Comparison of AMD graphics processing units

Comparison of AMD graphics processing units

This page contains general information about the GPUs and video cards by Advanced Micro Devices (AMD), including those by ATI Technologies before 2006, based on official specifications in table form.


DirectX version note

DirectX version indicates which graphics acceleration operations the card supports.

  • DirectX 6.0Multitexturing
  • DirectX 7.0Hardware Transformation, Clipping and Lighting (TCL/T&L)
  • DirectX 8.0Pixel Shader 1.1 & Vertex Shader 1.1
  • DirectX 8.1Pixel Shader 1.4 & Vertex Shader 1.1
  • DirectX 9.0Shader Model 2.0
  • DirectX 9.0bPixel Shader 2.0b & Vertex Shader 2.0
  • DirectX 9.0cShader Model 3.0, GPGPU
  • DirectX 9.0LWindows Vista only, Vista version of DirectX 9.0c, Shader Model 3.0, Windows Graphics Foundation 1.0, DXVA 1.0, GPGPU
  • Direct3D 10Windows Vista/Windows 7, Shader Model 4.0, Windows Graphics Foundation 2.0, DXVA 2.0, GPGPU
  • Direct3D 10.1Windows Vista SP1/Windows 7, Shader Model 4.1, Windows Graphics Foundation 2.1, DXVA 2.1, GPGPU
  • Direct3D 11Windows Vista/Windows 7, Shader Model 5.0, Tessellation, Multithreaded rendering, Compute shaders, supported by hardware and software running Direct3D 9/10/10.1, GPGPU

OpenGL version note

OpenGL version indicates which graphics acceleration operations the card supports.

  • OpenGL 1.1Texture objects
  • OpenGL 1.23D textures, BGRA and packed pixel formats[1]
  • OpenGL 1.3Multitexturing, multisampling, texture compression
  • OpenGL 1.4Depth textures
  • OpenGL 1.5Vertex Buffer Object (VBO), Occlusion Queries[2]
  • OpenGL 2.0GLSL 1.1, MRT, Non Power of Two textures, Point Sprites, Two-sided stencil[2]
  • OpenGL 2.1GLSL 1.2, Pixel Buffer Object (PBO), sRGB Textures[2]
  • OpenGL 3.0GLSL 1.3, Texture Arrays, Conditional rendering, Frame Buffer Object (FBO)[3]
  • OpenGL 3.1GLSL 1.4, Instancing, Texture Buffer Object, Uniform Buffer Object, Primitive restart [4]
  • OpenGL 3.2GLSL 1.5, Geometry Shader, Multi-sampled textures [5]
  • OpenGL 3.3GLSL 3.30 Backports as(.) (.)
                                           -  much functionality possible from the OpenGL 4.0 specification
  • OpenGL 4.0GLSL 4.00 Tessellation on GPU, shaders with 64-bit precision
  • OpenGL 4.1 - GLSL 4.10 Developer-friendly debug outputs, compatibility with OpenGL ES 2.0

Video codec acceleration

Field explanations

The fields in the table listed below describe the following:

  • ModelThe Marketing name for the processor assigned by ATi. Note that the ATi trademark has been replaced by AMD trademark starting with the Radeon HD 6000 series graphics processing units. Professional graphics processing units will switch to the AMD trademark as well.[6]
  • LaunchDate of release for the processor.
  • Model numberMobility Series VPUs are based on technology from several technology families. ATi assigns codenames based on an "MXX" model string, which does not relate to the actual technological base of the processor (represented by the R-number). Additionally, ATi is the sole supplier for all Mobility Radeon parts. For this reason, except for the Mobility Radeon 2000 series, all mobility processors are listed on the same table.
  • Code nameThe internal engineering codename for the processor (typically designated by an RNXX name where N is the series number and XX is the market segment for which the product is designed. Additionally, a codename may follow the RVNXX format where "V" typically signifies a processor intended for a mainstream or value market segment).
  • FabFabrication Process. Average feature size of components of the processor.
  • Bus interfaceBus by which the graphics processor is attached to the system (typically an expansion slot, such as PCI, AGP, or PCIe).
  • MemoryThe reference amount of memory used by the processor.
  • Core clockThe reference core clock frequency (used as some manufacturers adjust clocks lower and higher, this number will always be that listed by ATi).
  • Memory clockThe reference memory clock frequency (used as some manufacturers adjust clocks lower and higher, this number will always be that listed by ATi).
  • Config CoreThe layout of the graphics pipeline, in terms of functional units. Over time the number, type and variety of functional units in the GPU core has changed significantly; before each section in the list there is an explanation as to what functional units are present in each generation of processors.
  • FillrateMaximum theoretical fillrate in Textured Pixels per second. This number is generally used as a "maximum throughput number" for the GPU and generally, a higher fillrate corresponds to a more powerful (and faster) GPU.
  • Memory Subsection
    • BandwidthMaximum theoretical bandwidth for the processor at factory clock with factory bus width. GB=10^9 bytes.
    • Bus TypeType of memory bus or buses utilized.
    • Bus WidthMaximum Bit width of the memory bus or buses utilized. This will always be a factory bus width.
  • API Support Section
    • DirectXHighest version of DirectX with which the hardware is compliant and fully supported.
    • OpenGLHighest version of OpenGL with which the hardware is compliant and fully supported.
  • FeaturesAdditional features that are not standard as a part of the two Graphics libraries.

Comparison table: desktop GPUs

Wonder series

Mach series

Rage series

Model Launch Code name Fab (nm) Bus interface Memory (MiB) Core clock (MHz) Memory clock (MHz) Hardware T&L Config core1 Fillrate Memory API (version) Features / Notes
MTexel/s MPixel/s MTriangles/s Bandwidth (GB/s) Bus type Bus width (bit) DirectX OpenGL
Rage 3D Nov 1995 500 PCI 2 40 40 No 0:1:1:1 40 40 0.32 EDO 32 5 N/A
Rage II Sept 1996 8 66 66 / 83 60 60 0.53 SDR 64
Rage Pro Mar 1997 250 AGP, PCI 2-6/4/8/16 75 100 75 75 1.2 0.80 SDR 64 6 1.1 Motion Compensation
Rage 128 VR Aug 1998 250 AGP, PCI 32 90 90 No 0:2:2:2 180 180 3.5 0.72 SDR 64 6 1.2
Rage 128 GL 103 103 206 206 4 1.65 128 IDCT, Motion Compensation
Rage XL/XC Jan 1999 8 90? 150/125 180? 180? 1 0.6/1.0 32/64 IDCT, Motion Compensation
Rage 128 Pro Aug 1999 32 125 143 250 250 8 2.28 128
Rage Fury MAXX Oct 1999 250 AGP 32 ×2 125 ×2 143 ×2 No 0:2:2:2 ×2 500 500 2× 8 2× 2.28 SDR 128 6 1.2

Radeon R100 (7xxx) series

Model Launch Code name Fab (nm) Bus interface Memory (MiB) Core clock (MHz) Memory clock (MHz) Hardware T&L Config core1 Fillrate (MT/s) Memory API support (version) Notes
Bandwidth (GB/s) Bus type Bus width (bit) DirectX OpenGL
Radeon 32/64, 7200 2000 R100 180 AGP/PCI 64 167,183 167,183 Yes 0:2:6:2 1000,1098 2.7, 2.9
5.3, 5.9
128 7 1.3
Radeon 64/7200 VIVO 2000 R100 180 AGP 64 183 183 Yes 0:2:6:2 1098 5.9 DDR 128 7 1.3
Radeon 7000/VE 2001 RV100 180 AGP/PCI 64 183 183 No 0:1:3:1 550 2.9 DDR 64 7 1.3 Dual Monitor
Radeon AIW 2000 R100 180 AGP/PCI 64 167,183 167,183 Yes 0:2:6:2 1000,1098 2.7, 2.9
5.3, 5.9
128 7 1.3
Radeon AIW VE 2002 RV200 180 AGP/PCI 64 260 250 Yes 0:2:6:2 1560 8.0 DDR 128 7 1.3
Radeon 7500 2001 RV200 180 AGP/PCI 128 290 230 Yes 0:2:6:2 1740 7.4 DDR 128 7 1.3 Dual Monitor
Radeon IGP 320M 2002 RS100 internal AGP 183 No 0:1:3:1 550 7 1.3
Radeon IGP 345M 2003 RS200M internal AGP 183 166 (PC2700) Yes 0:1:3:1 550 7 1.3
MR 7000 IGP 2003 RS250 internal AGP No 0:1:3:1 7 1.3
ES1000 2006 RN50 PCI 256 200 250 No DDR

Radeon R200 (8xxx, 9xxx) series

  • All models are manufactured with a 150 nm fabrication process
  • All models support DirectX 8.1 and OpenGL 1.4
Model Launch Code name Bus interface Memory (MiB) Core clock (MHz) Memory clock (MHz) Config core1 Fillrate Memory
MPixels/s MTextels/s MVertices/s Bandwidth (GB/s) Bus type Bus width (bit)
Radeon 8500 Aug 14, 2001 R200 AGP 4x 64, 128 275 550 4:2:8:4 1100 2200 137.5 8.8 DDR 128
Radeon 8500 LE Feb 4, 2002 R200 AGP 4x 64, 128 250 500 4:2:8:4 1000 2000 125 8 DDR 128
Radeon 9000 Aug 1, 2002 RV250 AGP 4x 64, 128 200 500 4:1:4:4 800 800 50 8 DDR 128
Radeon 9000 Pro Aug 1, 2002 RV250 AGP 4x 64, 128 275 550 4:1:4:4 1100 1100 68.75 8.8 DDR 128
Radeon 9200 Apr 1, 2003 RV280 AGP 8x 64, 128, 256 250 400 4:1:4:4 1000 1000 62.5 6.4 DDR 128
Radeon 9200 SE Apr 1, 2003 RV280 AGP 8x 64, 128, 256 250 166 4:1:4:4 1000 1000 62.5 2.656 DDR 64
Radeon 9250 Apr 1, 2003 RV280 PCI, AGP 8x 64, 128, 256 240 400 4:1:4:4 960 960 60 6.4 DDR 128

IGP (9xxx series)

  • All models are manufactured with a 150 nm fabrication process
  • All models support DirectX 8.1 and OpenGL 1.4
Model Launch Code name Bus interface Memory (MiB) Core clock (MHz) Memory clock (MHz) Config core1 Fillrate Memory
MPixels/s MTextels/s MVertices/s Bandwidth (GB/s) Bus type Bus width (bit)
Radeon 9000 Pro 2003 RC350 FSB 16-128 300 400 2:0:2:2 600 600 0 3.2 DDR 64
Radeon 9100 2003 RS300 FSB 16-128 300 400 2:0:2:2 600 600 0 6.4 DDR 128
Radeon 9100 Pro May 3, 2004 RS350 FSB 16-128 300 400 2:0:2:2 600 600 0 6.4 DDR 128

Radeon R300 series

AGP (9xxx)

Model Launch Code name Fab (nm) Bus interface Memory (MiB) Core clock (MHz) Memory clock (MHz) Config core1 Fillrate (MT/s) Memory Notes
Bandwidth (GB/s) Bus type Bus width (bit)
Radeon 9500 2002 R300 150 AGP 2x/4x/8x 64, 128 275 270 4:4:4:4 1100 8.64 DDR 128 (256*)
Radeon 9500 Pro Oct 2002 128 4:8:8:8 2200 128
Radeon 9550 SE 2004 RV350 130 AGP 4x/8x 64, 128, 256 250 200 2:4:4:4 1000 3.20 DDR 64
Radeon 9550 6.40 128
Radeon 9600 SE 2003 RV350 130 AGP 4x/8x 128, 256 325 200 2:4:4:4 1300 3.20 DDR 64
Radeon 9600 6.40 128
Radeon 9600 Pro EZ 2003 RV350 130 AGP 4x/8x 128, 256 400 200 2:4:4:4 1600 6.40 DDR 128
Radeon 9600 Pro Apr 2003 RV350 130 AGP 4x/8x 128, 256 400 300/200 2:4:4:4 1600 9.60 DDR 128
AIW 9600 Pro 325 10.4
Radeon 9600 XT Oct 2003 RV360 130 Low-k AGP 4x/8x 128, 256 500 300/250 2:4:4:4 2000 9.60 DDR 128
Radeon 9650 Apple OEM RV351 110 AGP 8x 256 400 270 2:4:4:4 1600 8.64 DDR 128
Radeon 9700 2002 R300 150 AGP 2x/4x/8x 128 275 270 4:8:8:8 2200 17.28 DDR 256
Radeon 9700 Pro Jul 2002 325 310 2600 19.80
AIW 9700 Pro
Radeon 9800 SE 128Bit 2003 R350 150 AGP 2x/4x/8x 128 325 270 4:4:4:4 1300 9.28 DDR 128 F-Buffer2
Radeon 9800 SE 256Bit 380 340 1520 21.76 256
Radeon 9800 128Bit 2003 R350 150 AGP 4x/8x 128 325 270 4:8:8:8 2600 9.28 DDR 128 F-Buffer2
Radeon 9800 Pro 128Bit Mar 2003 380 340 3040 10.88
Radeon 9800 2003 R350 150 AGP 4x/8x 128 325 290 4:8:8:8 2600 18.56 DDR 256 F-Buffer2
Radeon 9800 Pro Mar 2003 R350 150 AGP 2x/4x/8x 128 380 340 4:8:8:8 3040 21.76 DDR 256 F-Buffer2
AIW 9800 Pro
Radeon 9800 Pro 256MB 2003 R350 150 AGP 2x/4x/8x 256 380 350 4:8:8:8 3040 22.4 GDDR2 256 F-Buffer2
Radeon 9800 XT Oct 2003 R360 150 AGP 4x/8x 256 412 365 4:8:8:8 3296 23.36 DDR 256 F-Buffer2

