

The Hindu varna (class) system, a Vaishya (Sanskrit वैश्य "vaiśya") is a member of the third of the four classes of traditional Indian society. It comprises merchants, artisans, and cultivators. A person born into a Brahmin/Kshatriya/Vaishya family becomes twice-born (dvija) when he undergoes upanayanam, initiation into Vedic education or education helping him master those parts of the four Vedas concerning his occupation. They are the third in the caste system and are the merchants and traders.Fact|date=February 2007.


The word derives from the root "vishal" meaning "to live". Latin villa and the English "wich", as in Greenwich, are also cognate to this word. In Buddhist literature, they are termed as Grihapati.The sanskrit and hindi word "vishva" which means "The Universe" is also formed from the word "vish".

Sri Krishna in Bhagwat Gita says 'CHATUR VARNA MAYA SRISTIM GUNA KARMA VIBHAG SHAH' He says that on the inquiry of self realization, people undergo different step by step stages of awareness, and with it comes purity in their character. There are four steps or divisions of 'varna' according to ones' state of identifying with the self. SHUDRA (KAM)- VAISHYA (ARTH)- Kshatriya(DHARMA) and BRAHMAN (MOXA)

VAISHYA are those whose mind is engaged by the VISHAYA. VISHAYA means, subject or specialization or professional knowledge. Physics, Chemistry, Technology, Law, Economics, Politics, Management are example of the Vishaya. Another term for VISHAYA is ARTH or meaning, or knowledge behind every object, ego or positions of power. Vishaya contains VISH or poison because mind under influence of a subjects get anxiety, and insatiable demand of changes and controls. It is said that consumers of VISHAYA are intoxicating; and specialists for example, try always to wield more power and control in their hand. They are unfaithful or without a discretion because knowledge of subjects/specialization gives them a power and flexibility to evolve and experiment with every new object, subjects and in relationships.

Over a period, these 'professional' or practicing specialists or experts came to organize themselves as a community. Their system of work is called VYAVSAYA or acts of business by mutual free will, and not by force. VAISHYA is most popular form of a market society. The color associated with this Varna is yellow, symbolizing Rajas/Tamas, meaning quality in general. Some traditional north Indian surnames for Vaishyas are Gupta, Bhuti, Agarwal, Garg.

According to the Manu-smriti, the Vaishyas arose from the belly of Brahma.

Vaishya Varna

*Arya Vysyas
*Omar Banias
*Kalinga Vysyas
*Baisya Sahas
*Batham Vaishyas

ee also

*Forward Castes
*Prabhat Ranjan Sarkar
*Social cycle theory
*Tarkhan (tribe)
*List of Arya Vaishya people

External links

* - Non-Resident Indian Vysya Association based in North America
* - Online Arya Vysya Matrimony

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