- Indian mathematics
Indian mathematics—which here is the mathematics that emerged in
South Asia from ancient times until the end of the 18th century—had its beginnings in theBronze Age Indus Valley civilization (2600-1900BCE ) and theIron Age Vedic culture (1500-500 BCE). In the classical period of Indian mathematics (400 CE to1200 CE ), important contributions were made by scholars likeAryabhatta ,Brahmagupta , andBhaskara II . Indian mathematicians made early contributions to the study of the decimal number system,Harv|Ifrah|2000|p=346: "The measure of the genius of Indian civilisation, to which we owe our modern (number) system, is all the greater in that it was the only one in all history to have achieved this triumph. Some cultures succeeded, earlier than the Indian, in discovering one or at best two of the characteristics of this intellectual feat. But none of them managed to bring together into a complete and coherent system the necessary and sufficient conditions for a number-system with the same potential as our own." ] zero, Harv|Bourbaki|1998|p=46: "...our decimal system, which (by the agency of the Arabs) is derived from Hindu mathematics, where its use is attested already from the first centuries of our era. It must be noted moreover that the conception of zero as a number and not as a simple symbol of separation) and its introduction into calculations, also count amongst the original contribution of the Hindus."]negative numbers , Harv|Bourbaki|1998|p=49: "On this point, the Hindus are already conscious of the interpretation that negative numbers must have in certain cases (a debt in a commercial problem, for instance). In the following centuries, as there is a diffusion into the West (by intermediary of the Arabs) of the methods and results of Greek and Hindu mathematics, one becomes more used to the handling of these numbers, and one begins to have other "representation" for them which are geometric or dynamic."]arithmetic , andalgebra . In addition,trigonometry , having evolved in the Hellenistic world and having been introduced intoancient India through the translation of Greek works, [Harv|Pingree|2003|p=45 Quote: "Geometry, and its branch trigonometry, was the mathematics Indian astronomers used most frequently. In fact, the Indian astronomers in the third or fourth century, using a pre-Ptolemaic Greek table of chords, produced tables of sines and versines, from which it was trivial to derive cosines. This new system of trigonometry, produced in India, was transmitted to the Arabs in the late eighth century and by them, in an expanded form, to the Latin West and the Byzantine East in the twelfth century."] was further advanced in India, and, in particular, the modern definitions ofsine andcosine were developed there. [Harv|Bourbaki|1998|p=126: "As for trigonometry, it is disdained by geometers and abandoned to surveyors and astronomers; it is these latter (Aristarchus,Hipparchus ,Ptolemy ) who establish the fundamental relations between the sides and angles of a right angled triangle (plane or spherical) and draw up the first tables (they consist of tables giving the "chord" of the arc cut out by an angle on a circle of radius "r", in other words the number ; the introduction of the sine, more easily handled, is due to Hindu mathematicians of the Middle Ages)."] These mathematical concepts were transmitted to theMiddle East ,China , andEurope "algebra" 2007. [http://www.britannica.com/ebc/article-231064 "Britannica Concise Encyclopedia"] . Encyclopædia Britannica Online. 16 May 2007. Quote: "A full-fledged decimal, positional system certainly existed in India by the 9th century (AD), yet many of its central ideas had been transmitted well before that time to China and the Islamic world. Indian arithmetic, moreover, developed consistent and correct rules for operating with positive and negative numbers and for treating zero like any other number, even in problematic contexts such as division. Several hundred years passed before European mathematicians fully integrated such ideas into the developing discipline of algebra."] and led to further developments that now form the foundations of many areas of mathematics.Ancient and medieval Indian mathematical works, all composed in
Sanskrit , usually consisted of a section of "sutra s" in which a set of rules or problems were stated with great economy in verse in order to aid memorization by a student. This was followed by a second section consisting of a prose commentary (sometimes multiple commentaries by different scholars) that explained the problem in more detail and provided justification for the solution. In the prose section, the form (and therefore its memorization) was not considered as important as the ideas involved.Harv|Filliozat|2004|pp=140-143] Harv|Encyclopaedia Britannica (Kim Plofker)|2007|p=1] All mathematical works were orally transmitted until approximately 500 BCE; thereafter, they were transmitted both orally and in manuscript form. The oldest extant mathematical "document" produced on the Indian subcontinent is the birch barkBakhshali Manuscript , discovered in 1881 in the village ofBakhshali , nearPeshawar (modern dayPakistan ) and is likely from the seventh century CE.Harv|Hayashi|1995] Harv|Encyclopaedia Britannica (Kim Plofker)|2007|p=6]A later landmark in Indian mathematics was the development of the series expansions for
trigonometric function s (sine, cosine, andarc tangent ) by mathematicians of theKerala School in the fifteenth century CE. Their remarkable work, completed two centuries before the invention ofcalculus in Europe, provided what is now considered the first example of apower series (apart from geometric series). [Harv|Stillwell|2004|p=173] However, they did not formulate a systematic theory of differentiation and integration, nor is there any "direct" evidence of their results being transmitted outsideKerala . [ Harv|Bressoud|2002|p=12 Quote: "There is no evidence that the Indian work on series was known beyond India, or even outside Kerala, until the nineteenth century. Gold and Pingree assert [4] that by the time these series were rediscovered in Europe, they had, for all practical purposes, been lost to India. The expansions of the sine, cosine, and arc tangent had been passed down through several generations of disciples, but they remained sterile observations for which no one could find much use."] [ Harvnb|Plofker|2001|p=293 Quote: "It is not unusual to encounter in discussions of Indian mathematics such assertions as that “the concept of differentiation was understood [in India] from the time of Manjula (... in the 10th century)” [Joseph 1991, 300] , or that “we may consider Madhava to have been the founder of mathematical analysis” (Joseph 1991, 293), or that Bhaskara II may claim to be “the precursor of Newton and Leibniz in the discovery of the principle of the differential calculus” (Bag 1979, 294). ... The points of resemblance, particularly between early European calculus and the Keralese work on power series, have even inspired suggestions of a possible transmission of mathematical ideas from the Malabar coast in or after the 15th century to the Latin scholarly world (e.g., in (Bag 1979, 285)). ... It should be borne in mind, however, that such an emphasis on the similarity of Sanskrit (or Malayalam) and Latin mathematics risks diminishing our ability fully to see and comprehend the former. To speak of the Indian “discovery of the principle of the differential calculus” somewhat obscures the fact that Indian techniques for expressing changes in the Sine by means of the Cosine or vice versa, as in the examples we have seen, remained within that specific trigonometric context. The differential “principle” was not generalized to arbitrary functions—in fact, the explicit notion of an arbitrary function, not to mention that of itsderivative or an algorithm for taking the derivative, is irrelevant here" ] [Harvnb|Pingree|1992|p=562 Quote:"One example I can give you relates to the Indian Mādhava's demonstration, in about 1400 A.D., of the infinite power series of trigonometrical functions using geometrical and algebraic arguments. When this was first described in English by Charles Whish, in the 1830s, it was heralded as the Indians' discovery of the calculus. This claim and Mādhava's achievements were ignored by Western historians, presumably at first because they could not admit that an Indian discovered the calculus, but later because no one read anymore the "Transactions of the Royal Asiatic