PCIe (X3xx, X5xx, X6xx, X10xx)

Model Launch Code name Fab (nm) Bus interface Memory (MiB) Core clock (MHz) Memory clock (MHz) Config core1 Fillrate Memory
Pixel (GP/s) Texture (GT/s) Bandwidth (GB/s) Bus type Bus width (bit)
Radeon X300 HyperMemory 2004 RV370 110 PCIe x16 Up to 128 onboard frame buffer + up to 128 HM 325 200/300 2:4:4:4 1.3 1.3 3.20 DDR 64
Radeon X300 SE Jun 2004 RV370 110 PCIe x16 128 325 200 2:4:4:4 1.3 1.3 3.20 DDR, DDR2 64
Radeon X300 6.40 128
Radeon X550 HyperMemory Jul 2005 RV370 110 PCIe x16 Up to 128 onboard frame buffer + up to 128 HM 400 250 2:4:4:4 1.6 1.6 4.00 DDR, DDR2 64
Radeon X550 64, 128 8.00 128
Radeon X600 SE 128MB 2004 RV370 110 PCIe x16 128 325 250 2:4:4:4 1.3 1.3 4.00 DDR, DDR2 64
Radeon X600 Pro Jun 2004 RV380 130 low-k PCIe x16 128, 256 400 300 2:4:4:4 1.6 1.6 9.60 DDR, DDR2 128
Radeon X600 Pro AIW DDR
Radeon X600 XT 500 370 2 2 11.84 DDR, DDR2
Radeon X1050[7] Jan 2007 RV370 110 PCIe x16 AGP 2x/4x/8x 128
2:4:4:4 1.61.3

IGP (X200, X11xx)

Model Launch Code name Fa (nm) Bus interface Memory (MiB) Core clock (MHz) Memory clock (MHz) Config core1 Fillrate Memory
Pixel (GP/s) Texture (GT/s) Bandwidth (GB/s) Bus type Bus width (bit)
Radeon Xpress 200 IGP Nov 8, 2004 RS480 130 onboard PCIe 128 300 200 DDR
333 DDR2
2:4:4:2 0.6 1.2 6.40
64/128 shared
Mar 11, 2005 RS400 130 256
June? 2005 RS482 110 128
Radeon Xpress 1100 IGP May 23, 2006 RS482 110 onboard PCIe 128 300 400 2:4:4:2 0.6 1.2 12.80 DDR2 128 shared
Radeon Xpress 1150 IGP RS485 400 0.8 1.6

Radeon R400 series

AGP (X7xx, X8xx)

  • All models support AGP 8x
  • All models support DirectX 9.0b and OpenGL 2.0
Model Launch Code name Fab (nm) Memory (MiB) Core clock (MHz) Memory clock (MHz) Config core1 Fillrate Memory
Pixel (GP/s) Texture (GT/s) Bandwidth (GB/s) Bus type Bus width (bit)
Radeon X700 RV410 110 128, 256 250
350, 266, 400 6:8:8:8 2
11.2, 8.5, 12.8 DDR, DDR2, GDDR3 128
Radeon X700 Pro Sep 2004 425 430 3.4 3.4 13.76 GDDR3
Radeon X800 VE R420 130 low-k 256 425 400 6:4:4:4 1.7 1.7 25.6 DDR, DDR2, GDDR3 256
Radeon X800 SE R420 130 low-k 256 425 400 6:8:8:8 3.4 3.4 25.6 GDDR3 256
Radeon X800 GT 2005 475 490 3.8 3.8 31.36
Radeon X800 Dec 2004 R430 110 256 392 350 6:12:12:12 4.704 4.704 22.4 GDDR3 256
Radeon X800 GTO Nov 2005 R420
130 low-k 400 490 4.8 4.8 31.36
Radeon X800 Pro May 2004 R420 130 low-k 256 475 450 6:12:12:12 5.7 5.7 28.8 GDDR3 256
Radeon X800 Pro VIVO
Radeon X800 XL ? R430 110 256 400 500 6:16:16:16 6.4 6.4 32 GDDR3 256
Radeon X800 XT 2004 R420 130 low-k 256 500 500 6:16:16:16 8 8 32 GDDR3 256
Radeon X800 XT AIW
Radeon X800 XT PE May 2004 520 560 8.32 8.32 35.84
Radeon X850 Pro 2005 R481 130 low-k 256 520 560 6:12:12:12 6.24 6.24 34.56 GDDR3 256
Radeon X850 XT 520 560 6:16:16:16 8.32 8.32 34.56
Radeon X850 XT PE 540 590 8.64 8.64 37.76

PCIe (X7xx, X8xx)

  • All models support PCIe x16
  • All models support DirectX 9.0b and OpenGL 2.0
Model Launch Code name Fab (nm) Memory (MiB) Core clock (MHz) Memory clock (MHz) Config core1 Fillrate Memory
Pixel (GP/s) Texture (GT/s) Bandwidth (GB/s) Bus type Bus width (bit)
Radeon X700SE 2004 RV410 110 128, 256 400 250 6:4:8:8 3.2 3.2 8 DDR 128
Radeon X700 350 6:8:8:8 11.2 DDR, DDR2, GDDR3
Radeon X700 Pro Sep 2004 RV410 110 128, 256 425 430 6:8:8:8 3.4 3.4 13.76 GDDR3 128
Radeon X700 XT (preview samples only) 128 475 525 3.8 3.8 16.8
Radeon X800 GT 128 Sep 2005 R430, R423, R480 110, 130 low-k 128 392, 475 350 6:8:8:8 3.132, 3.8 3.132, 3.8 22.4 DDR, GDDR3 256
Radeon X800 GT 256 Sep 2005 R423, R480 130 low-k 256 475 490 6:8:8:8 3.8 3.8 31.36 GDDR3 256
Radeon X800 Dec 2004 R430 110 128, 256, 512 392 350, 490 6:12:12:12 4.704 4.704 22.4, 31.36 DDR, GDDR3 256
Radeon X800 GTO 128 Nov 2005 R430, R423, R480 110, 130 low-k 128 400 350 6:12:12:12 4.8 4.8 22.4 DDR, GDDR3 256
Radeon X800 GTO 256 R423, R480 130 low-k 256 490 31.36 GDDR3
Radeon X800 GTO² September 2005 R430, R480 110, 130 256 400 490 6:16:16:16
6.4 6.4 31.36 GDDR3 256
Radeon X800 GTO-16 2005 R430 110 6:16:16:16
Radeon X800 Pro May 2004 R423 130 low-k 256 475 450 6:12:12:12 5.7 5.7 28.8 GDDR3 256
Radeon X800 Pro VIVO
Radeon X800 XL/XT AIW 2004 R430 110 256 400 490 6:16:16:16 6.4 6.4 31.4 GDDR3 256
Radeon X800 XL Dec 2004 256, 512 500 32
Radeon X800 XT 2004 R423 130 low-k 256 500 500 6:16:16:16 8 8 32 GDDR3 256
Radeon X800 XT VIVO
Radeon X800 XT PE 2004 520 560 8.32 8.32 35.84
Radeon X850 Pro Dec 2004 R480 130 low-k 256 520 540 6:12:12:12 6.24 6.24 34.56 GDDR3 256
Radeon X850 XT 6:16:16:16 8.32 8.32 34.56
Radeon X850 XT PE 540 590 8.64 8.64 37.76

IGP (X12xx, 2100)

  • All models use the RV410 IGP graphics core, which combines the 3D architecture of the R420 core with AVIVO video acceleration of the R520 core
  • All models support onboard PCIe
  • All models support DirectX 9.0b and OpenGL 2.0
Model Launch Code name Fab (nm) Memory (MiB) Core clock (MHz) Config core1 Fillrate Memory
Pixel (GP/s) Texture (GT/s) Bandwidth (GB/s) Bus type
Memory clock
Bus width (bit)
Radeon Xpress 1250 Aug 29, 2006 RS600 90 256 HM 500 2:4:4:2 1 2 DDR2 (system memory) DDR2 (system memory) 128
Radeon X1200 Graphics (690V Chipset) Feb 28, 2007 RS690C 80 1024 HM 350 2:4:4:2 0.7 1.4 DDR2 (system memory) DDR2 (system memory) 128
Radeon X1250 Graphics (690G Chipset) RS690 400 0.8 1.6
Radeon 2100 Graphics (740G Chipset) RS740 500 1 2

Radeon R500 (X1xxx) series

  • All models support DirectX 9.0c and OpenGL 2.0
    • Note that ATI X1000 series cards (e.g. X1900) doesn't support Vertex Texture Fetch, hence it does not fully comply with the VS 3.0 model. Instead, they offer a feature called "Render to Vertex Buffer (R2VB)" that provides functionality that is a superset of Vertex Texture Fetch.
Model Launch Code name Fab (nm) Bus interface Memory (MiB) Core clock (MHz) Memory clock (MHz) Config core1 Fillrate Memory
Pixel (GP/s) Texture (GT/s) FP32 Pixel (GP/s) Bandwidth (GB/s) Bus type Bus width (bit)
Radeon X1300 HyperMemory Oct 2005 RV515 90 PCIe x16 Up to 128 onboard frame buffer + HM
Up to 512 total
450 250/350
2:4:4:4 1.8 1.8 0.9 2/2.8
Radeon X1300 PCIe x16, AGP 8x, PCI 128, 256, 512 533 8.0 DDR/DDR2 128, 128, 64 (PCI)
Radeon X1300 Pro PCIe x16, AGP 4x/8x 256, 512 600 400 2.4 2.4 1.2 12.8 DDR2 128
Radeon X1300 XT Sep 2006 RV530, RV535 90, 80 PCIe x16 256, 512 500 400 5:12:4:4 2 2 1 12.8 DDR2 128
Radeon X1550 SE Jan 2006 RV516 80 PCIe x16, AGP 8x 256 400 333 2:4:4:4 1.6 1.6 0.8 5.1 DDR2 64
Radeon X1550 Jan 2006 RV516 90 PCIe x16, PCIex1, AGP 8x, PCI 256, 512 550 400 2.2 2.2 1.1 12.8 128
Jan 2007 RV505[8][9] 80
Radeon X1550 64-bit[8][9] Jan 2007 RV505 80 PCIe x16
Radeon X1600 Pro Oct 2005 RV530 90 PCIe x16, AGP 8x 128, 256, 512 500 405 5:12:4:4 2 2 1 12.8 DDR2 128
Radeon X1600 XT 256 590 690 2.36 2.36 1.18 22.1 GDDR3
Radeon X1650 2007? RV530, RV535 90, 80 PCIe x16, AGP 8x 256, 512 500 400 5:12:4:4 2 2 1 12.8 DDR2 128
Radeon X1650 Pro Sep 2006 512 600 700 2.4 2.4 1.2 22.4
Radeon X1650 GT (OEM) 2006 RV560 80 PCIe x16 256 400 400 8:24:8:8 3.2 3.2 1.6 12.8 GDDR3 128
Radeon X1650 XT Oct 2006 PCIe x16, AGP 8x 575 690 4.6 4.6 2.3 22.1
Radeon X1800 GTO Mar 2006 R520 90 PCIe x16 256 500 500 8:12:12:12 6 6 3 32.0 GDDR3 256
Radeon X1800 GTO Rev.2 8:16:16:16 8 8 4
Radeon X1800 XL Oct 2005 R520 90 PCIe x16 256 500 500 8:16:16:16 8 8 4 32.0 GDDR3 256
Radeon X1800 XT 256, 512 625 750 10 10 5 48.0
Radeon X1900 GT May 2006 R580 90 PCIe x16 256 575 600 8:36:12:12 6.9 6.9 3.95 38.4 GDDR3 256
Radeon X1900 GT Rev.2 Oct 2006 500 660 6.144 6.144 3.072 42.2
Radeon X1900 AIW Jan 2006 R580 90 PCIe x16 256 500 480 8:48:16:16 8 8 4 30.7 GDDR3 256
Radeon X1900 CrossFire Edition 512 625 725 10 10 5 46.4
Radeon X1900 XT 256, 512
Radeon X1900 XTX 512 650 775 10.4 10.4 5.2 49.6
Radeon X1950 GT Oct 2006, Nov 2006 (AGP) RV570 80 PCIe x16, AGP 8x 256, 512 500 600 8:36:12:12 6 6 3 38.4 GDDR3 256
Radeon X1950 Pro 575 690 6.9 6.9 3.95 44.2
Radeon X1950 XT 256 Nov 2006 R580 90 PCIe x16, AGP 8x 256 625 900 8:48:16:16 10 10 5 57.6 GDDR3 256
Radeon X1950 XT 512 Q1 2007 512 800 51.2
Radeon X1950 XTX Sep 2006 R580+ 90 PCIe x16 512 650 1000 8:48:16:16 10.4 10.4 5.2 64.0 GDDR4 256

