

Pudding most often refers to a dessert, but can also be a savory dish. There are two main types.

The word "pudding" probably comes from the French "boudin", originally from the Latin "botellus", meaning "small sausage," referring to encased meats used in Medieval European puddings. [cite web | last =Olver | first =Lynne | title =The Food Timeline: pudding | date= 2000 | url = http://www.foodtimeline.org/foodpuddings.html | accessdate = 2007-05-03] In the United Kingdom and some Commonwealth countries, "pudding" is a common term for any dessert.

Baked, steamed and boiled puddings

The first type of pudding is a solid mass formed by mixing various ingredients with a grain product or another binder (e.g., batter, flour, cereal, blood, eggs, suet). These puddings are cooked by baking, steaming or boiling.

This type of pudding is still common in various places and is served as either a main-course dish or a dessert. In Australia, "pudding" is usually used to describe this type, though the term also may be used to refer to the second type (see below) as well. These are less common in North America.

Many puddings of this type resemble cakes, characteristically with more moisture and usually served in chunks rather than slices. Others are types of sausages. Dessert pudding is often accompanied by custard or ice cream.

Boiled pudding was a common main course aboard ships in the Royal Navy in the 18th and 19th centuries. Pudding was used as the primary dish in which daily rations of flour and suet were prepared.

uet pudding

Steamed pies consisting of a filling completely enclosed by suet pastry are also known as puddings. These may be sweet or savoury and include such dishes as steak and kidney pudding.

Creamy puddings

The second and newer type of pudding consists of sugar, milk, and a thickening agent such as cornstarch, gelatin, eggs, rice or tapioca to create a sweet, creamy dessert. These puddings are made either by simmering on top of the stove in a saucepan or double boiler or by baking in an oven, often in a bain-marie. They are typically served chilled, but a few types, such as zabaglione and rice pudding, may be served warm.

This is the most familiar meaning of the term in North America and some European countries such as the Netherlands, whilst in Britain egg-thickened puddings are considered custards and starch-thickened puddings are blanc-mange. Pudding may be made from scratch or a mix or may be purchased ready to eat. The gelatin dessert company Jell-O is the primary producer of pudding mixes and prepared puddings in North America.

List of types of pudding

Baked, steamed and boiled puddings


* Batter puddings, including Yorkshire pudding and popovers
* Black pudding
* Boudin
* Cheese pudding
* Corn pudding
* Goetta
* Groaty pudding
* Haggis
* Hog's pudding
* Kishke
* Kugel
* Pease pudding
* Pennsylvania Dutch hog maw
* Polenta (mămăligă, cornmeal mush)
* Red pudding
* Scrapple
* Steak and kidney pudding
* White pudding


* Bread pudding
* Bread and butter pudding
* Cabinet pudding
* Carrot pudding
* Chè
* Cheshire pudding
* Chocolate pudding (British Isles and Australasian version)
* Christmas pudding ("plum pudding")
* Clootie dumpling
* Cottage pudding
* Duff
* Grape-Nuts pudding
* Indian pudding
* Figgy duff
* Figgy pudding
* Fruit pudding
* Hasty pudding
* Jam Roly-Poly
* Rice pudding
* Spotted dick
* Sticky date pudding
* Sticky toffee pudding
* Summer pudding
* Tapioca pudding

Creamy puddings

* Bavarian cream
* Blancmange
* Crema catalana
* Creme anglaise
* Crème brûlée (burnt cream)
* Creme caramel
* Cornstarch puddings, including banana, butterscotch, lemon, pistachio, vanilla and chocolate (North American and Asian version)
* Custard
* Flan
* Fool
* Haupia
* Junket
* Jell-O Brand
* Mango pudding
* Mousse
* Panna cotta
* Pot de creme
* Pudding Pops
* Rice pudding, including kheer
* Semolina pudding
* Syllabub
* Trifle
* Zabaglione (sabayon)

Miscellaneous desserts

"In these examples, the word "pudding" is used in the British sense meaning "any dessert," rather than the specific puddings discussed above."

* Bakewell pudding
* Pudding cake
* Pudding pie
* Queen of puddings

Cultural references

* The proverb, "The proof of the pudding's in the eating" dates back to at least the 17th century. [title =Ask Yahoo | http://ask.yahoo.com/20020903.html]

* "Puddin' 'n' Tain" was a popular doo-wop song by the Alley Kats. It is based on the old children's joke, "What's your name?" "Puddin' tain. Ask me again, I'll tell you the same."

* The Tragedy of Pudd'nhead Wilson by Mark Twain reflects the term's use as a metaphor for the gray matter of a fool.

* "You silly pudding", is a childish insult in British English.

ee also

*Bill Cosby


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