Society", in which Whish's article was published. The matter resurfaced in the 1950s, and now we have the Sanskrit texts properly edited, and we understand the clever way that Mādhava derived the series "without" the calculus; but many historians still find it impossible to conceive of the problem and its solution in terms of anything other than the calculus and proclaim that the calculus is what Mādhava found. In this case the elegance and brilliance of Mādhava's mathematics are being distorted as they are buried under the current mathematical solution to a problem to which he discovered an alternate and powerful solution."] [Harvnb|Katz|1995|pp=173-174 Quote:"How close did Islamic and Indian scholars come to inventing the calculus? Islamic scholars nearly developed a general formula for finding integrals of polynomials by A.D. 1000—and evidently could find such a formula for any polynomial in which they were interested. But, it appears, they were not interested in any polynomial of degree higher than four, at least in any of the material that has come down to us. Indian scholars, on the other hand, were by 1600 able to use ibn al-Haytham's sum formula for arbitrary integral powers in calculating power series for the functions in which they were interested. By the same time, they also knew how to calculate the differentials of these functions. So some of the basic ideas of calculus were known in Egypt and India many centuries before Newton. It does not appear, however, that either Islamic or Indian mathematicians saw the necessity of connecting some of the disparate ideas that we include under the name calculus. They were apparently only interested in specific cases in which these ideas were needed. ... There is no danger, therefore, that we will have to rewrite the history texts to remove the statement that Newton and Leibniz invented calculus. Thy were certainly the ones who were able to combine many differing ideas under the two unifying themes of the derivative and the integral, show the connection between them, and turn the calculus into the great problem-solving tool we have today."]Fields of Indian mathematics
Some of the areas of mathematics studied in ancient and medieval India include the following:
*Arithmetic :Decimal system ,Negative number s (seeBrahmagupta ), Zero (seeHindu-Arabic numeral system ), the modernpositional notation numeral system ,Floating point numbers (seeKerala School ),Number theory ,Infinity (seeYajur Veda ),Transfinite number s,Irrational number s (seeShulba Sutras )
*Geometry :Square root s (see Bakhshali approximation),Cube root s (see Mahavira),Pythagorean triples (seeSulba Sutras ;Baudhayana andApastamba state thePythagorean theorem without proof), Transformation (see Panini),Pascal's triangle (seePingala )
*Algebra :Quadratic equation s (seeSulba Sutras ,Aryabhata , andBrahmagupta ),Cubic equation s (see Mahavira andBhaskara ),Quartic equation s (biquadratic equations; see Mahavira andBhaskara )
*Mathematical logic :Formal grammar s, formal language theory, thePanini-Backus form (see Panini),Recursion (see Panini)
* General mathematics:Fibonacci number s (seePingala ), Earliest forms ofMorse code (seePingala ),Logarithm s, indices (see [http://www-groups.dcs.st-and.ac.uk/~history/HistTopics/Jaina_mathematics.html Jaina mathematics] ),Algorithm s,Algorism (seeAryabhata andBrahmagupta )
*Trigonometry :Trigonometric function s (seeSurya Siddhanta andAryabhata ),Trigonometric series (see Madhava andKerala School )Indian mathematics show many different ways of Indian culture.Harappan Mathematics (2600 BCE – 1700 BCE)
The earliest evidence of the use of mathematics in
South Asia is in the artifacts of theIndus Valley Civilization (IVC), also called the "Harappan civilization". Excavations atHarappa ,Mohenjo-daro (Pakistan) and other locations in the Indus river valley have uncovered evidence of the use of practical mathematics. The people of the IVC manufactured bricks whose dimensions were in the proportion 4:2:1, considered favorable for the stability of a brick structure. They used a standardized system of weights based on the ratios: 1/20, 1/10, 1/5, 1/2, 1, 2, 5, 10, 20, 50, 100, 200, and 500, with the unit weight equaling approximately 28 grams (and approximately equal to the English ounce or Greek uncia). They mass produced weights in regulargeometrical shapes, which included hexahedra,barrel s, cones, and cylinders, thereby demonstrating knowledge of basicgeometry .The inhabitants of Indus civilization also tried to standardize measurement of length to a high degree of accuracy. They designed a ruler—the "Mohenjo-daro ruler"—whose unit of length (approximately 1.32 inches or 3.4 centimetres) was divided into ten equal parts. Bricks manufactured in ancient Mohenjo-daro often had dimensions that were integral multiples of this unit of length.
The Oral Mathematical Tradition
Mathematicians of ancient and early medieval India were almost all
Sanskrit pandit s ("IAST|paṇḍita" "learned man"),Harv|Filliozat|2004|p=137] who were trained in Sanskrit language and literature, and possessed "a common stock of knowledge in grammar ("IAST|vyākaraṇa"),exegesis ("IAST|mīmāṃsā") and logic ("nyāya")." Memorization of "what is heard" ("śruti " in Sanskrit) through recitation played a major role in the transmission of sacred texts in ancient India. Memorization and recitation was also used to transmit philosophical and literary works, as well as treatises on ritual and grammar. Modern scholars of ancient India have noted the "truly remarkable achievements of the Indian pandits who have preserved enormously bulky texts orally for millennia."Harv|Pingree|1988|p=637]tyles of Memorization
Prodigous energy was expended by ancient Indian culture in ensuring that these texts were transmitted from generation to generation with inordinate fidelity. [Harv|Staal|1986] For example, memorization of the sacred "
Veda s" included up to eleven forms of recitation of the same text. The texts were subsequently "proof-read" by comparing the different recited versions. Forms of recitation included the "IAST|jaṭā-pāṭha" (literally "mesh recitation") in which every two adjacent words in the text were first recited in their original order, then repeated in the reverse order, and finally repeated again in the original order.Harv|Filliozat|2004|p=139] The recitation thus proceeded as:
word1word2, word2word1, word1word2; word2word3, word3word2, word2word3; ...
In another form of recitation, "IAST|dhvaja-pāṭha" (literally "flag recitation") a sequence of "N" words were recited (and memorized) by pairing the first two and last two words and then proceeding as:
word1word2, word(N-1)wordN; word2word3, word(N-3)word(N-2); ...; word(N-1)wordN, word1word2;
The most complex form of recitation, "IAST|ghana-pāṭha" (literally "dense recitation"), according to Harv|Filliozat|2004|p=139, took the form:
word1word2, word2word1, word1word2word3, word3word2word1, word1word2word3; word2word3, word3word2, word2word3word4, word4word3word2, word2word3word4; ...
That these methods have been effective, is testified to by the preservation of the most ancient Indian religious text, the "IAST|Ṛgveda" (ca. 1500 BCE), as a single text, without any variant readings. Similar methods were used for memorizing mathematical texts, whose transmission remained exclusively oral until the end of theVedic period (ca. 500 BCE).The "Sūtra" Genre
Mathematical activity in ancient India began as a part of a "methodological reflexion" on the sacred
Veda s, which took the form of works called "IAST|Vedāṇgas", or, "Ancillaries of the Veda" (7th-4th century BCE).Harv|Filliozat|2004|pp=140-141] The need to conserve the sound of sacred text by use of "IAST|śikṣā" (phonetics ) and "chandas " (metrics); to conserve its meaning by use of "IAST|vyākaraṇa" (grammar ) and "nirukta " (etymology ); and to correctly perform the rites at the correct time by the use of "kalpa " (ritual ) and "IAST|jyotiṣa" (astronomy ), gave rise to the six disciplines of the "IAST|Vedāṇgas". Mathematics arose as a part of the last two disciplines, ritual and astronomy (which also included astrology).Since the "IAST|Vedāṇgas" immediately preceded the use of writing in ancient India, they formed the last of the exclusively oral literature. They were expressed in a highly compressed mnemonic form, the "sūtra" (literally, "thread"):The knowers of the "sūtra" know it as having few phonemes, being devoid of ambiguity, containing the essence, facing everything, being without pause and unobjectionable.
