
A havan ceremony on the banks of Ganges, Muni Ki Reti, Rishikesh

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Havanam (also Havana, Havan) is the term for a sacred purifying ritual (yajna) in Hinduism that involves a fire ceremony. It is a ritual of sacrifice made to the fire god Agni. After lighting a Havan Kund (sacrificial fire), objects such as fruits, honey, or wooden goods are put into the sacred fire. If there are any evil spirits around or inside you they get burned off in the fire[citation needed]. It is believed that this sacrifice will bring health and prosperity.[citation needed]


Full text for Havan at Home (Arya Samaj Yagy)

Needs: Ghi (Milk Fat)250gm; SAMAGRI 500gm; Sweet (Halva); Dry Wood; Dhoop; Camphor; Roli or Haldi and Chaval for Tika; Kalava; Flower; Matches; Havan Kund (sacrificial fire); 4 Bowls, 4 Spoons, 1 Lota, 4 Plates, 1 big spoon, and metal bowl to heat Ghi; Diya with cotton wick (or you can use a small bowl).

PREPARE: The person doing havan should sit facing north and the head of household should sit facing east. Others can sit anywhere. Put some water in the 4 bowls and some samagri in the 3 plates for attendees use. The 4th is the main plate used below.

Set up the diya by putting some Ghi and the cotton wick in it. Put some halwa (or other sweet stuff) in plate.

The following practices vary, the below is one of them. Almost all of this is optional.

Tie some kalava around the Lota and fill it with water and place near Havan Kund's south west corner. Tie some kalava around a small piece of wood stick and put in plate. Put some roli or haldi and some chaval in the same plate (we will use this for tika). Put a few flowers in the same plate.

Preparation is now done.


Om bhur bhuvah: svaha: tat savitur varn^ae-niyam bhargo devasya dhi mahi dhiyo yona pracho da.ya-t |

Om shanno devi ra.bhish.ta.ya aapo bhavantu pee.ta.yae shm.yo.ra.bhis.tra.vantu nah: |

Om vak-vak | Om pranah:-pranah: | Om chakshu-chakshu | Om shro.tram-shro.tram | Om nabhi |

Om hri.day.am | Om kan.tham | Om shirh: | Om bahu.bhyaam yasho balam | Om kar.tal kar prish.t^ae |

Om bhu punatu shi.r.si | Om bhuvah: punatu nae.tra.yoh: | Om svaha: punatu kan.thae | Om mah: punatu hir.da.yae | Om ja.nh: punatu nabhyam | Om taph: punatu padyo: | Om satyam punatu pu.nah: shi.ra.si | Om kham bhrama punatu sarvatra |

Om bhu ; Om bhuvah: ; Om svaha: ; Om mah: ; Om ja.nh: ; Om ta.ph: ; Om satyam |

Om ritan.chya ch satyam cha.bhee.d.dhaa.tapa.so.dhya.ja.ya.t | ta.to ra.traya.jaa.ya.t ta.toh: samudro ar.n^.va.h: |

Om samudra.dar.n^.va.da.dhi sam.vat.sa.ro a.ja.ya.t | a.ho.ratra.n^i vi.da.dhadh.vishvasya mi.sha.to vashee |

Om surya chandra-maso dhaa.taa yatha.purva.ma.kalpa.ya-t | Divam ch prithvee chaa.nta.ri.kcha.ma.tha svh: |

Om shanno devi ra.bhish.ta.ya aapo bhavantu pee.ta.yae shm.yo.ra.bhis.tra.vantu nah: |

Om prachi dig.agni.r.dhi.pati.rak.sito rakshita.ditya ish.vah: | Tebhyo namo -dhipati.bhyo namo rakshit.tri.bhyo nam: ishu.bhyo nam: ae.bhyo astu | yosman dish.ti.yum vayam dwish.mas.tam vo jam.bhe da.dh.ma |

Om dakshin^a dig-indro –dhipati.sti.r.shchi.raji rakshita pi.ta.r ish.vah: | Tebhyo namo -dhipati.bhyo namo rakshit.tri.bhyo nam: ishu.bhyo nam: ae.bhyo astu | yosman dish.ti.yum vayam dwish.mas.tam vo jam.bhe da.dh.ma |

