable examples being: thepublic hospital (which replacedhealing temple s andsleep temple s) andpsychiatric hospital , [Ibrahim B. Syed PhD, "Islamic Medicine: 1000 years ahead of its times", "Journal of the International Society for the History of Islamic Medicine", 2002 (2), p. 2-9 [7-8] .] thepublic library andlending library , theacademic degree -grantinguniversity , the astronomicalobservatory as aresearch institute Peter Barrett (2004), "Science and Theology Since Copernicus: The Search for Understanding", p. 18,Continuum International Publishing Group , ISBN 056708969X.] (as opposed to a privateobservation post as was the case in ancient times), [citation|last=Micheau|first=Francoise|contribution=The Scientific Institutions in the Medieval Near East|pages=992–3, in Harv|Morelon|Rashed|1996|pp=985-1007] and the trust (Waqf ). [Harv|Gaudiosi|1988] [Harv|Hudson|2003|p=32]The first universities which issued
diploma s were theBimaristan medical university-hospitals of the medieval Islamic world, where medical diplomas were issued to students ofIslamic medicine who were qualified to be practicing doctors of medicine from the 9th century. SirJohn Bagot Glubb wrote: [John Bagot Glubb (cf. [http://www.cyberistan.org/islamic/quote2.html Quotations on Islamic Civilization] )]The Guinness Book of World Records recognizes the
University of Al Karaouine inFez, Morocco as the oldest university in the world with its founding in859 . ["The Guinness Book Of Records", Published 1998, ISBN 0-5535-7895-2, P.242 ]Al-Azhar University , founded inCairo ,Egypt in the10th century , offered a variety ofacademic degree s, includingpostgraduate degree s, and is often considered the first full-fledged university.A number of distinct features of the modern library were introduced in the Islamic world, where libraries not only served as a collection of manuscripts as was the case in ancient libraries, but also as a public library and lending library, a centre for the instruction and spread of sciences and ideas, a place for meetings and discussions, and sometimes as a
lodging for scholars orboarding school for pupils. The concept of thelibrary catalog was also introduced in medieval Islamic libraries, where books were organized into specificgenre s and categories. [citation|last=Micheau|first=Francoise|contribution=The Scientific Institutions in the Medieval Near East|pages=988–991 in Harv|Morelon|Rashed|1996|pp=985-1007]Another common feature during the Islamic Golden Age was the large number of Muslim
polymath s or "universal geniuses", scholars who contributed to many different fields ofknowledge . Muslim polymaths were known as "Hakeems" and they had a wide breadth of knowledge in many different fields of religious and secularlearning , comparable to the later "Renaissance Men", such asLeonardo da Vinci , of the EuropeanRenaissance period. Polymath scholars were so common during the Islamic Golden Age that it was rare to find a scholar who specialized in any single field at the time.Karima Alavi, [http://ccas.georgetown.edu/files/CCAS_Tapestry_of_Travel_lores.pdf Tapestry of Travel] , Center for Contemporary Arab Studies,Georgetown University .] Notable Muslim polymaths includedal-Biruni ,al-Jahiz ,al-Kindi , Abu Bakr Muhammadal-Razi ,Ibn Sina ,al-Idrisi ,Ibn Bajja ,Ibn Zuhr ,Ibn Tufayl ,Ibn Rushd ,al-Suyuti citation|first=Ziauddin|last=Sardar|author-link=Ziauddin Sardar|date=1998|contribution=Science in Islamic philosophy|title=Islamic Philosophy|publisher=Routledge Encyclopedia of Philosophy |url=http://www.muslimphilosophy.com/ip/rep/H016.htm|accessdate=2008-02-03]Geber ,al-Khwarizmi , theBanū Mūsā ,Abbas Ibn Firnas ,al-Farabi ,al-Masudi ,al-Muqaddasi ,Alhacen ,Omar Khayyám ,al-Ghazali ,al-Khazini ,Avempace ,al-Jazari ,Ibn al-Nafis ,Nasīr al-Dīn al-Tūsī ,Ibn al-Shatir ,Ibn Khaldun , andTaqi al-Din , among many others.Decline
Islamic science and the numbers of Islamic scientists were traditionally believed to have begun declining from the 12th or 13th centuries. It was believed that, though the Islamic civilization would still produce scientists, that they became the exception, rather than the rule (see
List of Islamic scholars ). Recent scholarship, however, has come to question this traditional picture of decline, pointing to continued astronomical activity as a sign of a continuing and creative scientific tradition through to the 16th century, of which the work ofIbn al-Shatir (1304–1375) in Damascus is considered the most noteworthy example. [Harv|Saliba|1994|p=vii: quote|"The main thesis, for which this collection of articles came be used as evidence, is the one claiming that the period often called a period of decline in Islamic intellectual history was, scientifically speaking from the point of view of astronomy, a very productive period in which astronomical thories of the highest order were produced."] [David A. King, "The Astronomy of the Mamluks", "Isis", 74 (1983):531-555] This was also the case for other areas of Islamic science, such asmedicine , exemplified by the works ofIbn al-Nafis andŞerafeddin Sabuncuoğlu , and thesocial sciences , exemplified byIbn Khaldun 's "Muqaddimah " (1370), which itself points out that science was declining inIraq ,Al-Andalus andMaghreb , but continuing to flourish inPersia ,Syria andEgypt .Ahmad Y Hassan , [http://www.history-science-technology.com/Articles/articles%208.htm Factors Behind the Decline of Islamic Science After the Sixteenth Century] ]One reason given for the scientific decline was when the orthodox
Ash'ari school of theology challenged the more rationalMu'tazili school of theology, withal-Ghazali 's "The Incoherence of the Philosophers " ("Tahafut al-falasifa") being the most notable example. This interpretation was introduced by the HungarianOrientalist Ignaz Goldziher , who believed that there was an intrinsic antagonism between Islamic orthodoxy and the Greek-influenced traditions of science. [Ignaz Goldziher, "Stellung der alten islamischen Orthodoxie zu den antiken Wissenschaften"(1915)] Recent scholarship has questioned this traditional view, however, with a number of scholars pointing out that the Ash'ari school supported science but were only opposed to speculative philosophy and that some of the greatest Muslim scientists such asAlhazen ,Biruni , Ibn al-Nafis and Ibn Khaldun were themselves followers of the Ash'ari school. Emilie Savage-Smith also pointed out that Al-Ghazali's positive views towards medicine, particularlyanatomy , were a source of encouragement for the increased use ofdissection by Muslim physicians (such as Avenzoar and Ibn al-Nafis) in the 12th and 13th centuries. [citation|first=Emilie|last=Savage-Smith|title=Attitudes Toward Dissection in Medieval Islam|journal=Journal of the History of Medicine and Allied Sciences|year=1995|volume=50|issue=1|publisher=Oxford University Press |pages=67–110|doi=10.1093/jhmas/50.1.67|pmid=7876530]Other reasons for the decline of Islamic science include conflicts between the
Sunni andShia Muslims, and invasions by Crusaders and Mongols on Islamic lands between the 11th and 13th centuries, especially the Mongol invasions of the 13th century. The Mongols destroyed Muslim libraries, observatories, hospitals, and universities, culminating in the destruction of Baghdad, theAbbasid capital and intellectual centre, in 1258, which is traditionally believed to have marked an end to theIslamic Golden Age . [Erica Fraser. [http://www.acs.ucalgary.ca/applied_history/tutor/islam/learning/conclusion.html The Islamic World to 1600] ,University of Calgary .]From the 13th century, some traditionalist Muslims believed that the Crusades and Mongol invasions may have been a divine punishment from God against Muslims deviating from the
Sunnah , a view that was held even by the famous polymath Ibn al-Nafis. [Nahyan A. G. Fancy (2006), "Pulmonary Transit and Bodily Resurrection: The Interaction of Medicine, Philosophy and Religion in the Works of Ibn al-Nafīs (d. 1288)", p. 49 & 59, "Electronic Theses and Dissertations",University of Notre Dame . [http://etd.nd.edu/ETD-db/theses/available/etd-11292006-152615] ] Such traditionalist views as well as numerous wars and conflicts at the time are believed to have created a climate which made Islamic science less successful than before. However, Y. Ziedan has pointed out that the sack of Baghdad in 1258 was followed by intense scientific activity acrossDamascus andCairo , as many Muslim scholars wrote huge encyclopedias (including an 80-volume medical encyclopedia by Ibn al-Nafis) in an attempt to preserve the scientific heritage of the Islamic world and cope with the loss of Baghdad. [citation|title=Contributions of Ibn Al-Nafis to the progress of medicine and urology: A study and translations from his medical works|last=Abdel-Halim|first=R. E.|journal=Saudi Medical Journal|year=2008|volume=29|issue=1|pages=13-22 [15-6] ]Another reason given for the decline of Islamic science is the disruption to the cycle of equity based on Ibn Khaldun's famous model of
Asabiyyah (the rise and fall ofcivilization s), which points to the decline being mainly due to political and economic factors rather than religious factors. With the fall of Islamic Spain in 1492, the scientific and technological initiative of the Islamic world was inherited by Europeans and laid the foundations for Europe'sRenaissance andScientific Revolution .Edward Grant (1996), "The Foundations of Modern Science in the Middle Ages: Their Religious, Institutional, and Intellectual Contexts", Cambridge:Cambridge University Press ]Influence on European science
Contributing to the growth of European science was the major search by European scholars for new learning which they could only find among Muslims, especially in Islamic Spain and Sicily. These scholars translated new scientific and philosophical texts from Arabic into
Latin .One of the most productive translators in Spain was
Gerard of Cremona , who translated 87 books from Arabic to Latin,includingMuhammad ibn Mūsā al-Khwārizmī 's "On Algebra and Almucabala",Jabir ibn Aflah 's "Elementa astronomica",al-Kindi 's "On Optics",Ahmad ibn Muhammad ibn Kathīr al-Farghānī 's "On Elements of Astronomy on the Celestial Motions",al-Farabi 's "On the Classification of the Sciences", [For a list of Gerard of Cremona's translations see: Edward Grant (1974) "A Source Book in Medieval Science", (Cambridge: Harvard Univ. Pr.), pp. 35-8 or Charles Burnett, "The Coherence of the Arabic-Latin Translation Program in Toledo in the Twelfth Century," "Science in Context", 14 (2001): at 249-288, at pp. 275-281.] the chemical and medical works of Razi,the works ofThabit ibn Qurra andHunayn ibn Ishaq , [D. Campbell, "Arabian Medicine and Its Influence on the Middle Ages", p. 6.] and the works ofArzachel ,Jabir ibn Aflah , theBanū Mūsā ,Abū Kāmil Shujā ibn Aslam ,Abu al-Qasim , andIbn al-Haytham (including the "Book of Optics ").Other Arabic works translated into Latin during the 12th century include the works of