Extreme brevity was achieved through multiple means, which included usingellipsis "beyond the tolerance of natural language," using technical names instead of longer descriptive names, abridging lists by only mentioning the first and last entries, and using markers and variables. The "sūtras" create the impression that communication through the text was "only a part of the whole instruction. The rest of the instruction must have been transmitted by the so-called "Guru-shishya parampara", 'uninterrupted succession from teacher ("guru") to the student ("śisya"),' and it was not open to the general public" and perhaps even kept secret. [Harv|Yano|2006|p=146] The brevity achieved in a "sūtra" is demonstrated in the following example from the Baudhāyana "Śulba Sūtra" (700 BCE). The domestic fire-altar in theVedic period was required by ritual to have a square base and be constituted of five layers of bricks with 21 bricks in each layer. One method of constructing the altar was to divide one side of the square into three equal parts using a cord or rope, to next divide the transverse (or perpendicular) side into seven equal parts, and thereby sub-divide the square into 21 congruent rectangles. The bricks were then designed to be of the shape of the constituent rectangle and the layer was created. To form the next layer, the same formula was used, but the bricks were arranged transversely.Harv|Filliozat|2004|pp=143-144] The process was then repeated three more times (with alternating directions) in order to complete the construction. In the Baudhāyana "Śulba Sūtra", this procedure is described in the following words:"II.64. After dividing the quadri-lateral in seven, one divides the transverse [cord] in three.II.65. In another layer one places the [bricks] North-pointing."
According to Harv|Filliozat|2004|p=144, the officiant constructing the altar has only a few tools and materials at his disposal: a cord (Sanskrit, "rajju", f.), two pegs (Sanskrit, "śanku", m.), and clay to make the bricks (Sanskrit, "IAST|iṣṭakā", f.). Concision is achieved in the "sūtra", by not explicitly mentioning what the adjective "transverse" qualifies; however, from the feminine form of the (Sanskrit) adjective used, it is easily inferred to qualify "cord." Similarly, in the second stanza, "bricks" are not explicitly mentioned, but inferred again by the feminine plural form of "North-pointing." Finally, the first stanza, never explicitly says that the first layer of bricks are oriented in the East-West direction, but that too is implied by the explicit mention of "North-pointing" in the "second" stanza; for, if the orientation was meant to be the same in the two layers, it would either not be mentioned at all or be only mentioned in the first stanza. All these inferences are made by the officiant as he recalls the formula from his memory.
Vedic Period (1500 BCE - 400 BCE)
The religious texts of the
Vedic Period provide evidence for the use of large numbers. By the time of the last Veda, the "IAST|Yajurvedasaṃhitā" (1200-900 BCE), numbers as high as were being included in the texts.Harv|Hayashi|2005|pp=360-361 ] For example, the "mantra" (sacrificial formula) at the end of the "annahoma" ("food-oblation rite") performed during the "aśvamedha" ("horse sacrifice"), and uttered just before-, during-, and just after sunrise, invokes powers of ten from a hundred to a trillion:"Hail to "śata" ("hundred," ), hail to "sahasra" ("thousand," ), hail to "ayuta" ("ten thousand," ), hail to "niyuta" ("hundred thousand," ), hail to "prayuta" ("million," ), hail to "arbuda" ("ten million," ), hail to "nyarbuda" ("hundred million," ), hail to "samudra" ("billion," , literally "ocean"), hail to "madhya" ("ten billion," , literally "middle"), hail to "anta" ("hundred billion," , lit., "end"), hail to "parārdha" ("one trillion," lit., "beyond parts"), hail to the dawn ("uśas"), hail to the twilight ("IAST|vyuṣṭi"), hail to the one which is going to rise ("IAST|udeṣyat"), hail to the one which is rising ("udyat"), hail to the one which has just risen ("udita"), hail to the heaven ("svarga"), hail to the world ("loka"), hail to all."
TheSatapatha Brahmana (9th century BCE) contains rules for ritual geometric constructions that are similar to the Sulba Sutras. [A. Seidenberg, 1978. The origin of mathematics. Archive for the history of Exact Sciences, vol 18.]Śulba Sūtras
The "Śulba Sūtras" (literally, "Aphorisms of the Chords" in
Vedic Sanskrit ) (c. 700-400 BCE) list rules for the construction of sacrificial fire altars. [Harv|Staal|1999] Most mathematical problems considered in the "Śulba Sūtras" spring from "a single theological requirement,"Harv|Hayashi|2003|p=118] that of constructing fire altars which have different shapes but occupy the same area. The altars were required to be constructed of five layers of burnt brick, with the further condition that each layer consist of 200 bricks and that no two adjacent layers have congruent arrangements of bricks.According to Harv|Hayashi|2005|p=363, the "Śulba Sūtras" contain "the earliest extant verbal expression of the Pythagorean Theorem in the world, although it had already been known to the
Old Babylonian s."The diagonal rope ("IAST|akṣṇayā-rajju") of an oblong (rectangle) produces both which the flank ("pārśvamāni") and the horizontal ("IAST|tiryaṇmānī")
Since the statement is a "sūtra", it is necessarily compressed and what the ropes "produce" is not elaborated on, but the context clearly implies the square areas constructed on their lengths, and would have been explained so by the teacher to the student.produce separately."Harv|Hayashi|2005|p=363] They contain lists of
Pythagorean triples , [Pythagorean triples are triples of integers with the property: . Thus, , , etc.] which are particular cases ofDiophantine equations .Harv|Cooke|2005|p=198: "The arithmetic content of the "Śulva Sūtras" consists of rules for finding Pythagorean triples such as (3, 4, 5), (5, 12, 13), (8, 15, 17), and (12, 35, 37). It is not certain what practical use these arithmetic rules had. The best conjecture is that they were part of religious ritual. A Hindu home was required to have three fires burning at three different altars. The three altars were to be of different shapes, but all three were to have the same area. These conditions led to certain "Diophantine" problems, a particular case of which is the generation of Pythagorean triples, so as to make one square integer equal to the sum of two others."] They also contain statements (that with hindsight we know to be approximate) aboutsquaring the circle and "circling the square."Harv|Cooke|2005|pp=199-200: "The requirement of three altars of equal areas but different shapes would explain the interest in transformation of areas. Among other transformation of area problems the Hindus considered in particular the problem of squaring the circle. The "Bodhayana Sutra" states the converse problem of constructing a circle equal to a given square. The following approximate construction is given as the solution.... this result is only approximate. The authors, however, made no distinction between the two results. In terms that we can appreciate, this construction gives a value for π of 18 (3 − 2√2), which is about 3.088."]Baudhayana (c. 8th century BCE) composed the "Baudhayana Sulba Sutra", the best-known "Sulba Sutra", which contains examples of simple Pythagorean triples, such as: , , , , and Harv|Joseph|2000|p=229] as well as a statement of the Pythagorean theorem for the sides of a square: "The rope which is stretched across the diagonal of a square produces an area double the size of the original square." It also contains the general statement of the Pythagorean theorem (for the sides of a rectangle): "The rope stretched along the length of the diagonal of a rectangle makes an area which the vertical and horizontal sides make together." Baudhayana gives a formula for thesquare root of two ,Harv|Cooke|2005|p=200] :: The formula is accurate up to five decimal places, the true value being [The value of this approximation, 577/408, is the seventh in a sequence of increasingly accurate approximations 3/2, 7/5, 17/12, ... to √2, the numerators and denominators of which were known as "side and diameter numbers" to the ancient Greeks, and in modern mathematics are called thePell numbers . If "x"/"y" is one term in this sequence of approximations, the next is ("x"+2"y")/("x"+"y"). These approximations may also be derived by truncating thecontinued fraction representation of √2.] This formula is similar in structure to the formula found on a Mesopotamian tablet [ Neugebauer, O. and A. Sachs. 1945. "Mathematical Cuneiform Texts", New Haven, CT, Yale University Press. p. 45.] from the Old Babylonian period (1900-1600BCE )::::which expresses in the sexagesimal system, and which too is accurate up to 5 decimal places (after rounding).According to mathematician S. G. Dani, the Babylonian cuneiform tablet
Plimpton 322 written ca. 1850BCE [Mathematics Department, University of British Columbia, [http://www.math.ubc.ca/~cass/courses/m446-03/pl322/pl322.html "The Babylonian tabled Plimpton 322"] .] "contains fifteen Pythagorean triples with quite large entries, including (13500, 12709, 18541) which is a primitive triple, [Three positive integers form a "primitive" Pythagorean triple if and if the highest common factor of is 1. In the particular Plimpton322 example, this means that and that the three numbers do not have any common factors. However some scholars have disputed the Pythagorean interpretation of this tablet; seePlimpton 322 for details.] indicating, in particular, that there was sophisticated understanding on the topic" in Mesopotamia in 1850BCE . "Since these tablets predate the Sulbasutras period by several centuries, taking into account the contextual appearance of some of the triples, it is reasonable to expect that similar understanding would have been there in India." Harv|Dani|2003] Dani goes on to say:"As the main objective of the "Sulvasutras" was to describe the constructions of altars and the geometric principles involved in them, the subject of Pythagorean triples, even if it had been well understood may still not have featured in the "Sulvasutras". The occurrence of the triples in the "Sulvasutras" is comparable to mathematics that one may encounter in an introductory book on architecture or another similar applied area, andwould not correspond directly to the overall knowledge on the topic at that time. Since, unfortunately, no other contemporaneous sources have been found it may never be possible to settle this issue satisfactorily."
