- List of Hindu scriptures
The following is a bibliography of Hindu scriptures and texts.
Hinduism is based on "the accumulated treasury of spiritual laws discovered by different persons in different times." [ Complete Works ofSwami Vivekananda Vol III. 118-120; Vol. I. 6-7.] The scriptures were transmitted orally, in verse form to aid memorization, for many centuries before they were written down. [Sargeant, Winthrop, Introduction to "The Bhagavad Gita" at 3 (New York, 1984) ISBN 0-87395-831-4] Swami Nikhilananda, "The Upanishads: A New Translation" Vol. I, at 3 (5th Ed. 1990) ISBN 0-911206-15-9] While many of these texts are inSanskrit , several others have been composed in, or translated into other Indian languages.The main purpose of this list is to give a very brief description of Hindu scriptures or related concepts and guide the reader to the relevant article on wikipedia. The article also lists religious scholars who have translated or written commentaries on Hindu scriptures.
*Agama - important "
smriti " scriptures. Different denominations understand this term in different ways.*IAST|Āraṇyaka ( _sa. आरण्यक) : Part of the Hindu Śruti that discuss
philosophy ,sacrifice and theNew Year holiday .*
Atharva Veda : one of the fourVedas ; the last oneB
*IAST|Bhagavad Gītā ( _sa. भगवद् गीता) : The national gospel contained in Mahābhārata, Part of the
epic poem Mahabharata , located in the "Bhishma -Parva " chapters 23–40. A core sacred text ofHinduism and philosophy.
*Brahmana - one of the parts into which theVedas are divided
*Brahma Sutras - important texts inAdvaita Vedanta C
Devi Mahatmya also known as Durgā Saptashatī - 700 verses fromMārkandeya Purana giving an account of the Glory ofDevi , the Goddess, the most important text ofShaktism – sometimes referred to as the "Shakta Bible"
*Devi Bhagavata - One of thePuranas which is one of the most important writings inShaktism .
*Divya Prabandha - Collection of 4000 verses in Tamil; sung byAlvars saints onVishnu . Considered asDravida Veda.E
Gheranda Samhita ( _sa. धेरंड संहिता): One of the three classic texts ofHatha Yoga (see also:Hatha Yoga Pradipika and theShiva Samhita ) written in the late 17th century CE.
*IAST|Gītā ( _sa. गीता): SeeBhagwad Gita H
Hatha Yoga Pradipika : is one of the fundamental text ofHatha Yoga including information aboutasana s,pranayama ,chakra s,kundalini ,bandha s,kriya s,shakti ,nadi s andmudra s. It was written by Swami Swatmarama in the 15th century CE.
*Hindu scripture : Sacred texts of Hinduism mostly written inSanskrit . Hindu scripture is divided into two categories: "Śruti" – that which is heard (i.e. revelation) and "Smriti " – that which is remembered (i.e. tradition, not revelation).I
Itihasas - in Hindu religious context this term refers to the "Mahabharata " and the "Ramayana " but may also be used in reference to all kinds ofIndian epic poetry J
*IAST|Jātaka ( _sa. जातक): The Jataka is a voluminous body of folklore and mythic literature, primarily associated with the Theravada Buddhist tradition, as written in the Pali language (from about the 3rd century, C.E.); The story of Rama is told in one of Jātakas.
*IAST|Mahābhārata ( _sa. महाभारत): One of the two major ancient
Sanskrit epics ofIndia , the other being the "Ramayana ". The "Mahabharata" is of religious and philosophical importance in India; in particular, theBhagavad Gita , which is one of its chapters ("Bhishmaparva") and a sacred text ofHinduism .*
Manu Smriti ( _sa. मनुस्मृति) : The Manusmriti translated Laws of Manu is regarded as an important work of Hindu law and ancient Indian society. Manu was the forefather of all humans and author ofManu Smriti . Certain historians believe it to have been written down around 200 C.E. under the reign of Pushymitra Sunga of Sangha clan, who is alleged to have persecuted many Buddhists, to regulate a code of conduct consolidating Hinduism.N
*IAST|Purāṇa ( _sa. पुराण): Purana meaning "ancient" or "old" is the name of a genre (or a group of related genres) of Indian written literature (as distinct from oral literature). Its general themes are history, tradition and religion. It is usually written in the form of stories related by one person to another.