Muhammad ibn Jābir al-Harrānī al-Battānī andMuhammad ibn Mūsā al-Khwārizmī (including "The Compendious Book on Calculation by Completion and Balancing "),the works ofAbu al-Qasim (including the "al-Tasrif "),D. Campbell, "Arabian Medicine and Its Influence on the Middle Ages", p. 3.]Muhammad al-Fazari 's "Great Sindhind" (based on the "Surya Siddhanta " and the works ofBrahmagupta ), [G. G. Joseph, "The Crest of the Peacock", p. 306.] the works of Razi andAvicenna (including "The Book of Healing " and "The Canon of Medicine "), [M.-T. d'Alverny, "Translations and Translators," pp. 444-6, 451] the works ofAverroes ,the works ofThabit ibn Qurra ,al-Farabi ,Ahmad ibn Muhammad ibn Kathīr al-Farghānī ,Hunayn ibn Ishaq , and his nephew Hubaysh ibn al-Hasan, [D. Campbell, "Arabian Medicine and Its Influence on the Middle Ages", p. 4-5.] the works ofal-Kindi ,Abraham bar Hiyya 's "Liber embadorum", Ibn Sarabi's (Serapion Junior) "De Simplicibus",the works ofQusta ibn Luqa , [D. Campbell, "Arabian Medicine and Its Influence on the Middle Ages", p. 5.] the works ofMaslamah Ibn Ahmad al-Majriti ,Ja'far ibn Muhammad Abu Ma'shar al-Balkhi , andal-Ghazali ,Salah Zaimeche (2003). [http://www.muslimheritage.com/uploads/Main%20-%20Aspects%20of%20the%20Islamic%20Influence1.pdf Aspects of the Islamic Influence on Science and Learning in the Christian West] , p. 10. Foundation for Science Technology and Civilisation.] the works ofNur Ed-Din Al Betrugi , including "On the Motions of the Heavens", [ [http://www.bautz.de/bbkl/m/michael_sco.shtml "Biographisch-Bibliographisches Kirchenlexicon"] ]Ali ibn Abbas al-Majusi 's medical encyclopedia, "The Complete Book of the Medical Art",Jerome B. Bieber. [http://inst.santafe.cc.fl.us/~jbieber/HS/trans2.htm Medieval Translation Table 2: Arabic Sources] , Santa Fe Community College.]Abu Mashar 's "Introduction to Astrology", [Charles Burnett, ed. "Adelard of Bath, Conversations with His Nephew," (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1999), p. xi.] the works ofMaimonides , Ibn Zezla (Byngezla),Masawaiyh ,Serapion , al-Qifti, and Albe'thar. [D. Campbell, "Arabian Medicine and Its Influence on the Middle Ages", p. 4.]Abū Kāmil Shujā ibn Aslam 's "Algebra",V. J. Katz, "A History of Mathematics: An Introduction", p. 291.] the chemical works ofGeber , and the "De Proprietatibus Elementorum", an Arabic work ongeology written by apseudo-Aristotle . By the beginning of the 13th century,Mark of Toledo translated theQur'an and various medical works. [M.-T. d'Alverny, "Translations and Translators," pp. 429, 455]Fibonacci presented the first complete European account of theHindu-Arabic numeral system from Arabic sources in his "Liber Abaci " (1202).Jerome B. Bieber. [http://inst.santafe.cc.fl.us/~jbieber/HS/trans2.htm Medieval Translation Table 2: Arabic Sources] , Santa Fe Community College.]Al-Khazini 's "Zij as-Sanjari" was translated into Greek byGregory Choniades in the 13th century and was studied in theByzantine Empire . [David Pingree (1964), "Gregory Chioniades and Palaeologan Astronomy", "Dumbarton Oaks Papers" 18, p. 135-160.] The astronomical corrections to thePtolemaic model made byal-Battani andAverroes and the non-Ptolemaic models produced byMo'ayyeduddin Urdi (Urdi lemma),Nasīr al-Dīn al-Tūsī (Tusi-couple ) andIbn al-Shatir were later adapted into the Copernican heliocentric model.Al-Kindi 's (Alkindus) law of terrestrial gravity influencedRobert Hooke 's law of celestial gravity, which in turn inspiredNewton's law of universal gravitation .Abū al-Rayhān al-Bīrūnī 's "Ta'rikh al-Hind" and "Kitab al-qanun al-Mas’udi" were translated into Latin as "Indica" and "Canon Mas’udicus" respectively.Ibn al-Nafis ' "Commentary on Compound Drugs" was translated intoLatin by Andrea Alpago (d. 1522), who may have also translated Ibn al-Nafis' "Commentary on Anatomy in the Canon of Avicenna", which first describedpulmonary circulation andcoronary circulation , and which may have had an influence onMichael Servetus ,Realdo Colombo andWilliam Harvey . [ [http://www.nlm.nih.gov/hmd/arabic/mon4.html Anatomy and Physiology] , Islamic Medical Manuscripts,United States National Library of Medicine .] Translations of the algebraic and geometrical works ofIbn al-Haytham ,Omar Khayyám andNasīr al-Dīn al-Tūsī were later influential in the development ofnon-Euclidean geometry in Europe from the 17th century. [D. S. Kasir (1931). "The Algebra of Omar Khayyam", p. 6-7. Teacher's College Press,Columbia University ,New York .] [Boris A. Rosenfeld and Adolf P. Youschkevitch (1996), "Geometry", p. 469, in Harv|Morelon|Rashed|1996|pp=447-494]Ibn Tufail 's "Hayy ibn Yaqdhan " was translated into Latin byEdward Pococke in 1671 and into English bySimon Ockley in 1708 and became "one of the most important books that heralded theScientific Revolution ." [Samar Attar, "The Vital Roots of European Enlightenment: Ibn Tufayl's Influence on Modern Western Thought", Lexington Books, ISBN 0739119893.]Ibn al-Baitar 's "Kitab al-Jami fi al-Adwiya al-Mufrada" also had an influence on Europeanbotany after it was translated into Latin in 1758.cientific method
Muslim scientists placed a greater emphasis on
experiment ation than previousancient civilization s (for example,Greek philosophy placed a greater emphasis onrationality rather thanempiricism ), which was due to the emphasis onempirical observation found in theQur'an and Sunnah , [quote|"Observe nature and reflect over it."|Qur'an (cf. C. A. Qadir (1990), "Philosophy and Science in the lslumic World",Routledge , London)
(cf. Bettany, Laurence (1995), "Ibn al-Haytham: an answer to multicultural science teaching?", "Physics Education" 30: 247-252 [247] )] [cite quran|17|36|quote=You shall not accept any information, unless you verify it for yourself. I have given you the hearing, the eyesight, and the brain, and you are responsible for using them.] [cite quran|2|164|quote=Behold! In the creation of the heavens and the earth; in the alternation of the night and the day; in the sailing of the ships through the ocean for the benefit of mankind; in the rain which Allah Sends down from the skies, and the life which He gives therewith to an earth that is dead; in the beasts of all kinds that He scatters through the earth; in the change of the winds, and the clouds which they trail like their slaves between the sky and the earth - (Here) indeed are Signs for a people that are wise.] and the rigoroushistorical method s established in thescience of hadith .Ahmad, I. A. (June 3, 2002), [http://images.agustianwar.multiply.com/attachment/0/RxbYbQoKCr4AAD@kzFY1/IslamicCalendar-A-Case-Study.pdf The Rise and Fall of Islamic Science: The Calendar as a Case Study] , "Faith and Reason: Convergence and Complementarity",Al Akhawayn University . Retrieved on 2008-01-31.] Muslim scientists thus combined precise observation, controlled experiment and careful records with a new approach to scientificinquiry which led to the development of thescientific method . In particular, the empirical observations and experiments ofIbn al-Haytham (Alhacen) in his "Book of Optics " (1021) is seen as the beginning of the modern scientific method,David Agar (2001). [http://users.jyu.fi/~daagar/index_files/arabs.html Arabic Studies in Physics and Astronomy During 800 - 1400 AD] .University of Jyväskylä .] which he first introduced tooptics andpsychology . Rosanna Gorini writes:Other early experimental methods were developed by
Geber (forchemistry ),Muhammad al-Bukhari (forhistory and thescience of hadith ),al-Kindi (for theEarth science s),Avicenna (formedicine ),Abū Rayhān al-Bīrūnī (forastronomy andmechanics ),MacTutor|id=Al-Biruni|title=Al-Biruni]Ibn Zuhr (forsurgery ) andIbn Khaldun (for thesocial sciences ). The most important development of the scientific method, the use of experimentation and quantification to distinguish between competing scientific theories set within a generally empirical orientation, was introduced by Muslim scientists.Ibn al-Haytham, a pioneer of modern
optics , [R. L. Verma "Al-Hazen: father of modern optics", "Al-Arabi", 8 (1969): 12-13.] used the scientific method to obtain the results in his "Book of Optics ". In particular, he combined observations, experiments and rational arguments to show that his modern intromission theory of vision, where rays oflight are emitted from objects rather than from the eyes, is scientifically correct, and that the ancient emission theory of vision supported byPtolemy andEuclid (where the eyes emit rays of light), and the ancient intromission theory supported byAristotle (where objects emit physical particles to the eyes), were both wrong. [D. C. Lindberg, "Theories of Vision from al-Kindi to Kepler", (Chicago, Univ. of Chicago Pr., 1976), pp. 60-7.] It is known thatRoger Bacon was familiar with Ibn al-Haytham's work. Ibn al-Haytham is featured on the 10,000 Iraqi dinar note.Ibn al-Haytham developed rigorous experimental methods of controlled scientific testing in order to verify theoretical hypotheses and substantiate inductive
conjecture s. Ibn al-Haytham's scientific method was similar to the modern scientific method in that it consisted of the following procedures: [Bradley Steffens (2006). "Ibn al-Haytham: First Scientist", Morgan Reynolds Publishing, ISBN 1599350246. (cf. Bradley Steffens, "Who Was the First Scientist?", "Ezine Articles".)]#
#Statement ofproblem
#Formulation ofhypothesis
#Testing of hypothesis usingexperiment ation
#Analysis of experimentalresult s
#Interpretation ofdata and formulation ofconclusion
#Publication of findingsThe development of the scientific method is considered to be fundamental to modern science and some — especially philosophers of science and practicing scientists — consider earlier inquiries into nature to be "pre-scientific". Some consider Ibn al-Haytham to be the "first
scientist " for this reason. [Bradley Steffens (2006). "Ibn al-Haytham: First Scientist", Morgan Reynolds Publishing, ISBN 1599350246.]In "The Model of the Motions", Ibn al-Haytham also describes an early version of
Occam's razor , where he employs only minimal hypotheses regarding the properties that characterize astronomical motions, as he attempts to eliminate from his planetary model the cosmological hypotheses that cannot be observed fromEarth . [Roshdi Rashed (2007). "The Celestial Kinematics of Ibn al-Haytham", "Arabic Sciences and Philosophy" 17, p. 7-55 [35-36] .Cambridge University Press .]Robert Briffault wrote in "The Making of Humanity":George Sarton wrote in the "Introduction to the History of Science":Oliver Joseph Lodge wrote in the "Pioneers of Science":Muhammad Iqbal wrote in "The Reconstruction of Religious Thought in Islam ":Peer review
The first documented description of a
peer review process is found in the "Ethics of the Physician" written by Ishaq bin Ali al-Rahwi (854–931) of al-Raha,Syria , who describes the firstmedical peer review process. His work, as well as later Arabic medical manuals, state that a visiting physician must always make duplicate notes of a patient's condition on every visit. When the patient was cured or had died, the notes of the physician were examined by a local medical council of other physicians, who wouldreview the practising physician's notes to decide whether his/her performance have met the required standards of medical care. If their reviews were negative, the practicing physician could face alawsuit from a maltreated patient. [Ray Spier (2002), "The history of the peer-review process", "Trends in Biotechnology" 20 (8), p. 357-358 [357] .]Applied sciences
Fielding H. Garrison wrote in the "History of Medicine":In the
applied science s, a significant number of inventions and technologies were produced by medieval Muslim scientists and engineers such asAbbas Ibn Firnas ,Taqi al-Din , and particularlyal-Jazari , who is considered a pioneer in modern engineering. [ [http://www.mtestudios.com/news_100_years.htm 1000 Years of Knowledge Rediscovered at Ibn Battuta Mall] , MTE Studios.] Some of the inventions believed to have come from the medieval Islamic world include the programmableautomaton , [Teun Koetsier (2001), "On the prehistory of programmable machines: musical automata, looms, calculators", "Mechanism and Machine theory" 36: 590-591]coffee , thesoap bar ,shampoo , puredistillation ,liquefaction ,crystallisation ,purification ,oxidisation ,evaporation ,filtration , distilledalcohol ,uric acid ,nitric acid ,alembic , thecrankshaft , thevalve , the reciprocatingsuction piston pump ,mechanical clock s driven by water andweight s, thecombination lock ,quilting , the pointedarch , thescalpel , the bonesaw ,forceps , surgicalcatgut , thewindmill ,inoculation , thefountain pen ,cryptanalysis , frequency analysis, the three-coursemeal ,stained glass and quartz glass,Persian carpet , the moderncheque , thecelestial globe ,explosive rocket s andincendiary device s, thetorpedo , and artificialpleasure gardens .Agricultural sciences
During the