In all three "Sulba Sutras" were composed. The remaining two, the "Manava Sulba Sutra" composed by
Manava (fl. 750-650 BCE) and the "Apastamba Sulba Sutra", composed byApastamba (c. 600 BCE), contained results similar to the "Baudhayana Sulba Sutra".;Vyakarana
An important landmark of the Vedic period was the work of
Sanskrit grammarian , IAST|Pāṇini (c. 520-460 BCE). His grammar includes early use ofBoolean logic , of thenull operator, and ofcontext free grammar s, and includes a precursor of theBackus–Naur form (used in the descriptionprogramming languages ).Jaina Mathematics (400 BCE - 200 CE)
Jainism as a religion and philosophy predates its most famous exponent,Mahavira (6th century BC ), who was a contemporary ofGautama Buddha , most Jaina texts on mathematical topics were composed after the 6th century BCE.Jain a mathematicians are important historically as crucial links between the mathematics of the Vedic period and that of the "Classical period."A significant historical contribution of Jaina mathematicians lay in their freeing Indian mathematics from its religious and ritualistic constraints.In particular, their fascination with the enumeration of very large numbers and infinities, led them to classify numbers into three classes: enumerable, innumerable and
infinite . Not content with a simple notion of infinity, they went on to define five different types of infinity: the infinite in one direction, the infinite in two directions, the infinite in area, the infinite everywhere, and the infinite perpetually. In addition, Jaina mathematicians devised notations for simple powers (and exponents) of numbers like squares and cubes, which enabled them to define simplealgebraic equations ("beezganit samikaran"). Jaina mathematicians were apparently also the first to use the word "shunya" (literally "void" in Sanskrit) to refer to zero. More than a millennium later, their appellation became the English word "zero" after a tortuous journey of translations and transliterations from India to Europe . (See .)In addition to "Surya Prajnapti", important Jaina works on mathematics included the "
Vaishali Ganit" (c. 3rd century BCE); the "Sthananga Sutra" (fl. 300 BCE - 200 CE); the "Anoyogdwar Sutra" (fl. 200 BCE - 100 CE); and the "Satkhandagama" (c. 2nd century CE). Important Jaina mathematicians includedBhadrabahu (d. 298 BCE), the author of two astronomical works, the "Bhadrabahavi-Samhita" and a commentary on the "Surya Prajinapti"; Yativrisham Acharya (c. 176 BCE), who authored a mathematical text called "Tiloyapannati"; andUmasvati (c. 150 BCE), who, although better known for his influential writings on Jaina philosophy andmetaphysics , composed a mathematical work called "Tattwarthadhigama-Sutra Bhashya".;PingalaAmong other scholars of this period who contributed to mathematics, the most notable is
Pingala ("IAST|piṅgalá") (fl. 300-200 BCE), a musical theorist who authored the "Chandas Shastra " ("IAST|chandaḥ-śāstra", also "Chandas Sutra" "IAST|chandaḥ-sūtra"), aSanskrit treatise onprosody . There is evidence that in his work on the enumeration of syllabic combinations, Pingala stumbled upon both thePascal triangle andBinomial coefficients , although he did not have knowledge of theBinomial theorem itself.Harv|Fowler|1996|p=11] Harv|Singh|1936|pp=623-624] Pingala's work also contains the basic ideas ofFibonacci number s (called "maatraameru"). Although the "Chandah sutra" hasn't survived in its entirety, a 10th century commentary on it by Halāyudha has. Halāyudha, who refers to the Pascal triangle as "Meru-prastāra" (literally "the staircase to Mount Meru"), has this to say:"Draw a square. Beginning at half the square, draw two other similar squares below it; below these two, three other squares, and so on. The marking should be started by putting 1 in the first square. Put 1 in each of the two squares of the second line. In the third line put 1 in the two squares at the ends and, in the middle square, the sum of the digits in the two squares lying above it. In the fourth line put 1 in the two squares at the ends. In the middle ones put the sum of the digits in the two squares above each. Proceed in this way. Of these lines, the second gives the combinations with one syllable, the third the combinations with two syllables, ..."
The text also indicates that Pingala was aware of the combinatorial identity:
;KatyayanaThough not a Jaina mathematician,
Katyayana (c. 3rd century BCE) is notable for being the last of the Vedic mathematicians. He wrote the "Katyayana Sulba Sutra", which presented muchgeometry , including the generalPythagorean theorem and a computation of the square root of 2 correct to five decimal places.The Written Tradition: Prose Commentary
With the increasing complexity of mathematics and other exact sciences, both writing and computation were required. Consequently, many mathematical works began to be written down in manuscripts that were then copied and re-copied from generation to generation.