Om pra.tee.chee dig.varu.n^o-dhipati: pra.da.ku rakshitan.na.mi.sh.vah: | Tebhyo namo -dhipati.bhyo namo rakshit.tri.bhyo nam: ishu.bhyo nam: ae.bhyo astu | yosman dish.ti.yum vayam dwish.mas.tam vo jam.bhe da.dh.ma: |

Om u.dee.chee dik somo-dhipati svajo rakshita-sh.ni.rish.vah: | Tebhyo namo -dhipati.bhyo namo rakshit.tri.bhyo nam: ishu.bhyo nam: ae.bhyo astu | yosman dish.ti.yum vayam dwish.mas.tam vo jam.bhe da.dh.ma: |

Om dhruva dig.vishn^u.r.dhi.pati: kalma.sh.gri.vo rakshita vee.ru.dha ish.vah: | Tebhyo namo -dhipati.bhyo namo rakshit.tri.bhyo nam: ishu.bhyo nam: ae.bhyo astu | yosman dish.ti.yum vayam dwish.mas.tam vo jam.bhe da.dh.ma |

Om ur.dha dig bra.has.pati.r.dhi.pati: shvi.tro rakshita varsh.mish.vah: | Tebhyo namo -dhipati.bhyo namo rakshit.tri.bhyo nam: ishu.bhyo nam: ae.bhyo astu | yosman dish.ti.yum vayam dwish.mas.tam vo jam.bhe da.dh.ma |

Om udvayam.tama.saspa.risvah: pa.shyanta uttram | devam devatra surrya.ma.gan.maj.jyo.ti.ruttamm |

Om U.doo.tyam jaat.veda.sam devam vahinti ke.ta.vah: | dri.she vishvaay suryyam |

Om chitram devana.mud.ga.d.ni.kam chak.shur.mitra.sya varu.n^asyaag.ne: aapraa dya.vaa prithvi antariksham suuryya aatmaa jagat.sta.sthu.shas.shas swaa.haa |

Om tachcha.shu.rde.vahi.tam pu.rastaa.choo.kra.mu.chcha.rat | pa.shyae.m sharad: shatam jee.ve.m sharad: shatam shr.n^u.yaam sharad: shatam pra.bra.vaam sharad: shat.ma.dee.naah: shyaam sharad: shatam bhoo.yashcha sharad: shataa.t |

Om bhur bhuvah: svaha: tat savitur varn^ae-niyam bhargo devasya dhi mahi dhiyo yona pracho da.ya-t |

Hai eeshvar daya nidhe | bha.vat.kripya.ne.n jap-opaas-naadi karman^aa dharmarth kaama.moksha.n^aam saddhyah: sid.dhir.bhave.nn: |

Om namah sham.bha.vaaya ch mayo.bha.vaaya ch namah shankaray ch mayaskaray ch namah shivay ch shivataray cha |

Om Shanti: Shanti: Shanti: |

From here on SVAHA will be denoted as S#


[Take water in Right hand : 3 times]

Om amrito.pas.ta.ran^.masi S# | [Drink water]

Om amrita.pidhaan.masi S# | [Drink water]

Om sa.tyam yash: shr.eer.mayi shr.ee: shr.ya.taam S# | [ Drink water]

[Wash Hands. Now take water in Left and use mid two Right hand fingers to touch. Right then Left ]

{Mouth} Om vaa.ngma aas.ye.stu |

{Nose} Om nasorme praan^o.stu |

{Eyes} Om aak.shor.me chak-shur.astu |

{Ears} Om karn^.yor.me shrotram-astu |

{Arms} Om bahu.vor.me balam-astu |

{Knees} Om uur.vorma-ojo-stu |

{All Over} Om arish.taani me.gaa.ni tanoo.stanva mi sah.santu |


1. Om vishwaani deva savitur duri taani paraa suva | yad bhad.ram tanna aasuva |

2. Om hiran^ya garbha sama.var.ta taa.gre bhoo.tasya jaata: pati.rek aa.seet | sa daa dhaar prithvi dhyamu te maam kasmayee devaa ya havishaa vidhema |