Radeon R600 series

PCIe (HD 2xxx, HD 3xxx)

  • All Radeon HD 2xxx models support DirectX 10 and OpenGL 3.3[10]
  • All Radeon HD 3xxx models support DirectX 10.1 and OpenGL 3.3[10]
Model Launch Code name Fab (nm) Transistors (Million) Die Size (mm2) Bus interface Memory (MiB) Core clock (MHz) Memory clock (MHz) Config core1 Fillrate Memory GFLOPS TDP (W) GFLOPS/W Features / Notes
Pixel (GP/s) Texture (GT/s) FP32 Pixel (GP/s) Bandwidth (GB/s) Bus type Bus width (bit)
Radeon HD 2350 series 2007 RV610 65 180 85 PCIe x16, AGP 256 625 400 40:4:4 2.1 2.1 1.05 6.4 DDR2 64 42 20 2.1 UVD disabled as core with bug, OEM only
Radeon HD 2400 Pro PCIe x16, AGP, PCI [11] 128*, 256, 512 UVD, supports ATI Hybrid Graphics[12]
* Dell WX085
Radeon HD 2400 XT PCIe x16 256 650 500 2.6 2.6 1.4 8.0 GDDR3 56 25 2.24 UVD
Radeon HD 2600 Pro 2007 RV630 65 390 153 PCIe x16, AGP [13] 256, 512 600 500
120:8:4 2.4 4.8 1.2 15.6
128 144 35 4.11 UVD
Radeon HD 2600 XT PCIe x16, AGP [14] 800 800
3.2 6.4 1.6 25.6
192 45
Radeon HD 2900 GT [15] Nov 6, 2007 R600 GT 80 700 420 PCIe x16 256, 512 600 800 240:12:12 7.2 7.2 3.6 51.2 GDDR3 256 288 150 1.92 No UVD
Radeon HD 2900 Pro Sep 25, 2007 R600 PRO 512, 1024 600 800
320:16:16 9.6 9.6 4.8 51.2, 102.4
256, 512 384 Slower-clocked version of Radeon HD 2900 XT. No UVD
Radeon HD 2900 XT May 14, 2007 R600 XT 7432 825
11.9 11.9 5.9 105.6
512 475 215 2.2 1024 MB (GDDR4) model is incorrectly referred to as the "Radeon HD 2900 XTX". No UVD
Model Launch Code name Fab (nm) Transistors (Million) Die Size (mm2) Bus interface Memory (MiB) Core clock (MHz) Memory clock (MHz) Config core1 Fillrate Memory GFLOPS TDP (W) GFLOPS/W Features / Notes
Pixel (GP/s) Texture (GT/s) FP32 Pixel (GP/s) Bandwidth (GB/s) Bus type Bus width (bit)
Radeon HD 3430[16] Jan 23, 2008 RV620 LE 55 181 67 PCIe 2.0 x16 256, 512 400 350 40:4:4 1.6 1.6 0.8 5.6 DDR2 64 32 20 1.6
Radeon HD 3450[17] PCIe 2.0 x16, AGP 8X [18] 6002 500 2.4 2.4 1.2 8 48 25 1.92 ATI Hybrid Graphics[12]
Radeon HD 3470[17] RV620 PRO PCIe 2.0 x16 8002 950 3.2 3.2 1.6 15.2 DDR2
64 30 2.13
Radeon HD 3650[17] Jan 23, 2008 RV635 PRO 378 132 PCIe 2.0 x16
AGP 8x
256, 512, 1024 7252 800 120:8:4 2.9 5.8 1.45 25.6 DDR2
128 174 65 2.68
Radeon HD 3690 / 3830[19][20] 2008 RV670 PRO 666 192 PCIe 2.0 x16 256 6682 828 320:16:16 10.7 10.7 5.35 26.5 GDDR3 128 427 75 5.69 Budget version of "RV670 PRO", UVD
China only as of March 2008
Radeon HD 3850[21] Nov 19, 2007 PCIe 2.0 x16
AGP 8x
256, 512, 1024 53 256 Codenamed Revival, UVD, double-precision FP
Radeon HD 3870[21] Nov 19, 2007 RV670 XT PCIe 2.0 x16
AGP 8x
512, 1024 7752 900
12.4 12.4 6.2 57.6
256 496 106 4.68 Codenamed Gladiator, UVD, double-precision FP
Radeon HD 3850 X2 Apr 4, 2008 RV670 PRO 666 ×2 192 ×2 PCIe 2.0 x16
(internal PCIe 1.1 x16)
2× 512 6682 ×2 828 320:16:16 ×2 2× 10.7 2× 10.7 2× 5.35 2× 53 GDDR3 256 ×2 855 140 6.11 Dual GPU solution, UVD, double-precision FP, one CF bridge on PCB, only one CF connector
Radeon HD 3870 X2[22] Jan 28, 2008 R680[23] 8252 ×2 900
2× 13.2 2× 13.2 2× 6.6 2× 57.6
2× 72
256 x2 1900 165 11.51

IGP (HD 3xxx, HD 4xxx)

  • All Radeon HD 3xxx IGP models support DirectX 10.0 and OpenGL 3.3
  • All Radeon HD 4xxx IGP models support DirectX 10.1 and OpenGL 3.3
Model Launch Code name Graphics core Fab (nm) Transistors (Million) Die Size (mm2) Bus interface Memory3 (MiB) Core clock2 (MHz) Config core1 Fillrate Memory GFLOPS Features / Notes
Pixel (GP/s) Texture (GT/s) FP32 (GP/s) Bandwidth (GB/s) Bus type Effective clock (MHz) Bus width (bit)
Radeon 3000 Graphics (760G Chipset) 2009 RS780[24] RV610 55 205 ~73 (~9×8.05) HT 3.0 Up to 512 system 350 40:4:4 1.4 1.4 0.7 20.8 (system) HT 28 AVIVO
Radeon 3100 Graphics (780V Chipset) 2008
Jan 23 (China)
Mar 4 (Worldwide)
Radeon HD 3200 Graphics (780G Chipset) RS780 Up to 512 system + optional 128 sideport 500 2 2 1 20.8 (system) + 2.6 (sideport) HT (system) + DDR2-1066 DDR3-1333 (sideport) 1333 (sideport) 16 (sideport) 40 UVD, 8x AA (wide-tent CFAA)
Radeon HD 3300 Graphics (790GX Chipset) Jul 2008 RS780D Up to 512 system + 128 sideport 700 2.8 2.8 1.4 HT (system) + DDR3-1333 (sideport) 56 UVD, PowerPlay
Radeon HD 4200 Graphics (785G Chipset) Aug 2009 RS880 RV620 55 >205 ~73 (~9×8.05) HT 3.0 Up to 512 system + optional 128 sideport 500 40:4:4 2 2 1 20.8 (system) + 2.6 (sideport) HT (system) + DDR2-1066 DDR3-1333 (sideport) 1333 (sideport) 16 (sideport) 40 UVD2
Radeon HD 4250 Graphics (880G Chipset) Mar 2010 RS880 560 2.24 2.24 1.12 HT (system) + DDR3-1333 (sideport) 44.8
Radeon HD 4290 Graphics (890GX Chipset) RS880D Up to 512 system + 128 sideport 700 2.8 2.8 1.4 56

Radeon R700 (HD 4xxx) series

Model Launch Code name Fab (nm) Transistors (Million) Die Size (mm2) Bus interface Memory (MiB) Clock rate Config core1 Fillrate Memory GFLOPS TDP3 (W) GFLOPS/W Features4 / Notes
Core (MHz) Memory (MHz) Pixel (GP/s) Texture (GT/s) Bandwidth (GB/s) Bus type Bus width (bit)
Radeon HD 4350[25] Sep 30, 2008 RV710 55 242 73 PCIe 2.0 x16, PCIe 2.0 x1,[26] AGP 8x,[27] PCI[28] 512 575 500 80:8:4 2.3 4.6 6.4 DDR2 64 92 20 4.6
Radeon HD 4550[29] PCIe 2.0 x16 256
600 600
2.4 4.8 12.8 DDR2
96 25 3.84
Radeon HD 4650[30] Sep 10, 2008 RV730 PRO 55 514 146 PCIe 2.0 x16, AGP 8x 256
320:32:8 5.2
48 8
Radeon HD 4670[29][30] RV730 XT 512
750 1100
6 24[31] 35.2
128 480[31] 59 8.14
Radeon HD 4730[32] Jun 8, 2009 RV770
55 956 256 PCIe 2.0 x16 512 700
9002 640:32:8 5.6
57.6 GDDR52 128 896 110 8.15
Radeon HD 4770[34][35] Apr 28, 2009 RV740 40 826[36] 137 PCIe 2.0 x16 512 750[34][35] 8002 640:32:16 12 24 51.2[34][35] GDDR52 128[37] 960[34][35] 80 12
Radeon HD 4830[38] Oct 21, 2008[39] RV770 LE 55 956[40] 256 PCIe 2.0 x16 512
575 900 640:32:16 9.2 18.4[31] 57.6[31] GDDR3
256 736[31] 95 7.75
Radeon HD 4850 Jun 25, 2008 RV770 PRO 55 956[40] 256 PCIe 2.0 x16 512
625 993 800:40:16 10 25[31] 63.55[31] GDDR3
256 1000[31] 110 9.09
Radeon HD 4860 Sep 9, 2009 RV790 GT 55 959 282 PCIe 2.0 x16 512
700 750 640:32:16 11.2 22.4 96 GDDR52 256 896 130 6.89
Radeon HD 4870 Jun 25, 2008[41] RV770 XT 55 956[40] 256 PCIe 2.0 x16 512
750 9002 800:40:16 12 30[31] 115.2[31] GDDR52 256 1200[31] 150 8
Radeon HD 4890 Apr 2, 2009[42] RV790 XT 55[43] 959 282 PCIe 2.0 x16 1024
850 9752[44] 800:40:16 13.6 34 124.8 GDDR52 256 1360 190 7.16
Radeon HD 4850 X2 Nov 7, 2008 R700 55 956 ×2 256 ×2 PCIe 2.0 x16 (PCIe bridge) 512 ×2
1024 ×2
625 ×2 993 800:40:16 ×2 2× 10 2× 25 2× 63.55 GDDR3 2× 256 2000 250 8 Dual GPU on single PCB
Radeon HD 4870 X2 Aug 12, 2008 1024 ×2 750 ×2 9002 2× 12 2× 30[31] 2× 115.2[31] GDDR52 2400[31] 286 [45] 8.39

Evergreen series

PCIe (HD 5xxx)

  • All models manufactured in a 40 nm fabrication process.
  • All models support DirectX 11, OpenGL 4.1, and OpenCL 1.1
Model Launch Code name Transistors (Million) Die Size (mm2) Bus interface Memory (MiB) Clock rate Config core1 Fillrate Memory GFLOPS (multiply + add) TDP3 (W) GFLOPS/W Double-precision FP Features4 / Notes
Core (MHz) Memory (MHz) Pixel (GP/s) Texture (GT/s) Bandwidth (GB/s) Bus type2 Bus width (bit) Idle Max.
Radeon HD 5450 Feb 4, 2010 Cedar PRO 292 59 PCIe 2.1 x16, PCIe 2.1 x1,[46] PCI[47] 512
650 400
80:8:4 2.6 5.2 6.4
64 104 6.4 19.1 5.45 No
Radeon HD 5550[48] Feb 9, 2010 Redwood LE 627 104 PCIe 2.1 x16 512
550 400
320:16:8 4.4 8.8 12.8
128 352 10 39 9.03 No
Radeon HD 5570 Redwood PRO 650 400
400:20:8 5.2 13 12.8
520 13.3
Radeon HD 5670 Jan 14, 2010 Redwood XT 775 800
6.2 15.5 25.6
620 15 64 9.69
Radeon HD 5750 Oct 13, 2009 Juniper PRO 1040 170 PCIe 2.1 x16 512
700 1150 720:36:16 11.2 25.2 73.6 GDDR5 128 1008 16 86 11.72 No
Radeon HD 5770 Juniper XT 850 1200 800:40:16 13.6 34 76.8 1360 18 108 12.59
Radeon HD 5830[49] Feb 25, 2010 Cypress LE 2154 334 PCIe 2.1 x16 1024 800 1000 1120:56:16 12.8 44.8 128 GDDR5 256 1792 25 175 10.24 358.4
Radeon HD 5850 Sep 30, 2009 Cypress PRO 1024
725 1000 1440:72:32 23.2 52.2 128 2088 27 151 13.83 417.6
Radeon HD 5870 Sep 23, 2009 Cypress XT 1024
850 1200 1600:80:32 27.2 68 153.6 2720 27[52] 188[52] 14.47 544
Radeon HD 5870 Eyefinity6 Edition[53] Mar 11, 2010[54] 2048 6 DisplayPort connectors
Radeon HD 5970[55] Nov 18, 2009[54] Hemlock XT 2154 ×2 334 ×2 PCIe 2.1 x16 1024 ×2
2048 ×2
725 1000 1600:80:32 ×2 46.4 116 2× 128 GDDR5 2× 256 4640 51 294 15.78 928 Dual GPU on single PCB
  • 1 Unified Shaders (Vertex shader/Geometry shader/Pixel shader: Texture mapping unit : Render Output unit
  • 2 The effective data transfer rate of GDDR5 is quadruple its nominal clock, instead of double as with other DDR memory.
  • 3 The TDP is reference design TDP values from AMD. Different non-reference board designs from vendors may lead to slight variations in actual TDP.
  • 4 All cards features Angle independent anisotropic filtering & Eyefinity capabilities, supporting up to 3 outputs (Eyefinity edition may support more simultaneous outputs).
  • 6 The Radeon HD 5870 Eyefinity Edition card supports six mini DisplayPort outputs, all of which can be simultaneously active.[56]
  • 7 Since Catalyst 10.12, OpenGL ES 2.0 since 10.8 on Windows and 10.9 on Linux