"India today is estimated to have about thirty million manuscripts, the largest body of handwritten reading material anywhere in the world. The literate culture of Indian science goes back to at least the fifth century B.C. ... as is shown by the elements of Mesopotamian omen literature and astronomy that entered India at that time and (were) definitely not ... preserved orally."Harv|Pingree|1988|p=638]
The earliest mathematical prose commentary was that on the work, "IAST|Āryabhaṭīya" (written 499 CE), a work on astronomy and mathematics. The mathematical portion of the "IAST|Āryabhaṭīya" was composed of 33 "sūtras" (in verse form) consisting of mathematical statements or rules, but without any proofs.Harv|Hayashi|2003|pp=122-123] However, according to Harv|Hayashi|2003|p=123, "this does not necessarily mean that their authors did not prove them. It was probably a matter of style of exposition." From the time of
Bhaskara I (600 CE onwards), prose commentaries increasingly began to include some derivations ("upapatti"). Bhaskara I's commentary on the "IAST|Āryabhaṭīya", had the following structure:*Rule ('sūtra') in verse by IAST|Āryabhaṭa
*Commentary by Bhāskara I, consisting of:
**Elucidation of rule (derivations were still rare then, but became more common later)
**Example ("uddeśaka") usually in verse.
**Setting ("nyāsa/sthāpanā") of the numerical data.
**Working ("karana") of the solution.
**Verification ("IAST|pratyayakaraṇa", literally "to make conviction") of the answer. These became rare by the 13th century, derivations or proofs being favored by then.Typically, for any mathematical topic, students in ancient India first memorized the "sūtras", which, as explained earlier, were "deliberately inadequate" in explanatory details (in order to pithily convey the bare-bone mathematical rules). The students then worked through the topics of the prose commentary by writing (and drawing diagrams) on chalk- and dust-boards ("i.e." boards covered with dust). The latter activity, a staple of mathematical work, was to later prompt mathematician-astronomer,
Brahmagupta (fl. 7th century CE), to characterize astronomical computations as "dust work" (Sanskrit: "dhulikarman"). [Harv|Hayashi|2003|p=119]Numerals and the Decimal Number System
The earliest extant script used in India was the IAST|Kharoṣṭhī script used in the
Gandhara culture of the north-west. It is thought to be ofAramaic origin and it was in use from the fourth century BCE to the fourth century CE. Almost contemporaneously, another script, theBrahmi , appeared on much of the sub-continent, and would later become the foundation of many scripts of South Asia and South-east Asia. Both scripts had numeral symbols and numeral systems, which were initially "not" based on a place-value system.Harv|Hayashi|2005|p=366] The first datable evidence of the use of the decimal place-value system in India is found in the "Yavanajātaka" (ca. 270 CE) of Sphujidhvaja, a versification of an earlier (ca. 150 CE) Indian prose adaptation of a lost work of Hellenistic astrology. [Harv|Pingree|1978|p=494]Bakhshali Manuscript
The oldest extant mathematical manuscript in South Asia is the "
Bakhshali Manuscript ", a birch bark manuscript written in "Buddhist hybrid Sanskrit" in the "Śāradā" script, which was used in the northwestern region of the Indian subcontinent between the 8th and 12th centuries CE.Harv|Hayashi|2005|p=371] The manuscript was discovered in 1881 by a farmer while digging in a stone enclosure in the village of Bakhshali, nearPeshawar (then inBritish India and now inPakistan ). Of unknown authorship and now preserved in theBodleian Library inOxford University , the manuscript has been variously dated—as early as the "early centuries of the Christian era"Harv|Datta|1931|p=566] and as late as between the 9th and 12th century CE. [Harv|Ifrah|2000|p=464 Quote: "To give the second or fourth century CE as the date of this document would be an evident contradiction; it would mean that a northern derivative of "Gupta" writing had been developed two or three centuries before the "Gupta" writing itself appeared. "Gupta" only began to evolve into "Shāradā" style around the ninth century CE. In other words, the Bak(h)shali manuscript cannot have been written earlier than the ninth century CE. However, in the light of certain characteristic indications, it could not have been written any later than the twelfth century CE."] The 7th century CE is now considered a plausible date, [Harv|Hayashi|2005|p=371 Quote:"The dates so far proposed for the Bakhshali work vary from the third to the twelfth centuries AD, but a recently made comparative study has shown many similarities, particularly in the style of exposition and terminology, between Bakhshalī work and Bhāskara I's commentary on the "Āryabhatīya". This seems to indicate that both works belong to nearly the same period, although this does not deny the possibility that some of the rules and examples in the Bakhshālī work date from anterior periods."] albeit with the likelihood that the "manuscript in its present-day form constitutes a commentary or a copy of an anterior mathematical work." [Harv|Ifrah|2000|p=464]The surviving manuscript has seventy leaves, some of which are in fragments. Its mathematical content consists of rules and examples, written in verse, together with prose commentaries, which include solutions to the examples. The topics treated include arithmetic (fractions, square roots, profit and loss, simple interest, the rule of three, and "
regula falsi ") and algebra (simultaneous linear equations andquadratic equations ), and arithmetic progressions. In addition, there is a handful of geometric problems (including problems about volumes of irregular solids). The Bakhshali manuscript also "employs a decimal place value system with a dot for zero." Many of its problems are the so-called equalization problems that lead to systems of linear equations. One example from Fragment III-5-3v is the following:"One merchant has seven "asava" horses, a second has nine "haya" horses, and a third has ten camels. They are equally well off in the value of their animals if each gives two animals, one to each of the others. Find the price of each animal and the total value for the animals possessed by each merchant."Anton, Howard and Chris Rorres. 2005. "Elementary Linear Algebra with Applications." 9th edition. New York: John Wiley and Sons. 864 pages. ISBN 0471669598.]
The prose commentary accompanying the example solves the problem by converting it to three (under-determined) equations in four unknowns and assuming that the prices are all integers.
Classical Period (400 - 1200)
This period is often known as the golden age of Indian Mathematics. This period saw mathematicians such as
Aryabhata ,Varahamihira ,Brahmagupta ,Bhaskara I , Mahavira, andBhaskara II give broader and clearer shape to many branches of mathematics. Their contributions would spread toAsia , theMiddle East , and eventually toEurope . Unlike Vedic mathematics, their works included both astronomical and mathematical contributions. In fact, mathematics of that period was included in the 'astral science' ("jyotiḥśāstra") and consisted of three sub-disciplines: mathematical sciences ("gaṇita" or "tantra"), horoscope astrology ("horā" or "jātaka") and divination (saṃhitā).Harv|Hayashi|2003|p=119] This tripartite division is seen in Varāhamihira's sixth century compilation—"Pancasiddhantika" [Harv|Neugebauer|Pingree (eds.)|1970] (literally "panca", "five," "siddhānta", "conclusion of deliberation", dated575 CE)—of five earlier works,Surya Siddhanta ,Romaka Siddhanta ,Paulisa Siddhanta ,Vasishtha Siddhanta andPaitamaha Siddhanta , which were adaptations of still earlier works of Mesopotamian, Greek, Egyptian, Roman and Indian astronomy. As explained earlier, the main texts were composed in Sanskrit verse, and were followed by prose commentaries.Fifth and Sixth Centuries
;Surya Siddhanta
Though its authorship is unknown, the "
Surya Siddhanta " (c. 400) contains the roots of moderntrigonometry . Some authors consider that it was written under the influence of Mesopotamia and Greece.cite book|first=Roger|last=Cooke|authorlink=Roger Cooke|title=The History of Mathematics: A Brief Course|publisher=Wiley-Interscience|year=1997|chapter=The Mathematics of the Hindus|pages=197|isbn=0471180823|quote=The word "Siddhanta" means "that which is proved or established". The "Sulva Sutras" are of Hindu origin, but the "Siddhantas" contain so many words of foreign origin that they undoubtedly have roots in Mesopotamia and Greece.]This ancient text uses the following as trigonometric functions for the first time:
*Sine ("Jya").
*Cosine ("Kojya").
*Inverse sine ("Otkram jya").It also contains the earliest uses of:
*Secant .*The Hindu cosmological time cycles explained in the text, which was copied from an earlier work, gives:
**The average length of thesidereal year as 365.2563627 days, which is only 1.4 seconds longer than the modern value of 365.2563627 days.