Muslim Agricultural Revolution , Muslim scientists made significant advances inbotany and laid the foundations ofagricultural science . Muslim botanists andagriculturist s demonstrated advanced agronomical, agrotechnical andeconomic knowledge in areas such asmeteorology ,climatology ,hydrology ,soil occupation, and theeconomy andmanagement of agriculturalenterprise s. They also demosntrated agricultural knowledge in areas such aspedology , agriculturalecology ,irrigation , preparation of soil,planting , spreading ofmanure , killingherb s,sowing , cuttingtree s,grafting ,pruning vine ,prophylaxis ,phytotherapy , the care and improvement of cultures andplant s, and theharvest and storage ofcrops . [Toufic Fahd (1996), "Botany and agriculture", p. 849, in Harv|Morelon|Rashed|1996|pp=813-852]Al-Dinawari (828-896) is considered the founder of Arabic botany for his "Book of Plants", in which he described at least 637 plants and discussedplant evolution from its birth to its death, describing the phases ofplant growth and the production of flowers and fruit.citation|last=Fahd|first=Toufic|contribution=Botany and agriculture|pages=815, in Harv|Morelon|Rashed|1996]In the 13th century, the Andalusian-
Arab ianbiologist Abu al-Abbas al-Nabati developed an earlyscientific method for botany, introducingempirical andexperiment al techniques in the testing, description and identification of numerousmateria medica , and separating unverified reports from those supported by actual tests andobservation s. [Citation |first=Toby |last=Huff |year=2003 |title=The Rise of Early Modern Science: Islam, China, and the West |page=218 |publisher=Cambridge University Press |isbn=0521529948 |pages=813–852] His studentIbn al-Baitar published the "Kitab al-Jami fi al-Adwiya al-Mufrada", which is considered one of the greatest botanical compilations in history, and was a botanical authority for centuries. It contains details on at least 1,400 differentplant s,food s, anddrug s, 300 of which were his own original discoveries. His work was also influential inEurope after it was translated intoLatin in 1758. [Diane Boulanger (2002), "The Islamic Contribution to Science, Mathematics and Technology", "OISE Papers", in "STSE Education", Vol. 3.] Russell McNeil, [http://www.mala.bc.ca/~mcneil/baitart.htm Ibn al-Baitar] ,Malaspina University-College .]Medicine
physician s made many significant advances and contributions tomedicine , includinganatomy ,ophthalmology ,pathology , thepharmaceutical sciences (includingpharmacy andpharmacology ),physiology , andsurgery . Muslim physicians set up some of the earliest dedicatedhospital s, which later spread to Europe during theCrusade s, inspired by the hospitals in the Middle East.George Sarton , "Introduction to the History of Science".
(cf. Dr. A. Zahoor and Dr. Z. Haq (1997), [http://www.cyberistan.org/islamic/Introl1.html Quotations From Famous Historians of Science] , Cyberistan.]Al-Kindi wrote "De Gradibus ", in which he first demonstrated the application ofquantification and mathematics to medicine, particularly in the field of pharmacology. This includes the development of a mathematical scale to quantify the strength ofdrug s, and a system that would allow a doctor to determine in advance the most critical days of a patient's illness. [Felix Klein-Frank (2001), "Al-Kindi", inOliver Leaman andHossein Nasr , "History of Islamic Philosophy", p. 172.Routledge , London.] Razi (Rhazes) (865-925), a pioneer ofpediatrics , [David W. Tschanz, PhD (2003), "Arab Roots of European Medicine", "Heart Views" 4 (2).] recordedclinical cases of his own experience and provided very useful recordings of variousdisease s. His "Comprehensive Book of Medicine", which introducedmeasles andsmallpox , was very influential in Europe. In his "Doubts about Galen", al-Razi was also the first to prove bothGalen 's theory ofhumorism andAristotle 's theory ofclassical element s false using experimentation.G. Stolyarov II (2002), "Rhazes: The Thinking Western Physician", "The Rational Argumentator", Issue VI.] He also introducedurinalysis andstool test s. [Rafik Berjak and Muzaffar Iqbal, "Ibn Sina—Al-Biruni correspondence", "Islam & Science", December 2003.]Abu al-Qasim (Abulcasis), considered a pioneer of modernsurgery , [A. Martin-Araguz, C. Bustamante-Martinez, Ajo V. Fernandez-Armayor, J. M. Moreno-Martinez (2002). "Neuroscience in al-Andalus and its influence on medieval scholastic medicine", "Revista de neurología" 34 (9), p. 877-892.] wrote the "Al-Tasrif " (1000 ), a 30-volume medicalencyclopedia which was taught at Muslim and Europeanmedical school s until the 17th century. He invented numeroussurgical instruments , including the first instruments unique to women,Bashar Saad, Hassan Azaizeh, Omar Said (October 2005). "Tradition and Perspectives of Arab Herbal Medicine: A Review", "Evidence-based Complementary and Alternative Medicine" 2 (4), p. 475-479 [476] .Oxford University Press .] as well as the surgical uses ofcatgut andforceps , the ligature,surgical needle ,scalpel ,curette , retractor, surgicalspoon , sound, surgicalhook , surgicalrod , and specula, [Khaled al-Hadidi (1978), "The Role of Muslim Scholars in Oto-rhino-Laryngology", "The Egyptian Journal of O.R.L." 4 (1), p. 1-15. (cf. [http://muslimheritage.com/topics/default.cfm?ArticleID=674 Ear, Nose and Throat Medical Practice in Muslim Heritage] , Foundation for Science Technology and Civilization.)] bonesaw , andplaster . [Zafarul-Islam Khan, [http://milligazette.com/Archives/15-1-2000/Art5.htm At The Threshhold Of A New Millennium – II] , "The Milli Gazette".] In 1021,Ibn al-Haytham (Alhacen) made important advances ineye surgery , as he studied and correctly explained the process ofsight andvisual perception for the first time in his "Book of Optics " (1021).Avicenna , who was a pioneer ofexperimental medicine and was also an influential thinker and medical scholar, wrote "The Canon of Medicine " (1025) and "The Book of Healing " (1027), which remained standard textbooks in both Muslim and European universities until at least the 17th century. Avicenna's contributions include the introduction of systematicexperiment ation andquantification into the study ofphysiology , [Katharine Park (March 1990). "Avicenna in Renaissance Italy: The Canon and Medical Teaching in Italian Universities after 1500" by Nancy G. Siraisi", "The Journal of Modern History" 62 (1), p. 169-170.] the discovery of the contagious nature ofinfectious disease s, the introduction ofquarantine to limit the spread of contagious diseases, the introduction ofexperimental medicine , [citation|journal=European Review|year=2008|volume=16|pages=219–27|publisher=Cambridge University Press |title=Islamic Pharmacology in the Middle Ages: Theories and Substances|first=Danielle|last=Jacquart|doi=10.1017/S1062798708000215]evidence-based medicine ,clinical trial s, [David W. Tschanz, MSPH, PhD (August 2003). "Arab Roots of European Medicine", "Heart Views" 4 (2).]randomized controlled trial s, [Jonathan D. Eldredge (2003), "The Randomised Controlled Trial design: unrecognized opportunities for health sciences librarianship", "Health Information and Libraries Journal" 20, p. 34–44 [36] .] [Bernard S. Bloom, Aurelia Retbi, Sandrine Dahan, Egon Jonsson (2000), "Evaluation Of Randomized Controlled Trials On Complementary And Alternative Medicine", "International Journal of Technology Assessment in Health Care" 16 (1), p. 13–21 [19] .]efficacy tests, [D. Craig Brater and Walter J. Daly (2000), "Clinical pharmacology in the Middle Ages: Principles that presage the 21st century", "Clinical Pharmacology & Therapeutics" 67 (5), p. 447-450 [449] .] [Walter J. Daly and D. Craig Brater (2000), "Medieval contributions to the search for truth in clinical medicine", "Perspectives in Biology and Medicine" 43 (4), p. 530–540 [536] ,Johns Hopkins University Press .] andclinical pharmacology , [D. Craig Brater and Walter J. Daly (2000), "Clinical pharmacology in the Middle Ages: Principles that presage the 21st century", "Clinical Pharmacology & Therapeutics" 67 (5), p. 447-450 [448] .] the importance of dietetics and the influence of climate and environment on health, [ [http://www.unani.com/avicenna%20story%203.htm The Canon of Medicine] , The American Institute of Unani Medicine, 2003.] the distinction ofmediastinitis frompleurisy , the contagious nature ofphthisis andtuberculosis , the distribution ofdisease s bywater andsoil , and the first careful descriptions ofskin troubles,sexually transmitted disease s,perversion s, and nervousailment s, as well the use ofice to treatfever s, and the separation ofmedicine frompharmacology , which was important to the development of thepharmaceutical sciences .Ibn Zuhr (Avenzoar) is considered a pioneer ofexperiment al surgery, [Rabie E. Abdel-Halim (2006), "Contributions of Muhadhdhab Al-Deen Al-Baghdadi to the progress of medicine and urology", "Saudi Medical Journal" 27 (11): 1631-1641.] for introducing the experimental method into surgery in the 12th century, as he was the first to employanimal testing in order to experiment with surgical procedures before applying them to human patients.Rabie E. Abdel-Halim (2005), "Contributions of Ibn Zuhr (Avenzoar) to the progress of surgery: A study and translations from his book Al-Taisir", "Saudi Medical Journal 2005; Vol. 26 (9): 1333-1339".] He also performed the firstdissection s and postmortem autopsies on both humans as well as animals. [ [http://encyclopedia.farlex.com/Islamic+medicine Islamic medicine] , "Hutchinson Encyclopedia ".]In 1242,
Ibn al-Nafis , considered a pioneer of circulatory physiology, [Chairman's Reflections (2004), "Traditional Medicine Among Gulf Arabs, Part II: Blood-letting", "Heart Views" 5 (2), p. 74-85 [80] .] was the first to describepulmonary circulation andcoronary circulation , [Husain F. Nagamia (2003), "Ibn al-Nafīs: A Biographical Sketch of the Discoverer of Pulmonary and Coronary Circulation", "Journal of the International Society for the History of Islamic Medicine" 1, p. 22–28.] which form the basis of thecirculatory system , for which he is considered one of the greatestphysiologists in history. [George Sarton (cf. Dr. Paul Ghalioungui (1982), "The West denies Ibn Al Nafis's contribution to the discovery of the circulation", "Symposium on Ibn al-Nafis", Second International Conference on Islamic Medicine: Islamic Medical Organization, Kuwait)
(cf. [http://www.islamset.com/isc/nafis/drpaul.html The West denies Ibn Al Nafis's contribution to the discovery of the circulation] , "Encyclopedia of Islamic World")] He also described the earliest concept ofmetabolism , [Dr. Abu Shadi Al-Roubi (1982), "Ibn Al-Nafis as a philosopher", "Symposium on Ibn al-Nafis", Second International Conference on Islamic Medicine: Islamic Medical Organization, Kuwait (cf. [http://www.islamset.com/isc/nafis/drroubi.html Ibn al-Nafis As a Philosopher] , "Encyclopedia of Islamic World").] and developed new systems ofphysiology andpsychology to replace the Avicennian andGalen ic systems, while discrediting many of their erroneous theories on the four humours, pulsation, [Nahyan A. G. Fancy (2006), "Pulmonary Transit and Bodily Resurrection: The Interaction of Medicine, Philosophy and Religion in the Works of Ibn al-Nafīs (d. 1288)", p. 3 & 6, "Electronic Theses and Dissertations",University of Notre Dame . [http://etd.nd.edu/ETD-db/theses/available/etd-11292006-152615] ]bone s,muscle s,intestine s, sensory organs, bilious canals,esophagus ,stomach , etc. [Dr. Sulaiman Oataya (1982), "Ibn ul Nafis has dissected the human body", "Symposium on Ibn al-Nafis", Second International Conference on Islamic Medicine: Islamic Medical Organization, Kuwait (cf. [http://www.islamset.com/isc/nafis/index.html Ibn ul-Nafis has Dissected the Human Body] , "Encyclopedia of Islamic World").] Ibn al-Lubudi (1210-1267) rejected the theory of four humours supported byGalen andHippocrates , discovered that thebody and its preservation depend exclusively uponblood , rejected Galen's idea that women can producesperm , and discovered that the movement ofarteries are not dependent upon the movement of theheart , that the heart is the first organ to form in afetus ' body (rather than thebrain as claimed by Hippocrates), and that thebone s forming theskull can grow intotumor s. [L. Leclerc (1876), "Histoire de la medecine Arabe", vol. 2, p. 161,Paris .