IGP (HD 6xxx)

  • All models support DirectX 11, OpenGL 4.0 and OpenCL 1.1
  • All models feature the UNB/MC Bus interface
  • All models do not feature double-precision FP
  • All models feature Angle independent anisotropic filtering, UVD3, & Eyefinity capabilities, supporting up to 3 outputs.
Model Released Code name Fab (nm) Core Clock (MHz) Config core1 Fillrate Shared Memory GFLOPS Combined TDP2 (W) GFLOPS/W Notes
Pixel (GP/s) Texture (GT/s) Bandwidth (GB/s) Bus type Bus width (bit) Idle Max.
Radeon HD 6250[57] Nov 9, 2010[58] Wrestler[59][N 1] 40 280[57] 80:8:4 1.12 2.24 8.525 DDR3-1066 64 44.8 9 4.98
Radeon HD 6310[57] 500[57] 2.0 4.0 8.252/17.1 64/128 80 18 4.44
Radeon HD 6370D 4th quarter 2011 WinterPark[N 2] 32 443 160:8:4 1.77 3.54 25.6 DDR3-1600 128 142 65 2.18
Radeon HD 6410D Jun 20, 2011[58] WinterPark[N 3] 32 600 160:8:4 2.4 4.8 29.9 DDR3-1866 128 192 65 2.95
Radeon HD 6530D Jun 20, 2011[58] BeaverCreek[N 4] 32 443 320:16:8 3.54 7.08 29.9 DDR3-1866 128 284 65-100 2.84-4.37
Radeon HD 6550D 600 400:20:8 4.8 12 480 4.8-7.38
  1. ^ used in C-30 (1.2GHz), C-50 (1.0GHz), and E-350 (1.6GHz) APU, paired with Hudson-M1 SB, socket FT1 (BGA-413)
  2. ^ used in E2-3200 APU
  3. ^ used in A4-3300 and A4-3400 APU
  4. ^ used in A6-3500, A6-3600 and A6-3650 APU

Northern Islands (HD 6xxx) series

  • All models manufactured in a 40 nm fabrication process.
  • All models support DirectX 11, OpenGL 4.1 and OpenCL 1.1
Model Launch Code name Transistors (Million) Die Size (mm2) Bus interface Memory (MiB) Clock rate Config core1 Fillrate Memory GFLOPS TDP3 (W) GFLOPS/W Double-precision FP Features / Notes Release Price (USD)
Core (MHz) Memory (MHz) Pixel (GP/s) Texture (GT/s) Bandwidth (GB/s) Bus type2 Bus width (bit) Idle Max.
Radeon HD 6450[60] Feb 7, 2011 (OEM)
Apr 7, 2011 (retail)
Caicos 370 67 PCIe 2.1 x16 512
625-750 533-800
160:8:4 2.5-3 5-6 8.5-12.8
DDR3 GDDR5 64 200-240 9 18
No $55 (GDDR5)
Radeon HD 6570[61] Feb 7, 2011 (OEM)
Apr 19, 2011 (retail)
Turks 716 118 PCIe 2.1 x16 1024
650 900
480:24:8 5.2 15.6 28.8
128 624 10
No $79 (GDDR5)
Radeon HD 6670[62] 512
800 1000 6.4 19.2 64 GDDR5 768 12 66 11.64 $99
Radeon HD 6750[63] Jan 21, 2011 (OEM)
Apr 28, 2011 (retail)
Juniper PRO 1040 170 PCIe 2.1 x16 512
700 1150 720:36:16 11.2 25.2 73.6 GDDR5 128 1008 16 86 11.72 No
Radeon HD 6770[64] Juniper XT 850 1200 800:40:16 13.6 34 76.8 1360 18 108 12.59
Radeon HD 6790 Apr 4, 2011 Barts LE 1700 255 PCIe 2.1 x16 1024 840 1050 800:40:16 13.4 33.6 134.4 GDDR5 256 1344 19 150 8.96 No HD3D UVD3 HDMI 1.4a $149
Radeon HD 6850[65] Oct 22, 2010 Barts Pro 775 1000 960:48:32 24.8 37.2 128 1488 127[66] 11.72 HD3D UVD3 HDMI 1.4a DP 1.2[N 1][67] $179
Radeon HD 6870[68] Barts XT 900 1050 1120:56:32 28.8 50.4 134.4 2016 151[66] 13.35 $239
Radeon HD 6950[69] Dec 15, 2010 Cayman Pro 2640[70] 389[70] PCIe 2.1 x16 1024 2048 800 1250 1408:88:32 25.6 70.4 160 GDDR5 256 2253 20[71] 200[71] 11.27 563 HD3D UVD3 HDMI 1.4a DP 1.2
Dual BIOS option
Radeon HD 6970[72] Cayman XT 2048 880 1375 1536:96:32 28.2 84.5 176 2703 250[71] 10.81 675 $369
Radeon HD 6990 Mar 8, 2011[73] Antilles 2640 ×2 389 ×2 PCIe 2.1 x16 2048 ×2 830 1250 1536:96:32 ×2 2× 26.5 2× 79.6 2× 160 GDDR5 2× 256 5099 37 375 13.6 1276.88 HD3D UVD3 HDMI 1.4a DP 1.2
Dual BIOS option
  1. ^ DisplayPort rev.1.2 (DP1.2) provides 21.6Gbps / 17.28Gbps dedicated video bandwidth (VBW) (2x DP1.1 bandwidth -> 10.8Gbps / 8.64Gbps VBW; or 2x VBW as a DL-DVI) that supports higher resolutions up to 4096x2160@50Hz or few lower resolutions with 30-bit color depth, 48Mbps for bitstreaming audio enables unrestricted LPCM (e.g. 8ch LPCM 192khz/24b) along with support for Dolby and DTS lossless audio formats, and 3D stereoscopy (AMD's HD3D). Also, DP1.2 supports Multi-Stream Transport (MST) which allows transmitting several video streams as interleaved packets several through single port.

Southern Islands (HD 7xxx) series

  • All models manufactured in a 28 nm fabrication process.
  • All models support DirectX 11, OpenGL 4.2? and OpenCL 1.1?
Model Launch Code name Transistors (Million) Die Size (mm2) Bus interface Memory (MiB) Clock rate Config core1 Fillrate Memory GFLOPS TDP3 (W) GFLOPS/W Double-precision FP Features / Notes Release Price (USD)
Core (MHz) Memory (MHz) Pixel (GP/s) Texture (GT/s) Bandwidth (GB/s) Bus type2 Bus width (bit) Idle Max.
Radeon HD 7750 Q4 2011[74] Lombok GL AIO[75] ? ? PCIe 3.0 x16 [76] 1024 750 900 768:48:32 24 36 115.2 GDDR5 128 1152 ? 50 23.04 ? ? ?
Radeon HD 7770 Q4 2011[74] Lombok XL[75] ? ? PCIe 3.0 x16 [76] 1024 900 1000 896:56:32 28.8 43.2 128 GDDR5 128 1612.8 ? 60 23.03 ? ? ?
Radeon HD 7850 Q4 2011[74] Thames Pro[75] ? ? PCIe 3.0 x16 [76] 2048 850 800 1408:88:64 54.4 74.8 166 GDDR5 256 2394 ? 90 26.6 ? ? ?
Radeon HD 7870 Q4 2011 Thames XT[75] ? ? PCIe 3.0 x16 [76] 2048 950 1450 1536:96:64 60.8 91.2 186 GDDR5 256 2918 ? 120 24.32 ? ?
Radeon HD 7950?[75] Q1 2012[74] Tahiti Pro[75] ? ? PCIe 3.0 x16 [76] 3072 900 1200 1920:120:56 50.4 108 230.4 XDR2 384[77] 3456 ? 150 23.04 ? ?
Radeon HD 7970? Q1 2012 Tahiti XT[75] ? ? PCIe 3.0 x16 [76] 3072 1000 1350 2048:128:64 64 128 259.2 XDR2 384[77] 4096 ? 190 21.56 ? ?
Radeon HD 7990?[75] Q2 2012? New Zealand[75] ? ×2 ? ×2 PCIe 3.0 x16 [76] 3072×2? 1000? 1350? ? ? ? ? XDR2 384 x2 ? ? 350? ? ? ?

All-In-Wonder series

Model Launch Code name Fab (nm) Bus interface Memory (MiB) Core clock (MHz) Memory clock (MHz) Config core1 Fillrate Memory API (version)
MPixels/s MTextels/s MVertices/s Bandwidth (GB/s) Bus type Bus width (bit) DirectX OpenGL
All-In-Wonder Radeon Jul 31, 2000 R100 180 AGP 4x 32 166 332 2:1:6:2 1 332 996 41.5 5.312 DDR 128 7.0 1.4
All-In-Wonder 7500 Jan 22, 2002 RV200 150 AGP 4x 64 260 720 2:0:6:2 1 520 1560 0 11.52 DDR 128 7.0 1.4
All-In-Wonder VE Dec 2, 2002 RV200 150 AGP 4x 64 250 500 2:0:6:2 1 500 1500 0 8 DDR 128 7.0 1.4
All-In-Wonder 8500 Apr 4, 2002 R200 150 AGP 4x 128 260 550 4:2:8:4 1 1100 2200 137.5 8.8 DDR 128 8.1 1.4
All-In-Wonder 8500 DV Aug 30, 2001 R200 150 AGP 4x 64 230 380 4:2:8:4 1 920 1840 115 6.08 DDR 128 8.1 1.4
All-In-Wonder 9000 Pro Mar 31, 2003 RV250 150 AGP 8x 64, 128 275 550 4:1:4:4 1 1110 1110 68.75 8.8 DDR 128 8.1 1.4
All-In-Wonder 9200 Jan 26, 2004 RV250 150 AGP 8x 128 250 400 4:1:4:4 1 1000 1000 62.5 6.4 DDR 128 8.1 1.4
All-In-Wonder 9200 SE N/A RV250 150 AGP 8x 128 250 332 4:1:4:4 1 1000 1000 62.5 2.656 DDR 64 8.1 1.4
All-In-Wonder 9600 Jan 26, 2004 RV350 130 AGP 8x 128 325 400 4:2:4:4 1 1300 1300 162.5 6.4 DDR 128 9.0 2.0
All-In-Wonder 9600 Pro Aug 05, 2003 RV350 130 AGP 8x 128 400 650 4:2:4:4 1 1600 1600 200 10.4 DDR 128 9.0 2.0
All-In-Wonder 9600 XT Jan 26, 2004 RV360 130 AGP 8x 128 525 650 4:2:4:4 1 2100 2100 262.5 10.4 DDR 128 9.0 2.0
All-In-Wonder 9700 Pro Dec 30, 2002 R300 150 AGP 8x 128 325 620 8:4:8:8 1 2600 2600 325 19.84 DDR 256 9.0 2.0
All-In-Wonder 9800 Pro Apr 7, 2003 R350 150 AGP 8x 128 380 680 8:4:8:8 1 3040 3040 380 21.76 DDR 256 9.0 2.0
All-In-Wonder 9800 SE Nov 1, 2003 R350 150 AGP 8x 128 380 680 4:4:4:8 1 3040 1520 380 10.88 DDR 128 9.0 2.0
All-In-Wonder X600 Pro Sept 21, 2004 RV370 110 AGP 8x 256 400 600 4:2:4:4 1 1600 1600 200 9.6 DDR 128 9.0 2.0
All-In-Wonder X800 GT Aug 8, 2005 R430 110 PCI-E x16 128 490 980 8:6:8:16 1 6400 3200 600 31.36 GDDR3 256 9.0b 2.0
All-In-Wonder X800 XL Jul 5, 2005 R430 110 PCI-E x16 256 400 980 16:6:16:16 1 6400 6400 600 31.36 GDDR3 256 9.0b 2.0
All-In-Wonder X800 XT Sept 9, 2004 R420 130 AGP 8x 256 500 1000 16:6:16:16 1 8000 8000 750 32 GDDR3 256 9.0b 2.0
All-In-Wonder 2006 Dec 22, 2005 RV515 90 PCI-E x16 256 450 800 4:2:4:4 1 1800 1800 225 12.8 DDR2 128 9.0c 2.0
All-In-Wonder X1800 XL Nov 21, 2005 R520 90 PCI-E x16 256 500 1000 16:8:16:16 1 8000 8000 1000 32 GDDR3 256 9.0c 2.0
All-In-Wonder X1900 Jan 24, 2006 R580 90 PCI-E x16 256 500 960 48:8:16:16 1 8000 8000 1000 30.72 GDDR3 256 9.0c 2.0
All-In-Wonder HD 3650 Jul 7, 2007 RV635 55 PCI-E x16 512 725 1200 120:8:4 2 2900 5800 N/A 19.2 DDR2 128 10.1 2.1