**The average length of thetropical year as 365.2421756 days, which is only 2 seconds shorter than the modern value of 365.2421988 days.Later Indian mathematicians such as Aryabhata made references to this text, while later
Arabic andLatin translations were very influential in Europe and the Middle East.;Chhedi calendar
This Chhedi calendar (594) contains an early use of the modern
place-value Hindu-Arabic numeral system now used universally (see alsoHindu-Arabic numerals ).;Aryabhata I
Aryabhata (476-550) wrote the "Aryabhatiya." He described the important fundamental principles of mathematics in 332shlokas . The treatise contained:
*Quadratic equation s
*The value ofπ , correct to 4 decimal places.Aryabhata also wrote the "Arya Siddhanta", which is now lost. Aryabhata's contributions include:
*Introduced thetrigonometric function s.
*Defined the sine ("jya") as the modern relationship between half an angle and half a chord.
*Defined the cosine ("kojya").
*Defined theversine ("ukramajya").
*Defined the inverse sine ("otkram jya").
*Gave methods of calculating their approximate numerical values.
*Contains the earliest tables of sine, cosine and versine values, in 3.75° intervals from 0° to 90°, to 4 decimal places of accuracy.
*Contains the trigonometric formula "sin (n + 1) x - sin nx = sin nx - sin (n - 1) x - (1/225)sin nx".
*Spherical trigonometry .Arithmetic:
*Continued fraction s.Algebra:
*Solutions of simultaneous quadratic equations.
*Whole number solutions oflinear equations by a method equivalent to the modern method.
*General solution of the indeterminate linear equation .Mathematical astronomy:
*Proposed for the first time, aheliocentric solar system with the planets spinning on their axes and following an elliptical orbit around the Sun.
*Accurate calculations for astronomical constants, such as the:
**Solar eclipse .
**Lunar eclipse .
**The formula for the sum of the cubes, which was an important step in the development of integral calculus. [Victor J. Katz (1995). "Ideas of Calculus in Islam and India", "Mathematics Magazine" 68 (3), p. 163-174.]Calculus:
*Infinitesimal s:
**In the course of developing a precise mapping of the lunar eclipse, Aryabhatta was obliged to introduce the concept of infinitesimals ("tatkalika gati") to designate the near instantaneous motion of the moon.Joseph (2000), p. 298-300.]
*Differential equation s:
**He expressed the near instantaneous motion of the moon in the form of a basic differential equation.
*Exponential function :
**He used theexponential function "e" in his differential equation of the near instantaneous motion of the moon.;Varahamihira
Varahamihira (505-587) produced the "Pancha Siddhanta" ("The Five Astronomical Canons"). He made important contributions totrigonometry , including sine and cosine tables to 4 decimal places of accuracy and the following formulas relatingsine andcosine functions:*
eventh and Eighth Centuries
In the seventh century, two separate fields,
arithmetic (which includedmensuration ) andalgebra , began to emerge in Indian mathematics. The two fields would later be called "IAST|pāṭī-gaṇita" (literally "mathematics of algorithms") and "IAST|bīja-gaṇita" (lit. "mathematics of seeds," with "seeds"—like the seeds of plants—representing unknowns with the potential to generate, in this case, the solutions of equations).Harv|Hayashi|2005|p=369]Brahmagupta , in his astronomical work "IAST|Brāhma Sphuṭa Siddhānta" (628 CE), included two chapters (12 and 18) devoted to these fields. Chapter 12, containing 66 Sanskrit verses, was divided into two sections: "basic operations" (including cube roots, fractions, ratio and proportion, and barter) and "practical mathematics" (including mixture, mathematical series, plane figures, stacking bricks, sawing of timber, and piling of grain).Harv|Hayashi|2003|pp=121-122] In the latter section, he stated his famous theorem on the diagonals of acyclic quadrilateral :Brahmagupta's theorem: If a
cyclic quadrilateral has diagonals that areperpendicular to each other, then the perpendicular line drawn from the point of intersection of the diagonals to any side of the quadrilateral always bisects the opposite side.Chapter 12 also included a formula for the area of a cyclic quadrilateral (a generalization of
Heron's formula ), as well as a complete description ofrational triangle s ("i.e." triangles with rational sides and rational areas).Brahmagupta's formula: The area, "A", of a
cyclic quadrilateral with sides of lengths "a", "b", "c", "d", respectively, is given by:
where "s", the
semiperimeter , given by:Brahmagupta's Theorem on
rational triangle s: A triangle with rational sides and rational area is of the form::for some rational numbers and . [Harv|Stillwell|2004|p=77]
Chapter 18 contained 103 Sanskrit verses which began with rules for arithmetical operations involving zero and negative numbers and is considered the first systematic treatment of the subject. The rules (which included and ) were all correct, with one exception: . Later in the chapter, he gave the first explicit (although still not completely general) solution of the
quadratic equation ::
This is equivalent to:
Also in chapter 18, Brahmagupta was able to make progress in finding (integral) solutions of
Pell's equation ,Harv|Stillwell|2004|pp=72-73] :where is a nonsquare integer. He did this by discovering the following identity:Brahmagupta's Identity: which was a generalization of an earlier identity of
Diophantus : Brahmagupta used his identity to prove the following lemma:Lemma (Brahmagupta): If is a solution of and, is a solution of , then:: is a solution of
He then used this lemma to both generate infinitely many (integral) solutions of Pell's equation, given one solution, and state the following theorem:
Theorem (Brahmagupta): If the equation has an integer solution for any one of then
Pell's equation ::also has an integer solution.Harv|Stillwell|2004|pp=74-76]Brahmagupta did not actually prove the theorem, but rather worked out examples using his method. The first example he presented was:
Example (Brahmagupta): Find integers such that::In his commentary, Brahmagupta added, "a person solving this problem within a year is a mathematician." The solution he provided was: :
;Bhaskara I
Bhaskara I (c. 600-680) expanded the work of Aryabhata in his books titled "Mahabhaskariya", "Aryabhattiya Bhashya" and "Laghu Bhaskariya". He produced:
*Solutions of indeterminate equations.
*A rational approximation of thesine function .
*A formula for calculating the sine of an acute angle without the use of a table, correct to 2 decimal places.Ninth to Twelfth Centuries
Virasena (9th century) was a Jaina mathematician in the court ofRashtrakuta KingAmoghavarsha ofManyakheta , Karnataka. He wrote the "Dhavala", a commentary on Jaina mathematics, which:
*Deals with logarithms to base 2 ("ardhaccheda") and describes its laws.
*First uses logarithms to base 3 ("trakacheda") and base 4 ("caturthacheda").Virasena also gave:
*The derivation of thevolume of afrustum by a sort of infinite procedure.;Mahavira
Mahavira Acharya (c. 800-870) from
Karnataka , the last of the notable Jaina mathematicians, lived in the9th century and was patronised by theRashtrakuta kingAmoghavarsha . He wrote a book titled "Ganit Saar Sangraha" on numerical mathematics, and also wrote treatises about a wide range of mathematical topics. These include the mathematics of:
*square root s,cube root s, and the series extending beyond these.
*Plane geometry .
*Solid geometry .
*Problems relating to the casting ofshadows .
*Formulae derived to calculate the area of anellipse andquadrilateral inside acircle Mahavira also:
*Asserted that thesquare root of anegative number did not exist
*Gave the sum of a series whose terms are squares of anarithmetical progression , and gave empirical rules forarea andperimeter of anellipse .
*Solved cubic equations.
*Solved quartic equations.
*Solved somequintic equation s and higher-orderpolynomial s.
*Gave the general solutions of the higher order polynomial equations:
*Solved indeterminate quadratic equations.
*Solved indeterminate cubic equations.
