- HotHardware
HotHardware is an online publication that covers the latest trends in computer hardware, consumer electronics and related technologies, mobile computing, and PC gaming. The site is regularly referenced by sites such as Slashdot [cite web|title=Dell Launches New UltraSharp 3008WFP 30-Inch LCD - Slashdot.org, source HotHardware |url=http://hardware.slashdot.org/article.pl?sid=08/01/04/2035237] , Engadget [cite web|title=HP Blackbird 002 gaming rig reviewed - engadget.com, source HotHardware|url=http://www.engadget.com/2007/09/06/hp-blackbird-002-gaming-rig-reviewed/] and other large web portals. HotHardware also regularly features first-round product launch coverage of new products and technologies from many of the major computer products OEMS like
Intel [cite web|title=Powerful Solutions to Power Your Business... Intel is poised to change the face of the desktop computing landscape… HotHardware.com - Intel|url=http://www.intel.com/ca/business/desktop/processors.htm] ,Dell [cite web|title=Dell's 3008WFP Widescreen LCD Display Debuts @ CES - Direct2Dell.com, source HotHardware|url=http://direct2dell.com/one2one/archive/2008/01/08/40724.aspx] ,AMD [cite web|title=Reviews Radeon X1800 Series, Image Quality - ATI.AMD.com, source HotHardware|url=http://ati.amd.com/products/RadeonX1800/reviews.html] andNVIDIA [cite web|title=Reviews & Editorials, HotHardware - NVIDIA.com|url=http://www.nvidia.com/page/nforce4_sli_reviews.html] .Infobox Website
name =HotHardware
caption = HotHardware on February 26, 2008
url = http://www.hothardware.com/
commercial =
type = Online Publication
language =
registration =
owner = Dave Altavilla
author = Dave Altavilla
launch date =
current status =
revenue =History
HotHardware was founded in 1999 by Editor In Chief, Dave "Davo" Altavilla, who later recruited Marco "BigWop" Chiappetta as the site’s Managing Editor. Before founding HotHardware, Dave’s background was in the semiconductor and computer products fields, and Marco worked at a handful of other tech publications while also working in software development and quality assurance.Fact|date=February 2008
ite Structure
HotHardware’s content is organized by category and is searchable through a content management system (CMS). The site’s main page also features images of the most recently posted articles arranged by date as well as regular, Tech news updates throughout the day with a blog style comments section available for community members.
Community and Forum
HotHardware has a community and forum that is open to all visitors of the site once registered. Most of the discussion threads in the forum revolve around computers or related technology, but debates in the “Lounge” include anything from industry happenings to politics, current events or various social topics. The forum and integrated comments section has a web 2.0 model in mind with features such as topic tagging/filing and a content rating system. HotHardware’s forum members can also take part in regular contests, where users can win hardware that has been featured on the site.
Main Page
HotHardware’s homepage is broken up into sections that feature the site’s original content and links to breaking industry news stories. Daily Hardware Round-ups also offer a breakdown of reviews and news submitted by other technology related sites.
External links
* [http://hothardware.com HotHardware.com]
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.