- Bronze Age Europe
Bronze Age inEurope succeeds the Neolithic in the late3rd millennium BC (lateBeaker culture ), and spans the entire2nd millennium BC (Unetice culture ,Urnfield culture ,Tumulus culture ,Terramare culture ,Lusatian culture ) in Northern Europe lasting until ca. 600 BC.Eastern Europe
Cucuteni culture
*Yamna culture
*Catacomb culture Central Europe
Central Europe , the early Bronze AgeUnetice culture (1800-1600 BC) includes numerous smaller groups like the Straubingen, Adlerberg and Hatvan cultures. Some very rich burials, such as the one located at Leubingen (today part ofSömmerda ) with grave gifts crafted from gold, point to an increase of social stratification already present in the Unetice culture. All in all, cemeteries of this period are rare and of small size. The Unetice culture is followed by the middle Bronze Age (1600-1200 BC)Tumulus culture , which is characterised by inhumation burials intumuli (barrows). In the eastern HungarianKörös tributaries, the early Bronze Age first saw the introduction of theMako culture , followed by the Ottomany and Gyulavarsand cultures.The late Bronze Age
urnfield culture, (1300 BC-700 BC) is characterized by cremation burials. It includes theLusatian culture in easternGermany andPoland ((1300-500 BC ) that continues into theIron Age . The Central European Bronze Age is followed by the Iron AgeHallstatt culture (700-450 BC ).Important sites include:
*Biskupin (Poland)
*Nebra (Germany)
* Zug-Sumpf, Zug,Switzerland Northern Europe
In northern
Germany ,Denmark ,Sweden andNorway , Bronze Age inhabitants manufactured many distinctive and beautiful artifacts, such as the pairs oflurer horns discovered in Denmark. Some linguists believe that aproto-Indo-European language was probably introduced to the area around 2000 BC, which eventually became the ancestor of theGermanic languages . This would fit with the evolution of the Nordic Bronze Age into the most probably Germanicpre-Roman Iron Age .The age is divided into the periods I-VI according to
Oscar Montelius . Period Montelius V already belongs to theIron Age in other regions.British Isles
Great Britain , the Bronze Age is considered to have been the period from around 2100 to 700 BC.Immigration brought new people to the islands from the continent. Recent tooth enamel isotope research on bodies found in early Bronze Age graves aroundStonehenge indicate that at least some of the immigrants came from the area of modernSwitzerland . TheBeaker people displayed different behaviours from the earlierNeolithic people and cultural change was significant. Integration is thought to have been peaceful as many of the earlyhenge sites were seemingly adopted by the newcomers. The richWessex culture developed in southern Britain at this time. Additionally, the climate was deteriorating, where once the weather was warm and dry it became much wetter as the Bronze Age continued, forcing the population away from easily-defended sites in the hills and into the fertilevalley s. Large livestock ranches developed in the lowlands which appear to have contributed to economic growth and inspired increasing forest clearances. TheDeverel-Rimbury culture began to emerge in the second half of the 'Middle Bronze Age' (c. 1400-1100 BC ) to exploit these conditions.Cornwall was a major source oftin for much of western Europe andcopper was extracted from sites such as theGreat Orme mine in northernWales . Social groups appear to have been tribal but with growing complexity and hierarchies becoming apparent. Also, the burial of dead (which until this period had usually been communal) became more individual. For example, whereas in the Neolithic a largechambered cairn orlong barrow was used to house the dead, the 'Early Bronze Age' saw people buried in individual barrows (also commonly known and marked on modern BritishOrdnance Survey maps as Tumuli), or sometimes incist s covered withcairn s.The greatest quantities of bronze objects found in
England were discovered inEast Cambridgeshire , where the most important finds were done in Isleham (more than 6500 pieces). [cite book|title= Fenland survey : an essay in landscape and persistence / David Hall and John Coles |first=David|last=Hall|origdate=1994|publisher=London; English Heritage|id=ISBN 1-85074-477-7 , p. 81-88]Bronze Age boats
Ferriby Boats
*Langdon Bay hoard - see alsoDover Museum
* [http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/england/northamptonshire/4330031.stm Divers unearth Bronze Age hoard off the coast of Devon]
* [http://www.english-heritage.org.uk/server/show/ConWebDoc.5611 Moor Sands finds, including a remarkably well preserved and complete sword which has parallels with material from the Seine basin of northern France]Ireland
The Bronze Age in Ireland commenced in the centuries around 2000 BC when copper was alloyed with tin and used to manufacture
Ballybeg type flat axes and associated metalwork. The preceding period is known as theCopper Age and is characterised by the production offlat axes ,daggers ,halberds andawls in copper. The period is divided into three phasesEarly Bronze Age 2000-1500 BC;Middle Bronze Age 1500-1200 BC andLate Bronze Age 1200-c.500 BC.Ireland , is also known for a relatively large number ofEarly Bronze Age Burials . [Waddell, J. 1998. "The Prehistoric Archaeology of Ireland". Galway.] , [Eogan, G. 1983. "The Hoards of the Irish Later Bronze Age". Dublin]References
ee also
Chariot burial
*Megalithic tomb
*Old European hydronymy
*Helladic period
*Nordic Bronze Age
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