*Solved indeterminate higher order equations.;Shridhara
Shridhara (c. 870-930), who lived inBengal , wrote the books titled "Nav Shatika", "Tri Shatika" and "Pati Ganita". He gave:
*A good rule for finding thevolume of asphere .
*The formula for solvingquadratic equation s.The "Pati Ganita" is a work on arithmetic and
mensuration . It deals with various operations, including:
*Elementary operations
*Extracting square and cube roots.
*Eight rules given for operations involving zero.
*Methods ofsummation of different arithmetic and geometric series, which were to become standard references in later works.;Manjula
Aryabhata's differential equations were elaborated in the 10th century by Manjula (also "Munjala"), who realised that the expression
could be approximately expressed as
He understood the concept of differentiation after solving the differential equation that resulted from substituting this expression into Aryabhata's differential equation.
;Aryabhata II
Aryabhata II (c. 920-1000) wrote a commentary on Shridhara, and an astronomical treatise "Maha-Siddhanta ". The Maha-Siddhanta has 18 chapters, and discusses:
*Numerical mathematics ("Ank Ganit").
*Solutions of indeterminate equations ("kuttaka").;Shripati
Shripati Mishra (1019-1066) wrote the books "Siddhanta Shekhara", a major work on astronomy in 19 chapters, and "Ganit Tilaka", an incomplete
arithmetic al treatise in 125 verses based on a work byShridhara . He worked mainly on:
*Permutations and combinations .
*General solution of the simultaneous indeterminate linear equation.He was also the author of "Dhikotidakarana", a work of twenty verses on:
*Solar eclipse .
*Lunar eclipse .The "Dhruvamanasa" is a work of 105 verses on:
*Calculating planetarylongitude s
*eclipse s.
*planetarytransit s.;Nemichandra Siddhanta Chakravati
Nemichandra Siddhanta Chakravati (c. 1100) authored a mathematical treatise titled "Gome-mat Saar".
;Bhaskara II
Bhāskara II (1114-1185) was a mathematician-astronomer who wrote a number of important treatises, namely the "Siddhanta Shiromani", "Lilavati ", "Bijaganita", "Gola Addhaya", "Griha Ganitam" and "Karan Kautoohal". A number of his contributions were later transmitted to the Middle East and Europe. His contributions include:Arithmetic:
*Interest computation.
*Arithmetical and geometrical progressions.
*Plane geometry .
*Solid geometry .
*The shadow of thegnomon .
*Solutions ofcombinations .
*Gave a proof for division by zero beinginfinity .Algebra:
*The recognition of a positive number having two square roots.
*Surd s.
*Operations with products of several unknowns.
*The solutions of:
**Quadratic equations.
**Cubic equations.
**Quartic equations.
**Equations with more than one unknown.
**Quadratic equations with more than one unknown.
**The general form ofPell's equation using the "chakravala" method.
**The general indeterminate quadratic equation using the "chakravala" method.
**Indeterminate cubic equations.
**Indeterminate quartic equations.
**Indeterminate higher-orderpolynomial equations.Geometry:
*Gave a proof of thePythagorean theorem .Calculus:
*Conceived ofdifferential calculus .
*Discovered thederivative .
*Discovered thedifferential coefficient.
*Developeddifferentiation .
*StatedRolle's theorem , a special case of themean value theorem (one of the most important theorems of calculus and analysis).
*Derived the differential of the sine function.
*Computedπ , correct to 5 decimal places.
*Calculated the length of the Earth's revolution around the Sun to 9 decimal places.Trigonometry:
*Developments ofspherical trigonometry
*The trigonometric formulas:
**Kerala Mathematics (1300 - 1600)
Kerala school of astronomy and mathematics was founded byMadhava of Sangamagrama inKerala ,South India and included among its members:Parameshvara ,Neelakanta Somayaji ,Jyeshtadeva ,Achyuta Pisharati ,Melpathur Narayana Bhattathiri and Achyuta Panikkar. It flourished between the 14th and 16th centuries and the original discoveries of the school seems to have ended with Narayana Bhattathiri (1559-1632). In attempting to solve astronomical problems, the Kerala school astronomers "independently" created a number of important mathematics concepts. The most important results, series expansion fortrigonometric function s, were given inSanskrit verse in a book by Neelakanta called "Tantrasangraha" and a commentary on this work called "Tantrasangraha-vakhya" of unknown authorship. The theorems were stated without proof, but proofs for the series for "sine", "cosine", and inverse "tangent" were provided a century later in the work "Yuktibhasa" (c.1500-c.1610), written inMalayalam , by Jyesthadeva, and also in a commentary on "Tantrasangraha".Harv|Roy|1990]Their discovery of these three important series expansions of
calculus —several centuries before calculus was developed in Europe byIsaac Newton andGottfried Leibniz —was a landmark achievement in mathematics. However, the Kerala School cannot be said to have invented "calculus", because, while they were able to develop Taylor series expansions for the important trigonometric functions, they developed neither a comprehensive theory of differentiation or integration, nor thefundamental theorem of calculus . The results obtained by the Kerala school include:
*The (infinite)geometric series : for Singh, A. N. Singh. 1936. "On the Use of Series in Hindu Mathematics." "Osiris" 1:606-628.] This formula was already known, for example, in the work of the 10th century Arab mathematicianAlhazen (the Latinized form of the name Ibn Al-Haytham (965-1039)). [Edwards, C. H., Jr. 1979. "The Historical Development of the Calculus". New York: Springer-Verlag.]
*A semi-rigorous proof (see "induction" remark below) of the result: for large "n". This result was also known to Alhazen.
*Intuitive use ofmathematical induction , however, the "inductive hypothesis" was not formulated or employed in proofs.
*Applications of ideas from (what was to become) differential and integralcalculus to obtain (Taylor-Maclaurin) infinite series for , , and Harv|Bressoud|2002] The "Tantrasangraha-vakhya" gives the series in verse, which when translated to mathematical notation, can be written as:: where :: where, for , the series reduce to the standard power series for these trigonometric functions, for example:
** and
*Use of rectification (computation of length) of the arc of a circle to give a proof of these results. (The later method of Leibniz, using quadrature ("i.e." computation of "area under" the arc of the circle, was "not" used.)
*Use of series expansion of to obtain an infinite series expression (later known as Gregory series) for ::
*A rational approximation of "error" for the finite sum of their series of interest. For example, the error, , (for "n" odd, and "i = 1, 2, 3") for the series::::where
*Manipulation of error term to derive a faster converging series for ::
*Using the improved series to derive a rational expression, for correct up to "nine" decimal places, "i.e."
*Use of an intuitive notion of limit to compute these results.
