- Timeline of 13th century Muslim history
13th Century (1201-1300) (597 AH – 700 AH)
* 1202: Death of the
Ghurid SultanGhias ud Din ; accession ofMahmud of Ghurid .
* 1204:Shahab ud Din Ghuri defeated by theGhuzz Turks .
* 1206: Death ofShahab ud Din Ghuri .Qutb ud Din Aibik crowned king inLahore .
* 1210: Assassination of theGhurid Sultan Mahmud, accession of Sam. Death ofQutb ud Din Aibak , accession ofAram Shah inIndia .
* 1211: End of theGhurid rule, their territories annexed by the Khawarzam Shahs. In IndiaAram Shah overthrown byIltutmish .
* 1212:Battle of Las Navas de Tolosa inSpain , end of theAlmohad rule inSpain . The Almohads suffer defeat by theChristian s in Spain at theLas Navas de Tolosa . The Almohad SultanMuhammad an-Nasir escapes toMorocco .
* 1213Almohad SultanMuhammad an-Nasir 's death. Accession of his sonYusuf II, Almohad Caliph .
* 1216: TheMarinids under their leader Abdul Haq occupy north eastern part of Morocco. TheAlmohad suffer defeat by the Marinids at theBattle of Nakur .
* 1217: TheMarinids suffer defeat in the battle fought on the banks of the Sibu river. Abdul Haq is killed and the Marinids evacuateMorocco .
* 1218: Death of theAyyubid rulerAl-Adil I , accession ofAl-Kamil . TheMarinids return toMorocco under their leader Othman and occupy Fez.
* 1220: Death of the Khwarezmid ShahMuhammad II of Khwarezm , accession of Jalal ad-Din Mingburnu.
* 1222: Death of the Zengid rulerNasir ud Din Mahmud , power captured byBadr ud Din Lulu .
* 1223: Death of theAlmohad rulerYusuf II, Almohad Caliph , accession ofAbdul-Wahid I, Almohad Caliph . In Spain a brother ofYusuf II, Almohad Caliph declares his independence and assumes the title of Al Adil (Abdallah, Almohad Caliph ). In SpainAbu Muhammad of Spain overthrows Al Adil. Al Adil escapes toMorocco and overthrowsAbdul-Wahid I, Almohad Caliph .
* 1224: Death of theAlmohad ruler Abd al-Wahid I, accession ofAbdallah, Almohad Caliph .
* 1225: Death of theAbbasid Caliph An-Nasir , accession ofAz-Zahir .
* 1227: Assassination of theAlmohad ruler Abdullah Adil, accession of his son, Yahya.
* 1229: Death of theAlmohad ruler Yahya, accession of Idris I. TheAyyubid Al-Kamil restoresJerusalem to the Christians.Abu Muhammad of Spain dies in Spain and is succeeded byAl Mamun of Spain . Al Mamun invades Morocco with Christian help. Yahya is defeated and power is captured by Al Mamun. He denies theMahdi ship ofIbn Tumarat .
* 1230: End of theKhwarezmid Empire .
* 1232: Death of theAlmohad ruler Idris I, accession, of Abdul Wahid II. Assassination ofAl Mamun of Spain ; accession of his sonAr-Rashid of Spain .
* 1234: Death of theAyyubid rulerAl-Kamil , accession ofAl-Adil II .
* 1236: Death of Delhi SultanAltamash . Accession ofRukn ud din Firuz .
* 1237: Accession ofRazia Sultan as Delhi Sultan.
* 1240: Death ofAr-Rashid of Spain ; accession of his sonAbu Said of Spain .
* 1241: Death ofRazia Sultan , accession ofMuiz ud din Bahram .
* 1242: Death ofMuiz ud din Bahram , accession ofAla ud din Masud as Delhi Sultan. Death of theAlmohad ruler Abdul Wahid, accession ofAli, Almohad Caliph . Death of theAbbasid CaliphAl-Mustansir , accession ofAl-Musta'sim .
* 1244: TheAlmohad defeat theMarinids at thebattle of Abu Bayash . TheMarinids evacuateMorocco .
* 1245: The Muslims reconquerJerusalem .
* 1246: Death of the Delhi SultanAla ud din Masud , accession ofNasir ud din Mahmud .
* 1248: Death of theAlmohad rulerAli, Almohad Caliph , accession ofUmar, Almohad Caliph . Abu Said (??) attacksTlemsen (??), but is ambushed and killed; accession of his son Murtada.
* 1250: TheMarinids return to Morocco, and occupy a greatar part thereof.
* 1258:Battle of Baghdad (1258) - TheMongols sackBaghdad . Death of theAbbasid CaliphAl-Musta'sim . End of the Abbasid rule. The Mongols underHulagu Khan establish their rule inIran andIraq with the capital at Maragah (???).Berek Khan the Muslim chief of theGolden Horde protests against the treatment meted out to theAbbasid Caliph and withdraws his contingent from Baghdad.
* 1259: Abu Abdullah the Hafsid ruler declares himself as theCaliph and assumes the name of Al Mustansir.
* 1260:Battle of Ayn Jalut inSyria . TheMongols are defeated by theMamluks ofEgypt , and the spell of the invincibility of the Mongols is broken.Baibars becomes the Mamluk Sultan.
* 1262: Death ofBahauddin Zikriya inMultan who is credited with the introduction of theSuhrawardiyya Sufi order in the IndoPakistan sub-continent.
* 1265: Death ofHulagu Khan . Death ofFariduddin Ganjshakar the Chishti saint of the Indo-Pakistan sub-continent.
* 1266: Death of Berke Khan, the first ruler of theGolden Horde to be converted toIslam . Theeighth crusade : the crusaders invadeTunisia ; failure of the crusade.
* 1267:Malik ul Salih establishes the first Muslim state ofSamudra Pasai inIndonesia .Umar, Almohad Caliph seeks the help of the Christians, and the Spaniards invade Morocco. TheMarinids drive away theSpaniard s from Morocco. Assassination ofUmar, Almohad Caliph ; accession ofIdris II, Almohad Caliph .
* 1269:Idris II, Almohad Caliph is overthrown by theMarinids , End of theAlmohad . The Marinids come to power in Morocco underAbu Yaqub .
* 1270: Death ofMansa Wali the founder of the Muslim rule inMali .
* 1272: Death ofMuhammad I of Granada the founder of the state ofGranada .Yaghmurason invades Morocco but meets a reverse at the battle
* 1273: Death ofJalal al-Din Muhammad Rumi .
* 1274: Death ofNasir al-Din Tusi . TheMarinids wrestSijilmasa from theZayenids .Ninth crusade underEdward I of England . The crusade ends in fiasco and Edward returns toEngland .
* 1277: Death ofBaibars .
* 1280:Battle of Hims .
* 1283: Death of Yaghmurasan. Accession of his son Othman.
* 1285:Tunisis splits in Tunis and Bougie.
* 1286: Death ofGhiasuddin Balban . Death ofAbu Yusuf Yaqub .Bughra Khan declares his independence in Bengal under the name of Nasiruddin.
* 1290: End of the slave dynasty in IndiaJalal ud din Firuz Khilji comes into power. Othman embarks on a career of conquest and, by 1290, most of theCentral Maghreb is conquered by theZayanids .
* 1291: Death of Iranian poetSaadi .
* 1296:Mongol ruler Ghazan Khan converted to Islam.
* 1299:Mongols invadeSyria . TheMarinids besiegeTlemsen the capital of theZayanids . By the end of this century, global Muslim population had grown to 7 per cent of the total.ee also
Timeline of Muslim history
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