(cf. Salah Zaimeche, [http://www.muslimheritage.com/topics/default.cfm?ArticleID=497 The Scholars of Aleppo: Al Mahassin, Al Urdi, Al-Lubudi, Al-Halabi] , Foundation for Science Technology and Civilisation)]The "Tashrih al-badan" ("Anatomy of the body") of
Mansur ibn Ilyas (c. 1390) contained comprehensive diagrams of the body's structural, nervous andcirculatory system s. [Harv|Turner|1997|pp=136—138] During theBlack Death bubonic plague in 14th centuryal-Andalus , Ibn Khatima and Ibn al-Khatib hypothesized that infectious diseases are caused by "contagious entities" which enter the human body. [Ibrahim B. Syed, Ph.D. (2002). "Islamic Medicine: 1000 years ahead of its times", "Journal of the International Society for the History of Islamic Medicine" 2, p. 2-9.] Other medical innovations first introduced by Muslim physicians include the discovery of theimmune system , the use ofanimal testing , and the combination of medicine with otherscience s (includingagriculture ,botany ,chemistry , andpharmacology ), as well as the invention of the injectionsyringe by Ammar ibn Ali al-Mawsili in 9th centuryIraq , the firstdrugstore s inBaghdad (754), the distinction between medicine and pharmacy by the 12th century, and the discovery of at least 2,000 medicinal andchemical substance s. [S. Hadzovic (1997). "Pharmacy and the great contribution of Arab-Islamic science to its development", "Medicinski Arhiv" 51 (1-2), p. 47-50.]Formal sciences
Islamic law placed importance on formulating standards ofargument , which gave rise to a novel approach tologic inKalam , but this approach was later influenced by ideas fromGreek philosophy andHellenistic philosophy with the rise of theMu'tazili theologians, who highly valuedAristotle 's "Organon ". The works of Hellenistic-influenced Islamic philosophers were crucial in the reception of Aristotelian logic in medieval Europe, along with the commentaries on the "Organon" byAverroes . The works ofal-Farabi ,Avicenna ,al-Ghazali and other Muslim logicians who often criticized and corrected Aristotelian logic and introduced their own forms of logic, also played a central role in the subsequent development of medieval European logic.Islamic logic not only included the study of formal patterns of
inference and their validity but also elements of the philosophy of language and elements ofepistemology andmetaphysics . Due to disputes withArabic grammar ians, Islamic philosophers were very interested in working out the relationship between logic and language, and they devoted much discussion to the question of the subject matter and aims of logic in relation to reasoning and speech. In the area of formal logical analysis, they elaborated upon the theory of terms,proposition s andsyllogism s. They considered the syllogism to be the form to which all rational argumentation could be reduced, and they regarded syllogistic theory as the focal point of logic. Evenpoetics was considered as a syllogistic art in some fashion by many major Islamic logicians.Important developments made by Muslim logicians included the development of "Avicennian logic" as a replacement of Aristotelian logic.
Avicenna 's system of logic was responsible for the introduction ofhypothetical syllogism ,Lenn Evan Goodman (2003), "Islamic Humanism", p. 155,Oxford University Press , ISBN 0195135806.] temporalmodal logic , [ [http://www.britannica.com/ebc/article-65928 History of logic: Arabic logic] , "Encyclopædia Britannica ".] [Dr. Lotfollah Nabavi, [http://public.ut.ac.ir/html/fac/lit/articles.html Sohrevardi's Theory of Decisive Necessity and kripke's QSS System] , "Journal of Faculty of Literature and Human Sciences".] and inductive logic. [ [http://www.islamherald.com/asp/explore/science/science_muslim_scientists.asp Science and Muslim Scientists] , Islam Herald.] [Wael B. Hallaq (1993), "Ibn Taymiyya Against the Greek Logicians", p. 48.Oxford University Press , ISBN 0198240430.] Other important developments in Islamic philosophy include the development of a strict science of citation, theisnad or "backing", and the development of a scientific method of open inquiry to disprove claims, theijtihad , which could be generally applied to many types of questions. From the 12th century, despite the logical sophistication ofal-Ghazali , the rise of the Asharite school in the late Middle Ages slowly limited original work on logic in the Islamic world, though it did continue into the 15th century.Mathematics
John J. O'Connor and Edmund F. Robertson wrote in the "
MacTutor History of Mathematics archive ":Al-Khwarizmi (780-850), from whose name the word
algorithm derives, contributed significantly toalgebra , which is named after his book, "Kitab al-Jabr", the first book onelementary algebra . [Harv|Eglash|1999|p=61] He also introduced what is now known asArabic numerals , which originally came from India, though Muslim mathematicians did make several refinements to the number system, such as the introduction of decimal point notation.Al-Kindi (801-873) was a pioneer incryptanalysis andcryptology . He gave the first known recorded explanations ofcryptanalysis and frequency analysis in "A Manuscript on Deciphering Cryptographic Messages". [Simon Singh, "The Code Book", p. 14-20.] [cite web |url=http://www.muslimheritage.com/topics/default.cfm?ArticleID=372 |title=Al-Kindi, Cryptgraphy, Codebreaking and Ciphers |accessdate=2007-01-12 |format=HTML]The first known proof by
mathematical induction appears in a book written byAl-Karaji around 1000 AD, who used it to prove thebinomial theorem ,Pascal's triangle , and the sum ofintegral cubes. [Victor J. Katz (1998). "History of Mathematics: An Introduction", p. 255-259.Addison-Wesley . ISBN 0321016181.] Thehistorian of mathematics, F. Woepcke, [F. Woepcke (1853). "Extrait du Fakhri, traité d'Algèbre par Abou Bekr Mohammed Ben Alhacan Alkarkhi".Paris .] praised Al-Karaji for being "the first who introduced thetheory ofalgebra iccalculus ."Ibn al-Haytham was the first mathematician to derive the formula for the sum of thefourth power s, and using the method of induction, he developed a method for determining the general formula for the sum of any integral powers, which was fundamental to the development of integral calculus. [Victor J. Katz (1995). "Ideas of Calculus in Islam and India", "Mathematics Magazine" 68 (3), p. 163-174.] The 11th century poet-mathematicianOmar Khayyám was the first to find general geometric solutions ofcubic equation s and laid the foundations for the development ofanalytic geometry ,algebraic geometry andnon-Euclidean geometry .Sharaf al-Din al-Tusi (1135-1213) found algebraic and numerical solutions to cubic equations and was the first to discover thederivative of cubic polynomials, an important result in differential calculus. [J. L. Berggren (1990). "Innovation and Tradition in Sharaf al-Din al-Tusi's Muadalat", "Journal of the American Oriental Society" 110 (2), p. 304-309.]Other achievements of Muslim mathematicians include the invention of
spherical trigonometry , [cite book |last=Syed |first=M. H. |title=Islam and Science |year=2005 |publisher=Anmol Publications PVT. LTD. |isbn=8-1261-1345-6 |pages=71] the discovery of all thetrigonometric function s besides sine and cosine, early inquiry which aided the development ofanalytic geometry byIbn al-Haytham , the first refutations ofEuclidean geometry and theparallel postulate byNasīr al-Dīn al-Tūsī , the first attempt at anon-Euclidean geometry by Sadr al-Din, the development of symbolic algebra byAbū al-Hasan ibn Alī al-Qalasādī , [MacTutor Biography|id=Al-Qalasadi|title=Abu'l Hasan ibn Ali al Qalasadi] and numerous other advances in algebra,arithmetic , calculus,cryptography ,geometry ,number theory andtrigonometry .Natural sciences
Islamic astrology, in Arabic "ilm al-nujum" is the study of the heavens by early
Muslim s. In early Arabic sources, "ilm al-nujum" was used to refer to bothastronomy andastrology . Inmedieval sources, however, a clear distinction was made between "ilm al-nujum" (science of the stars) or "ilm al-falak" (science of the celestial orbs), referring to astrology, and" ilm al-haya" (science of the figure of the heavens), referring to astronomy. Both fields were rooted in Greek, Persian, and Indian traditions. Despite consistent critiques of astrology by scientists and religious scholars, astrological prognostications required a fair amount of exact scientific knowledge and thus gave partial incentive for the study and development of astronomy.The first
semantic distinction between astronomy andastrology was given byal-Biruni in the 11th century, though he himself refuted the study of astrology.S. Pines (September 1964). "The Semantic Distinction between the Terms Astronomy and Astrology according to al-Biruni", "Isis" 55 (3), p. 343-349.] The study of astrology was also refuted by other Muslim astronomers at the time, includingal-Farabi ,Ibn al-Haytham ,Avicenna andAverroes . Their reasons for refuting astrology were both due to the methods used by astrologers beingconjectural rather thanempirical and also due to the views of astrologers conflicting with orthodoxIslam . [Harv|Saliba|1994|pp=60 & 67-69]Astronomy
Nasir al-Din Tusi was apolymath who resolved significant problems in the Ptolemaic system with theTusi-couple , which played an important role inCopernican heliocentrism .]In
astronomy , the works of Egyptian/Greek astronomerPtolemy , particularly the "Almagest ", and the Indian work ofBrahmagupta , were significantly refined over the years byMuslim astronomers. The astronomical tables of Al-Khwarizmi and ofMaslamah Ibn Ahmad al-Majriti served as important sources of information forLatin ized European thinkers rediscovering the works of astronomy, where extensive interest in astrology was discouraged.In the 11th century, Muslim astronomers began questioning the