Comparison table: mobile GPUs

Rage Mobility series

Model Launch Fab (nm) Bus interface Memory (MiB) Core clock (MHz) Memory clock (MHz) Hardware T&L Config core1 Fillrate Memory API support (version) Notes
Pixel (GP/s) Texture (GT/s) Bandwidth (GB/s) Bus type Bus width (bit) DirectX OpenGL
Rage LT (Rage II) Nov 1996 500 PCI 4 60 66 No 0:1:1:1 0.06 0.06 0.53 EDO, SDR, SGR 64 5 N/A
Rage LT Pro (Rage Pro) Nov 1997 350 AGP, PCI 8 75 100 No 0:1:1:1 0.075 0.075 0.80 EDO, SDR, SGR 64 6 1.1 Motion Compensation
Rage Mobility M/P (Rage 128) Nov 1998 250 AGP, PCI 8 90 No 0:2:2:2 0.18 0.18 SDR, SGR 64 M had 4MB of integrated SDRAM, P had none. IDCT, Motion Compensation.
Rage Mobility M1 (Rage 128) Feb 1999 250 AGP, PCI 8 90 90 No 0:2:2:2 0.18 0.18 0.72 SDR 64 6 1.2 M1 had 8MB of integrated SDRAM, P had none. IDCT, Motion Compensation.
Rage 128 GL Aug 1998 250 AGP, PCI 32 103 103 No 0:2:2:2 0.206 0.206 1.65 SDR 128 6 1.2
Rage Mobility 128 (Rage 128 Pro) Oct 1999 250 AGP, PCI 16 105 105 No 0:2:2:2 0.21 0.21 2.28 SDR 128 6 1.2 IDCT, Motion Compensation
Rage Mobility M3 (AGP 4x) (Rage 128 Pro) Oct 1999 250 AGP, PCI 16 105 105 No 0:2:2:2 0.21 0.21 2.28 SDR 128 6 1.2 M3 had 8MB of integrated SDRAM, IDCT, Motion Compensation.
Rage Mobility M4 (AGP 4x) (Rage 128 Pro) Oct 1999 250 AGP, PCI 32 105 105 No 0:2:2:2 0.21 0.21 2.28 SDR 128 6 1.2 M4 had 16MB of integrated SDRAM, IDCT, Motion Compensation.

Mobility Radeon Series

Model Launch Model Number Code name Fab (nm) Bus interface Memory (MiB) Core clock (MHz) Memory clock (MHz) Config core1 Fillrate Memory API support (version) Notes
Pixel (GP/s) Texture (GT/s) Bandwidth (GB/s) Bus type Bus width (bit) DirectX OpenGL
Mobility Radeon 7000 Feb 2001 M6 RV100 180 AGP 4x 8/16/32 144/167? 144/183? 0:1:3:1 0.167? 0.5? 1.464/2.928? SDR,DDR 32/64 6 1.3
Mobility Radeon 7500 Dec 2001 M7 RV200 150 AGP 4x 64 280 200 0:2:6:2 0.56 1.68 6.4 DDR 64,128 7 1.3 PowerPlay II, DX7 T&L
Mobility Radeon 9000 Aug 2002 M9 RV250 150 AGP 4x 32/64 250 200 1:4:4:4 1 1 3.2/6.4 DDR 64/128 8.1 1.4 PowerPlay 3.0, Fullstream
Mobility Radeon 9200 Mar 2003 M9+ RV280 150 AGP 8x 32,64 250 200
1:4:4:4 1 1 3.2/6.4
DDR 64/128 8.1 1.4 PowerPlay 3.0, Fullstream
Mobility Radeon 9500 2004? M11 RV360 130 AGP 8x 64 2:4:4:4 DDR 64,128 9.0 2.0
Mobility Radeon 9550 2005 M12 RV360 130 AGP 8x 64 210 183 2:4:4:4 0.84 0.84 2.928/5.856 DDR 64/128 9.0 2.0
Mobility Radeon 9600 Mar 2003 M10,M11 RV350 130 AGP 8x 64,128 300 300 2:4:4:4 1.2 1.2 4.8/9.6 DDR 64/128 9.0 2.0
Mobility Radeon 9600 Pro 2004 M10 RV350 130 AGP 8x 128 350 350 2:4:4:4 1.4 1.4 11.2 DDR 128 9.0 2.0
Mobility Radeon 9700 Feb 2004 M11 RV360 130 AGP 8x 128 450 275 2:4:4:4 1.8 1.8 8.8 DDR 128 9.0 2.0
Mobility Radeon 9800 Sep 2004 M18 R420 130 AGP 8x 256 350 300 4:8:8:8 2.8 2.8 19.2 DDR 256 9.0 2.0

Mobility Radeon X300, X600, X700, X800 Series

Model Launch Model Number Code name Fab (nm) Bus interface Memory (MiB) Core clock (MHz) Memory clock (MHz) Config core1 Fillrate Memory API support (version) Notes
Pixel (GP/s) Texture (GT/s) Bandwidth (GB/s) Bus type Bus width (bit) DirectX OpenGL
Mobility Radeon X300 Nov 2005 M22 RV370 110 PCI-E x16 128 350 250 2:4:4:4 1.4 1.4 4 DDR 64 9.0b 2.0 Powerplay 5.0
Mobility Radeon X600 Jun 2004 M24 RV380 130 PCI-E x16 128 400 250 2:4:4:4 1.6 1.6 8 DDR 128 9.0b 2.0
Mobility Radeon X700 Mar 2005 M26 RV410 110 PCI-E x16 Shared-128? 64, 128 350 350 6:8:8:4 1.4 2.8 11.2 GDDR3 128 9.0b 2.0 3DC, Dynamic Lane Count Switching,
Mobility Radeon X800 Nov 2004 M28 R423 130 PCI-E x16 256 400 400 6:12:12:12 4.8 4.8 25.6 GDDR3 256 9.0b 2.0 3DC, DLCS, Clock Gating
Mobility Radeon X800 XT Jun 2005 M28 PRO R423 130 PCI-E x16 256 480 550 6:16:16:16 7.68 7.68 35.2 GDDR3 256 9.0b 2.0 3DC, DLCS, Clock Gating

Mobility Radeon X1xxx Series

Model Launch Model Number Code name Fab (nm) Bus interface Memory (MiB) Core clock (MHz) Memory clock (MHz) Config core1 Fillrate Memory API support (version) Notes
Pixel (GP/s) Texture (GT/s) Bandwidth (GB/s) Bus type Bus width (bit) DirectX OpenGL
Mobility Radeon X1300 January 19, 2006 M52 RV515 90 PCIe x16 128 + shared 350 250 2:4:4:4 1.4 1.4 8 DDR DDR2 128 9.0c 2.0
Mobility Radeon X1350 September 18, 2006 M52 RV515 90 PCIe x16 128 + shared 470 350 2:4:4:4 1.88 1.88 11.2 DDR2 GDDR3 128 9.0c 2.0
Mobility Radeon X1400 January 19, 2006 M54 RV515 90 PCIe x16 128 + shared 445 250 2:4:4:4 1.78 1.78 8 DDR DDR2 128 9.0c 2.0
Mobility Radeon X1450 September 18, 2006 M64 RV515 90 PCIe x16 128 + Shared 550 450 2:4:4:4 2.2 2.2 14.4 DDR2 GDDR3 128 9.0c 2.0
Mobility Radeon X1600 February 1, 2006 M56 RV530 90 PCIe x16 256 450 470 5:12:4:4 1.8 1.8 15.04 GDDR3 128 9.0c 2.0
Mobility Radeon X1700 February 1, 2006 M66 RV535 80 PCIe x16 256 475 400
5:12:4:4 1.9 1.9 11.2
128 9.0c 2.0 strained silicon
Mobility Radeon X1800 March 1, 2006 M58 R520 90 PCIe x16 256 450 500 8:12:12:12 5.4 5.4 32 GDDR3 256 9.0c 2.0
Mobility Radeon X1800 XT March 1, 2006 M58 R520 90 PCIe x16 256 550 650 8:16:16:16 8.8 8.8 41.6 GDDR3 256 9.0c 2.0
Mobility Radeon X1900 January 11, 2007 M59 RV570 80 PCIe x16 256 400 480 8:36:12:12 4.8 4.8 30.72 GDDR3 256 9.0c 2.0 PowerPlay 6.0

Mobility Radeon HD 2xxx Series

Model[78] Launch Model Number Code name Fab (nm) Bus interface Memory (MiB) Core clock (MHz) Memory clock (MHz) Config core Fillrate Memory API support (version) Processing Power
Pixel (GP/s) Texture (GT/s) Bandwidth (GB/s) Bus type Bus width (bit) DirectX OpenGL
Mobility Radeon X2300 March 1, 2007 M64 RV515 90 PCIe x16 128 480 400 2:4:4:41 1.92 1.92 6.4/12.8 DDR DDR2 GDDR3 64/128 9.0c 2.0 renamed product, HyperMemory, no UVD, PowerPlay 6.0
Mobility Radeon X2500 June 1, 2007 M66 RV530 90 PCIe x16 256 460 400 5:12:4:41 1.84 1.84 12.8 DDR DDR2 GDDR3 128 9.0c 2.0 based on X1600/1700, HM up to 768Mb, no UVD, PowerPlay 6.0
Mobility Radeon HD 2300 March 1, 2007 M71 RV515 90 PCIe x16 128/ 256/ 512 480 400 2:4:4:41 1.92 1.92 6.4/12.8 DDR DDR2 GDDR3 64/128 9.0c 2.0 same as X2300, but with UVD, PowerPlay 6.0
Mobility Radeon HD 2400 May 14, 2007 M72S RV610 65 PCIe x16 256+ Hyper Memory 450 400 40:4:42 1.8 1.8 6.4 DDR2 64 10 2.0 36 UVD, PowerPlay 7.0
Mobility Radeon HD 2400 XT May 14, 2007 M72M RV610 65 PCIe x16 256+ Hyper Memory 600 400
40:4:42 2.4 2.4 6.4
64 10 2.0 48 UVD, PowerPlay 7.0
Mobility Radeon HD 2600 May 14, 2007 M76M RV630 65 PCIe x16 256+ Hyper Memory 500 400
120:8:42 2 4 12.8
128 10 2.0 120 UVD, PowerPlay 7.0
Mobility Radeon HD 2600 XT May 14, 2007 M76XT RV630 65 PCIe x16 256+ Hyper Memory 680 750 120:8:42 2.72 5.44 24 GDDR3 128 10 2.0 168 UVD, PowerPlay 7.0
Mobility Radeon HD 2700 December 12, 2007 M76 RV630 65 PCIe x16 256+ Hyper Memory (total 768) 650 700 120:8:42 2.6 5.2 22.4 GDDR3 128 10 2.0 168 UVD, PowerPlay 7.0

Mobility Radeon HD 3xxx Series

Model[78] Launch Model Number Code name Fab (nm) Bus interface Memory (MiB) Core clock (MHz) Memory clock (MHz) Config core1 Fillrate Memory API support (version) Processing Power
Pixel (GP/s) Texture (GT/s) Bandwidth (GB/s) Bus type Bus width (bit) DirectX OpenGL
Mobility Radeon HD 3100 August 1, 2008 RS780MC RV620 55 PCIe x16 1.1 up to 512 from system memory 300 800
(system memory)
40:4:4 1.2 1.2 6.4/12.8 DDR2 64/128 10 2.0 24 UVD, PowerPlay 7.0
Mobility Radeon HD 3200 June 4, 2008 RS780MC RV620 55 PCIe x16 1.1 up to 512 from system memory 500 800
(system memory)
40:4:4 2 2 6.4/12.8 DDR2 64/128 10 2.0 40 UVD, PowerPlay 7.0
Mobility Radeon HD 3410 July 25, 2008 M82-MPE RV620 55 PCIe x16 1.1 256, 512 400 400 40:4:4 1.6 1.6 6.4 DDR2 64 10.1 2.0 32 UVD, PowerPlay 7.0
Mobility Radeon HD 3430 July 25, 2008 M82-SE RV620 55 PCIe x16 2.0 256 450 400 40:4:4 1.8 1.8 6.4 DDR2 64 10.1 2.0 36 UVD, PowerPlay 7.0
Mobility Radeon HD 3450 January 7, 2008 M82 RV620 55 PCIe x16 2.0 256 500 400
40:4:4 2 2 6.4
64 10.1 2.0 40 UVD, PowerPlay 7.0
Mobility Radeon HD 3470 January 7, 2008 M82-XT RV620 55 PCIe x16 2.0 256 680 400
40:4:4 2.72 2.72 6.4
64 10.1 2.0 54.4 UVD, PowerPlay 7.0
Mobility Radeon HD 3650 January 7, 2008 M86 RV635 55 PCIe x16 2.0 512
500 700 120:8:4 2 4 22.4 DDR2
128 10.1 3.3 120 UVD, PowerPlay 7.0
Mobility Radeon HD 3670 January 7, 2008 M86-XT RV635 55 PCIe x16 2.0 512
680 800 120:8:4 2.72 5.44 25.6 DDR2
128 10.1 2.0 163.2 UVD, PowerPlay 7.0. TDP 30 watts
Mobility Radeon HD 3850 June 4, 2008 M88-L/M88-LP RV670 55 PCIe x16 2.0 512 580 750 320:16:16 9.28 9.28 48.0 GDDR3 256 10.1 2.0 371.2 UVD, PowerPlay 7.0
Mobility Radeon HD 3870 June 4, 2008 M88-LXT RV670 55 PCIe x16 2.0 512 660 850 320:16:16 10.56 10.56 54.4 GDDR3 256 10.1 2.0 422.4 UVD, PowerPlay 7.0. TDP 55 watts.
Mobility Radeon HD 3850 X2 June 5, 2008 2x M88-L/M88-LP R680 55 PCIe x16 2.0 2x 512 580 750 2x [320:16:16] 2x 9.28 2x 9.28 2x 48.0 GDDR3 2x 256 10.1 2.0 2x 371.2 UVD, PowerPlay 7.0
Mobility Radeon HD 3870 X2 September 1, 2008 2x M88-LXT R680 55 PCIe x16 2.0 2x 512 660 850 2x [320:16:16] 2x 10.56 2x 10.56 2x 54.4 GDDR3 2x 256 10.1 2.0 2x 422.4 UVD, PowerPlay 7.0. TDP 110 watts