*A semi-rigorous (see remark on limits above) method of differentiation of some trigonometric functions.Harv|Katz|1995] However, they did not formulate the notion of a "function", or have knowledge of the exponential or logarithmic functions.The works of the Kerala school were first written up for the Western world by Englishman C. M. Whish in 1835. According to Whish, the Kerala mathematicians had "laid the foundation for a complete system of fluxions" and these works abounded "with fluxional forms and series to be found in no work of foreign countries."cite book
author =Charles Whish
year = 1835
title = Transactions of the Royal Asiatic Society of Great Britain and Ireland
publisher = ] However, Whish's results were almost completely neglected, until over a century later, when the discoveries of the Kerala school were investigated again by C. Rajagopal and his associates. Their work includes commentaries on the proofs of the arctan series in "Yuktibhasa" given in two papers, [Rajagopal, C. and M. S. Rangachari. 1949. "A Neglected Chapter of Hindu Mathematics." "Scripta Mathematica ". 15:201-209.] [Rajagopal, C. and M. S. Rangachari. 1951. "On the Hindu proof of Gregory's series." "Ibid." 17:65-74.] a commentary on the "Yuktibhasa"'s proof of the sine and cosine series [Rajagopal, C. and A. Venkataraman. 1949. "The sine and cosine power series in Hindu mathematics." "Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society of Bengal (Science)". 15:1-13.] and two papers that provide theSanskrit verses of the "Tantrasangrahavakhya" for the series for arctan, sin, and cosine (with English translation and commentary). [Rajagopal, C. and M. S. Rangachari. 1977. "On an untapped source of medieval Keralese mathematics." "Archive for the History of Exact Sciences". 18:89-102.] [Rajagopal, C. and M. S. Rangachari. 1986. "On Medieval Kerala Mathematics." "Archive for the History of Exact Sciences". 35:91-99.]The Kerala mathematicians included
Narayana Pandit (c. 1340-1400), who composed two works, an arithmetical treatise, "Ganita Kaumudi", and an algebraic treatise, "Bijganita Vatamsa". Narayana is also thought to be the author of an elaborate commentary ofBhaskara II 'sLilavati , titled "Karmapradipika" (or "Karma-Paddhati").Madhava of Sangamagramma (c. 1340-1425) was the founder of the Kerala School. Although it is possible that he wrote "Karana Paddhati" a work written sometime between 1375 and 1475, all we really know of his work comes from works of later scholars.Parameshvara (c. 1370-1460) wrote commentaries on the works ofBhaskara I ,Aryabhata andBhaskara II . His "Lilavati Bhasya", a commentary on Bhaskara II's "Lilavati", contains one of his important discoveries: a version of themean value theorem .Nilakantha Somayaji (1444-1544) composed the "Tantra Samgraha" (which 'spawned' a later anonymous commentary "Tantrasangraha-vyakhya" and a further commentary by the name "Yuktidipaika", written in1501 ). He elaborated and extended the contributions of Madhava.Citrabhanu (c. 1530) was a 16th century mathematician from Kerala who gave integer solutions to 21 types of systems of two simultaneous algebraic equations in two unknowns. These types are all the possible pairs of equations of the following seven forms:For each case, Citrabhanu gave an explanation and justification of his rule as well as an example. Some of his explanations are algebraic, while others are geometric.
Jyesthadeva (c. 1500-1575) was another member of the Kerala School. His key work was the "Yukti-bhasa" (written inMalayalam , a regional language ofKerala ). Jyesthadeva presented proofs of most mathematical theorems and infinite series earlier discovered by Madhava and other Kerala School mathematicians.Charges of Eurocentrism
It has been suggested that Indian contributions to mathematics have not been given due acknowledgement in modern history and that many discoveries and inventions by
Indian mathematicians are presently culturally attributed to their Western counterparts, as a result ofEurocentrism . According to G. G. Joseph:[Their work] takes on board some of the objections raised about the classical Eurocentric trajectory. The awareness [of Indian and Arabic mathematics] is all too likely to be tempered with dismissive rejections of their importance compared to Greek mathematics. The contributions from other civilizations - most notably China and India, are perceived either as borrowers from Greek sources or having made only minor contributions to mainstream mathematical development. An openness to more recent research findings, especially in the case of Indian and Chinese mathematics, is sadly missing" [ Joseph, G. G. 1997. "Foundations of Eurocentrism in Mathematics." In "Ethnomathematics: Challenging Eurocentrism in Mathematics Education" (Eds. Powell, A. B. et al.). SUNY Press. ISBN 0791433528. p.67-68.]
The historian of mathematics,
Florian Cajori , suggested that he "suspect [s] thatDiophantus got his first glimpse of algebraic knowledge from India." [ cite book
last = Cajori
first = Florian
authorlink = Florian Cajori
title = A History of Mathematics P 86
edition =
year = 1893
publisher = Macmillan & Co.
language = English
chapter = The Hindoos
quote = "In algebra, there was probably a mutual giving and receiving [between Greece and India] . We suspect that Diophantus got his first glimpse of algebraic knowledge from India" ]More recently, as discussed in the above section, the infinite series of
calculus for trigonometric functions (rediscovered by Gregory, Taylor, and Maclaurin in the late 17th century) were described (with proofs) in India, by mathematicians of theKerala School , remarkably some two centuries earlier. Some scholars have recently suggested that knowledge of these results might have been transmitted to Europe through the trade route fromKerala by traders andJesuit missionaries. Kerala was in continuous contact withChina andArabia , and, from around1500 , with Europe. The existence of communication routes and a suitable chronology certainly make such a transmission a possibility. However, there is no direct evidence by way of relevant manuscripts that such a transmission actually took place.Almeida, D. F., J. K. John, and A. Zadorozhnyy. 2001. "Keralese Mathematics: Its Possible Transmission to Europe and the Consequential Educational Implications." "Journal of Natural Geometry", 20:77-104.] Indeed, according to David Bressoud, "there is no evidence that the Indian work of series was known beyond India, or even outside of Kerala, until the nineteenth century." Gold, D. and D. Pingree. 1991. "A hitherto unknown Sanskrit work concerning Madhava's derivation of the power series for sine and cosine." "Historia Scientiarum". 42:49-65.]Both Arab and Indian scholars made discoveries before the 17th century that are now considered a part of calculus. However, they were not able to, as Newton and Leibniz were, to "combine many differing ideas under the two unifying themes of the
derivative and theintegral , show the connection between the two, and turn calculus into the great problem-solving tool we have today." The intellectual careers of both Newton and Leibniz are well-documented and there is no indication of their work not being their own; however, it is not known with certainty whether the immediate "predecessors" of Newton and Leibniz, "including, in particular, Fermat and Roberval, learned of some of the ideas of the Islamic and Indian mathematicians through sources we are not now aware." This is an active area of current research, especially in the manuscripts collections ofSpain andMaghreb , research that is now being pursued, among other places, at the Centre National de Recherche Scientifique inParis .See also
List of Indian mathematicians
*Indian science and technology
*Indian logic
*Indian astronomy
*History of mathematics
*Vedic square Notes
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title=Binary numbers in Indian antiquity
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title=A History of Ancient Mathematical Astronomy
publisher=Berlin: Springer-Verlag, 1456 pages
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authorlink=Phillimore J. S.
title=Philostratus in Honor of Apollonius of Tyana
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year=1912.External links
* [http://www.indohistory.com/science_and_mathematics.html Science and Mathematics in India]
* [http://www-gap.dcs.st-and.ac.uk/~history/HistTopics/Indian_mathematics.html An overview of Indian mathematics] , "MacTutor History of Mathematics Archive ",St Andrews University , 2000.
* [http://www-groups.dcs.st-and.ac.uk/~history/Indexes/Indians.html 'Index of Ancient Indian mathematics'] , "MacTutor History of Mathematics Archive", St Andrews University, 2004.
* [http://www-history.mcs.st-andrews.ac.uk/history/Projects/Pearce Indian Mathematics: Redressing the balance] , [http://www-history.mcs.st-and.ac.uk/Projects Student Projects in the History of Mathematics] . Ian Pearce. "MacTutor History of Mathematics Archive", St Andrews University, 2002.
* [http://cs.annauniv.edu/insight/insight/maths/history/index.htm Online course material for InSIGHT] , a workshop on traditional Indian sciences for school children conducted by the Computer Science department of Anna University, Chennai, India.
* [http://mathsolympiad.googlepages.com Mathematics Olympiad Help Site - India ]
* [http://mathsolympiad.googlepages.com/ebooks Mathematics Related E-books]
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