Ptolemaic system , beginning withIbn al-Haytham , and they were the first to conduct elaborateexperiment s related to astronomical phenomena, beginning withAbū al-Rayhān al-Bīrūnī 's introduction of the experimental method into astronomy.Dr. A. Zahoor (1997), [http://www.unhas.ac.id/~rhiza/saintis/biruni.html Abu Raihan Muhammad al-Biruni] ,Hasanuddin University .] Many of them made changes and corrections to the Ptolemaic model and proposed alternative non-Ptolemaic models within a geocentric framework. In particular, the corrections and critiques ofal-Battani ,Ibn al-Haytham , andAverroes , and the non-Ptolemaic models of the Maragha astronomers,Nasir al-Din al-Tusi (Tusi-couple ),Mo'ayyeduddin Urdi (Urdi lemma), andIbn al-Shatir , were later adapted into the heliocentric Copernican model, [M. Gill (2005). [http://www.chowk.com/show_article.cgi?aid=00005502&channel=university%20ave Was Muslim Astronomy the Harbinger of Copernicanism?] ] [Richard Covington (May-June 2007). "Rediscovering Arabic science", "Saudi Aramco World ", p. 2-16.] and thatCopernicus ' arguments for theEarth's rotation were similar to those of al-Tusi andAli al-Qushji . Some have referred to the achievements of the Maragha school as a "Maragha Revolution", "Maragha School Revolution", or "Scientific Revolution before the Renaissance".Other contributions from Muslim astronomers include
Biruni speculating that theMilky Way galaxy is a collection of numerous nebulousstar s, the development of a planetary model without any epicycles byIbn Bajjah (Avempace), [Bernard R. Goldstein (March 1972). "Theory and Observation in Medieval Astronomy", "Isis" 63 (1), p. 39-47 [40-41] .] the optical writings of Ibn al-Haytham having laid the foundations for the later European development of telescopic astronomy, [O. S. Marshall (1950). "Alhazen and the Telescope", "Astronomical Society of the Pacific Leaflets" 6, pp. 4-11.] the development of universalastrolabe s, [cite book |last=Krebs |first=Robert E. |title=Groundbreaking Scientific Experiments, Inventions, and Discoveries of the Middle Ages and the Renaissance |year=2004 |publisher=Greenwood Press |isbn=0-3133-2433-6 |pages=196] the invention of numerous other astronomical instruments, continuation of inquiry into the motion of the planets,Ja'far Muhammad ibn Mūsā ibn Shākir 's discovery that the heavenly bodies andcelestial spheres are subject to the samephysical law s asEarth ,George Saliba (1994). "Early Arabic Critique of Ptolemaic Cosmology: A Ninth-Century Text on the Motion of the Celestial Spheres", "Journal for the History of Astronomy" 25, p. 115-141 [116] .] the first elaborateexperiment s related to astronomical phenomena and the firstsemantic distinction between astronomy andastrology byAbū al-Rayhān al-Bīrūnī ,the use of exactingempirical observations and experimental techniques, [Toby Huff, "The Rise of Early Modern Science", p. 326.Cambridge University Press , ISBN 0521529948.] the discovery that thecelestial spheres are notsolid and that the heavens are less dense than the air by Ibn al-Haytham, [Edward Rosen (1985), "The Dissolution of the Solid Celestial Spheres", "Journal of the History of Ideas" 46 (1), p. 13-31 [19-20, 21] .] the separation ofnatural philosophy from astronomy by Ibn al-Haytham [Roshdi Rashed (2007). "The Celestial Kinematics of Ibn al-Haytham", "Arabic Sciences and Philosophy" 17, p. 7-55.Cambridge University Press .] and al-Qushji,the rejection of the Ptolemaic model on empirical rather thanphilosophical grounds by Ibn al-Shatir,and the first empiricalobservation al evidence of theEarth's rotation by al-Tusi and al-Qushji.F. Jamil Ragep (2001), "Tusi and Copernicus: The Earth's Motion in Context", "Science in Context" 14 (1-2), p. 145–163.Cambridge University Press .] Several Muslim astronomers also discussed the possibility of a heliocentric model with elliptical orbits, [SeyyedHossein Nasr (1964), "An Introduction to Islamic Cosmological Doctrines," (Cambridge: Belknap Press of the Harvard University Press), p. 135-136] such asJa'far ibn Muhammad Abu Ma'shar al-Balkhi ,Ibn al-Haytham ,Abū al-Rayhān al-Bīrūnī ,al-Sijzi , 'Umar al-Katibi al-Qazwini , andQutb al-Din al-Shirazi . [A. Baker and L. Chapter (2002), "Part 4: The Sciences". In M. M. Sharif, "A History of Muslim Philosophy", "Philosophia Islamica".]Chemistry
The 9th century
chemist ,Geber (Jabir ibn Hayyan), is considered a pioneer ofchemistry , [citation|first=Zygmunt S.|last=Derewenda|year=2007|title=On wine, chirality and crystallography|journal=Acta Crystallographica Section A: Foundations of Crystallography|volume=64|pages=246–258 [247] |doi=10.1107/S0108767307054293] [John Warren (2005). "War and the Cultural Heritage of Iraq: a sadly mismanaged affair", "Third World Quarterly", Volume 26, Issue 4 & 5, p. 815-830.] Paul Vallely, [http://findarticles.com/p/articles/mi_qn4158/is_20060311/ai_n16147544 How Islamic Inventors Changed the World] , "The Independent ", 11 March 2006.] for introducing an earlyexperiment al method for chemistry, as well as thealembic ,still ,retort , puredistillation ,liquefaction ,crystallisation ,purification ,oxidisation ,evaporation , andfiltration .Al-Kindi was the first to refute the study of traditionalalchemy and the theory of the transmutation of metals, [Felix Klein-Frank (2001), "Al-Kindi", inOliver Leaman &Hossein Nasr , "History of Islamic Philosophy", p. 174. London:Routledge .] followed byAbū Rayhān al-Bīrūnī , [Michael E. Marmura (1965). "An Introduction to Islamic Cosmological Doctrines. Conceptions of Nature and Methods Used for Its Study by the Ikhwan Al-Safa'an, Al-Biruni, and Ibn Sina" by SeyyedHossein Nasr ", "Speculum" 40 (4), p. 744-746.]Avicenna , [Robert Briffault (1938). "The Making of Humanity", p. 196-197.] andIbn Khaldun . Avicenna also inventedsteam distillation and produced the firstessential oil s, which led to the development ofaromatherapy . Razi first distilledpetroleum , inventedkerosene andkerosene lamp s,soap bar s and modern recipes forsoap , andantiseptic s. In his "Doubts about Galen", al-Razi was also the first to prove bothAristotle 's theory ofclassical element s andGalen 's theory ofhumorism wrong using an experimental method. In the 13th century,Nasīr al-Dīn al-Tūsī stated an early version of the law ofconservation of mass , noting that a body ofmatter is able to change, but is not able to disappear. [Farid Alakbarov (Summer 2001). [http://azer.com/aiweb/categories/magazine/92_folder/92_articles/92_tusi.html A 13th-Century Darwin? Tusi's Views on Evolution] , "Azerbaijan International" 9 (2).]Will Durant wrote in "The Story of Civilization IV: The Age of Faith":George Sarton wrote in the "Introduction to the History of Science":Earth sciences
Muslim scientists made a number of contributions to the
Earth science s.Alkindus was the first to introduceexperiment ation into the Earth sciences.Plinio Prioreschi, "Al-Kindi, A Precursor Of The Scientific Revolution", "Journal of the International Society for the History of Islamic Medicine", 2002 (2): 17-19.]Biruni is considered a pioneer ofgeodesy for his important contributions to the field, [H. Mowlana (2001). "Information in the Arab World", "Cooperation South Journal" 1.] along with his significant contributions togeography andgeology .Among his writings on geology, Biruni wrote the following on the
geology of India :John J. O'Connor and Edmund F. Robertson write in the "
MacTutor History of Mathematics archive ":Fielding H. Garrison wrote in the "History of Medicine":George Sarton wrote in the "Introduction to the History of Science":In
geology ,Avicenna hypothesized on two causes ofmountain s in "The Book of Healing " (1027) and developed thelaw of superposition and concept of uniformitarianism. [Toulmin, S. and Goodfield, J. (1965), "The Ancestry of science: The Discovery of Time", Hutchinson & Co., London, p. 64 (cf. [http://muslimheritage.com/topics/default.cfm?ArticleID=319 Contribution of Ibn Sina to the development of Earth Sciences] )] cite web|author=Munim M. Al-Rawi andSalim Al-Hassani |title=The Contribution of Ibn Sina (Avicenna) to the development of Earth sciences|publisher=FSTC|url=http://www.muslimheritage.com/uploads/ibnsina.pdf|date=November 2002|accessdate=2008-07-01] Incartography , thePiri Reis map drawn by the Ottoman cartographerPiri Reis in 1513, was one of the earliestworld map s to include theAmericas , and perhaps the first to includeAntarctica . His map of the world was considered the most accurate in the 16th century.The earliest known treatises dealing with
environmentalism andenvironmental science , especiallypollution , were Arabic treatises written byal-Kindi ,al-Razi ,Ibn Al-Jazzar ,al-Tamimi ,al-Masihi ,Avicenna ,Ali ibn Ridwan ,Abd-el-latif , andIbn al-Nafis . Their works covered a number of subjects related to pollution such asair pollution ,water pollution ,soil contamination ,municipal solid waste mishandling, andenvironmental impact assessment s of certain localities. [L. Gari (2002), "Arabic Treatises on Environmental Pollution up to the End of the Thirteenth Century", "Environment and History" 8 (4), pp. 475-488.] Cordoba,al-Andalus also had the firstwaste container s andwaste disposal facilities forlitter collection. [S. P. Scott (1904), "History of the Moorish Empire in Europe", 3 vols, J. B. Lippincott Company, Philadelphia and London.
