List of Hindu sants

List of Hindu sants

This article lists a number of ancient and medieval Hindu sants, including legendary figures.

*Mirabai, famous Bhakta poetess, devotee of Krishna
*Sant Dynaneshewar [ [ Caste Protectors Detailed Article at] ] [ [ Santgyan] ] , son of a Brahmin, made an outcast by society along with his family, part of the Bhakti movement, fought for the rights of the backward castes as did his siblings sants Muktabai, Nivrutinath and Sopana. He and his family left the Sahaja Panth for sants like Kabir.

*Sant Eknath, Brahmin, outcast by society, fought for the rights of the backward castes

*Sant Narsi Mehta, outcast for trying to break caste barriers

*Sant Tulsidas, Brahmin who supported the ancient Vedic caste system which is based on one's occupation rather than birth, and further argued that we should all treat each other equally with no basis of caste. He had many lower caste followers whom he gladly accepted and furthermore taught that all men are equal in eyes of God with his book the Ramacharitamansa.

*Sant Ramananda, Brahmin, devotee of Rama, had many backward caste disciples including Kabir

*Sant Ramanuja, Brahmin whose guru was from a backward caste (and saw seeing equality in all humans). Many of his disciples were from backward castes, including Kanchipurna.

*Sant Tukaram, a Kunbi member, devotee of Krishna, guru of Bahinabai (Brahmin) and part of the Bhakti movement

*Sant Bogar, goldsmith, a South Indian Siddhar who became a Siddhar under the guidance of Kalanginaathar. It is said that he proceeded to China to teach the ways of the Siddhars. There is even a myth that Lao Tze is none other than Bhogar. Bhogar’s Samadhi is to be found in the South West corridor at the Palani Muruga shrine. [ [ Bhogar in India] ]

*Sant Nammalvar [ [ Word Document] ] , an Alvar Vaishnava devotee

*Sant Dadu, cotton carder, founded Dadu Panth, tried to bridge gap between Hindus and Muslims

*Sant Goroba Kumbhar [ [] Info on Saints] , Kumhar (potter), Vaishnava devotee of Vithoba

*Sant Janabai, Dasi (servant), Vaishnava devotee of Vitthal domestic servant in Sant Namdev's home

*Sant Kabir, member of the weaver caste, Vaishnava devotee of Rama tried to bring peace between Hindus and Muslims
*Sant Kwaja Lassa Sahib [ [] ]

*Sant Kanchipurna [ [] ] , devotee of Varadaraja

*Sant Namdev [ [ Namadev the Saint] ] , Vaishnava devotee of Vithoba

*Sant Narahari Sonar, Sunar (goldsmith), Vaishnava devotee of Krishna

*Sant Phule, Mali (gardener)
*Sant Sajan Kasai

*Sant Savata Mali, Mali

*Sant Sena Nhavi, Nai (barber)

*Sant Sen Maharaj -Nai Rajsthan

*Sant Tiruneelakanda Nayanar [ [ Hindu Saint Tiruneelakanda Nayanar] ] , potter, devotee of Shiva, one of 63 Shaivite saints

*Sant Tirukkacchi Nambi [ [ TRS Iyengar] ]

*Sree Narayana Guru, a very well-known Sage, Sant, Reformer and Philosopher

*Maharshi Ved Vyasa, composed the Mahabharata, Bhagawat Gita and the Upanishads. Ved Vyasa was born of and raised by a fisherwoman

*Maharshi Matanga, Matanga Bhil, Guru of Bhakta Shabari. In fact, Chandalas are often addressed as ‘Matanga ’in passages like Varaha Purana 1.139.91

*Sant Anayar Nayanar

*Sant Atipattar Nayanar

*Sant Chokha Mela, Mahar

*Sant Enati Nayanar

*Sant Guru Ghasidas, founded Satnami sect

*Sant Kaliar Nayanar [ [ Nayanar] ]

*Sant Kannappa Nayanar, one of 63 Nayanar Shaivite saints, a hunter from whom Lord Shiva gladly accepted food offerings

*Sant Kapinjalada, Chandala, according to Mahabharata (Anushasana Parvan 53.13-19)

*Sant Nandanar (Nanthanaar) [ [ Nanthanaar, who the gods showered with flowers] ] , Athanuur, devotee of Shiva [ [ Nanaalai Article at] ] , one of 63 Nayanar Shaivite saints

*Sant Raidas/Ravidas, Chamar (cobbler) member, the Guru of Mirabai

*Sant Soyarabai, Sant Chokha Mela's wife

*Sant Tirukkurippu Tondar Nayanar

*Sant Tiru Nilakanta Nayanar, potter, devotee of Shiva

*Sant Tiru Nilakanta Yazhpanar, one of 63 Nayanar Shaivite sants

ee also

*List of Hindu gurus and saints
*Hindu reform movements


External links

* [ Hindu Deities, Sages and Saints Who were not Brahmins] an article by Vishal Agarwal
* [ Gurus ot India]

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