Pointed hat

Pointed hat

Pointed hats have been a distinctive item of headgear of a wide range of cultures throughout history. Though often suggesting an ancient Indo-European tradition, they were also traditionally worn by women of Lapland, the Japanese, the Mi'kmaq people of Atlantic Canada, and the Huastecs of Veracruz and Aztec (illustrated e.g. in Codex Mendoza). The Kabiri of New Guinea have the diba, a pointed hat glued together.[1]


Bronze Age

The conical golden hats of Bronze Age Central Europe were probably a ceremonial accessory worn by the priesthood. See also horned helmet.

Iron Age

Textile analysis of the Tarim Mummies has shown some similarities to the Iron Age civilizations of Europe dating from 800 BC, including woven twill and tartan patterns strikingly similar to tartans from Northern Europe. One unusual find was a distinctively pointed hat:

Yet another female - her skeleton found beside the remains of a man - still wore a terrifically tall, conical hat just like those we depict on witches riding broomsticks at Halloween or on medieval wizards intent at their magical spells. (Barber 1999:200)

Pointed hats were also worn in ancient times by Saka (Scythians), and are shown on Hindu temples and in Hittite reliefs. The name of the Scythian tribe of the tigrakhauda (Orthocorybantians) is a bahuvrihi compound literally translating to "people with pointed hats".

The Hallstatt culture Warrior of Hirschlanden wears a pointed hat or helmet.

Hephaestus, the Cabeiri as well as Odysseus are traditionally pictured wearing a Pilos, or woolen conical hat.

Middle Ages

A kazaori eboshi from the Japanese Heian period

The 9th century Cumans are reported to have fought wearing pointed hats.

Originating from the Japanese Heian period, the kazaori eboshi (風折烏帽子) was worn by aristocrats to indicate rank. Still worn today for ceremonial purposes, this black,[2] linen hat is used during a Samurai's ceremony in attaining manhood.[3]

The Jewish poet Süßkind von Trimberg wearing a Jewish hat (Codex Manesse, 14th century)

The Papal tiara in the Middle Ages is sometimes shown as more pointed than in more recent centuries, though also shown with no point. Mitra papalis is a type of conch named after the papal mitre for its form.

Following the Fourth Lateran Council of 1215, Jews were forced to wear distinctive clothing. This included the pointed Jewish hat (or "Judenhut") already worn by Jews, a piece of clothing probably imported from the Islamic world and perhaps before that from Persia.[4]

Popular among Burgundian noblewomen in the 15th century was a type of conical headgear now called a hennin.[5]

The whirling dervishes from the 13th century wore hats similar to the hennins, and the Ottoman Janissaries wore similar headgear to show their veneration for Hadji Bektash, founder of a Sufi order.

Conical hats were also popular in late medieval Vijayanagar, India.

The term dunce cap is only attested from 1840, but according to Cecil Adams, 14th century theologian John Duns Scotus recommended the wearing of conical hats to stimulate learning.

Modern times

Courirs de Mardi Gras in 2010

The Spitzhut is a traditional kind of headgear in Bavaria.

Pointed hoods were used by various secret orders and Catholic lay confraternities for processions, e.g. the Semana Santa of Sevilla who wore the Capirote. These were later adopted by the Ku Klux Klan.

The term Pointed Hat was used as a derogatory term towards the Pope and the Papal Tiara. The term has lost its notoriety after the Vatican II discontinued the tradition of wearing the papal tiara.

Pointed hats are still worn in the rural Louisiana Mardi Gras celebrations by the Cajuns, the Courir de Mardi Gras, where they are known as capuchons.[6]

Folklore and fiction

Golden hat

Classical pointed hats are worn by the dwarfs, witches and wizards of European myth. Also seen on: Garden gnomes, Smurfs, Gandalf, Merlin, Link.

Conical hats


Existence of the conical hat is known as early as the Bronze Age in Middle East and Central Europe. One example is the golden hat worn by members of the priesthood, likely as a ceremonial accessory. In Ancient Greece, the pilos was a common conical travelling hat. Popular among Burgundian noblewomen in the 15th century was a type of conical headgear now called a hennin.[5] Conical hats were also popular in late medieval Vijayanagar, India.


Golden hat

This type of hat is a very specific and rare type of archaeological artifact from Bronze Age Central Europe.



A capuchon is a ceremonial hat worn during the Mardi Gras celebration in the Cajun areas of southwestern Louisiana, known as the Courir de Mardi Gras.

Party hat

Party hat

A party hat is generally a playful conical hat made with a rolled up piece of thin cardboard, usually with designs printed on the outside and a long string of elastic going from one side of the cone's bottom to another to secure the cone to one's head.



Historically, the capirote was a cardboard cone that flagellants in Spain would use. It was also used during capital punishment in Spain, and also during an Inquisition, where the condemned person would be forced to wear one and be put under public humiliation.

Jewish hat

Jewish hat

The Jewish hat was often white or yellow, worn by Jews in Medieval Europe and some of the Islamic world.

Dunce cap

Dunce cap

In popular culture, the dunce cap is typically made of paper and often marked with a D or the word "dunce", and given to schoolchildren to wear as punishment by public humiliation for misbehaviour and, as the name implies, stupidity.

Conical Asian hat

Conical Asian hat

Known as a sedge hat, rice hat, paddy hat or coolie hat, this simple style of hat is often made of straw. It originated in East and Southeast Asia, particularly Vietnam, China, Japan and Korea, Cambodia, Philippines, and Indonesia.



Most commonly worn in Burgundy and France by women of the nobility, the hennin appears from about 1430 onwards. Later, though, this hat spread more widely, especially in the truncated form. Typically, the hennin was 12 to 18 inches (30 to 45 cm) high, generally accompanied by a veil that usually emerged from the top of the cone and was allowed to fall onto the woman's shoulders.



Similar to the hennin, this woman's headdress was popular in the Eastern Mediterranean during the 19th century.[7][8] The most splendid tantours made of gold reaching as high as 30 inches. Some were encrusted with gems and pearls. The tantour was held in by a ribbons tied around the head. A silk scarf was wound around the base with a white veil attached to the peak.[9]

Phrygian cap

Phrygian cap

The Phrygian cap is a soft cap with the top pulled forward, associated in antiquity with the inhabitants of Phrygia, a region of central Anatolia, and in modern times with Smurfs.



Predecessor to the Phrygian cap, the pileus was, in Ancient Greece and Rome, a brimless, felt cap, somewhat similar to a fez.

Sugar loaf

This very tall, tapering hat was first worn in medieval times. Its name comes from the loaves into which sugar was formed at that time.[10] The sugar loaf hat is the stereotypical pointed black hat worn by witches.

See also


  • Barber, A.W. (1999). The Mummies of Ürümchi. Macmillan, London.

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  • Jewish hat — For the modern Jewish skullcap, see kippah.The Jewish hat also known as the Jewish cap, Judenhut (German) or Latin pilleus cornutus ( horned skullcap ), was a white or yellow cone shaped pointed hat worn by Jews in Medieval Europe and some of the …   Wikipedia

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