Mush (cornmeal)

Mush (cornmeal)
This article is about the food item. For other uses, see mush.

Mush — sometimes called coosh — is a thick cornmeal pudding (or porridge) usually boiled in water or milk. It is often allowed to set, or gel into a semi solid, then cut into flat squares or rectangles, and pan fried. Usage is especially common in the eastern and southeastern United States. It is also customary for those in the Midwestern US to eat it with maple syrup. Corn meal mush is often consumed in Latin America and Africa.

It has been considered synonymous, perhaps erroneously, with other dishes:

"Thee the soft nations round the warm Levant
Palanta call, the French of course Polante;
E'en in thy native regions how I blush
To hear the Pennsylvanians call thee Mush!
On Hudson's banks, while men of Belgic spawn
Insult and eat thee by the name suppawn.
All spurious appellations; void of truth:
I've better known thee from my earliest youth,
Thy name is Hasty-Pudding!
The Hasty-Pudding, Joel Barlow, 1793

See also


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  • Mush — may refer to: mush (cornmeal) (/ˈmʌʃ/ or …   Wikipedia

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  • mush — mush1 [mush] n. [prob. var. of MASH] 1. a thick porridge made by boiling meal, esp. cornmeal, in water or milk 2. any thick, soft, yielding mass 3. Informal maudlin sentimentality vt. [Dial., Chiefly Brit.] to make into mush; crush mush2 [mush] …   English World dictionary

  • Mush (maize) — Mush is a thick cornmeal pudding (or porridge) usually boiled in water or milk. It is often then fried after being cut up into flat squares or rectangles. Usage is especially common in the eastern and southeastern United States. It is also… …   Wikipedia

  • cornmeal mush — noun cornmeal boiled in water • Syn: ↑mush • Derivationally related forms: ↑mushy (for: ↑mush) • Hypernyms: ↑hot cereal • Hyponym …   Useful english dictionary

  • mush — mush1 [mʌʃ] n 1.) [singular, U] an unpleasant soft substance, especially food, which is partly liquid and partly solid ▪ The boiled vegetables had turned to mush . ▪ She trudged through the mush of fallen leaves. 2.) turn/go to mush if your… …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • mush — mush1 /mush/ or, esp. for 2 5, /moosh/, n. 1. meal, esp. cornmeal, boiled in water or milk until it forms a thick, soft mass, or until it is stiff enough to mold into a loaf for slicing and frying. 2. any thick, soft mass. 3. mawkish… …   Universalium

  • mush — mush1 [ mʌʃ ] noun 1. ) singular or uncount a thick soft substance: The potatoes will turn to mush if they are overcooked. 2. ) uncount something that is romantic in a way that seems silly and not sincere 3. ) uncount AMERICAN a thick food made… …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

  • mush — I [[t]mʌʃ[/t]] or, esp. for 2 5, [[t]mʊʃ[/t]] n. 1) a thick mixture made by boiling meal, esp. cornmeal, in water or milk 2) any thick, soft mass 3) mawkish sentimentality or amorousness 4) cvb to squeeze or crush; crunch • Etymology: 1665–75,… …   From formal English to slang

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