*IAST|Rāmāyaṇa ( _sa. रामायण): Part of the Hindu
smriti , written byValmiki . This epic of 24,000 verses in seven "kandas" (chapters or books) tells of aRaghuvamsa prince,Rama ofAyodhya , whose wifeSita is abducted by therakshasa Ravana .*IAST|Ṝgveda ( _sa. ऋग्वेद): The Rigveda is a collection of Vedic Sanskrit hymns counted as the holiest of the four religious texts of Hindus, known as the
Vedas .*
Sahasranama - a book containing a list of names of deities*
Sama Veda - one of the fourVedas *
Shiva Samhita : is one of the three classical treatises onHatha Yoga (see also:Gheranda Samhita andHatha Yoga Pradipika ) written by an unknown author. The text is addressed by the Hindu godShiva to his consortParvati .*
Smriti - Hindu scriptures other than theVedas (e.g. theItihasa s, thePuranas )*IAST|Śruti ( _sa. श्रुति): A canon of Hindu
scripture s. Shruti is believed to have noauthor ; rather a divine recording of the "cosmic sounds of truth", heard byrishi s.*IAST|Sūtra ( _sa. सूत्र): Sūtra refers to an aphorism or a collection of such aphorisms in the form of a book or text. 'Sutras' form a school of Vedic study, related to and somewhat later than the
Upanishad s.*
Shikshapatri - Written byLord Swaminarayan .T
Tantras ( _sa. तंत्र): The esoteric Hindu traditions ofritual s andyoga . Tantra can be summarised as a family of voluntary rituals modeled on those of the Vedas, together with their attendant texts and lineages.*
Tevaram - an important Saivite scripture*
Divya Prabandha - an important Vaishnavite scripture*
Tirukkural - an important "smriti " scripture inSouth India U
Upanishad ( _sa. उपनिषद्): Part of the Hindu "Śruti" scriptures which primarily discussmeditation andphilosophy , seen as religious instructions by most schools ofHinduism .V
Veda ( _sa. वेद): Collectively refers to a corpus of ancient Indo-Aryan religious literature that are considered by adherents ofHinduism to be "revealed" knowledge. ManyHindu s believe the Vedas existed since the beginning of creation.Vachanamrut
*IAST|Yajurveda ( _sa. यजुर्वेदः): One of the four
Veda s, focusing on liturgy, rituals and sacrifices.
*Yoga Sutra ( _sa. योग सूत्र): One of the sixdarshana s of Hindu or Vedic schools and, alongside theBhagavad Gita andHatha Yoga Pradipika , are a milestone in the history ofYoga .Z
Commentators and scholars
Adi Shankara ( _sa. आदि शङ्कर) : The first Hindu philosopher who consolidated the principles of theAdvaita Vedanta philosophy in his writings.*
Madhvacharya (Kannada : _ka. ಶ್ರೀ ಮಧ್ವಾಚಾರ್ಯರು): The chief proponent of Tattvavāda (True Philosophy), popularly known asDvaita or dualistic school ofHindu philosophy . He wrote several commentaries on theVeda s,Upanishad s and theBhagavadgita .*
Vallabhacarya : A non-dualist devotional philosopher.* IAST|Rāmānuja ( _sa. रामानुज): A Tamil
theologian ,philosopher , andscriptural exegete , Ramanuja was a leading expounder of expounder of Viśiṣṭādvaita (one of the classical interpretations of theVedanta school ofHindu philosophy ), in his writings.*
Valmiki : author of theRamayana
*Veda Vyasa ( _sa. वेद व्यास): author of theMahabharata .*
Pathanjali : author of theYoga Sutras and theMahabhashya *
Madhva - a south Indian theologian philosopher, founder ofDvaita Vedanta philosophical school*
Badarayana - author of theBrahma Sutras (Vedanta Sutras), founder ofVedanta philosophy*
Gaudapada - early Vedanta philosopherReferences
Further reading
See also
External links
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