- 13th century BC
The 13th century BC was the period from 1300 to 1201 BC.
1300 BC —Cemetery H culture comes to an end.
*1292 BC — End of theEighteenth dynasty of Egypt , start of the Nineteenth Dynasty.
*1282 BC —Pandion II , legendaryKing of Athens , dies after a nominal reign of 25 years. He reportedly only reigned inMegara whileAthens and the rest of Attica were under the control of an alliance ofNobles led by his uncleMetion (son of Erechtheus of Athens) and his sons (including in some accountsDaedalus ). His four sons lead a successful military campaign to regain the throne.Aegeus becomesKing of Athens ,Nisos reigns inMegara , Lykos inEuboea and Pallas in southernAttica .
*1279 BC , (May 31 ) —Ramesses II becomes leader ofAncient Egypt .
*1278 BC —Seti I dies, 1 year after his son,Ramesses II is crowned.
*1274 BC — TheBattle of Kadesh inSyria .Egyptians andHittites sign the earliest knownpeace treaty at the end of the Battle of Kadesh.
*1269 BC —Ramses II , king ofancient Egypt , andHattusilis III , king of theHittites , sign the earliest knownpeace treaty .
*1251 BC , (September 7 ) — Asolar eclipse on this date might mark the birth of legendaryHeracles atThebes, Greece .
*1250 BC —Wu Ding king ofShang Dynasty to1192 BC .
*1250 BC - The Lion gate atMycene is constructed (comparable with Hittite architecture).
*1230s BC —Aegeus , legendaryKing of Athens , receives a false message that his designated heirTheseus , his son byAethra ofTroezena , is dead.Theseus had been sent to his overlordMinos ofCrete as an offering to theMinotaur .Medus ,Aegeus ' only other son (byMedea ofColchis ), had beenexile d inAsia and would become legendary ancestor to theMedes . Believing himself without heirs the King commitssuicide after a reign of 48 years. He is succeeded byTheseus , who actually still lives. TheAegean Sea is reportedly named in his honor.
*1210 BC —Pharaoh Merneptah defeats aLibyan invasion.
*1213 BC —Theseus , legendaryKing of Athens , is deposed and succeeded byMenestheus , great-grandson of Erechtheus and second cousin ofTheseus ' fatherAegeus .Menestheus is reportedly assisted byCastor and Polydeuces ofSparta , who want to reclaim their sisterHelen from her first husbandTheseus . The latter seeks refuge inSkyros , whose KingLycomedes is an old friend and ally.Lycomedes , however, considers his visitor a threat to the throne and proceeds to assassinate him (though other accounts place these events a decade later, in the1200s BC ).
*1212 BC — Death of EgyptianPharaoh Ramesses the Great .
*1207 BC PharaohMerneptah claims a victory over the people ofIsrael .
*1204 BC —Theseus , legendaryKing of Athens , is deposed after a reign of 30 years and succeeded byMenestheus , great-grandson ofErichthonius II of Athens and second cousin ofTheseus ' fatherAegeus .Menestheus is reportedly assisted byCastor and Polydeuces ofSparta , who want to reclaim their sisterHelen from her first husbandTheseus .Theseus seeks refuge inSkyros , whose KingLycomedes is an old friend and ally.Lycomedes , however, considers his visitor a threat to the throne and proceeds assassinates him. (Other accounts place these events a decade earlier. See1210s BC .)
*c.1200 BC — TheCimmerians start settling the steppes of southernRussia ? (Undocumented conjecture).
*1200 BC —Ancient Pueblo Peoples civilization inNorth America . (approximate date)
*1200 BC — Collapse of Hittite power inAnatolia with the destruction of their capitalHattusa .
*1200 BC - Migration and expansion of Dorian Greeks. Destruction of Mycenaean cityPylos .ignificant persons
Although many human societies were literate in this period, some individual persons mentioned in this article ought to be considered
legend ary rather than historical.*
1251 BC — A lunar eclipse might mark the birth ofHercules
*c.1225 BC — Birth of legendaryHelen to KingTyndareus ofSparta and his wife Leda
*1224 BC — Death ofRamesses II ofEgypt
*Merneptah ,Pharaoh of theNineteenth Dynasty ofEgypt (1212 BC–1202 BC )
*Amenmesse ,Pharaoh of theNineteenth Dynasty ofEgypt (1202 BC –1199 BC)
*Moses led Hebrew Exodus (may have been earlier)
*Pangeng ofChina Decades and years
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