Mobility Radeon HD 4xxx Series

Model[78] Launch Model Number Code name Fab (nm) Bus interface Memory (MiB) Core clock (MHz) Memory clock (MHz) Config core1 Fillrate Memory API support (version) Processing Power
Pixel (GP/s) Texture (GT/s) Bandwidth (GB/s) Bus type Bus width (bit) DirectX OpenGL
Mobility Radeon HD 4200 September 10, 2009 RV620 55 Internal PCIe x16 1.1 up to 512 from system memory 500 800
(system memory)
40:4:4 2 2 6.4/12.8 DDR2 DDR3 64/128 10.1 2.0 40 UVD2, PowerPlay 7.0
Mobility Radeon HD 4225 May 1, 2010 RV620 55 Internal PCIe x16 1.1 up to 512 from system memory 380 800
(system memory)
40:4:4 1.52 1.52 6.4/12.8 DDR2 DDR3 64/128 10.1 2.0 30.4 UVD2, PowerPlay 7.0
Mobility Radeon HD 4250 May 1, 2010 RV620 55 Internal PCIe x16 1.1 up to 512 from system memory 500 800
(system memory)
40:4:4 2 2 6.4/12.8 DDR2 DDR3 64/128 10.1 2.0 40 UVD2, PowerPlay 7.0
Mobility Radeon HD 4270 May 1, 2010 RV620 55 Internal PCIe x16 1.1 up to 512 from system memory 590 800
(system memory)
40:4:4 2.36 2.36 6.4/12.8 DDR2 DDR3 64/128 10.1 2.0 47.2 UVD2, PowerPlay 7.0
Mobility Radeon HD 4330 January 9, 2009 M92 RV710 55 PCIe x16 2.0 512 450 600 80:8:4 1.8 3.6 9.6 DDR2
64 10.1 3.3 72 UVD2, PowerPlay 7.0
Mobility Radeon HD 4530 January 9, 2009 M92 RV710 55 PCIe x16 2.0 512 500 700 80:8:4 2 4 11.2 DDR2
64 10.1 3.3 80 UVD2, PowerPlay 7.0
Mobility Radeon HD 4550 January 1, 2010 M92 RV710 55 PCIe x16 2.0 512 550 700 80:8:4 2.2 4.4 11.2 DDR2
64 10.1 3.3 80 UVD2, PowerPlay 7.0
Mobility Radeon HD 4570 January 9, 2009 M92 RV710 55 PCIe x16 2.0 512 680 800 80:8:4 2.72 5.44 12.8 DDR2
64 10.1 3.3 108.8 UVD2, PowerPlay 7.0
Mobility Radeon HD 4650[79] January 9, 2009 M96 RV730 55 PCIe x16 2.0 512
320:32:8 4
128 10.1 3.3 320
UVD2, PowerPlay 7.0
Mobility Radeon HD 4670[79] January 9, 2009 M96-XT RV730 55 PCIe x16 2.0 512
675 800 320:32:8 5.4 21.6 12.8
128 10.1 3.3 432 UVD2, PowerPlay 7.0
Mobility Radeon HD 4830[80] March, 3 2009[81] M97 RV740 40 PCIe x16 2.0 512
640:32:16 6.4/9.6
128 10.1 3.3 512/768
UVD2, PowerPlay 7.0
Mobility Radeon HD 4850[16] January 9, 2009 M98 RV770 55 PCIe x16 2.0 1024 500 850
800:40:16 8 20 54.4
256 10.1 3.3 800 UVD2, PowerPlay 7.0
Mobility Radeon HD 4860[80] March, 3 2009[81] M97 RV740 40 PCIe x16 2.0 1024 650 1000 640:32:16 10.4 20.8 64.0 GDDR52 128 10.1 3.3 832 UVD2, PowerPlay 7.0
Mobility Radeon HD 4870 January 9, 2009 M98-XT RV770 55 PCIe x16 2.0 512
550 888
800:40:16 8.8 22 56.832
256 10.1 3.3 880 UVD2, PowerPlay 7.0
Mobility Radeon HD 4870 X2 January 9, 2009 M98-XT RV770 55 PCIe x16 2.0 2048 550 700 2x [800:40:16] 2x 8.8 2x 22 2x 89.6 GDDR52 2x 256 10.1 3.3 2x 880 UVD2, PowerPlay 7.0
Dual GPU solution

Mobility Radeon HD 5xxx Series

Model[78]: Mobility Radeon Launch Model Number Code name Fab (nm) Bus interface Memory (MiB) Core clock (MHz) Memory clock (MHz) Config core1 Fillrate Memory API support (version) Processing Power
TDP (Watts)
Pixel (GP/s) Texture (GT/s) Bandwidth (GB/s) Bus type Bus width (bit) DirectX OpenGL
Mobility Radeon HD 530v May 5, 2010 M92 RV710 55 PCIe x16 2.0 1024 500 600 80:8:4 2 4 9.6 DDR2/DDR3/GDDR3 64 10.1 3.3 80
Mobility Radeon HD 545v May 5, 2010 M92 RV710 55 PCIe x16 2.0 1024 720 800 80:8:4 2.88 5.76 12.8 DDR2/DDR3/GDDR3 64 10.1 3.3 115.2
Mobility Radeon HD 550v May 5, 2010 M96 RV730 55 PCIe x16 2.0 1024 450 600 320:32:8 3.6 14.4 19.2 DDR2/DDR3/GDDR3 128 10.1 3.3 288
Mobility Radeon HD 560v May 5, 2010 M96 RV730 55 PCIe x16 2.0 1024 550 800 320:32:8 4.4 17.6 25.6 DDR2/DDR3/GDDR3 128 10.1 3.3 352
Mobility Radeon HD 565v May 5, 2010 M96-XT RV730 55 PCIe x16 2.0 1024 675 800 320:32:8 5.4 21.6 25.6 DDR2/DDR3/GDDR3 128 10.1 3.3 432
Mobility Radeon HD 5145 January 7, 2010 M92 RV710 55 PCIe x16 2.0 1024 720 900 80:8:4 2.88 5.76 14.4 DDR3
64 10.1 3.3 115.2 15
Mobility Radeon HD 5165 January 7, 2010 M96 RV730 55 PCIe x16 2.0 1024 600 900 320:32:8 4.8 19.2 28.8 DDR3
128 10.1 3.3 384 35
Mobility Radeon HD 5430 January 7, 2010 Park LP Cedar 40 PCIe x16 2.1 1024 500/550 800 80:8:4 2/2.2 4/4.4 12.8 DDR3
64 11 4.0 80/88 7
Mobility Radeon HD 5450 January 7, 2010 Park PRO Cedar 40 PCIe x16 2.1 1024 675 800 80:8:4 2.7 5.4 12.8 DDR3
64 11 4.0 108 11
Mobility Radeon HD 5470[82] January 7, 2010 Park XT Cedar 40 PCIe x16 2.1 1024
750 800 80:8:4 3 6 12.8
64 11 4.0 120 13-15
Mobility Radeon HD 5650 January 7, 2010 Madison PRO Redwood 40 PCIe x16 2.1 1024 450-650[83]
400:20:8 3.6/5.2
128 11 4.0 360/520
Mobility Radeon HD 5730 January 7, 2010 Madison LP Redwood 40 PCIe x16 2.1 1024 650 800 400:20:8 5.2 13 25.6 DDR3
128 11 4.0 520 26
Mobility Radeon HD 5750 January 7, 2010 Madison PRO Redwood 40 PCIe x16 2.1 1024 550 800 400:20:8 4.4 11 51.2 GDDR5 128 11 4.0 440 25
Mobility Radeon HD 5770[84] January 7, 2010 Madison XT Redwood 40 PCIe x16 2.0/2.1 1024 650 800 400:20:8 5.2 13 51.2 GDDR5 128 11 4.0 520 30
Mobility Radeon HD 5830 January 7, 2010 Broadway LP Juniper 40 PCIe x16 2.1 1024 500 800 800:40:16 8 20 25.6 DDR3
128 11 4.0 800 24
Mobility Radeon HD 5850 January 7, 2010 Broadway PRO Juniper 40 PCIe x16 2.1 2048
800:40:16 10
128 11 4.0 1000
Mobility Radeon HD 5870[85] January 7, 2010 Broadway XT Juniper 40 PCIe x16 2.1 1024 700 1000 800:40:16 11.2 28 64 GDDR5 128 11 4.0 1120 50
Model[78] Launch Model Number Code name Fab (nm) Bus interface Memory (MiB) Core clock (MHz) Memory clock (MHz) Config core1 Fillrate Memory API support (version) Processing Power
TDP (Watts)
Pixel (GP/s) Texture (GT/s) Bandwidth (GB/s) Bus type Bus width (bit) DirectX OpenGL

Radeon HD 6xxxM Series

Model[86] Launch Model Number Code name Fab (nm) Bus interface Memory (MiB) Core clock (MHz) Memory clock (MHz) Config core1 Fillrate Memory API support (version) Processing Power
TDP (Watts)GPU only Features
Pixel (GP/s) Texture (GT/s) Bandwidth (GB/s) Bus type Bus width (bit) DirectX OpenGL
Radeon HD 6330M[87] November 26, 2010 Robson LP Cedar 40 PCIe 2.1 x16 up to
500 800 80:8:4 2 4 12.8 DDR3 64 11 4.1 80 7 UVD2.2, PowerPlay
Radeon HD 6350M[87] November 26, 2010 Robson Pro Cedar 40 PCIe 2.1 x16 up to
500 800
80:8:4 2 4 12.8
DDR3 64 11 4.1 80 7 UVD2.2, PowerPlay
Radeon HD 6370M[87] November 26, 2010 Robson XT Cedar 40 PCIe 2.1 x16 1024 750 900 80:8:4 3 6 14.4 DDR3 64 11 4.1 120 11 UVD2.2, PowerPlay
Radeon HD 6430M[88] January 4, 2011 Seymour LP Caicos 40 PCIe 2.1 x16 1024 480 800 160:8:4 1.92 3.84 12.8 DDR3 64 11 4.1 153.6 UVD3.0, PowerPlay
Radeon HD 6450M[88] January 4, 2011 Seymour Pro Caicos 40 PCIe 2.1 x16 1024 600 800 160:8:4 2.4 4.8 12.8 DDR3 64 11 4.1 192 UVD3.0, PowerPlay
Radeon HD 6470M[88] January 4, 2011 Seymour XT Caicos 40 PCIe 2.1 x16 1024 700
800 160:8:4 2.8
12.8 DDR3 64 11 4.1 224
UVD3.0, PowerPlay
Radeon HD 6490M[88] January 4, 2011 Seymour XT Caicos 40 PCIe 2.1 x16 512 800 800 160:8:4 3.2 6.4 25.6 GDDR5 64 11 4.1 256 UVD3.0, PowerPlay
Radeon HD 6530M[89] November 26, 2010 Capilano Pro Redwood 40 PCIe 2.1 x16 1024 500 900 400:20:8 4 10 28.8 DDR3 128 11 4.1 400 26 UVD2.2, PowerPlay
Radeon HD 6550M[89] November 26, 2010 Capilano Pro Redwood 40 PCIe 2.1 x16 1024 600 900 400:20:8 4.8 12 28.8 DDR3 128 11 4.1 480 26 UVD2.2, PowerPlay
Radeon HD 6570M[89] November 26, 2010 Capilano XT Redwood 40 PCIe 2.1 x16 1024 650 900 400:20:8 5.2 13 28.8
128 11 4.1 520 30 UVD2.2, PowerPlay
Radeon HD 6630M[90] January 4, 2011 Whistler LP Turks 40 PCIe 2.1 x16 1024 500 800 480:24:8 4 12 25.6 DDR3 128 11 4.1 480 UVD3.0, PowerPlay
Radeon HD 6650M[90] January 4, 2011 Whistler Pro Turks 40 PCIe 2.1 x16 1024 600 900 480:24:8 4.8 14.4 28.8 DDR3 128 11 4.1 576 UVD3.0, PowerPlay
Radeon HD 6730M[90] January 4, 2011 Whistler XT Turks 40 PCIe 2.1 x16 1024 725 800 480:24:8 5.8 17.4 25.6 DDR3 128 11 4.1 696 UVD3.0, PowerPlay
Radeon HD 6750M[90] January 4, 2011 Whistler Pro Turks 40 PCIe 2.1 x16 1024 600 900 480:24:8 4.8 14.4 57.6 GDDR5 128 11 4.1 576 UVD3.0, PowerPlay
Radeon HD 6770M[90] January 4, 2011 Whistler XT Turks 40 PCIe 2.1 x16 1024 725 900 480:24:8 5.8 17.4 57.6 GDDR5 128 11 4.1 696 UVD3.0, PowerPlay
Radeon HD 6830M[91] January 4, 2011 Granville Pro Juniper 40 PCIe x16 2.1 up to 2048 575 800 800:40:16 9.2 23 25.6 DDR3 128 11 4.1 920 39 UVD2.2, PowerPlay
Radeon HD 6850M[91] January 4, 2011 Granville XT Juniper 40 PCIe x16 2.1 up to 2048 675 800 800:40:16 10.8 27 25.6 DDR3 128 11 4.1 1080 50 UVD2.2, PowerPlay
Radeon HD 6850M[91] January 4, 2011 Granville Pro Juniper 40 PCIe x16 2.1 1024 575 800 800:40:16 9.2 23 57.6 GDDR5 128 11 4.1 920 39 UVD2.2, PowerPlay
Radeon HD 6870M[91] January 4, 2011 Granville XT Juniper 40 PCIe x16 2.1 1024 675 1000 800:40:16 10.8 27 64 GDDR5 128 11 4.1 1080 50 UVD2.2, PowerPlay
Radeon HD 6950M[92] January 4, 2011 Blackcomb Pro Barts 40 PCIe 2.1 x16 up to
580 900 960:48:32 18.56 27.84 115.2 GDDR5 256 11 4.1 1113.6 50 UVD3.0, PowerPlay
Radeon HD 6970M[92] January 4, 2011 Blackcomb XT Barts 40 PCIe 2.1 x16 up to
680 900 960:48:32 21.76 32.64 115.2 GDDR5 256 11 4.1 1305.6 75 UVD3.0, PowerPlay
Radeon HD 6990M[93] July 12, 2011 Blackcomb XTX Barts 40 PCIe 2.1 x16 2048 715 900 1120:56:32 22.88 40.04 115.2 GDDR5 256 11 4.1 1601.6 75 UVD3.0, PowerPlay
Model[86] Launch Model Number Code name Fab (nm) Bus interface Memory (MiB) Core clock (MHz) Memory clock (MHz) Config core1 Fillrate Memory API support (version) Processing Power
TDP (Watts) Features
Pixel (GP/s) Texture (GT/s) Bandwidth (GB/s) Bus type Bus width (bit) DirectX OpenGL