F. B. Artz (1980), "The Mind of the Middle Ages", Third edition revised,University of Chicago Press , pp 148-50.
(cf. [http://www.1001inventions.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=main.viewSection&intSectionID=441 References] , 1001 Inventions)]Physics
In the
optics field ofphysics ,Ibn Sahl (c. 940-1000), a mathematician and physicist connected with the court ofBaghdad , wrote a treatise "On Burning Mirrors and Lenses" in 984 in which he set out his understanding of howcurved mirror s and lenses bend and focuslight . Ibn Sahl is now credited with first discovering the law ofrefraction , usually calledSnell's law . [K. B. Wolf, "Geometry and dynamics in refracting systems", "European Journal of Physics" 16, p. 14-20, 1995.] R. Rashed, "A pioneer in anaclastics: Ibn Sahl on burning mirrors and lenses", "Isis" 81, p. 464–491, 1990.] He used this law to work out the shapes of lenses that focus light with no geometric aberrations, known asanaclastic lens es.Ibn al-Haytham (Alhazen) (965-1039), who is considered a pioneer ofoptics and thescientific method , developed a broad theory oflight andoptics in his "Book of Optics " which explained vision, usinggeometry andanatomy , and stated that each point on an illuminated area or object radiateslight rays in every direction, but that only one ray from each point, which strikes the eye perpendicularly, can be seen. The other rays strike at different angles and are not seen. He used the example of thecamera obscura andpinhole camera , which produces an inverted image, to support his argument. This contradicted Ptolemy's theory of vision that objects are seen by rays of light emanating from the eyes. Alhacen held light rays to be streams of minute particles that travelled at a finite speed. He improved accurately described the refraction of light, and discovered the laws ofrefraction . He dealt at length with the theory of various physical phenomena likeshadow s,eclipse s, and therainbow . He also attempted to explainbinocular vision and themoon illusion . Through these extensive researches on optics, he is considered a pioneer of modernoptics . His "Book of Optics " was later translated intoLatin , and has been ranked alongsideIsaac Newton 's "Philosophiae Naturalis Principia Mathematica " as one of the most influential books in thehistory of physics , [ H. Salih, M. Al-Amri, M. El Gomati (2005). "The Miracle of Light", "A World of Science" 3 (3).UNESCO .] for initiating a revolution inoptics citation|last1=Sabra|first1=A. I.|author1-link=A. I. Sabra|last2=Hogendijk|first2=J. P.|title=The Enterprise of Science in Islam: New Perspectives|pages=85–118|publisher=MIT Press |isbn=0262194821] andvisual perception .Citation |last=Hatfield |first=Gary |contribution=Was the Scientific Revolution Really a Revolution in Science? |editor1-last=Ragep |editor1-first=F. J. |editor2-last=Ragep |editor2-first=Sally P. |editor3-last=Livesey |editor3-first=Steven John |year=1996 |title=Tradition, Transmission, Transformation: Proceedings of Two Conferences on Pre-modern Science held at the University of Oklahoma |publisher=Brill Publishers |isbn=9004091262 |pages=500]Avicenna (980-1037) agreed that thespeed of light is finite, as he "observed that if the perception of light is due to the emission of some sort of particles by a luminous source, the speed of light must be finite." [George Sarton , "Introduction to the History of Science", Vol. 1, p. 710.]Abū Rayhān al-Bīrūnī (973-1048) also agreed that light has a finite speed, and he was the first to discover that the speed of light is much faster than thespeed of sound .Qutb al-Din al-Shirazi (1236-1311) andKamāl al-Dīn al-Fārisī (1260-1320) gave the first correct explanations for therainbow phenomenon. [MacTutor|id=Al-Farisi|title=Al-Farisi]In
mechanics ,Ja'far Muhammad ibn Mūsā ibn Shākir (800-873) of theBanū Mūsā hypothesized that heavenly bodies andcelestial spheres were subject to the same laws of physics asEarth , and in his "Astral Motion" and "The Force of Attraction", he also hypothesized that there was aforce of attraction between heavenly bodies. [K. A. Waheed (1978). "Islam and The Origins of Modern Science", p. 27. Islamic Publication Ltd., Lahore.]Abū Rayhān al-Bīrūnī (973-1048), and lateral-Khazini , developedexperiment alscientific method s for mechanics, especially the fields ofstatics anddynamics , particularly for determiningspecific weight s, such as those based on the theory ofbalance s and weighing. Muslim physicists unified statics and dynamics into the science of mechanics, and they combined the fields ofhydrostatics with dynamics to give birth tohydrodynamics . They applied the mathematical theories ofratio s andinfinitesimal techniques, and introducedalgebra ic and finecalculation techniques into the field of statics. They were also generalized the theory of thecentre of gravity and applied it to three-dimensional bodies. They also founded the theory of thelever and created the "science ofgravity " which was later further developed in medieval Europe. [Mariam Rozhanskaya and I. S. Levinova (1996), "Statics", p. 642, in Harv|Morelon|Rashed|1996|pp=614-642: quote|"Using a whole body of mathematical methods (not only those inherited from the antique theory of ratios and infinitesimal techniques, but also the methods of the contemporary algebra and fine calculation techniques), Arabic scientists raised statics to a new, higher level. The classical results of Archimedes in the theory of the centre of gravity were generalized and applied to three-dimensional bodies, the theory of ponderable lever was founded and the 'science of gravity' was created and later further developed in medieval Europe. The phenomena of statics were studied by using the dynamic apporach so that two trends - statics and dynamics - turned out to be inter-related withina single science, mechanics. The combination of the dynamic apporach with Archimedean hydrostatics gave birth to a direction in science which may be called medieval hydrodynamics. [...] Numerous fine experimental methods were developed for determining the specific weight, which were based, in particular, on the theory of balances and weighing. The classical works of al-Biruni and al-Khazini can by right be considered as the beginning of the application of experimental methods inmedieval science ."] Al-Biruni also theorized thatacceleration is connected with non-uniform motion.In mechanics,
Ibn al-Haytham discussed the theory of attraction betweenmass es, and it seems that he was aware of the magnitude ofacceleration due togravity , and he stated that the heavenly bodies "were accountable to the laws of physics". [Duhem, Pierre (1908, 1969). "To Save the Phenomena: An Essay on the Idea of Physical theory from Plato to Galileo", p. 28. University of Chicago Press, Chicago.] Ibn al-Haytham also enunciated the law ofinertia when he stated that a body moves perpetually unless an external force stops it or changes its direction of motion.Dr.Nader El-Bizri , "Ibn al-Haytham or Alhazen", in Josef W. Meri (2006), "Medieval Islamic Civilization: An Encyclopaedia", Vol. II, p. 343-345,Routledge , New York, London.] He also developed the concept ofmomentum , [SeyyedHossein Nasr , "The achievements of Ibn Sina in the field of science and his contributions to its philosophy", "Islam & Science", December 2003.] though he did not quantify this concept mathematically.Avicenna (980-1037) developed the concept ofmomentum , referring toimpetus as being proportional toweight timesvelocity .A. Sayili (1987), "Ibn Sīnā and Buridan on the Motion of the Projectile", "Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences" 500 (1), p. 477–482:quote|"Thus he considered impetus as proportional to weight times velocity. In other words, his conception of impetus comes very close to the concept of momentum of Newtonian mechanics."] His theory of motion was also consistent with the concept ofinertia inclassical mechanics .In 1121,
al-Khazini , in "The Book of the Balance of Wisdom", proposed that thegravity andgravitational potential energy of a body varies depending on its distance from the centre of the Earth, [Mariam Rozhanskaya and I. S. Levinova (1996), "Statics", p. 621, in Harv|Morelon|Rashed|1996|pp=614-642] and instatics , he clearly differentiated betweenforce ,mass andweight . [Salah Zaimeche PhD (2005). [http://www.muslimheritage.com/uploads/Merv.pdf Merv] , p. 5-7. Foundation for Science Technology and Civilization.] Avempace (d. 1138) argued that there is always a reaction force for every force exerted, [Shlomo Pines (1964), "La dynamique d’Ibn Bajja", in "Mélanges Alexandre Koyré", I, 442-468 [462, 468] , Paris
(cf. Abel B. Franco (October 2003), "Avempace, Projectile Motion, and Impetus Theory", "Journal of the History of Ideas" 64 (4): 521-546 [543] )] though he did not refer to the reaction force as being equal to the exerted force. [Abel B. Franco (October 2003), "Avempace, Projectile Motion, and Impetus Theory", "Journal of the History of Ideas" 64 (4):521-546 [543] )] His theory of motion had an important influence on later physicists likeGalileo Galilei . [Ernest A. Moody (1951). "Galileo and Avempace: The Dynamics of the Leaning Tower Experiment (I)", "Journal of the History of Ideas" 12 (2): 163-193 [.]Hibat Allah Abu'l-Barakat al-Baghdaadi (1080-1165) wrote a critique ofAristotelian physics entitled "al-Mu'tabar", where he negatedAristotle 's idea that a constantforce produces uniform motion, as he theorized that a force applied continuously producesacceleration . [cite encyclopedia |last=Shlomo Pines |title=Abu'l-Barakāt al-Baghdādī , Hibat Allah | encyclopedia =Dictionary of Scientific Biography |volume=1 |pages=26-28 |publisher=Charles Scribner's Sons |location=New York |date=1970 |isbn=0684101149
(cf. Abel B. Franco (October 2003). "Avempace, Projectile Motion, and Impetus Theory", "Journal of the History of Ideas" 64 (4), p. 521-546 [528] .)] He also described acceleration as the rate of change ofvelocity . [A. C. Crombie, "Augustine to Galileo 2", p. 67.]Averroes (1126–1198) defined and measuredforce as "the rate at which work is done in changing the kinetic condition of a material body" [Ernest A. Moody (June 1951). "Galileo and Avempace: The Dynamics of the Leaning Tower Experiment (II)", "Journal of the History of Ideas" 12 (3), p. 375-422 [375] .] and correctly argued "that the effect and measure of force is change in the kinetic condition of a materially resistantmass ." [Ernest A. Moody (June 1951). "Galileo and Avempace: The Dynamics of the Leaning Tower Experiment (II)", "Journal of the History of Ideas" 12 (3), p. 375-422 [380] .] In the early 16th century,al-Birjandi developed a hypothesis similar to "circular inertia." The Muslim developments in mechanics laid the foundations for the later development ofclassical mechanics in early modern Europe. [Mariam Rozhanskaya and I. S. Levinova (1996), "Statics", p. 642, in Harv|Morelon|Rashed|1996|pp=614-642: quote|"Arabic statics was an essential link in the progress of world science. It played an important part in the prehistory of classical mechanics in medieval Europe. Without it classical mechanics proper could probably not have been created."]Zoology
In the