3. Om ya aatmada balada yasya vishve u.paasate prashisham yasya devaa: yasya chhaaya-amritam yasya mrityu: kasmayee devaa ya havishaa vidhema |

4. Om ya: praa.n^a.to nimi.sha.to mahi.tvai.k idraa.jaa jagato ba.bhoo.va | ya ee.she asya dwipa.dash.chatush.pada: kasmai devaa ya havishaa vidhema |

5. Om yen dhyo.rugra prithvi ch dri.dh^a yen sva: stam.bhi.tam yen naak: | Yo antariksha rajso viman: kasmayee deva ya havisha vidhema |

6. Om prjaa.pate natva.de.ta.nyan.yo vishwa jaataani prita va.bhoo.va | yatka.maste juhu.mastanno astu vayam syaam patayo rayeen^aam |

7. Om sa no bandhur.janita sa vidhata dhaa.maa.ni veda bhu.va.naani vishwa | yatra devaa amrit.maan.shaa.naastri.tee.ye dhaa.manna.dhyai.ra.yanta |

8. Om agne naya supatha raaye aasmaan vishwani deva vayu.naani vidwaan | Yuyo.dhyas.ma.ju.hu.raa.n^a.me.no bhuyish.th^aante na.m: unktim vidhema |


Om bhoor bhuvah: svaha: | [Light the Diya. Light camphor in spoon]

[Put camphor into havan kund at the end of the following manta]

Om bhoor bhuvah: swar.dyo.riva.bhoomanaa prithvi vava.rimn^aa | tas.yaas.te prithvi deva.yajani prish.th^ae.agni.manna.da.manna.dya.ya.da.dhe |

[Add Ghi and small sticks to the fire with this mantra to get the fire going]

Om ud.bhud.yas-waag.ne prati.jaag.ri.hi tvam.ishta.poorte.sam.srije.tham.a.yan ch | asmin.t.sadhas.the ad.dhyut.tar.asmin vish.ve.deva yajmaa.nashch see.da.ta |

[Use 3 wood bits about 5-8 inches each, dipped in Ghi. Add one per S# ]

Om ayant idma aatma jaat.vedas-te-nain dhasya vardhasya che.dha.vardhaya chaas.maan prajaya pashu.bhi-brahma.varchasain.naan.naa dhain same.dha.ya S# | id.m-agnaye jaat veda se idanna-mamah:| [1]

Om sami.dhag.nim du.vasya.ta ghri.ter.bo.dhaya.ta.ti.tham aasmin hav.vyaa juho.tana |

Om su.samidha ya.sho.chi.she ghri.tam teev.ram juho.tana | aagnaye jaat veda-se S# | id.m-agnaye jaat veda se idanna-mamah:| [2]

Om tantva samid.bhir.angiro ghri.tain vardhaya-masi bri.hish.chho.chaa ya.vish.chya S# | id.m-agnaye inge.ra.se idanna-mamah:| [3]

[Read the next mantra 5 times adding only Ghi to the fire]

Om ayant idhma aatma jaat.vedas-te-nain dhasya.vardhasya che.dha.vardhaya chaas.maan prajayaa pashu.bhi-brahma.var.cha.se.n.naan.naa dhain same.dha.ya S# | id.m-agnaye jaat veda se idanna-mamah:| [1] [2] [3] [4] [5]


Om adi.tain.u.manya’sva | [Sprinkle water in the East]

Om anu.matain.u.manya’sva | [Sprinkle water in the West]

Om saras.vat.tyan.u.manya’sva [Sprinkle water in the North]

Om deva savita: pra.suva yagyam pra.suva yagya.patim bhagaaya | divyo gandharva: ke.ta.puh: ke.tanna punaatu vaa.chas.patir.vaa.cham.na: sva.datu | [ Sprinkle water: East-South-West-North-East]

GHI AND SWEET STUFF AAHUTI [Put in Ghi and a little bit of the Halwa or other sweet stuff into the fire as directed below]

Om agnaye S# | id.m-agnaye idanna-mamah: | [North Side]

