
Developer(s) Zidsoft
Stable release 1.6.5 / November 17, 2011
Operating system Microsoft Windows
Type Software

CompareData (CD) is a native Microsoft Windows cross-DBMS database data comparison and synchronization tool that uses ODBC API to work with a wide-range of databases.



CD uses native ODBC API, is written in C++ and is multi-threaded by design for enhanced performance on multi-core processors. A native 64-bit version of the application is also available that allows access to larger memory space.

CD is a client/server application and by default uses an embedded Firebird database as its backend to store comparison/task settings. The backend database is referred to as the application repository and can be hosted on most of the popular DBMSs in addition to the default Firebird DBMS.


No license is required for comparing table/view data or for Firebird data sources. For other functionality such as comparing metadata, comparing query data, synchronizing data or generating an SQL sync script a license is required after the 30-day evaluation period expires.

Three type of licenses are offered: Single-user license covers a single named user, site license and an enterprise license.


A comparison item is made up of a pair of items such as two tables/views or two sql queries. Comparison items are organized in a workspace tree where all the comparison items for a folder can be processed one-by-one or as a group.



You can compare the data of tables and views and also the data of sql queries. CD allows you to pair tables (i.e., select two tables as a comparison item), pair table columns and set up comparison options at column-level.


CD uses ODBC catalog functions in addition to possibilly accessing DBMS metadata catalog tables using custom queries to retrieve metadata for tables including: table columns, primary key, index, imported foreign key, exported foreign key, privilege and triggers.

For popular databases CD also has functionality to compare stored procedures and sequences.


You can synchronize tables/view data at row-level, comparison item-level or folder level (all the comparison items for a folder). When synchronizing data at folder level, CD uses foreign key constraints to synchronize data in the correct order.

Synchronizing query data is currently not supported, but usually you can get around that by synchronizing the data of views.

CD uses ODBC bind parameters, prepared statements and bind offset pointers (if supported by the driver) for fast/efficient updates of database data.

Generate Sync Script

You can generate an sql data sync script at row-level, item level or folder level.


A compare, synchronize or generate sync script task may be scheduled internally or externally (using command line) for execution. A scheduled task results are written to the application repository and CD provides a hook procedure call for the task that allows custom processing at the end of a run.

External links

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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