IGP (HD 6xxxG)

  • All models support DirectX 11, OpenGL 4.0 and OpenCL 1.1
  • All models feature the UNB/MC Bus interface
  • All models do not feature double-precision FP
  • All models feature Angle independent anisotropic filtering, UVD3, & Eyefinity capabilities, supporting up to 3 outputs.
Model Released Code name Fab (nm) Core Clock (MHz) Config core1 Fillrate Shared Memory GFLOPS Combined TDP2 (W) Notes
Pixel (GP/s) Texture (GT/s) Bandwidth (GB/s) Bus type Bus width (bit) Idle Max.
Radeon HD 6380G June 14, 2011 WinterPark[N 1] 32 400 160:8:4 1.6 3.2 17.06 DDR3-1333 128 128 35
Radeon HD 6480G June 14, 2011 BeaverCreek[N 2] 32 444 240:12:4 1.77 3.55 17.06 DDR3-1333 128 213.1 35-45
Radeon HD 6520G June 14, 2011 BeaverCreek[N 3] 32 400 320:16:8 3.2 6.4 17.06 DDR3-1333 128 256 35-45
Radeon HD 6620G June 14, 2011 BeaverCreek[N 4] 32 444 400:20:8 3.55 8.88 25.6 DDR3-1600 128 355.2 35-45
  1. ^ used in E2-3000M APU
  2. ^ used in A4-3300M and A4-3310MX APU
  3. ^ used in A6-3400M and A6-3410MX APU
  4. ^ used in A8-3500M, A8-3510MX and A8-3530MX APU

Radeon HD 7xxxM Series

  • All models manufactured in a 28 nm fabrication process.
  • All models support DirectX 11, OpenGL 4.2 and OpenCL 1.1
  • Unified Shaders (Vertex shader/Geometry shader/Pixel shader: Texture mapping unit : Render Output unit
  • The effective data transfer rate of GDDR5 is quadruple its nominal clock, instead of double as with other DDR memory.
Model Launch Code name Transistors (Million) Die Size (mm2) Bus interface Memory (MiB) Clock rate Config core1 Fillrate Memory GFLOPS TDP3 (W) GFLOPS/W Double-precision FP Features / Notes Release Price (USD)
Core (MHz) Memory (MHz) Pixel (GP/s) Texture (GT/s) Bandwidth (GB/s) Bus type2 Bus width (bit) Idle Max.
Radeon HD 7730M Q4 2011[74] Lombok GL AIO[75] ? ? PCIe 3.0 x16 [76] 1024 550 820 768:48:16 10.5 32.8 61.9 GDDR5 128 819 ? 32 23.04 ? ? ?
Radeon HD 7750M Q4 2011[74] Lombok XL[75] ? ? PCIe 3.0 x16 [76] 1024 650 900 768:48:16 12.4 40.2 80 GDDR5 128 1070 ? 36 23.03 ? ? ?
Radeon HD 7950M Q4 2011[74] Thames Pro[75] ? ? PCIe 3.0 x16 [76] 2048 700 1000 1408:88:32 24.3 71.7 155 GDDR5 256 1749 ? 50 26.6 ? ? ?
Radeon HD 7970M Q4 2011[74] Thames XT[75] ? ? PCIe 3.0 x16 [76] 2048 800 1200 1536:96:32 28.7 87.4 172 GDDR5 256 2017 ? 65 24.32 ? ?

Mobility FireGL/FirePro series

Model Launch Core Based on Fab (nm) Bus interface Memory (MiB) Core clock (MHz) Memory clock (MHz) Config core Fillrate Memory Processing Power
API support (version) Notes
Pixel (GP/s) Texture (GT/s) Bandwidth (GB/s) Bus type Bus width (bit) Single precision DirectX OpenGL
Mobility FireGL 7800 2001 Mobility Radeon 7500 180 AGP 64 280 200 0:2:2:21 0.56 0.56 6.4 DDR 128 7 1.3
Mobility FireGL 9000 2002 M9 Mobility Radeon 9000 150 AGP 4X 64 250 200 1:4:4:41 1 1 6.4 DDR 128 8.1 1.3
Mobility FireGL T2 2003 M10 Mobility Radeon 9600 130 AGP 4X 128 320 200 2:4:4:41 1.28 1.28 6.5 DDR 128 9.0 2.0
Mobility FireGL T2e 2004 M11GL Mobility Radeon 9700 130 AGP 128 450 225 2:4:4:41 1.8 1.8 7.2 DDR 128 9.0 2.0
Mobility FireGL V3100 2004 M22GL Mobility Radeon X300 110 PCIe x16 128 350 200 2:4:4:41 1.4 1.4 6.4 DDR 128 9.0b 2.0
Mobility FireGL V3200 2004 M24GL Mobility Radeon X600 130 PCIe x16 128 400 250 2:4:4:41 1.6 1.6 12.8 DDR2 128 9.0b 2.0
Mobility FireGL V5000 2005 M26GL Mobility Radeon X700 110 PCIe x16 128 350 425 6:8:8:81 2.8 2.8 13.6 GDDR3 128 9.0b 2.0
Mobility FireGL V5200 2006 M56GL Mobility Radeon X1600 90 PCIe x16 256 425 475 5:12:12:121 5.1 5.1 15.2 GDDR3 128 9.0c 2.0
Mobility FireGL V5250 2007 M66GL Mobility Radeon X1700 90 PCIe x16 256 450 350 5:12:12:121 5.4 5.4 11.2 GDDR3 128 9.0c 2.0
Mobility FireGL V5600 2007 M76GL Mobility Radeon HD 2600 65 PCIe 2.0 x16 256 500 400 1202(24x5):8:4 2 4 12.8 GDDR3 128 120 10.1 2.1
Mobility FireGL V5700 2008 M86GL Mobility Radeon HD 3650 55 PCIe 2.0 x16 512 600 700 1202(24x5):8:4 2.4 4.8 22.4 GDDR3 128 144 10.1 2.1
Mobility FireGL V5725 2008 M86GL Mobility Radeon HD 3650 55 PCIe 2.0 x16 256 680 800 1202(24x5):8:4 2.72 5.44 25.6 GDDR3 128 163.2 10.1 SM 4.1 2.1
FirePro M5725 Mobility Radeon HD 4670 55 PCIe 2.0 x16 256 3202(64x5):32:8 GDDR3 128 10.1 SM 4.1 3.2
FirePro M5800 March 1, 2010 Redwood XT(RV830) Mobility Radeon HD 5730 40 PCIe 2.0 x16 1024 650 800 4002(80x5):20:8 5.2 13 25.6 GDDR5 128 520 11 SM 5 3.2
FirePro M5950 2011 Whistler XT Radeon HD 6770M 40 PCIe 2.1 x16 1024 725 900 4802(96x5):24:8 5.8 17.4 57.6 GDDR5 128 696 11 4.1
FirePro M7740 August 4, 2009 M97GL(RV740) Mobility Radeon HD 4860 40 PCIe 2.0 x16 1024 650 1000 6402(128x5):32:16 10.4 20.8 64 GDDR5 128 832 10.1 SM 4.1 3.2 used in Dell M6400 and M6500
FirePro M7820 May 1, 2010 Juniper XT(RV840) Mobility Radeon HD 5870 40 PCIe 2.0 x16 1024 700 1000 8002(160x5):40:16 11.2 28 64 GDDR5 128 1120 11 SM 5 3.2 used in Dell M6500, HP EliteBook 8740w
FirePro M8900 2011 Blackcomb XT Radeon HD 6970M 40 PCIe 2.1 x16 2048 680 900 9602(192x5):48:32 21.76 32.64 115.2 GDDR5 256 1305.6 11 4.1

Comparison table: workstation GPUs

FireGL series

Model Launch Core Fab (nm) Bus interface Memory (MiB) Core clock (MHz) Memory clock (MHz) Config core Fillrate Memory Processing Power
API support (version) Notes
Pixel (GP/s) Texture (GT/s) Bandwidth (GB/s) Bus type Bus width (bit) Single precision DirectX OpenGL
FireGL 8700 2001 Radeon 8500 150 AGP 64 250 270 2:4:8:41 1 2 8.64 DDR 64 × 2 8.1 1.4
FireGL 8800 2001 Radeon 8500 150 AGP 128 300 290 2:4:8:41 1.2 2.4 9.28 DDR 64 × 2 8.1 1.4
FireGL T2-128 2003 Radeon 9600 Pro 130 AGP 128 400 320 2:4:4:41 1.6 1.6 10.2 DDR 128 9.0 2.0
FireGL Z1-128 2002 Radeon 9500 Pro 150 AGP 128 325 310 4:4:4:41 1.3 1.3 19.8 DDR 256 9.0 2.0
FireGL X1-128 2002 Radeon 9700 150 AGP 128 325 310 4:8:8:81 2.6 2.6 19.84 DDR 256 9.0 2.0
FireGL X1-256 2002 Radeon 9700 Pro 150 AGP-Pro 256 325 310 4:8:8:81 2.6 2.6 19.84 DDR 256 9.0 2.0
FireGL X2-256 2003 Radeon 9800 Pro 150 AGP 256 380 350 4:8:8:81 3.04 3.04 22.4 DDR2 256 9.0 2.0
FireGL X2-256T 2003 Radeon 9800 XT 150 AGP 256 412 344 4:8:8:81 3.3 3.3 22.0 DDR2 256 9.0 2.0
FireGL X3-256 2004 Radeon X800 XT 130 AGP 256 450 450 6:12:12:121 5.4 5.4 28.8 GDDR3 256 9.0b 2.0
FireGL V3100 2005 Radeon X300 XT 110 PCIe x16 128 400 200 2:4:4:41 1.6 1.6 6.4 DDR 128 9.0 2.0
FireGL V3200 2005 Radeon X600 XT 130 PCIe x16 128 500 400 2:4:4:41 2 2 12.8 DDR2 128 9.0b 2.0
FireGL V3300 2006 Radeon 1300 Pro 90 PCIe x16 128 600 400 2:4:4:41 2.4 2.4 6.4 GDDR2 64 9.0c 2.0
FireGL V3350 2006 Radeon 1300 Pro 90 PCIe x16 256 600 400 2:4:4:41 2.4 2.4 6.4 GDDR2 64 9.0c 2.0
FireGL V3400 2006 Radeon 1600 Rro/XT 90 PCIe x16 128 500 500 5:12:4:41 2 2 16 GDDR3 128 9.0c 2.0
FireGL V3600 2007 Radeon HD 2600 Pro 65 PCIe x16 256 600 500 1202(24x5):8:4 2.4 4.8 16.0 GDDR3 128 144 10 2.1
FireGL V5000 2005 Radeon X700 Pro/XT 130 PCIe x16 128 425 430 6:8:8:81 3.4 3.4 13.6 GDDR3 128 9.0b 2.0
FireGL V5100 2005 Radeon X800 Pro 130 PCIe x16 128 450 350 6:12:12:121 5.4 5.4 22.4 DDR 256 9.0b 2.0
FireGL V5200 2005 Radeon X1600 XT 90 PCIe x16 256 600 700 5:12:4:41 2.4 2.4 22.4 GDDR3 128 9.0c 2.0
FireGL V5600 2007 Radeon HD 2600 XT 65 PCIe 512 800 1100 1202(24x5):8:4 3.2 6.4 35.2 GDDR4 128 192 10 2.1
FireGL V7100 2005 Radeon X800 XT 130 PCIe 256 500 450 6:16:16:161 8 8 28.8 GDDR3 256 9.0c 2.0
FireGL V7200 2006 Radeon X1800 XT 90 PCIe x16 256 600 650 8:16:16:161 9.6 9.6 41.6 GDDR3 256 9.0c 2.0
FireGL V7300 2006 Radeon X1800 XT 90 PCIe 512 600 650 8:16:16:161 9.6 9.6 41.6 GDDR3 256 9.0c 2.0
FireGL V7350 2006 Radeon X1800 XT 90 PCIe 1024 600 650 8:16:16:161 9.6 9.6 41.6 GDDR3 256 9.0c 2.0
FireGL V7400 2006 (Canceled) Radeon X1950 Pro 80 PCIe 512? 550? 650? 8:36:16:161 19.8? 19.8? 41.6? GDDR3 256 9.0c 2.0 never released, superseded by 2007 series
FireGL V7600 2007 Radeon HD 2900 GT 80 PCIe 512 600 800 2402(48x5):12:12 9.6 9.6 51.2 GDDR3 256 288 10 2.1
FireGL V7700 2007 (2008) Radeon HD 3870 55 PCIe 2.0 512 775 1125 3202(64x5):16:16 12.4 12.4 72 GDDR4 256 496 10.1 (SM 4.0 only) 2.1 DisplayPort. Supports double precision computation via the AMD Stream SDK.
FireGL V8600 2007 Radeon HD 2900 XT 80 PCIe 1024 688 868 3202(64x5):16:16 11.008 11.008 111.1[94] GDDR4 512 440.32 10 2.1
FireGL V8650 2007 Radeon HD 2900 XT 80 PCIe 2048 688 868 3202(64x5):16:16 11.008 11.008 111.1 GDDR4 512 440.32 10 2.1