Om somaaya S# | id.m-somaaya idanna-mamah: | [South Side]

Om prajaa.pataye S# | idam prajaa.pataye idanna-mamah: | [Center]

Om indraa.ya S# | idam indraa.ya idanna-mamah: | [Center]


[Add Ghi as before. Attendees to add samagri on S#]

[Morning Mantras]

Om sooryo jyotir.jyoti: surya: S# |

Om sooryo varcho.jyotir.varcha: S#|

Om jyoti: soorya: sooryo.jyoti: S# |

Om sajur.de.vain savitra sajoo-ru.sha.sen.dra.vatyaa | jushan^u: sooryo vetu S# |

Om bhur.agnaye.praan^aye S# | id.m-agnaye praan^aya idanna-mamah: |

Om bhuvar.vaa.ya.ve paa.naa.ya S# | id-m vaa.ya.ve paa.naa.ya idanna-mamah: |

Om svara.dityaay vya.naaya S# | id-m-aadityaay vya.naaya idanna-mamah: |

Om bhur bhuvah: swaragni.vaa.ya.va.di.te.bhya: praa.n^aa.paa.na vyaa.nai.bhya: S# | idr-magna vaaya.vaa.di.te.bhya: praa.n^aa.paa.na vyaa.ne.bhya: idanna-mamah: |

Om aapo jyoti raso-amritam brahma bhur bhuvah: svarom S# |

Om yaam me.dhaam deva ga.n^aa: pita.rashcho.paa.sate | Tayaa maa.m.dh.ya.me.dha.yaagne me.dhaa vinam kuroo S# |

Om vishwani deva savitur duri taani para suva | yad bhad.ram tanna aasuva S# |

Om agne naya supatha raaye asmaan vishwaani deva vayu.naani vidwaan | Yuyo dhyas.ma.ju.hu.raa.n^a.me.no bhuyish.th^aante na.m: unktim vidhema S# |

[Evening Mantras]

Om agnir.jyotir.jyotir.agni: S# |

Om agnir.varcho.jyotir.varchaa: S# |

[Silent MANTRA] Om agnir.jyotir.jyotir.agni: S# |[Do not speak this out. Do this one in Mind Only]

Om sajur de.vain savitra saju.ra.traindra.vatya jushan^o agnir.vetu S# |

Om bhur.agnaye.prn^aye S# |

Om bhuvar.vaa.yave-paa.naa.ya S# |

Om svara.dityaay vya.naaya S# |

Om bhur bhu.vah: sva.ragni.vaaya.vaa.di.te.bhya: praa.n^aa.paa.na vyaa.ne.bhya: S# |

Om aapo jyoti raso-amritam brahma bhur bhu.vah: svarom S# |

[Do GAYTRI MANTRA 3 times ]

Om bhur bhuvah: svaha: tat savitur varn^ae-niyam bhargo devasya dhi mahi dhiyo yona pracho da.ya-t S# | [1] [2] [3]

[Do VISHWANI DEVA 3 times]

Om vishwaani deva savitur duri taani para suva | yad bhad.ram tanna aasuva S# | [1] [2] [3]

PURNA AHUTI [ All remaining ghi and samagri into the fire: do 3 times]

Om sar.vang.vayi purn^am S# | [1] [2] [3]


Om shanti antariksha shanti: prithvi shanti rapa: shantir-oshadhaya: shanti: | vanaspataya: shantir-vish.ve.deva: shantir-brahma shanti: sarvatram shanti: shanti-reva shanti: saa maa shanti-re.dhi | Om shanti-sh-shanti-sh-shanti |

End of Main Havan

Tie kalava around the wrist of all participants. Right hand for all kids and men, left for women. Add a bit of water to roli/haldi and do tilak. Serve out the halwa (or other sweet stuff) as the "prasaad". The havan kund should be allowed to burn down to ashes on its own, but if necessary, use water to shut it down. The havan kund can be moved to the outside of the house or other place as need be. If the dwelling has a garden - empty the ashes into the soil. Similarly, empty the water used in the havan into the garden or even any potted plants if possible. Adapt as practical.

See also


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