zoology field ofbiology , Muslim biologists developed theories onevolution which were widely taught in medieval Islamic schools.John William Draper , a contemporary ofCharles Darwin , considered the "Mohammedan theory of evolution" to be developed "much farther than we are disposed to do, extending them even to inorganic ormineral things." According toal-Khazini , ideas on evolution were widespread among "common people" in the Islamic world by the 12th century. [John William Draper (1878). "History of the Conflict Between Religion and Science", p. 154-155, 237. ISBN 1603030964.]The first Muslim biologist to develop a theory on evolution was
al-Jahiz (781-869). He wrote on the effects of the environment on the likelihood of an animal to survive, and he first described the struggle for existence. [Conway Zirkle (1941). Natural Selection before the "Origin of Species", "Proceedings of the American Philosophical Society" 84 (1), p. 71-123.] [Mehmet Bayrakdar (Third Quarter, 1983). "Al-Jahiz And the Rise of Biological Evolutionism", "The Islamic Quarterly".London .] Al-Jahiz was also the first to discussfood chain s, [Frank N. Egerton, "A History of the Ecological Sciences, Part 6: Arabic Language Science - Origins and Zoological", "Bulletin of the Ecological Society of America", April 2002: 142-146 [143] ] and was also an early adherent ofenvironmental determinism , arguing that the environment can determine the physical characteristics of the inhabitants of a certain community and that the origins of differenthuman skin color s is the result of the environment. [Lawrence I. Conrad (1982), "Taun and Waba: Conceptions of Plague and Pestilence in Early Islam", "Journal of the Economic and Social History of the Orient" 25 (3), pp. 268-307 [278] .]Ibn al-Haytham wrote a book in which he argued forevolutionism (although not natural selection), and numerous other Islamic scholars and scientists, such asIbn Miskawayh , theBrethren of Purity ,al-Khazini ,Abū Rayhān al-Bīrūnī ,Nasir al-Din Tusi , andIbn Khaldun , discussed and developed these ideas. Translated into Latin, these works began to appear in the West after theRenaissance and appear to have had an impact on Western science.Ibn Miskawayh 's "al-Fawz al-Asghar" and theBrethren of Purity 's "Encyclopedia of the Brethren of Purity " ("The Epistles of Ikhwan al-Safa") expressed evolutionary ideas on how species evolved frommatter , intovapor , and thenwater , thenmineral s, thenplant s, thenanimal s, thenape s, and thenhuman s. These works were known in Europe and likely had an influence onDarwinism .Muhammad Hamidullah and Afzal Iqbal (1993), "The Emergence of Islam: Lectures on the Development of Islamic World-view, Intellectual Tradition and Polity", p. 143-144. Islamic Research Institute, Islamabad.]ocial sciences
Sociology and Antropology
Significant contributions were made to the
social sciences in the Islamic civilization.Abū al-Rayhān al-Bīrūnī (973-1048) has been described as "the first anthropologist".Akbar S. Ahmed (1984). "Al-Beruni: The First Anthropologist", "RAIN" 60, p. 9-10.] He wrote detailed comparative studies on theanthropology of peoples, religions and cultures in theMiddle East , Mediterranean andSouth Asia . Biruni's anthropology of religion was only possible for a scholar deeply immersed in the lore of other nations. [J. T. Walbridge (1998). "Explaining Away the Greek Gods in Islam", "Journal of the History of Ideas" 59 (3), p. 389-403.] Biruni has also been praised by several scholars for hisIslam ic anthropology. [Richard Tapper (1995). "Islamic Anthropology" and the "Anthropology of Islam", "Anthropological Quarterly" 68 (3), Anthropological Analysis and Islamic Texts, p. 185-193.] Biruni is also considered a pioneer ofIndology . [Zafarul-Islam Khan, [http://milligazette.com/Archives/15-1-2000/Art5.htm At The Threshhold Of A New Millennium – II] , "The Milli Gazette".]Al-Saghani (d. 990) wrote some of the earliest comments on thehistory of science , which included a comparison between the more theoretical approach of the "ancients" (including theancient Egypt ians,Babylonia ns,Greeks and Indians) to that of the moreexperiment al approach of the "modern scholars" (the Muslim scientists of his time). [Franz Rosenthal (1950). "Al-Asturlabi and as-Samaw'al on Scientific Progress", "Osiris" 9, p. 555-564 [559] .]Al-Muqaddasi (b. 945) also made contributions to the social sciences.Ibn Khaldun (1332-1406) is considered a forerunner of severalsocial sciences [Akbar Ahmed (2002). "Ibn Khaldun’s Understanding of Civilizations and the Dilemmas of Islam and the West Today", "Middle East Journal" 56 (1), p. 25.] such asdemography ,H. Mowlana (2001). "Information in the Arab World", "Cooperation South Journal" 1.]cultural history , [Mohamad Abdalla (Summer 2007). "Ibn Khaldun on the Fate of Islamic Science after the 11th Century", "Islam & Science" 5 (1), p. 61-70.]historiography , [Salahuddin Ahmed (1999). "A Dictionary of Muslim Names". C. Hurst & Co. Publishers. ISBN 1850653569.] thephilosophy of history ,Dr. S. W. Akhtar (1997). "The Islamic Concept of Knowledge", "Al-Tawhid: A Quarterly Journal of Islamic Thought & Culture" 12 (3).]sociology , andeconomics . [I. M. Oweiss (1988), "Ibn Khaldun, the Father of Economics", "Arab Civilization: Challenges and Responses",New York University Press , ISBN 0887066984.] [Jean David C. Boulakia (1971), "Ibn Khaldun: A Fourteenth-Century Economist", "The Journal of Political Economy" 79 (5): 1105-1118.] He is best known for his "Muqaddimah " (Latin ized as "Prolegomenon"). Some of the ideas he introduced in the "Muqaddimah" includesocial philosophy ,social conflict theories, social cohesion,social capital ,social network s,dialectic s, theLaffer curve , thehistorical method ,systemic bias , the rise and fall ofcivilization s,feedback loops,systems theory , andcorporate social responsibility . He also introduced the scientific method into the social sciences.Ibn Khaldun , Franz Rosenthal, N. J. Dawood (1967), "The Muqaddimah: An Introduction to History", p. x,Princeton University Press , ISBN 0691017549.]Franz Rosenthal wrote in the "History of Muslim Historiography":Psychology
psychology " [citation|title=Health and Illness from an Islamic Perspective|first=Majed A.|last=Ashy|journal=Journal of Religion and Health|volume=38|issue=3|date=Fall 1999|pages=241–57|doi=10.1023/A:1022984718794] or "Ilm-al Nafsiat" refers to the study of the "Nafs " ("self" or "psyche") in the Islamic world and encompassed a "broad range of topics including the "qalb " (heart), the "ruh " (spirit), the "aql" (intellect) and "irada" (will)."Amber Haque (2004), "Psychology from Islamic Perspective: Contributions of Early Muslim Scholars and Challenges to Contemporary Muslim Psychologists", "Journal of Religion and Health" 43 (4): 357-377 [358] ]Al-Kindi (Alkindus) was the first to experiment withmusic therapy ,cite web |url=http://www.muslimheritage.com/uploads/Music2.pdf |title=The Arab Contribution to the Music of the Western World |accessdate=2007-01-12 |format=PDF |author=Saoud, R] andAli ibn Sahl Rabban al-Tabari was the first to practice al-‘ilaj al-nafs" ("psychotherapy ").Amber Haque (2004), "Psychology from Islamic Perspective: Contributions of Early Muslim Scholars and Challenges to Contemporary Muslim Psychologists", "Journal of Religion and Health" 43 (4): 357-377 [361-363] ] The concepts of "al-tibb al-ruhani" ("spiritual health") and "mental hygiene" were introduced byAhmed ibn Sahl al-Balkhi ,Nurdeen Deuraseh and Mansor Abu Talib (2005), "Mental health in Islamic medical tradition", "The International Medical Journal" 4"' (2), p. 76-79.] who was "probably the first cognitive and medical psychologist to clearly differentiate betweenneuroses andpsychoses , to classify neurotic disorders, and to show in detail how rational and spiritual cognitive therapies can be used to treat each one of his classified disorders."Al-Razi (Rhazes) made significant advances inpsychiatry in his landmark texts "El-Mansuri" and "Al-Hawi", which presented definitions, symptoms and treatments formental illnesses and problems related to mental health. He also ran thepsychiatric ward of aBaghdad hospital. Such institutions could not exist in Europe at the time because of fear ofdemonic possession s.Ibrahim B. Syed PhD, "Islamic Medicine: 1000 years ahead of its times", "Journal of the International Society for the History of Islamic Medicine", 2002 (2), p. 2-9 [7] .]Al-Farabi wrote the first treatises onsocial psychology and dealt withconsciousness studies. Inal-Andalus ,Abulcasis pioneeredneurosurgery , whileIbn Zuhr (Avenzoar) gave the first accurate descriptions onneurological disorders and contributed to modernneuropharmacology , andAverroes suggested the existence ofParkinson's disease . [Martin-Araguz, A.; Bustamante-Martinez, C.; Fernandez-Armayor, Ajo V.; Moreno-Martinez, J. M. (2002). "Neuroscience in al-Andalus and its influence on medieval scholastic medicine", "Revista de neurología" 34 (9), p. 877-892.]Ali ibn Abbas al-Majusi discussed "the relationship between certain psychological events to the physiological changes in the body", whileAvicenna anticipated theword association test, discussedneuropsychiatry in "The Canon of Medicine ", [S Safavi-Abbasi, LBC Brasiliense, RK Workman (2007), "The fate of medical knowledge and the neurosciences during the time of Genghis Khan and the Mongolian Empire", "Neurosurgical Focus" 23 (1), E13, p. 3.] and described the firstthought experiment s onself-awareness andself-consciousness . [cite book|last=Nasr|first=Seyyed Hossein|authorlink=Seyyed Hossein Nasr|coauthors=Oliver Leaman |title=History of Islamic Philosophy|pages=315 & 1022-1023|publisher=Routledge|year=1996|isbn=0415131596]Ibn al-Haytham (Alhazen) is considered by some a forerunner ofexperimental psychology ,Omar Khaleefa (Summer 1999). "Who Is the Founder of Psychophysics and Experimental Psychology?", "American Journal of Islamic Social Sciences" 16 (2).] for his experimental work on the psychology ofvisual perception in the "Book of Optics ", where he was the firstscientist to argue that vision occurs in the brain, rather than the eyes. He pointed out that personal experience has an effect on what people see and how they see, and that vision and perception are subjective.Bradley Steffens (2006). "Ibn al-Haytham: First Scientist", Chapter 5. Morgan Reynolds Publishing. ISBN 1599350246.] He was also the first to combine physics and psychology to form psychophysics, and his investigations and experiments on psychology and visual perception includedsensation , variations insensitivity , sensation oftouch ,perception of colours, perception ofdarkness , the psychological explanation of themoon illusion , andbinocular vision .Biruni was also a pioneer ofexperimental psychology , as he was the first toempirical ly describe the concept ofreaction time . [Muhammad Iqbal , "The Reconstruction of Religious Thought in Islam ", "The Spirit of Muslim Culture" (cf. [http://www.allamaiqbal.com/works/prose/english/reconstruction] and [http://www.witness-pioneer.org/vil/Books/MI_RRTI/chapter_05.htm] )]Historiography of Islamic science
The history of science in the Islamic world, like all history, is filled with questions of interpretation. Historians of science generally consider that the study of Islamic science, like all history, must be seen within the particular circumstances of time and place.