FirePro 3D series

Model Launch Code name Fab (nm) Bus interface Memory (MiB) Clock rate Config core1 Fillrate Memory Processing Power
API support (version) TDP watts Notes
Core (MHz) Memory (MHz) Pixel (GP/s) Texture (GT/s) Bandwidth (GB/s) Bus type Bus width (bit) Single Precision Double Precision DirectX OpenGL OpenCL
FirePro 3D V3700 August 8, 2008 RV620[95] 55 PCIe 2.0 x16 256 800 950 40(8x5):4:4 3.2 3.2 15.2 GDDR3 64 64 12.8 10.1 3.0 - 32 UVD+, PowerPlay
FirePro 3D V3750 September 11, 2008 RV730 55 PCIe 2.0 x16 256 550 750 320(64x5):32:8 4.4 17.6 24 GDDR3 128 352 70.4 10.1 3.3 - 48 UVD2, PowerPlay
FirePro 3D V3800[96] April 26, 2010 Redwood Pro(RV830) 40 PCIe 2.1 x16 512 650 900 400(80x5):20:8 5.2 13 14.4 GDDR3 64 520 104 11.0 4.0 1.0 43 UVD2, PowerPlay, Eyefinity
FirePro 3D V4800 April 26, 2010 Redwood XT(RV830) 40 PCIe 2.1 x16 1024 775 10002? 400(80x5):20:8 6.2 15.5 64? GDDR52 128 620 124 11.0 4.0 1.0 69 UVD2, PowerPlay, Eyefinity
FirePro V4900 November 1, 2011 Turks 40 PCIe 2.1 x16 1024 800 1000 480(96x5):24:8 6.4 19.2 64 GDDR52 128 768 153.6 11.0 4.0 1.0 <75 Max HD3D, UVD3, DP 1.2, PowerPlay, Eyefinity
FirePro 3D V5700 August 8, 2008 RV730 55 PCIe 2.0 x16 512 700 900 320(64x5):32:8 5.6 22.4 28.8 GDDR3 128 448 89.6 10.1 3.3 - 58 UVD2, PowerPlay
FirePro 3D V5800[96] April 26, 2010 Juniper XT(RV840) 40 PCIe 2.1 x16 1024 700 10002 800(160x5):40:16 11.2 28 64 GDDR52 128 1120 224 11.0 4.0 1.0 74 UVD2, PowerPlay, Eyefinity
FirePro V5900 May 24, 2011 Cayman LE GL 40 PCIe 2.1 x16 2048 600 5002 512(128x4):32:32 19.2 19.2 64 GDDR52 256 610 154 11.0 4.0 1.0 <75 Max HD3D, UVD3, DP 1.2, PowerPlay, Eyefinity
FirePro 3D V7750 March 27, 2009 RV730 55 PCIe 2.0 x16 1024 800 900 320(64x5):32:8 6.4 25.6 28.8 GDDR3 128 512 102.4 10.1 3.3 - 76 UVD2, PowerPlay
FirePro 3D V7800 April 26, 2010 Cypress Pro(RV870) 40 PCIe 2.1 x16 2048 700 10002 1440(288x5):72:32 22.4 50.4 128 GDDR52 256 2016 403.2 11.0 4.0 1.0 138 UVD2, PowerPlay, Eyefinity
FirePro V7900 May 24, 2011 Cayman Pro GL 40 PCIe 2.1 x16 2048 725 12502 1280(320x4):80:32 23.2 58 160 GDDR52 256 1860 464 11.0 4.0 1.0 <150 Max HD3D, UVD3, DP 1.2, PowerPlay, Eyefinity
FirePro 3D V8700 September 11, 2008 RV770 XT 55 PCIe 2.1 x16 1024 750 8502 800(160x5):40:16 12 30 108.8 GDDR52 256 1200 240 10.1 3.3 - 151 UVD2, PowerPlay
FirePro 3D V8750 July 28, 2009 RV770 XT 55 PCIe 2.1 x16 2048 750 9002 800(160x5):40:16 12 30 115.2 GDDR52 256 1200 240 10.1 3.3 - 154 UVD2, PowerPlay
FirePro 3D V8800 April 7, 2010 Cypress XT(RV870) 40 PCIe 2.1 x16 2048 825 11502 1600(320x5):80:32 26.4 66 147.2 GDDR52 256 2640 528 11.0 4.0 1.0 208 UVD2, PowerPlay, Eyefinity
FirePro 3D V9800 September 9, 2010 Cypress XT(RV870) 40 PCIe 2.1 x16 4096 850 11502 1600(320x5):80:32 27.2 68 147.2 GDDR52 256 2720 544 11.0 4.0 1.0 225 UVD2, PowerPlay, Eyefinity

FireStream series

Model Launch Code name Fab (nm) Bus interface Memory (MiB) Clock rate Config core1 Fillrate Memory Processing Power (peak)
API support (version) TDP (watts) Notes
Core (MHz) Memory (MHz) Pixel (GP/s) Texture (GT/s) Bandwidth (GB/s) Bus type Bus width (bit) Single Precision(SP) Total(MUL+ADD+SF) Single Precision(SP) MAD(MUL+ADD) Double Precision(DP) MAD DirectX OpenGL OpenCL
FireStream 9170 November 8, 2007 RV670 55 PCIe 2.0 x16 2048 800 800 320(64x5):16:16 12.8 12.8 51.2 GDDR3 256 512 409.6 102.4 10.1 3.0 - 105
FireStream 9250 June 16, 2008 RV770 55 PCIe 2.0 x16 1024 625 993 800(160x5):40:16 10 25 63.552 GDDR3 256 1000 800 200 10.1 3.3 - 150
FireStream 9270 November 13, 2008 RV770 55 PCIe 2.0 x16 2048 750 850 800(160x5):40:16 12 30 108.8 GDDR52 256 1200 960 240 10.1 3.3 - 160
FireStream 9350 June 23, 2010 RV870 40 PCIe 2.1 x16 2048 700 1000 1440(288x5):72:32 22.4 50.4 128 GDDR52 256 2016 1612.8 403.2 11 4.0 1.0 150
FireStream 9370 June 23, 2010 RV870 40 PCIe 2.1 x16 4096 825 1150 1600(320x5):80:32 26.4 66 147.2 GDDR52 256 2640 2112 528 11 4.0 1.0 225

FireMV/FirePro (Multi-View) series

Model Launch Core Bus interface Memory (MiB) Core clock (MHz) Memory clock (MHz) Config core1 Fillrate (GT/s) Memory API support (version) TDP (watts) Notes
Bandwidth (GB/s) Bus type Bus width (bit) DirectX OpenGL
FireMV 2200 PCI RV280 PCI 64 1:4:4:4 8.1 1.4 DMS-59 for dual DVI-D output
FireMV 2200 PCIe RV370 PCIe x16 128 2:4:4:4 9.0 2.1 DMS-59 for dual DVI-D output
FirePro 2250 PCIe 2007 RV516 PCIe x1/x16 256 2:4:4:4 9.0 2.1 20/11 DMS-59 for dual DVI-D output
FireMV 2260 2008 RV620 PCIe x1/x16, PCI 256 40(8x5):4:4 10.1[98] 2.1 15/8 Dual DisplayPort
FirePro 2270 PCIe January 31, 2011 Cedar PCIe x1/x16 512 80(16x5):8:4 GDDR3 11.0 4.1 15/10 DMS-59 for dual DVI-D output and for DP
FireMV 2400 PCI RV380 PCI 128 2:4:4:4 9.0 2.1 2x VHDCI for quad DVI-D output, VGA
FireMV 2400 PCIe RV380 PCIe x1 256 2:4:4:4 9.0 2.1 2x VHDCI for quad DVI-D output, VGA
FirePro 2450 Multi-View 2009 2x RV710 PCIe x1/x16 512 2x 80(16x5):8:4 GDDR3 10.1 2.1 32 (17 in 2D) 2x VHDCI for quad DVI-D output, VGA
FirePro 2460 Multi-View[99] April 2010 Cedar (RV810) PCIe 2.0 x16 512 80(16x5):8:4 GDDR3 11 4.1 20 UVD2, PowerPlay, Eyefinity (4 mini-displayports), DirectX 11(Hardware)
FirePro RG220 [100] May 2010 RV711 PCIe 2.0 x16 512 500 800 80(16x5):8:4 12.8 GDDR3 for GPU,
128 10.1 3.2 35 Dual Ethernet ports plus DMS-59 for dual DVI-D output (no VGA support on the host output side)

Comparison table: miscellaneous

Console graphics processors

Model Launch Code name Fab (nm) Bus interface Core clock (MHz) Core config1 Fillrate Memory (MiB) Memory clock (MHz) Memory API support (version) Notes
Pixel (MP/s) Vertex (MV/s) Texture (MT/s) Bandwidth (GB/s) RAM type Bus width (bit) DirectX OpenGL
Flipper (GameCube)[101] Sep 2001 180 Integrated 162 1:4:4:41 648 60.754 648 24 shared
16 shared
None ? Fixed-function T&L, TEV "pixel shader"
Xenos (Xbox 360)[102] Nov 2005 R500, C1 90
Integrated 500 48:16:82 4000 1500 8000 512 (shared)
10 eDRAM
32 (GPULogic)
256 (LogicMemory)
128 9.0c superset
DirectX Xbox 360
None Surface tessellation
Hollywood (Wii) Nov 2006 90 Integrated 243 1:4:4:41 972 91.1254 972 24 shared
64 shared
None ? Fixed-function T&L, TEV "pixel shader"

See also


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  2. ^ a b c OpenGL 2.1 specification
  3. ^ OpenGL 3.0 specification. Retrieved August 12, 2008.
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  65. ^ AMD RadeonHD 6850 graphics, Advanced Micro Devices, Inc.,, retrieved 4 October 2010 
  66. ^ a b Smith, Ryan (21 October 2010), AMDs Radeon HD 6870 & 6850: Renewing Competition in the Mid-Range Market, AnandTech, p1, 
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  68. ^ AMD RadeonHD 6870 graphics, Advanced Micro Devices, Inc.,, retrieved 4 October 2010 
  69. ^ AMD Radeon HD 6950 Graphics
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  95. ^ AMD Vendor ID page. Retrieved September 6, 2008.
  96. ^ a b AMD FirePro V5800 and V3800 Review - Evergreen completes the sweep
  97. ^ Nvidia Announces Tesla 20 Series
  98. ^ FireMV 2260 brochure: "Also with Microsoft DirectX 10.1 support the ATI FireMV 2260 exceeds all of the Windows Vista Aero minimum requirements". Retrieved July 12, 2008
  99. ^ ATI FirePro2460 Multi-View Professional Graphics
  100. ^ ATI FirePro RG220 Remote Workstation Graphics
  101. ^ GameCube vs. Xbox: Part Deux, ExtremeTech. Retrieved July 9, 2007.
  102. ^ Baumann, Dave. ATI Xenos: Xbox 360 Graphics Demystified, Beyond3D, June 13, 2005.

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