A. I. Sabra opened a recent overview of Arabic science by noting, "I trust no one would wish to contest the proposition that all of history is local history ... and the history of science is no exception." [A. I. Sabra, Situating Arab Science: Locality versus Essence," "Isis", 87(1996):654-70; reprinted in Michael H. Shank, ed., The Scientific Enterprise in Antiquity and the Middle Ages," (Chicago: Univ. of Chicago Pr., 2000), pp. 215-231.]Some scholars avoid such local historical approaches and seek to identify essential relations between
Islam and science that apply at all times and places. ThePakistan i physicist,Pervez Hoodbhoy , portrayed "religious fanaticism to be the dominant relation of religion and science in Islam". Sociologist Toby Huff claimed that Islam lacked the "rationalist view of man and nature" that became dominant in Europe. The Persian philosopher and historian of science, SeyyedHossein Nasr saw a more positive connection in "an Islamic science that was spiritual and antisecular" which "point [ed] the way to a new 'Islamic science' that would avoid the dehumanizing and despiritualizing mistakes of Western science." [F. Jamil Ragep, "Freeing Astronomy from Philosophy: An Aspect of Islamic Influence on Science," "Osiris", topical issue on "Science in Theistic Contexts: Cognitive Dimensions", n.s. 16(2001):49-50, note 3] [citation|last=Nasr|first=Seyyed Hossein|author-link=Hossein Nasr|chapter=The Principles of Islam|title=Science and Civilization in Islam|year=1968|publisher=Harvard University Press |url=http://www.fordham.edu/halsall/med/nasr.html|accessdate=2008-02-03]Nasr identified a distinctly Muslim approach to science, flowing from Islamic monotheism and the related theological prohibition against portraying graven images. In science, this is reflected in a philosophical disinterest in describing individual material objects, their properties and characteristics and instead a concern with the ideal, the Platonic form, which exists in matter as an expression of the will of the Creator. Thus one can "see why mathematics was to make such a strong appeal to the Muslim: its abstract nature furnished the bridge that Muslims were seeking between multiplicity and unity." [ [http://www.fordham.edu/halsall/med/nasr.html Seyyed Hossein Nasr, "Science and Civilization in Islam".] ]
Some historians of science, however, question the value of drawing boundaries that label the sciences, and the scientists who practice them, in specific cultural, civilizational, or linguistic terms. Consider the case of
Nasir al-Din Tusi (1201–1274), who invented his mathematical theorem, the Tusi Couple, while he was director ofMaragheh observatory. Tusi's patron and founder of the observatory was the non-MuslimMongol conqueror of Baghdad,Hulagu Khan . The Tusi-couple "was first encountered in an Arabic text, written by a man who spoke Persian at home, and used that theorem, like many other astronomers who followed him and were all working in the "Arabic/Islamic" world, in order to reform classical Greek astronomy, and then have his theorem in turn be translated into Byzantine Greek towards the beginning of the fourteenth century, only to be used later by Copernicus and others in Latin texts of Renaissance Europe." [George Saliba (1999). [http://www.columbia.edu/%7Egas1/project/visions/case1/sci.1.html Whose Science is Arabic Science in Renaissance Europe?] ]See also
Timeline of Islamic science and technology
*List of Muslim scientists
**List of Arab scientists and scholars
**List of Iranian scientists and scholars
**List of Turkish Philosophers and scientists
*Islamic Golden Age
**Early Islamic philosophy
**Inventions in the Muslim world
**Muslim Agricultural Revolution
**Golden age of Jewish culture in Spain
*Islamic studies
*Latin translations of the 12th century
*Qur'an and science Notes
* Campbell, Donald (2001). "Arabian Medicine and Its Influence on the Middle Ages".
Routledge . (Reprint of the London, 1926 edition). ISBN 0415231884.
* d'Alverny, Marie-Thérèse. "Translations and Translators", in Robert L. Benson and Giles Constable, eds., "Renaissance and Renewal in the Twelfth Century", p. 421-462. Cambridge: Harvard Univ. Pr., 1982.
*Harvard reference |last=Eglash |first=Ron |year=1999 |title=African Fractals: Modern Computing and Indigenous Design |publisher=Rutgers University Press |isbn=0-8135-2614-0
*Harvard reference
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title=The Influence of the Islamic Law of Waqf on the Development of the Trust in England: The Case of Merton College
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*cite book |last=Graham |first=Mark |title=How Islam Created the Modern World |publisher=Amana Publication |year=2006 |id=ISBN 1-59008-043-2
*cite book |last=Hobson |first=John M. |authorlink=John Hobson |title=The Eastern Origins of Western Civilisation |publisher=Cambridge University Press |year=2004 |id=ISBN 0521547245
*Harvard reference
title=Equity and Trusts
publisher=Cavendish Publishing
*Harvard reference |last=Huff |first=Toby E. |title=The Rise of Early Modern Science: Islam, China, and the West |year=2003 |publisher=Cambridge University Press |id=ISBN 0521529948
* Joseph, George G. (2000). "The Crest of the Peacock".Princeton University Press . ISBN 0691006598.
* Katz, Victor J. (1998). "A History of Mathematics: An Introduction".Addison Wesley . ISBN 0321016181.
*cite book |last=Levere |first=Trevor Harvey |title=Transforming Matter: A History of Chemistry from Alchemy to the Buckyball |publisher=Johns Hopkins University Press |year=2001 |id=ISBN 0-8018-6610-3
*cite book |last=Mintz |first=Sidney W. |title=Sweetness and Power: The Place of Sugar in Modern History |year=1986 |publisher=Penguin (Non-Classics) | edition=Reprint |id=ISBN 978-0140092332
*Harvard reference |last1=Morelon |first1=Régis |last2=Rashed |first2=Roshdi |year=1996 |title=Encyclopedia of the History of Arabic Science |volume=3 |publisher=Routledge |isbn=0415124107
*cite book |last=Phillips |first=William D. |authorlink=William D. Phillips |coauthors=Carla Rahn Phillips, Jr. Phillips |title=The Worlds of Christopher Columbus |publisher=Cambridge University Press |year=1992|id=ISBN 052144652X
*Harvard reference
authorlink=George Saliba
title=A History of Arabic Astronomy: Planetary Theories During the Golden Age of Islam
publisher=New York University Press
*Harvard reference |last=Turner |first=Howard R. |title=Science in Medieval Islam: An Illustrated Introduction | publisher=University of Texas Press |year=1997 |isbn=0292781490Further reading
*cite book |last=Deen |first=S M |year=2007 |title=Science Under Islam: Rise, Decline, Revival |publisher=LULU|id=ISBN 978-1-84799-942-9 More information at [http://www.scienceunderislam.com]
*cite book |last=Hogendijk |first=Jan P. |coauthors=Abdelhamid I. Sabra |year=2003 |title=The Enterprise of Science in Islam: New Perspectives|publisher=MIT Press|id=ISBN 0-262-19482-1 Reviewed by Robert G. Morrison at [http://www.ircps.org/publications/aestimatio/pdf/2004-02-02_Morrison.pdf]
* Hill, Donald Routledge, "Islamic Science And Engineering", Edinburgh University Press (1993), ISBN 0-7486-0455-3
* Huff, Toby E. (1993, 2nd edition 2003), "The Rise of Early Modern Science: Islam, China and the West". New York: Cambridge University Press. ISBN 0-521-52994-8. Reviewed byGeorge Saliba at [http://www.riifs.org/review_articles/review_v1no2_sliba.htm Seeking the Origins of Modern Science?]
* Huff, Toby E. (2000), "Science and Metaphysics in the Three Religions of the Books", "Intellectual Discourse" 8 (2): 173-198.
*cite journal|last=Kennedy|first=Edward S.|title=The Arabic Heritage in the Exact Sciences|journal=Al-Abhath|volume=23|year=1970|pages=327–344
*cite book|first=Edward S.|last=Kennedy|title=Studies in the Islamic Exact Sciences|year=1983|publisher=Syracuse University Press|id=ISBN 0815660677
*Harvard reference
title=Encyclopedia of the History of Arabic Science
*cite book|first=George|last=Saliba|authorlink=George Saliba|title=Islamic Science and the Making of the European Renaissance|publisher=The MIT Press|year=2007|id=ISBN 0262195577
*cite book|last=Seyyed Hossein Nasr|title=Islamic Science: An Illustrated Study|year=1976|publisher=Kazi Publications|id=ISBN 1567443125
*cite book|last=Seyyed Hossein Nasr|title=Science & Civilization in Islam|year=2003|edition=2nd|publisher=Islamic Texts Society|id=ISBN 1903682401
*cite book|last=Sezgin|first=Fuat|title=Geschichte Des Arabischen Schrifttums 1: Quranwissenschaften, Hadit, Geschichte, Fiqh, Dogmatik, Mystik|year=1997|language=German|publisher=Brill|id=ISBN 9004041532
*cite book|last=Sezgin|first=Fuat|title=Geschichte Des Arabischen Schrifttums 2: Poesie. Bis CA. 430 H|year=1997|language=German|publisher=Brill|id=ISBN 9004031316
*cite book|last=Sezgin|first=Fuat|title=Geschichte Des Arabischen Schrifttums 3: Medizin-Pharmazie Zoologie-Tierheilkunde|year=1997|language=German|publisher=Brill|id=ISBN 9004031316
*cite book|last=Sezgin|first=Fuat|title=Geschichte Des Arabischen Schrifttums 4: Alchimie-Chemie Botanik-Agrikultur|year=1997|language=German|publisher=Brill|id=ISBN 9004020098
*cite book|last=Sezgin|first=Fuat|title=Geschichte Des Arabischen Schrifttums 5: Mathematik|year=1997|language=German|publisher=Brill|id=ISBN 9004041532
*cite book|last=Sezgin|first=Fuat|title=Geschichte Des Arabischen Schrifttums 6: Astronomie|year=1997|language=German|publisher=Brill|id=ISBN 9004058788
*cite book|last=Sezgin|first=Fuat|title=Geschichte Des Arabischen Schrifttums 7: Astrologie-Meteorologie Und Verwandtes|year=1997|language=German|publisher=Brill|id=ISBN 9004061592
*cite book|last=Sezgin|first=Fuat|title=Geschichte Des Arabischen Schrifttums 8: Lexikographie. Bis CA. 430 H|year=1997|language=German|publisher=Brill|id=ISBN 9004068678
*cite book|last=Sezgin|first=Fuat|title=Geschichte Des Arabischen Schrifttums 9: Grammatik. Bis CA. 430 H|year=1997|language=German|publisher=Brill|id=ISBN 9004072616
*cite book|last=Sezgin|first=Fuat|title=Geschichte Des Arabischen Schrifttums X: Mathematische Geographie und Kartographie im Islam und ihr Fortleben im Abendland. Historische Darstellung. Teil 1|year=2000|language=German|location=Frankfurt am Main
*cite book|last=Sezgin|first=Fuat|title=Geschichte Des Arabischen Schrifttums XI: Mathematische Geographie und Kartographie im Islam und ihr Fortleben im Abendland. Historische Darstellung. Teil 2|year=2000|language=German|location=Frankfurt am Main
*cite book|last=Sezgin|first=Fuat|title=Geschichte Des Arabischen Schrifttums XII: Mathematische Geographie und Kartographie im Islam und ihr Fortleben im Abendland. Historische Darstellung. Teil 3|year=2000|language=German|location=Frankfurt am Main
*External links
* Richard Covington, [http://www.saudiaramcoworld.com/issue/200703/rediscovering.arabic.science.htm Rediscovering Arabic Science] , "
Saudi Aramco World ", May-June 2007
*cite web|url=http://www.columbia.edu/~gas1/project/visions/case1/sci.1.html|title=Whose Science is Arabic Science in Renaissance Europe?|first=George|last=Saliba|authorlink=George Saliba
*Habibi, Golareh. [http://www.scq.ubc.ca/?p=574 Review article] , "Science Creative Quarterly".
* [http://www.classicalislam.com/pages/history/heroes.htm An interactive guide to Muslim scientists whose multi-disciplinary contributions sparked the flame of learning and productivity]
* [http://www.usc.edu/dept/MSA/introduction/woi_knowledge.html Islam, Knowledge, and Science]
* [http://www.history-science-technology.com/ History of Science and Technology in Islam]
* [http://www.cyberistan.org/ Islamic Civilization]
* [http://www.smi.uib.no/paj/Stenberg.html The Islamization of science or the marginalization of Islam]
* [http://www.muslimheritage.com/ Muslimheritage]
* [http://www.1001inventions.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=main.viewSection&intSectionID=309 1001inventions]
* [http://www.science-islam.net/sommaire.php3?lang=en Science and religion in Islam]
*Keith L. Moore, YouTube|id=Rb0uZefwQnc|title=The Developing Human
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.